Owns a farm, house, 2 cars, wife and 3 children

>Owns a farm, house, 2 cars, wife and 3 children.
>Is that what you found out about him Kowalski?
>No thats how he looks like.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think you meant to post your Jim Ross thread on Yea Forums user


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ownnig shit means nothing. you all die. you don't get to keep it. you can't take it with you. what kind of post is this? fool.

fuck you too night king

>fattys are willing to get buttfucked
These type of things help me from becoming overweight

The internet was a mistake, its trash.

>Fat autistic cowboy tries to fuck a 12 year old.

I'm all for reintroducing Romeo & Juliet laws comparable to Western Europe here, but these fucking people are a bit much.

Do you think age gap matters? For fatso it was only like 7 years, meanwhile pic related is like 15.

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To a degree, but let's look at the Confederate New Yorker for a moment. The "girl" he was talking to was HIGH NOON. If she had actually existed, she'd still be a child in the most basic of senses, since she would likely be early into puberty. If he were talking to a 15 year old (And not sending dick pics), I'd probably be willing to go up to bat for the guy and point out that he wouldn't have a problem with this anywhere else in the developed world.

Conversely, with Sam, the girl's already been through puberty. Is he a bit old for her? Yeah, sure. Is it legal elsewhere in first world countries? Also yes. He was manipulative and all the rest, but biologically speaking 15 year olds are adults, and are simply infantilized by our culture. Our culture similarly fantasizes people arguably all the way until their mid 20s.

For what it's worth, Romeo and Juliet Laws take age gap into account. My state has them, actually. IIRC at 14 you can go 4 years higher, at 15, you can go 10 years higher, same with 16. 17 is the base AOC here. All of those (rightfully) exclude people in positions of trust. Honestly, I don't see what's wrong with laws like that, or what would be wrong with tweaking them slightly to be more on par with Europe.


Go to jail pedo

Serious question, do these pedo hunters actually think they're making the world a better place and saving dem keedz? There isn't a single underage girl that would hook up with any of these people. From the moment people are born they differentiate between unattractive and attractive faces. By age 12 hypergamy is in full swing and girls develop ridiculous standards. The people on these shows are usually bottom tier males who can't get girls their own age let alone underage ones. I don't really see what they're even preventing by doing this? They're basically just entrapping some retarded ugly fucks by deluding them into thinking they have a chance with some pre teen or teen girls. The only real pedos that are threats are attractive ones, but those pretty much don't exist.

I literally haven't done anything, I'm just advocating for Burgerland to become more like Europe. They have:
>Better AOC laws
>Better healthcare (Actually important)
>Better environmental policies (Actually important)
>Better working conditions (Actually important)
And so on. Europe is 10x better than America and we should be copying everything they do you absolute brainlet.

>become more like Europe.
You deserve a slow death

get a life

I guess it might be because people in the US/Western World are really into the gotcha and public shaming business. Social media for example, is full of people posting shit just to shame others or ruin their lives because it brings them some form of joy or something. It's all really shitty actually, not that these guys are really that great. And they don't want fleeting shame either, they want it to last.

With our healthcare system, I'll probably get it desu. Why should I be happy about living in a world where I get assfucked by corporations and have some brown, Aztec squatters call me racist for not speaking Spanish?

Sounds like you'll get it when your parents die and the free ride ends.

>He doesn't want a free ride
Everyone else is cynically looting the U.S. treasury, why shouldn't we?

>loser uses nihlism to make excuses for his failures
>dude I'm not a loser i just don't try because it doesn't matter lol
classic cope

It's virtue signaling. One of the easiest ways humans have to move themselves higher in the social strata is to tear other people down by "villainizing" them and then publicly displaying your repudiation of the supposed villain's behavior and person. Most of the good people do in life isn't about the good itself; it's about showing off to get chicks, money, status, safety, etc. Why make a show out of it? Do the sting I guess, but why display that sting for the world to see? So we can all tune in (giving them ad dollars) and feel better about ourselves by saying to those in the room watching with us "oooh look at that disgusting EVIL person. I would never do that or think like that at all!" If we're alone, then it's pure schadenfreude. Humans can be cruel beasts, and this is a socially acceptable way to do it: show it on live television.

someone's mad that his hero eceleb is exposed as a degenerate borderline pedo lol

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What? No way. You're approaching me?

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someones mad that they've been posting the same shitty put-together image for years and still no one cares

no one cares because half this board is pedos
but that doesn't change the truth

>that fat kid at school who wore a hoddie in summer

someone made this today?
you fucks are fast


you should probably go back to mde/8ch/ and post it again there for the 50th time

That guy is here every fucking night
Imagine obsessing over someone this much and he doesn't even know you exist, what a sad life to live.

so mad

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why not just get a hooker? much better than getting fucked by a man or going to jail because of some stupid underage thot

>follows these threads enough to know when someone is always doing something
>is that obsessed with sam hyde and his shit humor

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I'm not a fan of sam but it's not hard to notice you even if I'm only on here 3 times a week, I come into these threads just to watch you have a mental breakdown every time, it's pretty entertaining.


What is it about Sam Hyde that makes the redditors shake with anger?

redditors and liberals are extremely self-hating. Having someone coming from an art-school backround who exposes it as a bunch of disingenuous bullshit is problematic for believing the world is fantasy land

>implying that Sam isn't a giant reddit-fag that had a giant reddit following himself
>implying that reddit is somehow good if its right-wing

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And there it is. I knew that would trigger your faggot ass

holy shit how much time did this take you to make you absolute waste of life?

aw shucks pardner

You do realize that you're our plaything right? even those that don't care about sam will troll you so fucking easily.
Dance some more monkey dance

>saying you are not mad
>still responding

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>is that yours?
>>yeah. unfortunately.
>*laughs* well, it's a pretty big star...
holy shit lel

this dude thought he was going to get some sweet pussy. holy shit imagine him getting completely fucked a few seconds later

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>one in shadow
>one in light
>the last time they talked as friends

to all the pedo,how about you look for women who are of legal age BUT LOOK like they are 12 , literally the women that Chris Hansen uses. that way you are not breaking the law, you are fucking adult women and i guess your sick fantasies are fulfilled

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>pedophile who's constantly hitting up TCAP decoys
sounds like a cumtown bit desu

>Hi I'm don vito and this is trying to fuck a 12 year old

first off, barely anyone want to fuck these losers including their miserable wives. Secondly they go after children who are impressionable and have some sort of parental issues

>"Were you looking for a little bit of shock value?"

I didn't even think people thought like this. Idk why, but that question just grossed me out

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*chris hanson voice* you saaaaaid in these chat logssssss you werrrrre "retarrrrrrrded for bustinnnng?"

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>pretty big star
What did she mean by that?

im assuming he censored it or that it was censored with a star emoji type thing

She literally did not have to say that. It’s pretty funny she did in some weird attempt to make him feel better.

Probably just trying to butter him up to get him talking. Every second they keep jabbering is more rope they're hanging themselves with.

So it’s pretty obvious why they didn’t air this before. But why are they releasing it now? What if he shaped up and fixed his life. This is now going to ruin it again.

hansen noticed he indeed got his life together and lost all the weight

this, she's trying to be friendly and nice throughout the whole video to get him to feel comfortable enough to open up.

>so were you penetrated or was he? Or both?
>okay so you’ve had sex
What did she mean by that? Does she not think it counts as sex if you don’t penetrate someone?


Being cursed with being a pedophile must be hell

this guy seems pretty happy

Cowboy gonna be stumblin' off the porch of lifw

I never understand pedo's. Why the fuck would you try to fuck a 15 year old when a 16 year old is literally the same but not illegal?

This. Spot on

This guy tried to fuck a 12yo tho. He wanted prepubescent girls.
>Sam Hyde

They probably go a lot easier on you if you're an incel.
