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Um no sweatie, it's her turn and there's nothing you Snowbros can do about it

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>consensus approved literature

for me? its sneed


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we truly live in one of the greatest era


i cant wait until holodecks and choose your own stories become mainstream

>implying the votes wouldnt be rigged or trolls wouldnt ballot stuff and we end up with shit like Hot Pie becoming King on the iron throne

Yeah of course. If it's a show where that's the gimmick from the beginning.

Makes sense with the cuck way.

>random quote with picture with absolutely no context

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This isn't even an article is it? You straight up made that shit in gimp.

Yes! It was her turn!

And EVERYONE is a jedi!

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What about the suspense of not knowing what’s going to happen on said finale? If you already know the outcome why even watch it?

This already happened, in the Death in the Family story from the Batman comics the readers could phone in and say if they wanted Jason Todd to live or die. Unsurprisingly some dude rigged it.

They should literally make a show like that. But not for something like GoT.

hello, ma'am

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Yeah i bet theyll invent some stupid new word to describe them too
Like "video games" or something


fat feminist SJW's are mad that they are forced to look in the mirror and see how ruthless, nonsensical, hateful, and fucked up women really are.

but to the point, NO. i can write my own stories however the fuck i like. what the fuck kind of question are they raising? "if i dont like the story, i want it to conform to meeeeeeeeeee! reeeeeee!!"

hahaha the salt mines are never ending for this one.

yes, so then trolls can raid the poll and make it end in the most ridicilous way possible ie: moutain dew contest part 2

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This, I want Yea Forums to vote the mountain into winning the throne

>we want to democratically elect the right ending REEEEE

video games are limited in that you still have to program separate storylines for the person to go down them.

i'm talking star trek style AI/holodecks with basically unlimited possibilities

Yeah, its fake. Good thread.

>Choose Your Own Adventure television


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No. Interactivity is for games. Movies and shows are meant to be pasive.

>fat feminist SJW's are mad that they are forced to look in the mirror and see how ruthless, nonsensical, hateful, and fucked up women really are
D&D shoved a giant redpill down their throats and they don't know what to do. Let's review Danny's plotline:
>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.
This may be the most accurate depiction of a white woman in power ever displayed on television.

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The only people dumber than the writers of GOT are the average viewer.

>roasties seethin this hard

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netflix tried this with bandersnatch, was pretty kino at points

>mfw GoTfags are reaching levels of COPE that shouldn't be possible

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This, the thread is dumb and full of retards.

god yes, imagine the shit people would vote for it would be hilarious
>dany dismounts the dragon in the centre of a burning kings landing
>drogon mounts her and begins the ravage her dragon queen
>jon morphs into a snow dragon and begins to penetrate his queen as well

It's going to get the End of Eva treatment with George coming in and re-writing the real Season 8. They'll re-use a lot of the same footage, but add new stuff.

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>inb4 hitler did nothing wrong

literally my face the entire episode

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>look ma I posted my incel rant again

It would end up a lot like wrestling where the fans constantly cheer for some crappy side-character to become main hero. And then as soon as they are they'd latch onto the next charity case.

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No. Fuck viewers. What happens is the decision of the author and the author alone. Viewers are free to criticize but they have no right to demand soecial treatment. I mean, Jesus.

And should American citizens be able to vote on how their wars are conduced?

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Imagine having such a hard time dealing with inconvenience lmao

Anno only wanted the congratulations ending though. EoE is basically him taking a dump on brainlet waifufags and people who wanted a traditional happy ending spelled out for them.

user, it won't be EXACTLY the same thing. Work with me here. I don't want to call you intelligence into question.

That was just an obtuse way of saying your idea was stupid.

If GRRM ever actually does finish the series I think the chance of some new ASOIAF video project going into the works is nearly absolute. A series based solely off of TWOW and ADOS seems most logical. That way fans could say "okay watch GOT up until this point (season 5? can't recall when the show caught up to the books) then switch over to the other show if you want to watch the whole thing the right way".

Maybe GRRM isn't actually that great of a writer and he just accidentally made characters people care about but the actual story falls to shit if you think about it. He might be the male JK Rowling.

Well, I was against it, but then you mentioned that was possible.

>This isn't even an article is it? You straight up made that shit in gimp.

yeah but it could be real since it sounds like what SJWs would say. doesn’t that fill you with genocidal rage?

this is retarded, every show would be boring as fuck

>not Chuck

Maybe, but I still give it even money that he will fart out at least one more book and probably two before he croaks. Then what I just wrote will happen.

>Literally nothing but Mocha skinned, frizzy haired SLAAAAAYYY KWEEEEENZ butchering thousands of evil white men with the occasional little white boy killed on screen (justified, he was going to grow up to be a racist)
>Alternative: Polls get bombed by Yea Forums and it's nothing but Racist, White nationalists Lolis (who are actually several hundred years old, they're legal, I swear) who do nothing but hang black men, kill Chads and basically act like anime women.

I'd watch it, why not.

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I don't remember Cersei sneaking over to Essos and blowing up a harbor

Good way to make everything that is ever produced total garbage.

It fits perfectly. Unironic kino. GoT really is the normie Evangelion.

>Yea Forums uses a bot algorithm to spam it and bring Stannis back

Make it happen

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The book series is shit so I don't see why it deserves two on-screen adaptations when there are infinitely better books out there like Malazan series which would make infinitely better kinos.

that translates as
>i wanted a disney ending but i didn't get it

still getting replies :3

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>Episode 6 is mostly just an internal monologue in danaerys's + jon's head filled with abstract imagery

Would be kino

>dumping napalms on civilians is the correct way of retaliating for the attack of one iof your many oversea colonial military bases by an absolute monarchy

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stannis-fags would autistically vote in the polls and make bots to vote. if stannis had taken kings landing the show would have been canceled by now

>this is retarded, every show would be boring as fuck

Pretty sure if you had voting for what happens in shows it would all quickly turn into porn

I would love it if the long night is like the third impact where everyone fucking dies from their hubris and ceaseless bickering.