What movie has characters that real yet do unrealistic thing?

Attached: 1554872457669.webm (220x274, 735K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this is the comfiest rodent thing taking a shower I've ever seen

clean up rato

Reminder that this rodent is removing the soap from its body. This creature was in pain

itchy boi

he doesnt look in pain he just wants the soap out of his fur


yeah he doesn't look in pain. why would soap cause pain for a rat?

pretty sure it doesn't hurt to get soap on skin


Pain is not the same for animals as for humans. Humans can conceptualize and understand that the pain will not only harm them now but also in the future, as well as realize that any small amount of discomfort could potentially be a sign of a bigger issue. Only humans truly feel pain. Animals merely react to it.

How the fuck is that rat cleaner than 90% of indians?

they do this in the wild its grooming. obviously they don't put soap on themselves, that's kind of questionable. But I suppose all that shit is tested on little dudes like this anyway so can't be too bad

not true

It's a south american pacarana, not a rat. Rats have long pink tails.

le epic rato kino

Attached: 1498978113381.webm (720x480, 929K)

are you a rat how the fuck do you know

That animal is suffering greatly fyi.

Attached: 1513574924628.webm (654x480, 1.89M)

This rat died for all rat sins, and whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life

You mean that webm with the shithead cutting off the rato's tail?


Of course not, I was talking about OP's webm, don't be dense.


Attached: 1543681692921.webm (312x238, 126K)

Attached: Pacarana.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Their entite bodies are smaller than our brains. You think they perceive anything?

of course they percieve they have eyes and ears and noses

extremely based eyes and ears and noses poster

>This creature was in pain
>Rat in pain calmly performing grooming motions

you've clearly never spent any time around rats

Whats this.

its not even a rat moron

It's still a rodent, who gives a fuck. animals in pain don't chill out like that.


are possums rodents?

Attached: oppossum mom.webm (360x640, 1.86M)

Comfiest pet
Where do I get one?

no they are living fossil marsupials that have somehow not gone extinct

oh yeah? watch this... *stabs self with knife in kneecap* heh... *chills* now what coward? you gonna say i'm not an animal? so predictable *shakes head in disrespect* well, kid. i gotta put a bandaid on this *puts on bandaid calmly* now *backflips behind you* stay CHILL *wrings your kneck like a chicken* they never learn... *walks away somberly*


Just so you know, this rat is not doing amusing "washing himself in the shower" movements. He is covered in a chemical that is burning him and he is trying to get it off. This rat in in pain. This rat is suffering.

I’ve been told its pet shampoo. And how can shampoo cause pain

he's a big guy

Before you laugh and say this is cutem This rat is actually being tortured with experimental nerve gas. He is dying a horrible death and his skin is turning inside out, he is trying to keep it on with his hands. This rat is in hell.

t. psychopath

makes me see the webm in a whole new light this is horrible

we already heard the other fag in the thread say this bullshit.Little rat dude is just being a goofball

what the fuck

you never full retard

>Only humans truly feel pain. Animals merely react to it.

You're fucking retarded. Mammals have pain receptors, it's in the nerve endings, you dont seem to understand that humans are also animals. Did you think we were aliens or something?

Is that LeBron James and the 2017-18 Cleveland Cavaliers?

Before you smile at the 'cute' rat behavior, know that this rat is being eaten alive by microbial colony that looks like soap, it is in excruciating pain.

stop spreading this retarded lie

that little dude is living the good life.

good points

holy shit

It's always the Nerve Gas

it's probably just itchy desu, why won't someone give him a rinse?

how blind can you be
this post is willfully stupid

Before you find this behavior to be "adorable", know this rat does not have a leave in conditioner and as such, its fur will not retain its sleek and shiny appearance for more than a day or so.

probably a gook

can we have painposting

Attached: 1548469774621.gif (368x208, 999K)

Hey, Mickey, working tonight?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)


Attached: 1541494544084.webm (720x480, 2.63M)


>mammals have pain receptors
>the state of zoomer education

Before you find this behavior to be "adorable", know this rat is not comfortable it is on its last legs trying to scrub the foam leeches off its skin its lifeforce being drained by the second this rat has skipped to the seventh layer of hell

dang looks like your werent memeing

Attached: 42facb3ca944933e5e737861c8da0051.png (1368x203, 56K)

wtf bros someone get him some L'Oreal (because he's worth it).

... did it die?

South America

Attached: Damn+not+sure+if+i+can+eat+dog+food+when+_34dbaf6afefb52fb7cbf03a4a22b82fe.jpg (1000x2003, 594K)

i didn't say animals having pain receptors (we call those nerves by the way) was stupid. neither did the guy you were posting. bitch more you willfully stupid, angry fedoraposter.

>my ancestors are smiling upon me, human.
>can you say the same?

I never understood the appeal of these awful nihilistic comics

>we call those nerves by the way

Based opossum mama

Attached: Penguin chicks rescued by unlikely hero.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

This bear is in pain

Rats are highly intelligent. I think you're referring to mice. They are the real brainlets of the rodent kingdom.

i had a ferret who would do this in the shower just not standing up. she would sit under the shower head and clean herself off after lathered up with pet shampoo.

then she would sit there enjoying the warm water raining down on her with her eyes closed and head up until i turned it off and towel dried her. she was fine and enjoyed the whole process

she was a good friend

Attached: Sea Lion relax.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

Wholesome chuckle

I always assumed it was ironically edgy and just a joke but I think people actually derive pleasure from them like they might from torturing a rat.

>black woman on her way to the gubmint handout store

Not sure what kind of person finds the suffering of another lifeform "cute"

>most likely
So it's just baseless conjecture. They also say pacarana "don't enjoy taking human like showers". What the fuck did they mean by this. How do they know what these animals enjoy? Here is a pacarana bathing in its natural habitat.

Attached: Pacarana Bathing.webm (402x720, 948K)

It's not in pain! Christ! It's covered in soap! Which is just as annoying for a rat as it is for you!

>aww fuck the manlet is here better bounce

who drew and wrote this shit? is it ironic or is he a teenager making extremely edgy shit?

this one reminds me of Zizek

This is why they don't let you trap animals with hooks and bait.

hes just doing the pacarana

I believe it is a Pacarana

>its grooming
what a little perverted rat, call the police

lol they scrub down just like hoomans


Just look at that little fella. Gritting his teeth and just powering through all that pain. Incredible.

just never post a funny animal vids on the internet. some retard will say their skin is actually melting and millions of people will believe it.

NOW I feel bad for the rato

Post more rato vids

Attached: cat vs rat.webm (480x480, 2.21M)

What if someone posts something like this?

Attached: Bear electric deer.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

I don't understand how that relates?

but his skin is literally melting. he inhaled a special gas which makes his neuroreceptors 100x more receptive to pain too

no hes clearly taking a shower idiot

>we live in a society where little rat niggas cant scrub themselves without an uproar from bleeding hearts
just about done

Attached: 1546324231620.jpg (396x423, 43K)

people believe funny ironic things all the time that's not why we post them

Based rato

In the full video he unironically destroys the power supply and gets the deer.

Is the deer okay

very schmautistic

he's just hanging out

how'd she go, and how much did you cry?

I'd like to see the vid where he ironically destroys the power supply.

my bad

humanity was a mistake

what is this, irl fluffy?

Pacarana's are actually allergic to soap and the only reason that rat is not screaming in agony and thrashing is it also makes it very difficult for them to move by attacking their CNS. Every moment of that video that rat is in anguish.

Before you share this “cute” video you should know the this rat did NOT consent to being recorded naked and bathing. This rat is in pain.

have sex

Attached: CQC sparring.webm (522x470, 536K)

Not only that it makes the rat hallucinate and think it is among its long lost kin, it is trying to hug them in its disoriented state

This rat is in extreme pain. Soap contains p-benzene compounds that is known to react with the significant amounts of sodium hydrozate in rat sweat gland secretions to produce a high ph acidic product that burns the rat all over the body. This asshole knew exactly what he was doing and the pvilliage retards in this thread thinking its cute of the rat to react this way are completely fucking wrong.

where do you get this shit

>Their entite bodies are smaller than our brains.
And our bodies are smaller than the brains of whales, so I guess we also feel no pain and have no worth compared to them

Yea Forums /gif/ /wsg/ and /an/

Attached: good pig.webm (398x224, 2.95M)

I seen a woman have sex with a man in this one movie and I was just like "lmao who can even relate?!???!"

Attached: Emu disguise.webm (888x500, 2.6M)

had a nice laugh at these posts :)

does pig wagging his tail mean hes happy like a dog does??

Based pig subverting stereotypes


Attached: kittens make good climbers.webm (406x720, 1.14M)

cancer, a good amount. my poor teeny runt

Literally making shit up. The rat's standing in a sink in a puddle of fucking soap.

Attached: 1534417219985.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

same bro haha

lazy pig looks for the treat without finishing his job first

cute kot

*slow claps steps out of the shadows* Heh… not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It’s not bad. A good first attempt. It’s plenty dank… I can tell it’s got some thought behind it… lots of quotable material… But memeing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You’re skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - they’re out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it’s “tryhard,” or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don’t just mean the one you just lost :). It’s a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don’t get all mopey on me. You’ve got skill. You’ve got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards….

Attached: 1462496308273.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

>being this much of a queer little sissy

Prööööööh :-D

Based and consciousnesspill

Cringe and hippiepilled

I means he's being burned by soap


the only animals i don't have compassion for are birds.

Attached: the bars are for your safety.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

Before you find this pig's behavior to be "adorable", know that it is only receiving minimum wage to buff those table legs and only gets 2 15s and 1 30 minute break over a 10 hour shift

>and the reward for most likely to be a serial killer goes to...

no, whoever posted this as just as retarded as the autist who repeated it in this thread. Like many animals, the pacarana likes to keep its fur clean and shiny. They constantly clean themselves. The soap has absolutely nothing to do with it unless it is extremely caustic, but you'd see him frantically trying to get it off if it were in pain.

On a related note, whoever keeps perpetuating the myth that somehow animals are incapable of processing pain are absolutely retarded as well. If an animal's leg or foot is injured, it limps. If it is sick, it acts lethargic. If the pain is severe enough, they writhe and/or cry out (if they have the ability). Most everyone has seen an animal do these things, so I don't know how fucking sheltered one has to be from animals to believe that horseshit.
Pain and pain response are basic

>yeh fuckin' got ya now cunt

Your thoughts on this little fella?

Attached: 1557218270212.jpg (768x1024, 107K)

that webm should be called actualchildsupport lol

Attached: good raven.webm (510x640, 1.95M)

cats are such little bitches

Attached: 1481924191700.webm (855x480, 1.65M)

only fish and insects cant conceptualize pain

Based and possibly redpilled lil dude

post some capybaras

Attached: pole rub.webm (540x960, 2.43M)

cats dont like to kill food like mice out right. they fuck with them until the mouse gets a heart attack from stress, then the cat moves in for the kill.

that cock was just being impatient

Cats like to give their prey a chance. Birds are just murdering psychopaths.

>In pain
It's soap. It's mildly inconvenienced because the soap messed up its fur, and this is probably at a zoo, after the animal got dirty enough to need an actual wash that regular grooming wouldn't fix. Stop whining.

no domestic cats are little assholes who play with their prey like toys. it's pretty based tbqhwyf


Attached: 1550952184080.gif (228x369, 3.91M)

Good, they don't have compassion for you.

Attached: 1533366877828.webm (640x640, 2.89M)

>Cats like to give their prey a chance
and that's somehow not psychopathic behavior?

Attached: 1 HP.webm (452x254, 1.06M)

Kinos with this feel?

Attached: 1550780266411.gif (397x223, 823K)

No mercy

Attached: Ducks vs seagull.webm (712x400, 2.9M)

Dinosaurs never died out after all

Attached: behold a man.webm (480x600, 2.91M)

That's a fucking pointed hook you fucking fatherless nigger.

Piece of shit

Attached: Impaling.webm (888x500, 2.01M)

Literal stoner species

The cat is just fucking with the prey

I used to have a cat that would bite mice in half, eat the back part, and sit and watch the front part crawl across the floor if it still could. I used to come home to 5-6 streaks of blood across my garage floor every day.


Attached: baby seal.webm (640x480, 2.97M)


Attached: 1544375572577.gif (300x169, 3.07M)

look at him go

Attached: fatties.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

This thread needs more cute bugs

Attached: Centipede_babies.webm (898x652, 2.83M)

good duck

the Bird put soap in his nostil

Attached: Velvet Worm.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)


I miss my yorkie Mollie so much...

Attached: 1554493990912.jpg (1024x721, 129K)

Attached: VEEMO.webm (718x404, 2.74M)

Blessed thread

Attached: 1547216559898.webm (852x480, 2.6M)

Attached: 1554775177354.webm (1280x720, 860K)

Imagine the smell

Attached: 1549860777891.jpg (838x559, 68K)

Attached: Bombardier beetle.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)


Looks like a nightmare, much as I love my kin the mammals I cannot love the sight of bugs

Attached: alien life.webm (240x426, 335K)

imagine getting killed by something that looks like that

Attached: 1451088300525.webm (720x404, 879K)

>Reminder that this mammal is removing the shades from its body. This creature was in pain.

That's not cute user!

Attached: 1551709651343.jpg (752x413, 34K)

Why is it shooting soap at them?

Attached: Bombardier beetle spray.webm (854x480, 1.46M)

The Vlad bird

he's enjoying himself too much

we should tax him or something like that

>polar bear taking the stranded baby seal back to the ocean

What a nice fellow

To cause it pain.

Attached: mantis bombadier beetle.webm (1920x1080, 2.36M)


why has no one made a porn edit of this yet

Attached: 1550725407733.jpg (801x534, 34K)

Attached: 1445733277441.webm (450x253, 2.72M)

what an amazing power move

Why are birds such chads?

Attached: 1528099672956.webm (640x360, 902K)

10/10 filename

quit it with the gross webms

Attached: chameleon loves bubbles.webm (404x720, 877K)

that is one angery gato

Attached: Orchid Bee.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

stop spreading lies

just out of curiosity, can you buy these things as pets

ancient dino blood coursing through their veins. ive studied hummingbirds in the wild and even those little shits will go after something bigger than them if their territories threatened

>that uncannily human reaction to getting burned followed up by bringing it to your mouth
damn that's neat

Reminds me of this cute fucker

Attached: 1520210273779.webm (640x640, 1.66M)

Attached: Turtle in the desert.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

fuck ants


Attached: 1445904121628.webm (976x550, 2.73M)

Before you share this “cute” clip you should know that this lizard is fighting for his life. Those bubbles are made of soap. He is in pain.

Nature is fucking bizzare

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, you also probably just made this up. Admit it please.

Attached: 1556527759201.png (1262x714, 1.65M)

This is probably one of the coolest things I've seen in a while.

Attached: giphy-2.gif (245x250, 2M)

Is that ass a machine gun?

okay retard

what a chill ass turtle

His parents told him that penguin was a bad influence.

Attached: some_people_are_born_to_be_adventurers.webm (994x560, 2.99M)

nature is all about figuring out how to rape without actually having to rape

Attached: Zebra desert.webm (1280x720, 2M)

was really expecting the plant to eat the bee.. but damn, MOAR!!

What a way to reproduce


Attached: zen bunnies.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

he came back ;_;

I actually do find it hard to believe this isn't engineered by a God

Based turtlebro

Attached: bros.webm (720x480, 2.97M)

Attached: African wild dogs.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

mmmh chicken

Reminder that torturing animals is acknowledged by the FBI, to be a precursor for moving on to human targets and becoming a serial killer.

Attached: 1554104074421.jpg (10000x10000, 1.61M)


Attached: Polar Bear walk.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Jesus christ that's kino

Attached: 1549943777483.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

but why?
fucking aussies.

animal torturers deserve the death penalty and will be punished in hell

tyrannosaurus kitty

Really makes you think.

Attached: Wolf track.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Attached: uwa.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

FUCK jannies

Based and justicepilled.


Attached: Elephant walk.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Imagine placing a bear trap on that track haha

Based orchid

Attached: 1549346551310.jpg (650x500, 62K)

Attached: Penguin trek.webm (1280x720, 1.28M)

the only one i got atm

Attached: Bear Kino.webm (840x348, 1.53M)

I have the exact opposite reaction. This is a disgusting mash of low tier organic organisms interacting in a way this has nothing to do with a spiritual being

Got the one where they cuddle and the cheetah lays it's head on his shoulder?

God I wish that were me

Attached: Duck hole.webm (1280x720, 785K)

>have you come to visit me again, land-kun :3

whats with the ladybag

Attached: man-purse_o_486233.jpg (467x712, 50K)

Attached: woofer_lion.webm (720x404, 2.6M)


Why are so many birds fatalists?

Attached: kitten and dog.webm (534x400, 2.96M)

Because they're bird brains.

Attached: Bird performance.webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

>it's an animal thread

Attached: kddniwadn.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

Attached: Bird moonwalk.webm (1280x720, 1.14M)

that bear totally thought it was a dead bird and just fucked off to go sniff something



Attached: dabbed.webm (854x480, 571K)

It is in terrible pain.

Attached: 1414559140979.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

fuckers have built in weaponry

I like how confused the bird looks
>Oh, fuck no I'm gonna drown!
>Fucking hell, now I'm gonna get eaten by a bear, that's even worst!
>Oh... wait what?

Attached: fat hedgehog.webm (720x720, 643K)

birds are very important

Post more good boys

Attached: 1536247889988.webm (720x402, 1.33M)

He's got some moves


>that comically fast movement
>the way the other bird just fucks off

Attached: 1387519525296.gif (176x144, 1.81M)

Attached: cute baby seal.webm (1280x720, 995K)


big animals like birds cause they eat all the fleas and ticks on them that they cant reach. now that bird is indebted to the bear and will live symbiotically with it feeding off the parasites so the bear can be comfy bear

>cut to black

Attached: 1546754427186.webm (404x720, 1.92M)

Fucking based and dare i say it, redpilled bird

Attached: bird ride.webm (888x500, 2.89M)

sad that the pup starts frowning after he sees the bear

Based doggo, those dogs can be a problem if they get abandoned tho.

Attached: dog gets rekt BRUTAL.webm (854x480, 1.18M)


Promotional footage for rise of the planet of the apes.

Attached: birdlet rage.webm (640x480, 2.98M)



the physical manifestation of moving from the internet to irl

Attached: Birds and the bees.webm (914x720, 2.62M)

>H-he's fast

Yeah even if you haven't seen the movie you can tell it's fake by how buff that one soldier was.


>movie changes genre and main character halfway

Attached: squid on the ocean floor.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

Pigs are pretty based housepets from what I've encountered.
My old vets office had an ancient office pig who would just wander into the waiting lobby to get some pats on the back before wandering back to its bed and resting for a few minutes. Repeat.

Attached: shelob.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

>ywn never be small enough to ride a giant walking bird

Attached: 1419662111497.png (358x398, 147K)

Attached: Squid eggs.webm (1280x720, 744K)

Why is that bird glitching

I was considering it but they probably take massive shits so I don't think it's worth it

Attached: pharaoh cuttlefish.webm (720x404, 947K)


Attached: squid eggs2.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

do humans really do this?

Attached: 1525123132585.webm (480x270, 2.35M)

He didn't fly so good.

Attached: chad monkey vs virgin tiger.webm (450x360, 1.62M)


with your gay shit retards

Attached: Tiger and peacock.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

he learned how to wavedash


Attached: kangaroo.webm (480x278, 2.99M)

Is South America the land of comfy giant rodents?

he got hit in the balls by the plastic pipe

Is this the new live action lion king?

What kind of fag came up with this “game”?

Do these fuckers taste good?

Reminds me of the video where a duck inadvertently protected some penguins from a seagull by just going full berserker mode upon seeing it. They really fucking hate seagulls, don't they?

>atheists will try to explain this one away
I swear, sometimes God just makes stuff to explicitly fuck with atheists

underage boomers with a porn shortage

>ywn jerk off with your friends and eat their jizz on toast

Attached: 1454220766116.jpg (1024x1024, 235K)

Attached: vealreturns.webm (482x328, 2.14M)

No, we're tough and chewy, just eat cow

he really locked in the bulldog choke

Attached: 1555269278098.webm (426x234, 602K)

Nice try you oversized rabbit.

Attached: tiny kitten.webm (480x480, 1.43M)

>I wonder what happens if I stay upside down for a wh-HHHNGGGH

Attached: happycat.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>This bully didn't know that the kid he was picking on knew MMA

>giving up the back that easy
Why didn’t he just tap? Ffs

Attached: cats on a plane.webm (640x342, 2.86M)

>full /an/ thread on fucking Yea Forums
>jannies deleted gore

this was an emotional rollercoaster
>oh shit I've never seen a peacock killed before
>oh shit peacocks can fly
>oh shit that tiger is skinny
>oh shit it pissed on the tree

his opponent threw an illegal kick while he was grounded, horrible refereeing


Attached: learning to fly.webm (236x426, 678K)

Why is feline the best family in the animal world?

Attached: sadbirb.webm (400x224, 433K)

Attached: dumb cat.webm (404x720, 1000K)

That's just fucking cute


just kidding i bet birdo was trying to eat the dead one.

thus, ended his bloodline

for some reason this surprised the shit out of me and made me jump out of my seat

Attached: sloth attacks bird.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

mods = gods

Attached: sleepy kitty.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)


Cats are so fucking dumb I love it.


Cool it with the reddit responses, champ.


bird? i think thats the Griffin Eagle, largest eagle in the world..they eat slots for lunch

Attached: vogeldilemma.webm (636x360, 2.6M)

Attached: Sloth final moments.webm (450x360, 639K)

here ya go lads

>he's never had a game of soggy bisuit with the lads

Attached: bigguyslaughing.png (680x523, 485K)

The soap also contains nano-conjugational enzymes which attack P-linked phospholipids in the rats ventral-dorsal cortex leading to decavitation syndrome of the rat's mesoderm and thus extreme pain. The sick fuck who filmed this should be locked up for life!

Brain to body size is important but absolute size is important too. We aren't that high on the brain to body chart.

Did he kill it?




for me, it's the mcchicken

I was hoping he'd kick it a mile away

>while receiving pets also takes a shit

Attached: 1545710495077.webm (640x360, 363K)

did they bob his arms along with his tail?

hes doing his daily animol stretches

i thought it was going to bite