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Other urls found in this thread:

look into it

Has Eddie woken up to hollow earth yet?

is this real or the work of NASA?

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>laugh and think "nice shitpost"
>check his IG
>it's real

goddammit Eddie is hilarious and knows how to not take himself too seriously

genuine solid dude, look into it

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the earth is flat

>CIA goon attacks free speech advocate

>gets beat up
>compares himself to a predator

no it's not. flat earth is unironically a cointel op to cover up hollow earth.

Dude weed lmao

brainlet normies: earth is round
brainlets: earth is flat
geniuses: earth is a jewish propaganda

go to bed Ed

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Fuck off back to /pol/ moralfaggot christcuck

>these brainlets

The opposite is true. The Earth is flat. Can't prove me wrong

>be like just like me or you're bad!

Man, you potheads are such phonies. Jesus is the way, though.
/actually smoking myself, but not quite as much apparently

>The Earth is flat. Can't prove me wrong

You can see the curvature from space. You can also NOT see forever on the high seas. The Hollow Earth contains the reptiles and Vril-Ya.

I love Jesus and he loves all of us. God bless you bro

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reddshit spacing

The absolute STATE of flat earthers

What a homo

God bless, you too, fren.

>reddshit spacing

I gots my reasons. [sic]

Mr. Clean lookin head ass boi.
When did this fool go bald, when he was 15?

>thinks he's a bad ass
>lives behind a gate like a scared faggot
>lives near logan paul and doesnt execute him
>probably hasn't walked down a street alone, ever

>the earth is flat
>the earth is hollow
both retards. reminder you're in the simulation until someone pulls the plug

Ok ive only listened to a few podcasts with this fag on them and he sounds like a beta tard on the podcast. Why would he post this if it actually happened like this? I dont know enough about this dudes twitter posting to know if he is joking or not but i could see this actually happening to him.

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based Eddie, when will globecucks learn?

>from space
when have you ever been to space, nigga?

>reminder you're in the simulation until someone pulls the plug

That's not how it works. When we die here, our souls go back into our real bodies, up there.

"60 miles an hour of pure death killing machine" sounds like an underground Japanese metal group.

globecuck detected

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Eddie is based

Yes. Not that I can prove it definitively, but I come from far, far off and can confirm that the Earth and other planets are indeed round and I can pass a lie detector.

>he thinks there are real bodies

>flatbrains and globeheads ITT
the Earth is a myth. we are all the delusions of a madman. and he's about to wake up

Bravo browses Yea Forums. There is no other way in the world where he got the idea people think Alex Jones is a zionist shill.

>>he thinks there are real bodies
Yes, up there in that dimension they all await us, you just forgot. This place is fake, but it's real enough for our purposes, which is to learn lessons, hard and soft.

I can see the flatiture from my house. Of course you can't see forever, our eyes aren't that good

If you watch a ship sail away it disappears from the bottom-up. This is like a 16th century revelation, how are we still debating this?

>DUDE this boat looks a certain way far away, this means the earth is round!
I don't think so

We are all dreaming right now. To awaken from the dream is to die, but to awaken to the reality that reality is unreal and real simultaneously. Deja vu is when a glitch happens and suddenly everyone remembers that we repeat our lives many times, forever even if we so choose.

You don't think so because you are stupid

>Of course you can't see forever, our eyes aren't that good

Cameras/telescopes are things, user, it's proven, and I swear to Jesus, it's round and hollow.

>which is to learn lessons, hard and soft.

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if the earth is flat, does that mean I can pull out a telescope and see china? Whats on the other side of flat earth? How did people fly around the world?

You can't learn many lessons while being "immortal", which is what we already are, but this life is an illusion and a reality in one. Up there, people and alien life forms disagree often, but there is complete understanding and peace, except with one race, although another is suspect.

You only think so because you are foolish, it is alright though. I pity round-earthers
Cameras and pictures can be manipulated, user. Keep your eyes open wide

Woah... that's deep bro...

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No because telescopes are fake too. It's similar to a kaleidoscope (similar name too)

>Cameras and pictures can be manipulated, user.
Right, but not my memory, not mine. Soon there's going to be a huge happening. I probably remember from last time, not so much as am "psychic".

I watched that flat earth documentary on netflix. The retard said the earth is flat because he could see the space needle from the other side of the pudget sound. Then said if the earth was round, he shouldnt able to see it. The pudget sound like is like 1 mile of water

>hey guise I called out some rando for yelling at me across the street
>I totally got beat up and renounce my views like a pussy
>ran away real quick after crying like a bitch
>not to brag tho lol
What did he mean by this?

I don’t want everyone to smoke weed I think it’s better for the person if he doesn’t do any drugs it’s just that DUDE WEED LMAO is the most retarded buzzword i’ve ever heard

you need DMT to understand his post

thank god the nature of the physical realm dominates the spiritual

>DUDE WEED LMAO is the most retarded buzzword i’ve ever heard

but the story was retarded, user; get it?

Why is alcohol so based and weed so cringe

is he saying he got beat up?

Fuck how tiny is Joe? I knew he was small but goddam dude

it’s 2019 we don’t say small we say microperson u bigoted pig

This guy is legitimately retarded. What's his estimated IQ, 75? Like that one black athlete who believes in mermaids but not dinosaurs.

>flat Earth
>implying the earth isn't concave, like a bowl sunk into a box

Alcohol is promoted by all different types of people to the point of it being universal. Drunks are usually assholes but some are very smart assholes.
Weed is mostly promoted by DUDE WEED LMFAO type people. Stoners are usually dumbasses that think they are smart.

good bait

-planes literally prove round Earth.

I don't know. That looks fake to me.

Was it Buzz Aldrin

ps. check out his instagram

I'm a drunk and I'm not an asshole. I'm just a sad drunk. When I'm drinking a lot, I get really emotional and want to hug people, talk about good times we had. Reminisce about the past. I give a lot of complements, stuff like that. Loving kind of drunk guy.

>I'm just a sad drunk. When I'm drinking a lot, I get really emotional and want to hug people, talk about good times we had. Reminisce about the past. I give a lot of complements, stuff like that. Loving kind of drunk guy.

t. angry drunk with a warped memory

look into it

what a pussy. Isn't he supposed to be a bjj 10+ black belt, how is he so green at mma?

I've jokingly threatened to kill multiple people when I got very drunk (they didn't get the joke), but other than that I'm usually pretty chill.

You can't fuck with round earth people no matter who you are.He learned it the hard way.

Earth is flat, I checked with a clinometer.

this is like a character someone makes to over exaggerate
how is this a real thing HWOfbunjabn

imagine being shitposted by a boomer

Bowls are round.

I don't know if this thread is a shoot or a work.

I bet you claim not to understand gravity too.

fuck bros we gotta protect eddie... this was clearly a warning but he might be in denial about it. (((they))) are going to fucking kill him

look into it

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did joe rogan finally get his ass kicked for being a druggie literal insano liberal shitbag?

drink to that, this is a great day. he's a drug addict retard who's a manlet and prides himself on being a million dollar tae kwon do champion, but he's still a pussy 5'5 faggot and anyone can wreck him and he's a druggie retard.

trigonometry. can prove you wrong instantly. very simple.

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Agreed. He says some silly stuff when he's stoned out of his mind, but a lot of people do.

>I've jokingly threatened to kill multiple people when I got very drunk
Wait... People don't do that when they're sober?

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Kill yourself, zoomer brainlet weedfag

nah we have no real bodies. we are programs in a machine simulating non-program lifeforms. we're just one big evolving computer program and once whoever made it is done they'll pull the plug and that's it man. maybe they're already gone and we'll just keep going until something burns out.

Low test detrcted

Its a joke homo.

I believe this

he fucking MARRIED a PORNSTAR that was sucking off black dicks for a respect for him at all.