Knew about Chernobyl, but never really looked too deep into it

>knew about Chernobyl, but never really looked too deep into it
>watch the Chernobyl tv series while doing some more research on it
I bet some things may have been exaggerated, but holy shit it's worse than I ever thought. Uninhabitable land for thousands of years. All because of a single reactor.

Attached: blyat_.jpg (637x480, 14K)

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>Uninhabitable land for thousands of years. All because of a single reactor.
Same thing happened in the Congo during the previous era of civilization and we can still find traces of it.

Now you understand why fucking around with nukes means the death of the earth

hiroshima and nagasaki are doing fine. nuclear winter from nukes has always been a meme. nuclear reactors are different story.

I think I'm more afraid of nuclear reactors than nukes now.

explain. is this some sort of pseudoscientific atlantis meme?

did you mean mars?


Don’t be. Modern reactors are inherently stable at low power.

What about any niggers who decide they want to build a fission reactor? One nog misstep and the world is fucked

The """scientific"""" (((consensus))) is the ancient fission reactor in the Congo Basin was a coincidence.

do you realize how hard that actually is?

i dont think you have to be worried

Why I do realize. In fact i learned how a nuclear reactor works yesterday

Attached: Howdoesitwork.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)


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wuz nuclear powa and shit

Radiation is a meme. No matter how big a nuclear war, no matter what you do to a reactor core, it will last a few years and dissipate. Even the elephant's foot is basically safe now. Just like getting a chest xray.

Global warming is gonna make a lot more land uninhabitable for thousands of years

Was it operated by kings?

People still live there though.

Well maybe the earth should have thought of that before it made things finite.

>Even the elephant's foot is basically safe now. Just like getting a chest xray.
Go hug it live on stream user!

excellent job comrade, 10 rubles and 1 iodine tablet has been uploaded to your account

It's fine, the area is literally a wildlife reserve.

>Smoking is OK. Coal fired power stations are OK. Diesel fuel emissions are OK.

>Even the slightest bit of radioactivity. Holy shit, better evacuate the area for the next century.

Who killed more people, British American Tobacco or incompetent Ivans?

modern reactors have fail safes to stop anything going wrong.
they are not RBMK reactors

>Uninhabitable land for thousands of years.
huh, yo can go there idiot..

do you know what uninhabitable means?

>In the Chernobyl zone, there is one operating Eastern Orthodox Christian church, St. Elijah Church, notable for its very low radiation levels, which according to Chernobyl disaster liquidators, are "well below the level across the zone", a fact that president of the Ukrainian Chernobyl Union, Yury Andreyev, considers miraculous.
Was this the nuclear Noah's Ark?

Attached: hm.jpg (631x639, 73K)

people live and work there. animals inhabit the place. cum,

>Uninhabitable land for thousands of years. All because of a single reactor.
Most nuclear accidents were the result of hubris and going around established safety protocols for experiments. The damn things are generally designed to be bulletproof, but then the people involved fuck something up.

Okay /x/.

You can go to the moon too.

Don't you think the Jews would be all over it, trying to promote African superiority if there actually had been a civilization capable of using nuclear power? Think before you post idiot.

>hiroshima and nagasaki are doing fine.
Elevated cancer rates say otherwise

More like 400 chest x-rays every hour, every day, until the end of time.

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>2% increase in cancer from a bomb
nah they're fine
they'll likely throw themselves off a work building before that lmao

>they are not RBMK reactors
so modern reactors are prone to blowing up?


Is it exagerated or was it really this close to disaster?

t. american

South Africa has 2 nuclear reactors built during the Apartheid era

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That bit was a gross over exaggeration. The most dangerous radioactive components decay at an exponential rate.

The speech scene was pretty darn good.

Consider this: even though RBMK reactors were flawed by design, even though 4th reactor blew up, the other three reactors were working just fine and the last one was stopped around the year 2000. So it is really the safest energy source and it's also very effective. Also, the cause of the Chernobyl tragedy is basically commies. Don't fear the atom, fear the commies.

>I bet some things may have been exaggerated
Untold true story.

>excellent job comrade, 10 rubles and 1 iodine tablet has been uploaded to your account
There still few of RBMK reactors near the Europe

yes and theyre shit.

>new tv show about historical event comes on
>a woman is on the show
>15 year old Brazilian baits /pol/ for (You)s with said woman
>suddenly the entire board are experts on that particular topic

Attached: 1555826962750.png (420x420, 9K)

Of course, are you retarded?

>Even the elephant's foot is basically safe now

Google the Eagle Scout that built one

I highly recommend you watch Wolves of Chernobyl
The place has become a wildlife haven

>when you are gifted track suits