What other historical event/time period would you like to see done in the "300" style?

What other historical event/time period would you like to see done in the "300" style?

Attached: 300.jpg (1024x768, 446K)

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The Holocaust

Id prefer vikings. desu your suggestion is fucking gay. not sure why you felt the need to shit my thread up with it. fuck you man

American Revolution times, cause fuck it why not.


how about a remake of Braveheart

The 2016 Election

>historical event

Vlad the Impaler.

Andre Gardes invading the United Kingdom

based Mongolians wrecking chinamen, muslims and russian fucking shits

My bad, youre right. Id prefer vikings too.

King Phillip's War

A remake of Zulu could be epic.


The war for independence, but depict the Americans as bad guys.



>half naked oiled musclemen firing muskets and charging with baionets

So subvert the truth? How very modern of you.


Basically El Cid recruiting his mercenaries and fighting for money instead of some bearded sky daddy and styling on both the christcucks and mudslimes

Romance of the three kingdoms.
4 hour Snyder kino. Lu Bu destroys everyone.

>Xerxes is the bad guy

Attached: 1551132241873.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Jesus 2: The Resurrection

until he runs into the god of war guan yu

The Napoleonic saga would be the greatest. The full legend.

Attached: napoleon-1927.jpg (1000x750, 116K)

Sorry i don't want to watch a move with gooks as the protagonists

Dirlwanger's Epic Exploits!

That shit is 100% bullshit. A lot of 300 is really racist shit. Just trying to put that out into the light. History is not a straight forward way to understand the past. A lot of stuff in our history is fucked up. I don't hate history, I'm just saying there is a ton of it and not everything is good. What made so much of this shitty 300 style fuckery cool was it was just fucked up and fucking bad for the future of cinema.

The reality is if you take someone who has only seen 50% of all films, they're likely to have the time of their lives watching the shit flick 300 or anything in its style.