The biggest and most artificial contrivance of the show is the creation of a fictional character...

>The biggest and most artificial contrivance of the show is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor

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Other urls found in this thread:,

Why is humanity like this? At which point the evolution took the wrong turn?

and they were doing so well with that first episode...

we get it, you hate women, drop dead faggot.

Have sex

>T-this show has a heroic MC and i-its a f-f-fucking WOMAN

I'm more upset the fact that they cast some old dogfaced roastie.
If you're going to cram whamyns into my historical tv shows, at least make them young and cute

She used to be extremely cute tho


What's 2+2?

There's nothing magical about it. She is a nuclear physicist and uses her knowledge base. Her forcing her way onto committees is not as much of a modern progressive thing as you think as the Soviet Union was always less concerned about gender roles than the United States especially at that time and she, being a nuclear physicist, is qualified to be there. Also the Jared Harris character has pretty much done everything and so far she has only managed to point out one thing he hadn't accounted for, and he immediately takes her seriously... not because she's a woman, but because she makes a good point.

I really don't see what the problem is here unless you see feminist boogeywomen in your breakfast cereal every morning. SJW's do this too, they project their stupid politics onto everything they watch or experience. If you hate them so much stop acting exactly like them.


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Yeah, nothing retarded about that. I'm sure Soviets were just bursting with female nuclear scientists

you do realize that some of the real life scientists she is an amalgam of were women, right?
>why isn't she hot
are nuclear physicists typically known for being smoking hot supermodels? Watch that James Bond movie with Denise Richards if you want that stupid bullshit

Did anyone in this thread say they find her involvement improbable because she's a woman? I can't find the post.


>he doesn't know the USSR gave women the right to vote years before America and Europe
>he doesn't know abortion has been legal in USSR since the 30s

>are nuclear physicists typically known for being smoking hot supermodels?
It's not real life, it's entertainment.
>Watch that James Bond movie with Denise Richards if you want that stupid bullshit
I'd much rather.

Shut up cuck
Fuck women

you just know she's gets sloppy when she's drunk

Yikes this show is going the "change historical events because WE WOKE" route? hard pass.

new episode
>only women understand how radiation works

still the best show on tv though

In literally her first two scenes she jumps from getting some strange readings and nobody picking up the phone, to knowing more about the situation than any other character. Seems pretty magical to me.

Women were not considered candidates for positions of authority in the Soviet Untion but they were absolutely encouraged to enter things like the sciences. Look up Valentina Tereshkova. It was one of the ways in which they claimed to be more enlightened than us. So no, it was not remotely uncommon, and there is certainly nothing retarded about it apart from the fact that you take issue with it for no reason.

6 gorillion

>he doesn't know the USSR gave women the right to vote years before America
The 19th Amendment predates the fucking USSR you fucking dumb cunt, blow your fucking brains out

The article the OP posted, dumbass

so why did they feel the need to invent a person?

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>are nuclear physicists typically known for being smoking hot supermodels?
Who cares? We're already in fantasy land with this made up character, might as well make her hot.

>Uhhhh, she can't be hot because that wouldn't be very accurate


holy shit, this literally seems like someone sarcastically making up a Mary Sue character on the spot

Man. This shit must be ultra super turbo woke if even a cryptomarxist rag like the New York Times is complaining about the absurdity of it all.


She doesn't drink vodka, is what makes her see things more clear.

>Valentina Tereshkova
Pretty heavy on the eye makeup there for an 80 year old grandma don't ya think. This is fucking comical lmao

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technically it was not called the USSR in 1917, but yes communist Russia granted women's suffrage 3 years before the US. sorry sweaty

Right. It was so fucking common back then that the Millenial hipsters who wrote this shit script decided to inject an actual goddamned Devinart OC to solve everything.

Again, there's nothing magical about it. They notice radiation in the air and initially think it's coming from a leak in their facility until they notice it's actually coming from outside. So they come up with the relatively small list of nearby nuclear powered facilities that could be responsible for such a thing. The first place they call reports everything is fine. Chernobyl is the second or third call and they don't answer the phone which is seriously fucked up so she then starts looking into it. She knows they're dousing the radiation and flames with boron and sand because she's a nuclear physicist and she understands what boron does. Again, nothing magical about it. It's all very clearly explained if you aren't a moron.

Name 5 female nuclear physicists who were part of the Chernobyl cleanup effort. I'll wait.

>uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor
It wasn't really faulty in the sense that it was inherent more dangerous than other contemporary reactors though. The meltdown happened because they were preforming a dangerous experiment without proper procedures and precautions.

I had no idea Jared Harris was a woman

he's certainly a very hideous one

It really is pretty distasteful to add a fictional character like that. Episode literally starts out with her being asleep at work because she works too hard. Ebin.

>So no, it was not remotely uncommon
I guess that's why they had to create a fictional character rather than use one of the actual female scientists that were surely present right?

Oh wait............

>It's not real life, it's entertainment.
it's literally based on real life you gigantic retard
>I'd much rather.
So go do that and stop shitting up threads about historical dramas.

I genuinely cant understand why they felt the need to add her

We'll see how it goes in the coming weeks. She wasn't overly annoying or distracting in the second episode so I'm still onboard.

But really if you want historical accuracy then you should read a book. This kind of shit is made for entertainment first and history second.

It's historically accurate for the scientist to be a woman if you know anything about history. It's also historically accurate and just basic filmmaking competence to not cast a supermodel who can't act in a pivotal role. I'm beginning to suspect you might be some kind of idiot.

>based on real life
not a real person

Why 5? Explain the reason for your arbitrary selection of numbers first, then I'll consider it.

Youre overthinking it and putting politics where you dont need there to be none.

They specifically say that shes there to represent all the scientists and people working behind the scenes during Chernobyl. The reason she does all that shit and is so smart is that shes literally representing the combined work of hundreds if not thousands of russian scientists working on the chernobyl puzzle at that time.

It was a good storytelling device and it honestly just feels like youre mad shes a woman and not a man.

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>i watch a show for women and written by jews

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I don't even care, the end of that second episode was intense. Good show so far.

there are plenty of attractive people who can act. they don't have to be supermodels, but they don't have to be so fucking ugly.

Yes, because they don't want the thing to be five hundred hours long so they have to condense the information. Jared Harris is portraying a real character but I guarantee the real guy did not figure all that out by himself.

so what's the problem with showing scientists?

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I really don't understand why you would watch a docudrama about Chernobyl if that's the kind of priorities you have. Watch Game Of Thrones. You get to see their actual boobs in that show.

At least she's not black. You just know it was on the table at some point. Some 200 IQ american consultant YAS KWEN telling dumb slavs how to radiation n shiet.

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Wait how did she know about the full water tanks again?

HBO was your first warning
This kike being the writer of the show should have told you all you need to know

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it's like you're just ignoring the Jared Harris character who figured out literally everything except one little detail she helped with so you can complain about stupid shit

She's a composite of hundreds (or thousands) of scientists. I thought five would be a cinch. It's also a meme, you dip. Like mentioning a movie trope and someone replying, "name five." Now get the fuck off of my board.

>historical dramas.
*fictional dramas

Usually when I have this kind of question I rewatch the episode

>It's historically accurate for the scientist to be a woman if you know anything about history.
I know that no such woman was present at the events of Chernobyl, so no, it isn't historically accurate at all you fucking moron.

Its called artistic choice motherfucker.
They could have 5 different small characters do what she does, but that would take longer and steal the spotlight from other scenes.

dem jewbs what is their end game

>not even chernobyl can escape woke bull shit
lmao this is worse than the fucking radiation hahaha

Well when you put it that way I can see why this small budget student film would only hire two actors with one portraying "the scientist" and one portraying Gorbachev. Of course if this was a production with an actual budget you'd obviously want to use a cast of characters to portray the various scientists and engineers that worked to deal with the Chernobyl disaster.

>already have a bookish scientist brought in from the outside to scold all the bureaucrats and fix the issue
>wait wait lets do it again but make it a woman

it's like they wrote it and then realized they needed diversity so just duplicated Jared Harris' character. Aside from that it's interesting and all the scenes in the reactor are great

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Horseshit. If she was super hot you would just complain all the more about the feminist empowerment and how out of place the character was. You just are addicted to complaining about things.

Her super estrogen senses

At this point they should have just replaced her with the Ukraine born Vera Filatova, who plays a deadly retired Soviet gymnast, expert in espionage, infiltration and nuclear physics, wearing a black leather catsuit she climbs 11 stories and backflips through Gorbachevs office window at night searching through his filing cabinet with torch in her mouth before escaping at the last minute with the secret files chased by KGB officials before swimming across the Pripyat river and solving the crime of Chernobyl

The end

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>4 megaton steam explosion

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why watch this fucking garbage lol

Call in the dayshift

There were female scientists present. So, if they had used the real names, you would have had no issue with it? It's just because her name is made up? I seriously doubt that since you are after all an incel faggot

no i wouldn't. i have never in my entire life complained about an attractive woman being in a tv show.

>If she was super hot you would just complain all the more about the feminist empowerment
Yes because as we all know, feminists are out there fighting tooth and nail for more hot women in hollywood and not for more frumpy overweight mutts like themselves.


That was never on the table you histrionic weeb faggot.

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ye maybe they should just have had one guy working the control room in the nuclear plant

autistic choice more like you sperg

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A historical drama is a fictional drama based on a historical event, so that's kind of implied if you're not a dumbass

what this user said, russian/slav women are always involved in everything, they don't look for glory

>There were female scientists present.
Name them

had nothing to do with the character being a woman, not to mention its a critique from THE NEW YORK TIMES
dumb ass

fuck off bitch

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How did she know the inner workings of the plant down to how many concrete layers it had?

She looked at the plans?

categorically wrong, thanks for playing though

>They specifically say that shes there to represent all the scientists
Where do they say this? IN the show? Because that's all that matters, it ends up looking like some genius woman (who did not exist) came out of nowhere to save everyone

she was schooling everyone even before looking at the plans

>shes literally representing the combined work of hundreds if not thousands of russian scientists working on the chernobyl puzzle at that time
>It was a good storytelling device

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there is no such thing as a wrong turn in evolution

Did you even watch the episode? No she fucking wasn't. She impressed the gravity of the situation upon one fat dumbass and a single guard. Actually I'm pretty sure she'd seen the plans by the time she encountered the guard. Stop interpreting everything in your life through the filter of your tiresome sociopolitical agenda

then you will be bitching about how "so many phds at that age is unrealistic"

Define it for me then.

>have grounded show
>invent genius woman who saves the day
ebin :DDDD

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you have never watched a historical drama apparently

maybe if you were not obsessed with demonizing Russia you would see its good points.

no, i'm mad she's an ugly woman and not an attractive woman.

>abortion has been legal in USSR since the 30s
>In 1936 the Soviet Union made abortion illegal again


They just can't help themselves

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to save time, X character can be a connecting link and an amalgamation of real people, so instead of 20 characters just having 1 line you have 1 character with 20 lines and thus you are more invested.

stay mad Britney

Yes, I'd still be bitching, but also mastrubating.

there's a grand total of like two female characters in the entire show and one of them is a total side character. Also they haven't even saved the day yet. Also Jared Harris did 90% of everything. Fuck me you incels are nitpicky.

why the fuck was it a woman then


why not?

Why do we need two women?
Why can't we just have an all male cast, with out someone's mom barging in to complain about swear words or some shit?

Y...yeah, stop acting like those pesky SJWs who i personally have no sympathy for even though i spend 8 hours a day defending their ideology on an korean pottery-enthusiast internet-imageboard.

I'm more upset that her entire interaction with other characters is disproving them or correcting them. They could have easily used a storytelling device to generalize the majority of scientists working behind the scenes by just having dialogue about them, but not showing them.

We were introduced to Crozier, who appears to be the central character who's first appearance is him literally killing himself, and to show him constantly threatened with death for standing up for what he thinks.

And their first interaction together is her telling him he's wrong.
That's absolutely not okay when she's now everywhere. If she had been a reporter, fine. If she had been a rogue nuclear scientist reviewing everything with survivors, okay. But she appears to fit all these roles and its just really fucking gay.

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that firefighter guy represents dozens of service personnel but you aren't bitching about that, I'm guessing because he's a dude

that's fucking obvious ffs why not fucking japanese why not fucking trans why not a fucking beagle


>implying this fucking soviet soldiers guarding a horrible nuclear state fuckup wouldn't have shot that bitch and threw her corpse into the fucking forest

>Also they haven't even saved the day yet
Don't worry, it's coming

>People pretending like female scientists werent extremely prevalant in the Soviet Union

Soviets had women working every kind of job, and yes women became very successful in scientific fields

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why couldn't she/he be transjender

Based Stalin

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>i spend 8 hours a day defending their ideology
I'll take complete asspulls for 200, Alex

you miss terror don't you?
damn escimo woman ruined everything tho why did esci had to be a woman

>why not a fucking beagle
That would be kino

>Crozier who's first appearance is him literally killing himself
That was Legasov you fucking idiot.
>I'm more upset that her entire interaction with other characters is disproving them or correcting them
Legasov is the exact same way and you aren't upset about that.

also extremely effective as recon and snipers

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more realistic

no one is arguing this, it's a reality based show about chernobyl

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>implying more than 25 people died at chernobyl

>rogue nuclear scientist reviewing everything with survivors
This is USSR. It isn't possible.

That's a female doctor. Not a female nuclear physicist. Try again

Have sex.

>yeah it was basically 50% women
you're more retarded than you know

Do not believe any USSR facts about WW2. It is all propaganda, pretty much 99% of them were fake heroes.

Lmao femcel seething

because there weren't any Japanese scientists there at the time, whereas a Russian female scientist was a relatively common occurance

Here's your female nuclear physicist

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Yeah but Crozier's first fucking appearance is him killing himself, and being iron curtained, and then he's constantly under duress when he does it.

The bitch isn't, which is what I said in the original post you illiterate fuck.

I'm gonna' be a pilot!

I'd take that in a heartbeat, she was hot as fuck in that movie. If she's gonna be made up she might as well make my dick happy.

The irony of you calling me illiterate. Okay, I'll say it again. His name isn't Crozier, it's Legasov.

>The bitch isn't, which is what I said in the original post you illiterate fuck.
Explain why that matters. For all you know she's dead by then. You're literally bitching about something the show hasn't even gotten to yet. You are imagining scenes that haven't transpired yet in order to be offended.

>tfw this cutie had 59 confirmed kills


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was hotter at 10 de~su

It kind of was though
>No containment vessel/structure
>Control rods slow af
>Inserting control rods actually caused an increase in reactivity initially
>Low coolant to fuel ratio

They made a series of changes to all RBMK reactors after the incident, but the ones still operating are still consode red somewhat flawed

stick to mega franchises

My physics teacher in kiev was female retired nuclear physicist.
She was something like 80 years old 5 foot nothing 100 pounds and the worst school tough guys were scared shitless of her and never dared to peep in her class.

Was that before or after they starved and executed millions in gulags?

>She was something like 80 years old 5 foot nothing 100 pounds and the worst school tough guys were scared shitless of her and never dared to peep in her class.

and then everyone stood up and clapped

>all these cuck redditors in this thread white knighting a fictional female character
If you can’t see the dishonesty in having a made up woman represent the voices of multiple real scientists then you’re fucking retard

thanks, i like this one much better.


Which is more absurd, the NYT shitting on it or half of 4channel defending it? I don't know who's shilling who anymore.

Virtue signal points. These people feel compelled to push propaganda in everything.

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Probably had twice as many abortions and gave three times as many men gonorrhea.

Okay you illiterate fuck, one last time.

Crozier has been shown with repercussions. Both in a future tense and currently during the story.

The bitch has not. Therefor, since I don't have a magical time machine to not how my future self will work, I will state my current feelings that she feels terrible.

Take yourself a big boy breath and stop defending self inserts that decrease the value of a show

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since you didn't read the thread I'll just repeat what was said for you: if you can't see the common occurrence that is replacing twenty characters who say one line with one character that says twenty lines in drama you are either being deliberately dense or it just comes naturally.

>University teacher
You know and I know too, only underqualified people go to such jobs.

Have children.

actually kill yourself red scum

what do i need to prove again?

Name the most important ones, I don't care how many, 1, 5, 10, just lay some names on us, whatever you got.

roasties? Not a fan

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Despotic systems tend to have more female scientists.

>Hot women can't be smart
Even when you try to avoid tropes you fall right into them.

Why do you keep calling him Crozier? Why are you so fucking stupid? LEGASOV. And we know more about him because he was introduced at the beginning of episode one and we're only two episodes in. I'm not defending anything so much as criticizing you for watching a show that is clearly not for morons when you are clearly a moron.

why wasn't Gorbachev a woman?

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correct but we are facing is actually an alien invasion

Where are all the black people?

This show is racist

GoT brought in so many fucking Reddit faggots and roasties.

It's a reality based show, showing a room full of scinetists discovering this would be no problem at all. Bus as you will see this invented woman will instead have a big role in all the remaining episodes.

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My post was intended to poke fun at the inevitable replies from incels that would instantly deny the credibility of your story because it doesn't fit their narrative, unfortunately I didn't beat to the punch

>all scientists are ugly

>complaining about emily watsons character
>OP doesnt even know about Dr. Akambo Idenigbo of kenya who will deliver the key speech about nuclear transparency in vienna in the last episode

its a good tv show guys.
but its still made by jews.
this is the best we can hope for in this day and age.

Werent any nigs in the USSR mate. Come to think of it, it would have been a paradise.

Except that's not what I said at all.

oh gee, will you look at that

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Have sex

2+2 = anti-semitism

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they might balance out all the incels and polfags

He's using your dishonest debate tactics against you. How's your own medicine taste?


And we spent almost as much time with her this episode as we did Crozier, who had two scenes the episode before, so your argument isn't valid. She is a sorry excuse for a character that looks like a self insert, and is badly written and portrayed. Sorry you're in love with an aged up fan fiction character, bro.

Or maybe you see some colors on the screen and lady with vagina pop up, and two sparks fly together in your brain and cause the figment of a fucking idea, and that's why you're defending her.

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There was literally a black guy from the Bronx in Lenin's party


Sorry I'm an oldfag and don't really care about buzzwords anymore, got anything else?

Holy fuck, I hate women

Teresa Christoforovna Margulova (Russian: Mapгyлoвa, Tepeзa Хpиcтoфopoвнa) (1912–1994) was a Doctor of Science, Professor - Founder and Head of The Department of Nuclear Power Stations of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

Anna Dmitrievna Gelman (also Dmitriyevna/Dmitryevna) (Russian: Гeльмaн Aннa Дмитpиeвнa) (18 February 1902 — 29 March 1991) (née Nikitin) was a Russian chemist and nuclear engineer. She was the first to synthesise alkene complexes of platinum, discovered heptavalent states of plutonium and other actinides and created and improved processes for radionuclide production.

Zinaida Vasil'evna Ershova (also Yershova) (Russian: Epшoвa Зинaидa Bacильeвнa) (23 October 1904 — 1995) was a Russian chemist, physicist and engineer. She spent her entire career working with radioactive elements and headed laboratories producing radioactive materials used mostly in the Soviet atomic bomb project and the Soviet space programme.

Tatiana Birshtein or Tat'yana Maksimovna Birshtein (born 20 December 1928) is a Russian molecular and nuclear scientist. Birshtein specialised in the physics of polymers. In 2007 she was given the L'Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science.

Lucia V. Streng (c. 1910–1995) was a Russian-born nuclear chemist. She spent much of her career studying the noble gases and their properties, successfully synthesizing krypton difluoride. She and her husband, A. G. Streng, both held positions at Temple University.[1]

Have sex.
Just kidding don't breed.

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>Werent any nigs in the USSR mate.
Were, from Africa. Many of them studied in USSR and fucked russian women.

What the actual fuck are you babbling about

Wait, is this cunt going to be in the rest of the episodes?

People do what they can for extra money, even if she is ancient babushka, is not like retirement money could pay for anything.
She was old and teaching was easiest way for her to make a living, I don't see why it has to be some unbelivable sjw story.

>What's 2+2?
A big guy

Holy Fucking Based

Name just one female Nuclear physicist at Chernobyl. You couldn't do five (out of hundreds), so just come up with one name. I'm fucking begging you.

Seeing as how you're the one too stupid to understand the show or even keep track of the characters or what their names are, I'd wager you're projecting.

None of them were at Chernobil

and make sure to regale us with excuses from your anus as to why it doesn't count

Yeah but it's ok though because she "represents" the hopes and dreams of millions of women in STEM or something. Turn your brain off dammit!

>I wasn't wrong if I move the goalposts

how many cucks in hbo

>literally having a mental breakdown from someone not using the characters name

have sex

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Pretty rare but sure were.
Usually everyone would stare because they never seen a nig besides a movie.
I do not know how common nigs in Russia now.

Are you bragging that the worst fuckup in human history didnt have any women responsible for it?

Maybe if women worked there it wouldnt have fucked up. Cuck

Fucking figures

>teevee got invested in yet another garbage propaganda show.

Member Westworld? Stop doing this to yourselves.


>Name 5 female nuclear physicists who were part of the Chernobyl cleanup effort.

So you are saying men 100% assume responsibility for that disaster?

Good to know

People think that modern HBO is still like classic HBO. I have no idea why this is

>having a mental breakdown
okay I don't even know where that's coming from
>someone not using the characters name
I've corrected you like three times, I don't know if you're as dumb as a slab of concrete or what


WOW how relevant..... LMAO

Well, the first one already has absolutely no mention of Chernobyl in her work, but I'll humor you and look at the others.

SeeAnd learn to read.

>I do not know how common nigs in Russia now.
Moscow can see some. Other cities - 0.1% chance. You have bigger chance of seeing North Korea person.

>do my research for me

Shes a fictional character injected into the show to appease the SJW kikes about the female quota. Its bullshit and no one other than whinny blue hair landwhales who need to have sex who want it. Goes to show that women really havet contributed shit to humanity that they need to literally re-write it in media. End of story.

If you disagree you are just a coping SJW kike and no one cares what you have to say. Now go back to plebbit and talk about your wife getting HIV from the bull.

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incels blown the fuck out

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Is siberia the last haven for the white man? What happens if the nogs discover coats and hand warmers?

And specific reason you left out the next line in the paragraph, OP?
> (If Mazin wanted a prominent female character to leaven a story dominated by men, why did he leave out Maria Protsenko, the architect who designed Pripyat and supervised its evacuation?)

>coping this hard when your accusation of goalpost moving got BTFO'd the fuck out

Yeah but none of them were at chernobyl. So whats your point?

>leftist btfo

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>okay I don't even know where that's coming from

>proceeds to comment on it 6 times and obviously stays asshurt

You related to the guy? That why it makes you upset?

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I'm guessing this is just copypasta from some other thread talking about a completely different series since SJWs do not watch shit like Chernobyl

>Is siberia the last haven for the white man
>for the white man
You forgot about asians m8. Chinese everywhere in Siberia.


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What is "dialation"?

you're the one coping for being proved completely wrong, twice now. See

Read the thread trannies and have sex too

No its not
Fresh OC actually I just typed out. Now get off my board and go get pregnant.

That's one wahmen out of 5 from the original post. Now keep going.

>5 scientists were wamans
there was literally 100s of men who had this level of clout and influence in the respective fields

Allow a fetus to pass through your birth canal.

Fine list of ladies you've got there, but I'm a bit troubled that I've checked out the first two and haven't seen a single mention of involvement with Chernobyl. Should I go on? Surely at least one of these women must have some involvement with Chernobyl.

>pot calling the kettle black
I have made the exact same number of comments as you and put an identical degree of effort, actually less because I haven't taken the time to dig up cringey reaction images each time. If you don't have anything left to say perhaps you should move on.

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How can women be stupid? This one id reading a book. Sexists btfo

And 100% responsible for millions of beneficial discoveries, like nuclear energy.

>communist Russia granted women's suffrage 3 years before the US. sorry sweaty

Suffrage was granted under Lvov post February revolution, pre-commie. Several US states beat him to the punch by nearly a decade.

Lenin wanted to take the right away but demonstrators within bolshevik ranks convinced him otherwise.

>unirincally calling people sexist

2001 called, they want their hollow come back back.

Nice talking to you too and have yourself a wonderful day

>longpost defending magical roastie trope
Get dick

>(If Mazin wanted a prominent female character to leaven a story dominated by men, why did he leave out Maria Protsenko, the architect who designed Pripyat and supervised its evacuation?)

alright there, enjoy your forthcoming "well written" fan fiction character as she adventures with Crozier

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>right to vote

Uh huh.


Attached: feminist-red-hair-feminism-culture-destruction-marxism-family-anti-western-culture-659x412.jpg (659x412, 27K)

Get smarter

>muh incel
Friendly reminder Yea Forums will always be a /pol/ colony. You can't match /pol/'s autism

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Only based post

>here is a picture of a rando feminist I WIN
really don't understand why autists are always compelled to resort to this

the same actor plays Francis Crozier in The Terror

you should check it out, its good :)

This is pinup girl and movie star Hedy Lamarr.

She invented WiFi among things, including the aeronautical design of modern planes and radio jamming technology.

Say something nice about her!

>Hedy Lamarr was granted the patent that is the basis for modern WiFi technology under US Patent 2,292,387 on August 11, 1942 (filed using her married name Hedy Kiesler Markey).[43] However, it was technologically difficult to implement, and at that time the U.S. Navy was not receptive to considering inventions coming from outside the military.[30] In 1962 (at the time of the Cuban missile crisis), an updated version of her design at last appeared on Navy ships.[44]
>In 1997, Lamarr received the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award and the Bulbie Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze Award, given to individuals whose creative lifetime achievements in the arts, sciences, business, or invention fields have significantly contributed to society.[45] Lamarr was featured on the Science Channel and the Discovery Channel.[13] In 2014, Lamarr was posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.[46]

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Enjoy whatever godawful rubbish you watch because the women in it are hot af breh

I imagine it is programming in which keeping track of the characters is not particularly important.

You could vote for the party by mailing in a blank ballot

You could vote against the party by going to the nearest station where polling booths were set up and guarded by communist party cadres

the choice was your comrade

To be fair, soviet-level elections were probably somewhat democratic

The third retired before the Chernobyl disaster even happened. Why, I'd say you're trying to pull one over on me! Maybe, given more time, you could possibly find A SINGLE woman whose actions resemble those of our favorite OC, Ulana Coldsteel.

>still literally asshurt

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whoops meant for

Ah, entirely male cast. Makes sense.

Is there something you maybe want to tell us, user?

>leftist roastie is expert in USSR roasties
Wow great job! Lmao at your """"""""""""""""life"""""""""""""""""

>doesnt deny being a feminist
Because its not a stereotype. Most feminists are ugly, overweight, childless, dye their hair bright colours and act really cuntish because theyre angry at men. Denying this is like denying that fact Emily's character is a fictional womyn injected into the story to appease of minority of losers no even to this day gives a shit about.

/thread ended here

Not any more or less than you are, cringelord

Yeah all male cast films are better then ones with females forced into them. Deal with it.

I'm sure none of the research or furthering of the field of nuclear physics from before the incident contributed to the Chernobyl disaster or how it was handled in any way

It really didnt at all. None of those chicks were at chernobyl. The plebbitors still havent proven that the character was real and present at Chernobyl. Thats the argument, not whether its ok to force fake female characters into stories

>Ah, entirely male cast.

has there ever been a bigger brainlet?

illiteracy is a plague, fellas

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>b-but none worked at Chernobyl

No women worked at the largest tradegy in human history.

Huh. I thought "men" were responsible and soooo much smarter.

I bet if even 1 woman worked there that tragedy wouldn't have happened.

You can't disprove this.

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Common plebbit replies

>Lol incel
>lol nice cope
>youre stupid
>have sex(unironically)
>((buzzfeed links))

B-but i also like Chernobyl, i was just recommending another good series :(

>doesnt deny being an incel
Because its not a stereotype. Most incels are ugly, overweight, friendless, rarely if ever wash themselves and act really cuntish because theyre angry at women. Denying this is like insisting that fact Emily's character is a fictional womyn injected into the story to appease of minority of losers no even to this day gives a shit about.

>if even 1 woman worked there
yeah then it would've happened sooner

gays please go

incel is a term thats like 2 months old made popular by transsexuals on reddit, you constantly using it shows that you are most likely underage

This. Why are American men so cuckolded and sensitive whenever a woman is smarter than them?

American "men" are the biggest insecurest pussies on the planet. No wonder niggers are stealing all your women.

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I smell a roastie in this thread

Have sex incel

source: i came up with it a minute ago

>another incel thread
Just fuck off.



why do all these russians talk in english with english accents this show is fake and gay.

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Just why? No, seriously, what's the benefit of a feminist propaganda in a historical show? What's the benefit of always saying that MEN did this and that? It was humans, both men and women, who fucked up, throughout all of history. And it was both men and women who did great things in it. Why do they divide genders so often? I'm starting to believe in the eternal Jew.

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Honestly I would prefer it if they spoke in Russian with English subtitles but I don't think it ruins the show

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You said female nuclear physicists didn't exist and werent a real thing.

You keep moving the goal posts further and further.

Also fyi, the woman in the show didn't work at Chernobyl, she worked at a different station 400 km away and is merely a consultant. You didn't even watch the show.

Keep crying, pussy.

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>It was humans, both men and women, who fucked up, throughout all of history. And it was both men and women who did great things in it
This is exactly what the show is going for, it's just angry virgins who are so sensitive that any mention of a woman being good at anything triggers the fuck out of them

That's identity politics for you, fren. The Left can't get enough of it, so they inject it anywhere they can.

So what is the main problem with her character for you?
Are you really tring me to say, that if we would get a man portraying her with the same traits and the same role you wouldn't be okay with that either?

boom roasted

A more real version is ussr female scientist rushing to btfo from chernobil and shipping her family as far as possible first then being a brave narod saving bolshevichka.

Once again, see

>there is a clever woman
>feminist propaganda
>I-i am not an incel I swear

they literally invented her for the show instead of telling the truth
are you fucking retarded?

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Or because he actually existed and his story is true?

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that the left hasn't gone fucking nuts since Trump got elected but the alt-right sees that shit fucking everywhere even when it isn't there and everyone knows it.

Depends. Would he be a fictional male, BTFOing all the dumb, chauvinistic women to save the day?

There's literally no need to inject any original character donut steel. At all. Gender doesn't matter. OCs are just plain stupid in a historical retelling.

if u hate woman just might as well suck dick u gay

>Honestly I would prefer it if they spoke in Russian with English subtitles

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>liking subtitled things is autistic
so this is what retards have resorted to instead of saying "I don't like to read my movies"

>it's men and women who fucked up
>yet the show shows only men fucking up and one woman resucing the day
Sure thing Herschel.

If women are so capable, why do writers have to literally make up string, super-smart women who save the day in a historical drama? Why aren't there real ones that can just be adapted faithfully?

How good that we have en example where everyone agrees that it is happening in right now.

reminder that every scene that includes her at any capacity is now 100% fictional

See, there's your bias. Why is the Right called "alt-right" but the Left is just "the left"?

You understand that "the left" lost its marbles, but any time someone calls out their bullshit virtue signals in entertainment, its "the alt-right" incels bitching and moaning.

These people who orgasm over female insert characters into historical stories would be shooting blood out of their eyes if a male was inserted into a female lead story. They are intellectually dishonest and only care about appearances. Attempting any sort of discourse with them is fruitless, because they were never invested in it to begin with.

>knew something was off with the directing
>scene where they're walking towards reactor there's an awkward cut in the hallway where they, and it appears they start walking away from the reactor(180 degree rule or whatever)
>hype the 'meter in the safe' over and over again, instead of a fucking free great scene of them getting the meter and showing them test and it break, get the reading mentioned offhand
>everyone seems to be fucking dying going to be dead, when only 20~ first responders died. act as if all the workers were fucking doomed too. hype up the danger for drama/TV bullshit
>while a chopper did crash it wasn't due to going directly over/being radiated like it made it out to be, but rather they just hit the fucking crane(easy mistake/misjudgement)

All the dude's the that went into the basement lived apparently.

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Becuase they were opressed back then dummy. If something like that were to happen today, a strong and capable woman would surley know how t oavoid the disaster and not just try to cover it up like men tried to do it.

What about Legasov, arguably the main character of the show? What about the technician who was forced to go to the roof and shove his face in a cauldron of deadly radiation? There have been plenty of smart and capable men being bowled over by idiots in positions of power, they introduce one woman who's not a moron and you immediately get triggered as fuck

We got to see those dozens of firefighters multiple times. They’ve reduced hundreds of scientists to one impossibly perfect woman and her useless lab tech (who’s they’re done with now). It’s a shit comparison.

>instead of telling the truth

There is a good book called chernobyl prayer. Read it (altough I doubt you incels read a book)
The writer interviewed many people, the v show follows the story of the same people (for example the firefighter and the wife) The female scientist was real, they just changed her name because she didn't go to chernobyl. But everything else, figuring out the radiation in minsk, talking with the party leader about evacuating, telling him he was a factory worker, etc.

>claim it's


Not a real thing.

Also, the people who make these shows openly advertise their agendas on places like social-media or other places.
People aren't "seeing things that aren't there" and you're literally a denialist for thinking that.

kill yourself tankie

>OHHH NNNOOO a nurse suggested iodine tablets instead of the doctor
>OHHH NNNOOO a scientist on the show is a female
>OHHH NNNOOO the guys wife at the beginning is in plain clothes, not a dress and she isnt knitting something

Is this why the white race is dying?

Have never seen a guy complain so hard about women that isnt a low test forever alone 100% onions virgin.

You all are on a very thin line from becoming trannies yourselves.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-15-00-02-26~2.png (720x960, 556K)

>claim it's a true historical story
>make shit characters up
>suprised that people who do know shit about it are pissed
Yeah, why would they be pissed indeed...

The tv show is not according to a bullshit book retard

There is a right, and it is distinctly different from the alt-right. Alt-right is significantly more radicalized, far more religious and much stupider, largely made of edgy teenagers trying to defy their aging hipster parents and overweight dimwits from flyover states.

It's called "controlling the narrative".

Winning arguments is a lot easier if you get to frame the context. Give your opponent an inherently disadvantaged position to argue and the odds will already be stacked in your favor.

>it's really happened
>expect that one thing that is now the main point and everyone with a brain shits about
Do you fucktards even read what you write before hitting post? Probably not.

Why is Yea Forums even like this? It seems this board has a real problem with these type of posters, is it because you're discussing western shit that you need to act like western shit? You realize that being retarded as a joke doesn't give you pass right? I just imagine then these are faggot ass redditors, who think that because its Yea Forums it gives them the right to be little moronic subhuman redditors.

Like even this post is more tolerable, even if its objectively wrong.

Where did I say that you fucking dumb imbecile?
The writer interviewed many people who were affected by chernobyl. The tv-show uses some of those stories.

>These people who orgasm over female insert characters into historical stories
You're immediately being dishonest, so I don't know what leg you have to stand on. The argument is between people who have a problem with this character for some reason and people who think it's fine. There's no one who is championing the character as some kind of progressive victory for women, at least not in this thread. There are those who are bitching about it and those who don't think it matters or is even relevant and are honestly just tired of having this same conversation over and over again.

It's an easy way to get (you)s which redditors seem to think equals to their upvotes.

None of them were involved in Chernobyl. Why the fuck post this you mongoloid inbred?

>cast a supermodel who can't act
Why do you believe hot people can't act?

This. It's a double-standard.
Same reason "whitewashing" is horrible but "blackwashing" isn't and is something "only le NERDS care about! XD".

You mean the incel community on Yea Forums?

>numbers don’t vary as much as the dramatic colouring suggests
>includes all fields when we’re talking about the hard sciences in the thread

kek, do you even watch the show or are jsut making shit up as you go? You've now contradicted yourself twice and still fail to see that the show itself procalims to be based on "true stories yet keeps on making shit up left and right. Fucking idiot.

>But really if you want historical accuracy then you should read a book. This kind of shit is made for entertainment first and history second.

But this isn't entertainment, it reeks of gross prog leftism. Its like so inherently annoying that only people with no taste are "okay" with this type of shit, happening again and again and again and again. You know its bad when the NYT is bitching about it.

Since this is not historically accurate, then it needs to be entertaining and beautiful to look at. So how dare you think not wanting eye candy is a bad thing?

the thread. You should all kys

Only if you're as smallminded as you appear and never see beyond what's in your immediate vicinity. Oh yes, you are that stupid, so for you, yeah that'll be it.

There is plenty of eye candy, the cinematography is gorgeous
>b-but I want tits
so look at porn or something, jfc

Um, sweaty...

% of researches probably includes meme "sciences" such as social psychology and other such nonsense. I would check your source but it doesn't work. Luckily, I managed to find the updated 2018 version (, and even here the term "researcher" is never defined. I would love if you could dig up some data on women in HARD sciences. Regards, xoxoxoxoxo : )

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only people with no taste and an axe to grind have a problem with it, especially when it's so fucking mild that it's debatable if it's even there. This show is a god damn sausage fest and there's one woman who isn't confined to a kitchen for the whole episode and the incels flip their shit, it's just getting embarrassing.

They do champion her outside of Yea Forums.
The ones claiming that it doesn't matter are pretending to be neutral while being extremely passionate about defending her to the point of calling people the hip new reddit-terminology like "incels".
They know that if they were to shed their false neutrality, they'd be burned at the stake, it's a much better position to argue from neutrality while being biased.

So its just bad story telling then?

But you still feel the need to defend bad story telling?

You know, I legit cannot really hate on those executives and writers pushing this garbage down people throat, when so many people ON HERE try to rationalize bad writing.

>lemme just move these goalposts

>conspiracy theorist nonsense

Uno that incel isnt an insult right? Implying im somehow less then for not being a massive whore. LMAO.

Have a baby.

>name 5 that worked on chernobyl
>here's 5 random vaginas that may or may not have

based and iodinepilled

>name female scientists working at the time
>neither is the character in question
you have no business lecturing anyone on moving goalposts



>historical TV show about a real event
>stonk womyn fictional character inserted into narrative
>not feminist propaganda

Give birth

Have sex incel

It's just kind of shitty writing. When the show clearly goes out of its way to show how Higher Ups doubt and flat out tell their Subordinates they're wrong or incompetent.

How they doubt and threaten people they know are qualified or in positions.

How the protagonist gained the trust and respect of the guy sent with him.

When this unknown woman just shows up and is instantly trusted and no one gives her any real resistance. How she magically figures out about the Tanks that everyone else forgot, including the workers there.

Even if it was a dude instead, it'd still come off as awkward and clunky. While people are making a stink about her gender that's not the issue.

Regardless the show's still pretty good stuff. The soundtracks great, the actors are great, etc. They didnt go too heavy on the 'incompetent leadership/commies' that EP1 seemed to be going towards.

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>Have sex incel

Attached: you.jpg (275x183, 12K)

Proof again that communism is shit.

Wait. The whole problem that you allegedly had with her is that she is a "stronk womyn" stereotype. The only basis you even have for making that outlandish claim is that she barged her way past the resistance she encountered. And now you're saying the problem is she was accepted by everyone like a Mary Sue? You can't even keep your narrative straight.

No woman or men wanted to be asosiated with chernobil good or bad. Even dudes who went in water never seeked glory and stayed under radar most of their lives. This is why there is such conflicting information about them.

no it's clearly because of feminist propaganda everything is always because of feminist propaganda

In her first scene it is literally explained step by step how she figures out what happened - with the help of her male colleague, not by herself. She also calls the Kurchatov institute which is how she finds out they are using boron and sand.

You dumbwits have not even watched the show, otherwise you would have known that she does not figure out anything 'magically' and that she doesn't do it herself.

it's a slav thing

Not him, Mary Sues and stronk womyn aren't mutually exclusive

they're literally opposites? Character is challenged by everyone she encounters versus character is immediately accepted by everyone she encounters

>Yea Forums hates women 2003-2017
>Yea Forums realizes that reddit has started hating women
>2018 Yea Forums decides that hating women is gay and now they hate incels(closet redditors)
>2019 is the year of based 4chads btfoing incels and unironically defending womens rights

how did we come full circle so easily? it's a beautiful thing

Taken a while but this post sums it up perfectly

What the fuck is this stupid leftists even babbling about?

First, the question isn't about the existence of female nuclear physicists in the USSR. In fact, the entire Eastern Slavic Region of Europe is probably the most likely place you'll ever find these type of women anywhere in the world, must be a genetic difference....

But that is not the question. The question is, which female nuclear physicists was involved in the Chernobyl cleanup? None? That's correct. So then, why is this supposedly "historical show" needed to invent a women (INVENT, APPARENTLY THESE REAL PEOPLE WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH) for far left political brownie points, and use her as a vehicle for bad story telling creating a bad and unpleasant show. What is wrong with you Americans? Why is it that when you are writing a show, you just cannot resist adding such stupid shit? I don't see Russians producing this garbage, I see only westerners like you? I think this belief in individuality has gone too much in your head.

Why is every intelligent post seeing the problem here, but every leftists point is just them MISSING THE ISSUE. Are they just playing dumb, do they not want to admit it?

>Why is every intelligent post seeing the problem here, but every leftists point is just them MISSING THE ISSUE. Are they just playing dumb, do they not want to admit it?
the irony of this is just delicious

Mary Sues are perfect characters, stronk womyn are perfect in their abilities that make them stronk.

not really, but these do


The male college didn’t contribute shit. Did you even watch the episode? She literally does all the deduction herself

Have sex.

>male college

I love how the insane guy in here is to the left of a New York Times writer, and thinks they are the rational one

yeah it's slightly jarring for a few scenes at most but actors usually act better when delivering in their natural voice rather than putting on a fake accent.

subtitles would have been good, but it's no different to the characters in Rome speaking the Queens English

Why the fuck does this show need that message or any message at all? What the fuck is wrong with westerners, what makes people with your type of genes look at these shows and say "HUR DUR THIS IS OKAY". Its not okay. How about you simply produce an entertaining historical show revolving around Chernobyl. Why don't you create something objectively good? Chernobyl in the end, was just a man-made disaster that was principally male. Why not be entertaintment, be true to history, be well written and have a male only cast? That will distingush it, but its like anglos almost seethe at the idea of their entertainment not having their cult-like political ideas.

Its tiring.

As far as I'm concerned, that female character existence is based on objectively wrong far left political principles, and her character is badly written. Its just another show to mark as "degen" and trashed.

Are you actually blind or do you seriously believe, much like fomin and that other cunt that the female character is a based on a real character and that her inclusion in the story is validated?

>The water tank exploded
>The reactor is intact
>that wasnt graphite
>Socialism is awesome
>patriarchy is real
>She was a real person

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You need to realize you're talking to multiple people.

You can remove the 'woman' and 'she' from the 4th line if it bothers you feel it's a change of narrative.

It didnt and its not. Yea Forums will never be plebbit, board split didnt change a thing kiddo.

Uno this isnt a court of law? Youre not fooling anyway. The problem is shes a fake character in an historial drama, forced in to suit an left wing agenda that only retards like you follow. Thats the issue. Nit pick semantics all you want but its only hilarious to watch you make fools of yourselves.

Stop drinking the feed water. All these plebbitors are delusional as fuck, someone take them to the infirmary.

The funniest part is not one of these idiots has denied being a SJW from plebbit. The first thing youre supposed to do is deny it and claim your from Yea Forums. Just like when youre a female and get called out you say 'Im a dude'.

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>I really don't see what the problem is
>Her forcing her way onto committees is not as much of a modern progressive thing as you think as the Soviet Union was always less concerned about gender roles than the United States especially at that time
What has her forcing herself to do with her gender?

See? Not willing to admit the truth. Leftists have such bad brains that they see bad writing and say "if you hate this its because women". I wouldn't be mentioning politics, if it wasn't so obvious that its the only thing motivating you neurotic freaks to defending this show. Cause in any other context, you wouldn't give a shit. Its amazing how you miss the point, to the point where I'm not sure if its intentional. Yeah, some people probably do hate it just because she's a women? So what, the majority just hate her because it feels "off". The interaction this character has in the shows are questionable, like what's the intention? Christ, and who is the writer for this? A Jewish person? And you're really surprised that in this climate people just won't like it or get all paranoid?

Do they actually do this shit?

The first episode was good but already soured itself with a male consultant who apparently did not know iodine was needed for radiation and his female nurse knew.

I was assuming her gender, what of it?

He would have known what that iodine can be used to prevent or treat radiation sickness idiot. However since RBMK reactors dont explode why would he or she need to have that fresh in their minds?

>Murdering your own children is patriotic in the USSR.

The writer is of course jewish.

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He doesn't know. He asks what she's planning on disinfecting and she informs him of radiation. As they both look at the plant. A nurse vs a consultant..

My problems with her:
>gets to Chernobyl from Minsk in record time, using some soviet shitbox
>goes from SSR Belarus to SSR Ukraine with no troubles at all - IRL I’m fairly certain you needed permission to do that
>telepathically knows that Legasov is suddenly retarded and doesn’t account for the water being there
but my biggest one:
that fucking pic from the interview. tens of thousands of MEN sacrificed their lives and health to save the situation and she goes ahead and says this

Men before 2010 = bigots. So who cares.

this is just like the recent Apple ruling in the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh sides with the libs while the repubs go full retard, wanting to let Apple be playground still (despite owners knowing this full well)

fucking bizarro day

>A movie set in the US featuring black women is the same as a movie set in the USSR featuring them
Haha no, you fucking moron.