Any good movies related to anthropogenic climate change?
Any good movies related to anthropogenic climate change?
White people consume more resources than the rest. They've caused most ecological damage and should be culled along with Arabs/Jews and Chinese
You think the mass of non-whites are going to behave differently once they get into white countries?
Not a movie but Utopia is pretty kino
>can't consume resources if you can't figure out how to produce them
Better to leave the inhospitable bunker-dotted wasteland to lesser races.
Have sex
day after tomorrow was the best apocalypse kino
I accept your surrender.
Most atheists in Western Societies are white
Most childfree people in Western Societies are white
Most people that adopt children in Western Societies are white
Most people that adopt children of not their race anywhere are white
White people are most likely to own dogs/cats in Western Societies rather than have children
Most vegans in Western Societies are white
White people are most likely to racemix in Western Societies
White genocide =/= White Suicide
learn the difference.
human caused climate change is kinda dubious
free migration from poor countries to rich ones is bad for rich countries, but good for humanity as a whole
>have sex
i'm getting mixed signals here
All of this is propagandised onto them, but you know that, shlomo
This woman being "on strike" from having children is like me being "on strike" from attending NASA meetings: It's not a "strike" if it wasn't going to happen anyway.
This woman is a blatant Tumblr femcel and I think anyone could tell that by looking at her.
>gave less humans, goyim
>Picture of white people
>Have more humans, goyim
>Picture of brown people
What did they mean by this
>if you tell whitey to jump off a cliff he will do it
lmao the superior race.
This. It's just natural selection: stronger species outbreed weaker ones.
>White people are most likely to racemix in Western Societies
This is literally not true though
which race is immune to brainwashing according to you?
the only people who care about fertility rates are the globalist who worry about their profits
we need to keep the undead horde out not welcome it cause we worry about breeding the next generation of consumers