Aside from darkness issues and Arya Sue, there was nothing wrong with this episode.
Aside from darkness issues and Arya Sue, there was nothing wrong with this episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>"long night" really is just a single kinda long night
too dark
military tactics too stupid
It was pointless
Putting the siege weapons in front of the wall was absolutely retarded.
The dothraki charge, while visually awesome, was pretty stupid but not sure I'd expect more from desert mongrels.
Theon's charge/suicide scene was corny.
I'm sure I'm forgetting more
>aside for something that affected the entire episode and the climax of 7 seasons of buildup being lame there was nothing wrong
"Characters making dumb decisions" is a non-argument. No one ever said they were military tactics experts.
>sending your entire cavalry headfirst to die in 5 minutes instead of trying to flank them
>trebuchets in front of the trench and infantry
>melisabdre can magically make fire appear, Literally only use that once for nothing
Melisandre should have died seasons ago when she revived Jon, a life for a life
NK was a bitch ass nigga
8 seasons to get killed by a 90lb gril
>dragon fire literally razes an entirely castle
>dragon fire is like a spring breeze to the night king
uh ok
>Charging your cavalry blindly into the darkness
>having trebuchets on the front lines
>Blindly launching trebuchets into darkness
>trebuchets probably killed the cavalry
>Melisandre coming out of nowhere by herself
This episode was shit
Prob b8 but still:
Jon, Tyrion, and Greyworm have literally led armies ya dingus
except the had a war council meeting highlighted in the previous episode
both, john, davos, and jorah, along with many of the northern/vale lords have decades of combat/strategy experience between them all
it's inexcusable to send the horde first, especially after years of hype
also Melisandre lights the dothraki swords and lights up the trenches, but both do not matter at all, the dothraki get massacred and the trenches do nothing. Then, when she is done being useless, she walks out and just dies.
Pathetic excuse.
You don't need to be a military genius to see the flaws. Their mistakes go against even basic common sense, like putting your forces outside your defense.
>No one ever said they were military tactics experts.
I'm a 27 year old cisgendered white male wearing sweatpants, a wife beater, and drinking a beer and even I know it was fucking awful tactics, lad.
Ok military experts so regarding the Dothraki charge what was the option with the horse then? They couldn't fit them in Winterfell because of the troops so just cull them or leave them Infront of Winterfell to get ripped apart from ice zombies?
Same issues for the catapults, they obviously couldn't fit them in the grounds so we're they better off without them?
So why didn’t they just hire more assassins from Essos instead of the wall and Night Watch thing?
That's easy to say when you're just watching.
why do the dothraki just re-appear in e05
>Ok military experts so regarding the Dothraki charge what was the option with the horse then?
Feed them to the dragons and use them as provisions. Put the dothraki up on the walls. Better off without the catapults as they only got lmao2rounds off.
Because they didn't all die in the charge, you see a bunch of them return with Jorah. Brainlets just thought fire weapons go out=death
>there was nothing wrong with this episode
what game is this made with?
It had its moments, but the horrible combat tactics were incredibly distracting, and the plot armour of the main characters was comical.
Seriously, when all the Wights die and fall to reveal the named characters standing there, and no one else at all.
Apparently there were a shitload of troops that were still hanging around somewhere though.
Where did they go to then? Was there some like big room with all the missing troops? Because the entire castle is overrun with wights all over the place and only the named characters surviving, then bam next episode and they still have a huge army.
>Arya Sue
Didn't she spend a years learning to assassinate people and how to fight touring with The Hound? What is this Mary Sue shit?
Heroes of Might and Magic 4
The only problem is that she used those skills on the Night King who she gave zero fucks about for the entire series. Pretty sure she didn't even think he was real until she got home and john explained it to her, a handful of episodes before she killed big NK.
how young are you?
Massive issues with continuity, like the "we've lost half our men" or undead magically disappearing and appearing when needed.
Idiotic amount of plot armor with all important characters unscathed after being swarmed by a horde of undead for God knows how long while background plebs were torn to pieces in matter of seconds.
Baffling military decisions, I can't believe people like Jorah didn't raise any objections when the dothraki were send to the slaughter. Oh who am I kidding they literally pulled both Melisandre and that idiotic charge out of thin air for the sake of a "cool" shot.
Terrible cinematography and directing - I don't give a fuck if the darkness was an artistic decision made to confuse viewers. It was a terrible confusing mess with editing taken straight from anime. I bursted out laughing when before the attack camera started zooming in on faces of main protagonist.
Did they teach her how to kill a thousand year old apocalyptic threat?
I hated the Arya Gear Solid scene.
rise of nations
Aside from
>Arya Sue
>Absolutely retarded tactics
>Putting women and elderly in the crypt where dead are
>Bran being the most useless character in the entire episode
>Ghost charging for no reason with cavalry
>Almost all main characters getting impenetrable plot armor
>Pacing of the episode making it boring in many parts
Yea, aside from those, there was nothing wrong.
empire earth
they should have lost the battle, one dragon dies during it and many other characters perish (Theon, Beric, Arya unironically, Sandor, Jaimie tries to kill the NK (trying to prove he is honorable now) but then someone saves him and carries him out, ). then flee south with an army of AT MOST 1000 men while the lords who didn't participate get frozen. North completely wiped out, same for the riverlands the vale and the the iron islands. Cersei finally joins them and so do the other kingdoms, the free cities and even slaver's bay after news from the wws destroying everyone. They battle in the Reach, the fields of fire (if you want some hackery and symbolism) Tyrion plans the strategy. Dany fights the ice dragon with Drogon and the ballistas, while the army fights the wights. Jaimie kills the NK and is redeemed, now "kingslayer" is actually an honorable title, but wights don't die. Many characters die though, Brienne, Pod, Drogon, Dany is seriously injured (she won't make it) and so is Jon. The battle is "lost" (phyrric victory I guess) again, but wights no longer have "intelligence" they just kill whatever they see, including other wights. Next episode is trying to clear this mess while discussing the throne, characters realise there isn't much to fight over, countless lives perish and Cersei squabbles over who is king of ashes Dany dies finally and Cersei is about to kill Jon but Tyrion strangles her. Jon doesn't become king though, he movea North and tries to rebuild, while Tyrion is implyied to go to Asshai in search of more knowledge and magic to help rebuild westeros. Ending is implyied that the Iron Kikes and the Free cities take over westeros because that makes sense.
tell this isn't unironically better
Aside from making it look like everybody died but in the end no important characters died and half of the troops survives.
The Dothraki ride into the darkness and all their lights flicker out and four of them come back. But then half of them are still there.
The Night King is the perfect analogy for the inaccuracies that get passed through legends.
The Night King is literally a myth. D&D just made up his character and didn't have any good plan for where his plotline would go.
I'm 89, 6'5", 11 inch cog, Wendy's chef pension, Retired U.S. Military Specialist in Operational Logistic Mechanics
I'll fight you
Leave the trebuchets inside the walls, considering their range and high impact, they do damage. Aka artillery.
Put your cavalry to the flanks and give them rooms to manouver on the field.
This is basic strategy 101, how can you fucks still not grasp this concept..
Yeah cause it takes a genius to figure out that a castle is a fortified place
The fucking Mormont girl charging the ice giant was unbelievably stupid
holy fuck dude how much do you make?
I missed this
Pretty much, you can't build up NK as being the must terrifying thing ever and have him struck down like nothing after one battle. The dead should have had a slow march to the sea and made it seem like westeros is about to get wiped all the other character shit should be happening along side this impending apocalypse that was built up for 70 hours for the majority of the season. It makes all the shit that was built up feel useless
If you have to ask you can't afford it
9 figures of retirement money from the U.S. Government, I worked hard all my life and made a life for myself. Kids these days are so lazy and I wouldn't have faught in the wars if I knew what U.S. would become
Except they are.
Pic related guy should know all about why you shouldn't blindly charge a line of light cavalry at 100000 zombies.
The whole resident evil shtick of sneaking through the library was pretty bad too, we had never seen the whitewalkers act as traditional zombies before that part
This is such perfect bait. I love you man. People like you keep me coming to this website just to watch the stupid fucks freak out.
Her charging at it was whatever. The stupid part was the giant deciding to pull her up to his face and stare at her for some reason instead of just killing her like every other zombie does to everyone else. Why would it have done that?
holy crap, just realised
one dragon dies and so does vyserion with dragon glass at the battle of winterfell, which leads to Rhaegal turning to ice zombie instead. that would be symbolic (hackery) at how Dany has to kill her children to save the world (said on mommy's day to pander to audience)
can't believe I didn't realise it while posting this.
can't believe retards on the internet can come with better writing. just fucking give us a job already.
Shutup grandpa.
now it's 10 figures because of your disrespect of elders
shitposting wasn't what it was in my day, you couldn't just type on a keyboard, you had to actually eat a big meal before hand and relieve yourself in person. Kids are so spoiled these days
>Aside from being poorly written and looking like shit, it's a good episode
The absolute state of GoTfags
I finally saw it and can say this:
Complete garbage. The tactics, which are an important element, are suicidal. The characters always to seem to be overwhelmed in seconds, then POOF, magic, the zombies went away in the next scene, and the trick is used over and over and over. And it ruins any feeling of risk after a few of these scenes, confirmed by the end where very few died. The zombies are always teleporting, regiments seen as locked in melee retreat one scene later with the zombies 30 meters behind. Melly powers are over the top and only justified by the need for visual effects.
They take refuge in the crypt. Which could be seen as stupid, but is not. Unless dusty old skellies can now bash through stone sarcophagus. And they do.
The NK end was a joke. No fight, no struggle, just Arya sneaking past the lines and one shotting him. And even worse, it cause the whole army to crumble.
It was awful.
The only character who was used as he should was Jorah.
>wights begin fighting each other once their king is dead
Tyrion: whoaaa... they really are like us...
emphasizing the winter, the long night, and the white walkers for the show's history only to delete it with one measly attack is bad storytelling. if you don't understand why then you shouldn't be talking about it.
The YASS QUEENS were too stupid to understand that after liquidating the NK, there needed to be a new villain to replace him. Turns out it was their QUEEN.
Not gonna lie I never understood why people were dickriding this one flaw that much when it came to their tactics.
I agree that the amount of their forces stationed outside the walls was ridiculous but they needed atleast some amount outside considering that Winterfells inner Areas don't look like they are big enough to support proper placement for catapults.
A few unsullied + hidden Cav supporting the outside positioned catapults would've been way better. Not to mention that the catapults should've been behind their fire barrier.
What's a yass queen? I never understood this meme.
>I hated the Arya Gear Solid scene.
They were giving the YASS audience what they wanted before subverting their expectations later. It's typical jewry. Give and take, give and take until you reach 8 seasons of it and you're filthy rich, you can tell them to fuck off and move on to the next host. Now you have countless of feminists on twitter throwing a tantrum because they watsed 10 years of their miserable life following a character that got subverted in the last 2 episodes KEK
the "lol why no fight in walls" meme is retaeded. under all accounts, the battle should have been lost, but if they went for the siege route, there would be no posible escape and everyond would die anyway. wws can take their time, while humans don't have resources. wights wouldn't need to attack. they can also revive dead humans too. not fighting or siegeing would have been a better tactic from the nk.
>What's a yass queen? I never understood this meme.
Well haven't you seen burlingtr bar clips? When you got a female character slay a man, they all erupt in hysterio and scream YASS QUEEN
The fact a team of professional writers couldn't come close to this is fucking disgusting.
When will we have a Sims movie maker game to make GoT actually watchable?