Am the only one who thought this was poop?

Am the only one who thought this was poop?

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any sane person would have fucked her

pretty big dick

lots of people did by the looks of it

Literally every kid did

Also this

I thought he had the dick and balls on the wrong side.

Sean was pretty hot despite being crazy. I think she was peak hotness in Blade Runner.

I don’t remember who but some famous cuck said that he watched Ace Ventura again after many years and can’t believe how transphobic that shit was

same, but I was a kid at the time and had never heard of the concept of dysphoria

I never understood this as a kid. I knew it was a dick, but i didnt knew why would anyone would attach his dick in the ass? i mean, for what purpose? if you are gonna remove it, then do it fully.

No, but when I rewatched it I was shocked and swore it was the Mandela effect
Think he means the tranny not the actor

I thought the joke was that it was hemorrhoids and that only men could get them.

Nah, I was already aware of it as a kid thanks to this song.

>despite being crazy
She doesn't seem that crazy to me, she's actually pretty smart

I think it was just tucked back and was long enough to make a bulge like that from behind.


you guys can't be this retarded

Yeah I was really young when I watched this, like 6 or 7. I was utterly baffled. Like I got that he was a boy dressed up as a girl, but I could not understand why his penis was sticking out of his butt.

Why did they think this gag/joke was appropriate for a children's movie?

it was a different time

It was not a childrens movie, it just got marketed to us children.

We were getting jewed before we ever knew what getting jewed meant.

Haha I remember in elementary school when this came out and some kid was retelling this part to the other kids and he’s like “and they show her underwear full of poop, it was so funny!” Even as a 4th Grader back then I was like this kid is a total dumbass lol he ain’t never heard of a tranny? Total newb

she's fire engine red-pilled as fuck.

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god i wish that were me

She should have said indoctrination instead of mind control, bad wording makes things easier to twist, no wonder people think she's crazy

I still don’t get it. Why would she have a dick sticking out of her ass? Can anyone explain this to me?

i remember not even being aware this was a take a lot of people had until Brooklyn 99 had some throwaway line like "Ace Ventura still holds up, except for the end when it gets super transphobic" ugh... woke trannie loving fags gotta ruin everything dont they? mike schur (b99 creator) does seem like a huge sjw fag based on his social media presense so im not surprised

The thing is Ace refers to it as "captain winky" and winky was my term for my dick when I was little, so I half understood what was happening here. It just made no sense to me because as a child in the 90s I had no concept of trans people so the whole idea that she had a penis just confused me.

Imagine being in the props department and having Sean hand you back the fake dick and then you take a wiff. Wonder how it smelled ha ha

lol i rememeber when i saw this as a kid my mom had to explain it to me shes like "its really a transvestite. thats his dick tucked behind his ass. and all the cops are puking because trannies are disgusting freaks of nature" thinking back my mom seemed surprisingly cool with me seeing that

I thought she was crazy for being a rampant drunk


haha for the longest time i thought Sean Young was really a man after this. the combo of this being the first thing i knew her from and her name being Sean it just kinda made sense

why would you be a tranny if you had a 12 inch flaccid cock?

tuck it behind to make the front feminine

>rewatch scene because forgot what was going on
>get a boner

I don't even want to imagine what sitting down would be like.

that is a realy long penis if it can reach halfway to the ass like that

>sexy police cop being tsundere the whole movie
>turns out she has a pee pee
How was I not supposed to develop a trap fetish?

>fucking a man that looks like a woman
that's gay and you are gay

>fucking a sexy woman that has a cock
that's straight and you're a closeted homo

I thought it was hemorrhoids

when i was a kid i thought it was Hemorrhoids. i didn't know what a tranny was back then

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it seems all the male characters because they were all gagging and throwing up at the end

Yeah, it's implied she sucked her way to Lieutenant. I say sucked because as soon as someone attempted to fuck her, they found Captain Winky.

It makes sense since Einhorn only existed for a few years and climbed up to the top. We even see her making the moves on Ace (the "your gun is digging into my hip" scene), probably to try and make an ally out of an enemy.

>god please tell me one of them has a penis

Yeah I thought that as well. Mind you I watched this movie when I was 6. She would have had to have a pretty long dick for that.

this still doesnt make sense to me

nope, they are both girls

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How is it transphobic? Being disgusted by kissing a man if you're straight is transphobic?
The absolute state of america

i knew it was a penis because of the whole finkle is einhorn scene

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I see. Do girls automatically not have penises in your narrow-minded worldview?

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eat AIDS shit faggot, die faggot

Why the fuck are people so damn sensitive now?

Lot of kids did. I don't know what I thought, but I remember not knowing. One of my friends told me it was a big log of poop, that they spin him around, everybody sees he has a big log of poo in his underwear, and they all start vomiting. I feel like I didn't buy that explanation, but I didn't have a better one.

The internet becoming more developed gave them echo chambers and instead of being a weirdo they are now part of a community. Before then they'd be alone and people would make fun of them.

Anyone have the edit where she breaks her neck?

emasculating brain washing

Yeah I think it's mainly this. You can find that echo chamber for pretty much anything now, so every idiot thinks he's in good company no matter what.

lmao look at the seething little faggot right here kek

based mom redpilled enough to let you watch adult movies while also knowing that trannies are wrong and mentally il

I did too, I saw the movie only once when I was in elementary school. I didn't get it until seeing this clip online in my 20s.

kys trannylover
>hehe women have dicks too hehe

want to know the dumber version? I thought it was hemorrhoids, I had no idea how they looked like and it often came up on tv that characters had hemorrhoids

Haha just remembering now there’s like a 5 minute scene of ace puking and crying and burning all his clothes when he realizes tinkle is a man and he kissed a dude all set to the crying game music! How does modern day woke painter fag Jim Carrey explain his problematic past???

>"Gross, that was really sexist"
Do people actually talk like this?

webcomic people do

usually in public, when their brain is off. 95% of the time its just a "I should have said that" or one of those "cool" conversations statements you make in your head but choke when it comes to real life, so you make a comic about it


>general ripper
>eyes wide shut

was stanley actually into conspiracies?

that movie got me into trannies

I had an sjw colored hair girl tell me "that's not cool" after I made a joke about men beating their wives in the 20's

It was never meant to be a kids movie. The first scene has Ace getting a blowjob

estrogen in the water

it’s why they killed him

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why the fuck do people value what trannies and fags think?

>they form mobs on the internet
>other groups of people notice and realize they can pander to them

Silly goyboy, don't you know all str*ght boys secretly want it?

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>The first scene has Ace getting a blowjob
Why don't I remember this?

I always just thought it was him kicking around a UPS box but maybe I watched some edited televised version

this is probably going to be the next thing they start teaching kids in sex ed

I don’t think any one actually does
at least not for long

it was very early in the movie. Some woman rewards him for recovering her pet dog by sucking his dick.
my mind was blown when i watched this a few years ago and was like holy shit the wheelchair bell dude was Ace's landlord, his delivery of "Vennnturraa" used to make me laugh my ass off as a kid


didnt the crying game came out in the 1990s though?

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parents in late 90s /early 2000s were shit

That's a huge cock, got to be at least 6" flaccid

AGP, usually trannies are hung as fuck

It's funny you ask that on the most triggered board on Yea Forums

>12 year old me "eww Pooz!"
>30 year old me watching this for the first time in ages "OMFG Trap lol XD"

The fuck, was this comic really made with Ace Ventura in mind?

I'm still kinda confused actually. Havent really thought about it in like 10 years but I'm guessing thats all tucked in so far its at the back right?

For the longest time I thought the surgery had somehow moved the dong from where it should be and placed it at his ass for some reason.

He's Jewish


Controversial opinion:
They always were, the internet just made it easier to get into mobs about things

Is Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls one of the few sequels that's funnier then the original?

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i literally thought that was coke stuffed in her panties like "snowflake" being code, no idea it was about a dolphin

saw this movie at 25 lol

I had no idea what the fuck this scene was about.
Honestly, who thought this was a good idea? The climax of a kid's comedy is a woman being forcibly stripped by the protagonist to reveal a dick tucked under her ass. Hits so many wrong notes

The internet absolutely gave them a platform to gather and collectively raise their pitchforks, but I do think this generation as a whole (mostly people born in the mid-late 90s and early 2000s) is a lot more sensitive than the previous one. I am not entirely sure why or what caused it to be that way, though.

not gunna lie dude, if i saw that, id still ignore it lol

>Implying they weren't always sensitive
Try having a black guy in a lead role in the 20's
Or how about a strong female lead in skimpy clothes in the 40's?
Reminder that they had to censor Elvis' dancing in his early tv broadcasts, because they thought it was too provocative.

White americans would literally start to shake and cry when a brown person drank from the same water fountain as them at one point in time.
I think we have way thicker skin now than we ever have.

They didn't we just changed what we get offended about.
Basically this, but with being uptight about shit

>i really enjoyed x as a child
>but now that I've developed as an adult, and my opinions have become more refined, I realise that the things I liked as a kid are not what's best for me going forward

>btw if a little boy plays with dolls he must IMMEDIATELY undergo life changing irreversible genital mutilation and hormone replacement for his own good

Well the previous generation is still here getting autistically angry about shit like brad's wife and vaccines.
Sure no one claims they aren't as sensitive as the younger generation as much as boomers but slightly change something in one of their shows or do something discourteous to [celebrity they like] and they flip their shit

nah anyone who grew up in the 90s should be disgusted by how faggy the world is today. truly the last great decade to come of age in when kids called each other fags, bullied fat guys and gay sissies and pointed and laughed when they saw a gay tranny man wearing a dress. ah, the good old days!

I used to get so hard to this scene
its probably why I wear mini skirts and suck guys off grindr for 25$

I did too. In fact I'm pretty sure the dub of my country change the joke and make Ace says that.

Not sure if you're baiting or not, but I unironically think that everything you just said is partly the reason why kids are so sensitive today and need "safe spaces" and shit. They were tired of seeing this bullying and abuse they were exposed to whether it be in the media or from firsthand experience. So they decided to rebel against it and form this whole SJW movement to protect the disenfranchised. I honestly wish Tumblr didn't happen because it made things a thousand times worse.

im just remembering what kids acted like and talked like when i was a kid in the 90s. everyone threw around words like gay fag retarded, make fun of fat kids, gay kids, weird kids etc. the fact that kids dont bully each other anymore just means we have a fucking generation of pussies not prepared for the real world

I knew it was a dick but I thought whatever procedure the doctors did moved it to his ass. This was the same movie that had him catch a bullet with his teeth, so 7 year old me just rolled with it.

how do tranny fags tuck they shit if they got a tiny ass mushroom dick?

Am I the only ome who thinks the Seinfrld end of episode theme starts off like:
>A big poo-poo,
>Pooooopin up my butt upchuck
>doo doo doot doo doo
>doot doot doot doo

i remember thinking thats what vaginas must look like, like its an elephant trunc type thing that comes out sometimes out the womens butthole. i ended up thinking thats what they must look like up until i was 15 and i saw a porno and i was like oooohhhh thats what they look like! hmm not as hot as i imagined... thats when i decided i was a gay faggot and liked penis better

heh... will you... FUCK... my... EAGER HOLE?

>that episode where Elaine gargles Jerry's shit as part of an elaborate ruse to save on drycleaning

Thanks for posting my exact thoughts

Reminder that retards complained about Ace Ventura back then as well.

I thought it was her colon

Me too man. There are two of us now.

this scene was what introduced me to the traps

For years, yes.
I'd still laugh though because when I was 12, poop was still funny.

based and redpilled.

speaking of 90s tranny movies

I used to think Ra from Stargate The Movie was an Egyptian QT, it was only years later I watched the Crying Game and learned I was a total faggot

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