how is hollywood a-list actresses being on a sex strike going to affect the quality of future films? i'm thinking they will go down quite a bit
How is hollywood a-list actresses being on a sex strike going to affect the quality of future films...
Other urls found in this thread:
>i'm thinking they will go down quite a bit
Literally impossible for films to get any worse.
>sex strike
So women proving again the only worth they have is moist holes.
>take away women's ability to murder children
>they stop being whores
Well well well, would you look at that?
Gross looking bitch
>yfw Alyssa Milano is the best spokesperson for the conservative's anti-abortion agenda.
If attractive women decided to stop fucking but ugly girls decided to start in their place, would the hot girls abandon the strike?
Why would this lead to men legalizing abortion when they could just legalize whores?
>murder children
when pregnant women are treated in a manner that indicates they they have children inside of them by the justice system we can talk.
>ugly girls decided to start
where the fuck have you been
ugly girls still fuck, how the hell do you think ugly men are made
>be against abortions because being excited to kill babies is disturbing
>statistic shows white liberal and niggress are likely to get abortions
>become pro abortion right away
Yet another culture warrior thread. When will this fad end?
Fucking idiot.
If I kill a pregnant mother it´s treated like a double murder, same with doctors who somehow cause the death of a fetus.
But give the magic satanic word and suddenly all is well.
Hollywood took the sexy out of movies a long time ago. Long gone are the days of action flick with gratuitous nudity or awesome exploitation scenes. Take 2019 princess Jasmine for example. She's not even allowed to show her midriff, because men would like that, and we can't have in todays #Metoo times.
When Hirohito finally decides to go Nagasaki on all these fucking phoneposters with their twitter garbage and article headlines.
So never.
Didn't read your post, but abortion is infanticide regardless of what you may have heard.
Funny how children matter only when they're in the womb, but once they're out they deserve no healthcare, school lunches, good education, social security, proper sex ed, equal opportunities, or being allowed to express themselves.
You’re comparing murdering children to giving them a peanut butter sammich in a brown paper bag. Fuck off tranny
Kill yourself
You will literally be charged for two murders if you kill a pregnant women
Ugly girls fuck, but they don't fuck ugly men
Fuck feeding kids, especially if they're poor, am I right?
Prosecutors being overzealous to get a hard conviction? You don't say!
It aint murder if it aint out the puss
They are literally still being fed though, you absolute s o y-infused smooth-brained retard
it's a euphemism
Kys faggot
>Murdering children is just fine with me! But giving them a bag lunch, now THATS where I draw the line!! >:^(
Don't even argue about abortion with a pro-choice brainlet whose arguments boil down solely to "But I wanna!"
lol who? Fucking Balkanize the US already, this is all bullshit. As if some fucking schizo leftists from Hollywood should have any say on what goes down in Georgia
>Arguing about abortion on Yea Forums
How this sit has fallen. The election was a mistake. Literal normie boomers have infected this site like a cancer.
>muh murdering children
Christcucks were the worst thing to happen to the right. Thanks /r/the_donald.
Weak bait. Here’s your (you) anyway
It's not bait. Just look at which social groups are the biggest users of abortion. I'll give you a hint; you pretend to care about them when they're still in the womb but despise them they come out of it.
Fuuuuuuck you’re unironically right. Shit. I still stand by my argument as it applies to white people though
You really think highly of yourself when it comes to arguing with straw men don’t you?
Say that in English, Ivan. GRU is overpaying you as it is.
>Actress basically admits that all women are whores and the only thing they have to bargain with is their cunt holes
Im not an incel, im just on sex strike!
>w-we'll stop being whores! that will show those conservatives!
lol ok
Leftists are child murdering psychos who watch tv shows about boys chopping their dicks off and trying to be girls
Think about the absolute madness of that statement and then realize that it’s true
Hey buddy you’re suppose to leave the goal post. Not move it!
>have sex
>no im on strike
>when you hit the wall so hard you need to stop other people from still having sex
Can someone please do the easy thing and say that sex strike is an alternative term used to describe sexual assault by the white supremacists?
Come on guys I thought you had this by now.
>Moving the goal posts that hard
Tourists are strongly advised to stick to the /got/ threads
Does this poster deserve to be murdered?
If not. Will you give them rent in your home? Pay for their food? Pay their medical bills?
You can not want someone murdered, and also not want to pay all their bills
Why can't the parents just feed their own kids?
If a parent can't feed, house or clothe their own child, what can they do?
Lmao at reddit still believing the Russian troll bullshit
Me on the right in yellow
Debate on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" caught fire Monday night after a guest proclaimed that a fetus is not a human being.
When host Chris Cuomo gave Christine Quinn, the former speaker of the New York City Council, the last word, she said a fetus is effectively a body part. Her comments drew Cuomo, Quinn, and guest Rick Santorum into a heavy debate over Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's comments about whether a newborn baby should be permitted to live and New York's new late-term abortion laws.
"When a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It is part of her body, and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals," Quinn said. "Those are the facts and that is the law."
Santorum replied: "So the baby is their property and they can do whatever they want to it. They can maim the baby or torture the baby."
Santorum has a point. If you can kill it because it's not a human being, if you're blind why can't you pluck out its eyes in the womb? Why can't you take off the arms and legs?
You mixed up the OP numbers you fucking nigger
>if we kill them, we won't need to pay for them
women love to kill babies.
Who would've thought that enabling degeneracy would actual enable degeneracy?
That is actually a valid point now that I think about it
I never realized women had two fucking hearts you retard.
I would only ban abortion for white couples.
>boys chopping their dicks off
Unlike conservatives who just cut off part of the dick
By two fucking hearts you mean tits?
Do you want to actually make a point or just disguise your inability to do so with sarcasm?
I was asking if the Moto Moto person deserved to be murdered.
My choices were correct
hey, wasn’t the goalpost over there just a second ago?
Last time I checked, Republicans weren't trying to pass bills that allowed for the murdering of children once they leave the womb. So yes, children's lives do matter to Republics even after they leave the womb.
There is no legislation to allow killing children out of the womb, that is nothing more than another made up lie to rile up people against abortion. Just like the fake videos of abortion clinics mutilating body parts of aborted fetuses and selling them off.
i already went over this on my stream. she's a stupid bitch. if she wanted to protest abortion, she should tell people to go out and fuck non stop and have babies and then NOT get an abortion.
but to withhold sex from men? that is going to make zero babies and has nothing to do with abortion because no one is pregnant in the first palce
>feminist logic
>dumb whore
>allyssa milano tier meme level but it's really her, herself, being this stupid
she's a fucking retard
I never understood how celebrities in US have much influence in the media
When did she peak?
>”unwanted” pregnancy
Because buying a handfull of condoms for two bucks or having the guy not finish inside you is just too hard.
Literally HOW do you get “unexpected” pregnancies in the 21st century? Either these are actual mental defects or they are getting off on murdering children.
gota make sure the thing is capable of being born before taking care of it
1 comes BEFORE 2
>or having the guy not finish inside you
This kind of stupidity is exactly why there are unwanted pregnancies.
Won't someone puh-LEASE think of the children?
why wont sluts admit theyre killing babies lmao i dont even care just admit youre killing youre baby cuz youre a lazy whore that wants more money for wine and sex tourist vacations
why are Californians obsessed with imposing their values on every other state?
the moment that picture was taken kek, this.. precum is a real thing
Really makes you think who's pushing for the anti abortion bill
I don’t understand your comment and how is it related to what i asked.
How do you get “unwanted” pregnancy when there are more than enough ways for you to not get pregnant?
I wouldn't mind if they killed her instead of Maude
Reminder that conservatives are against abortion until they suddenly need it themselves, because unlike everybody else in the history of reproductive rights, "they actually needed it."
Leftist and roasties are SEETHING itt
>can you stop having sex or at least be responsible
>"no im going have unprotected sex"
>ok, can you stop killing babies that resulted from that sex?
>"no im going to kill babies"
>*writes law saying no baby killing
>"well fuck you then im not haveing sex"
>woman literally admitting that they trade sex for obedience, and this are essentially prostitutes
Not really funny, the word you’re looking for is “consistent.” Not paying for someone’s every need is distinct from not wanting to crush their skulls with pliers.
Fine by me, I haven't had sex in 4 years. Your move roasties.
80's. Who's The Boss show. after that, typical cocksucking used whore. as usual, started covering herself with tatttooes of jesus and blah blah. she knew what she was in for. she went feminazi just like the rest of the "charmed" cast, cause they knew after 30/40+ all they've ever been is fuck toys and holes to stick it in. she can reeeeee all she wants, but she's never been anything but an untalented brooklyn slut who got famous because she fucked a bunch of industry people when she was underage.
holy shit this makes them look like absolute retards
I don't give a single shit about fetuses, but I'm still pro-life cause it makes women seethe
I.e. I only care about other people's babies and their life until I'd have to pay for their care myself. A child's life is only sacred until it affects my pocket book.
I support left wing people in killing their own kids because political views are largely heritable.
Sanger herself wisely saw abortion as a way to exterminate degenerates (leftists) and blacks.
>Only 4
then fucking cook something and stop making up excuses for niggers and white trash being negligent
>1985: look at me i'm a hot slut
>2015: hurr durr i'm a feminist i was raped
bitch, you live in a mansion. stfu.
Uh... yes? That is a consistent position. I do not want murder to be legal when it is convenient for you. I also don’t want to have to pay for your mistakes.
If killing people because it’s convenient is on the table, can we start with the blacks?
Thats a mighty fine looking strawman you got there
>I do not want murder to be legal when it is convenient for you
How exactly is becoming pregnant due to rape or incest and states banning abortion even under those circumstances supposed to be convenient for the women? How is it convenient to force an eleven year old child who was kidnapped and rape by a pedophile to give birth to their rape baby?
Left wingers don't reproduce in general. Not because of abortion (The vast majority of liberals will never have an abortion in the first place), they simply don't fuck in a way that's conducive to having kids. Moreover, most of their women are on birth control already, to help with their periods.
Speaking of consistency, you ever notice that the pro-abortion libs always go straight for that "well, abortion is good for killing blacks, which is what you want!" What the actual fuck is wrong with them? Where's the consistency? Why would they want blacks murdered, when their side is all about the oppression olympics? It makes no logical sense. It feels like a retarded attempt at Hegelian dialect.
Except rape and life and death situation abortions ARE allowed with this law.
Everything else is a reward for whoredom.
>B-but what about this one hyper specific and unique example? If you have the laws apply to this specific case, you must apply it to all
Seriously, what kind of argument is this?
This. It’s EXTREMELY easy to avoid becoming pregnant if you don’t want to be pregnant. You have to be either too fucking lazy or too stupid to become pregnant if you don’t want to be.
Implying anyone would want to put it in that withered #metoo lunatic anyways.
Alabama just passed a bill couple of hours ago to ban it even under those circumstances.
>see this bad thing that literally never happens and another thats extremely rare
>thats why we should be able to kill all babies on demand
>and I say this without realizing these thing have been covered by this laws
>because im literally retarded
Alyssa Milano isn't having sex because of the Georgia bill try to keep up.
Because rape and incest induced pregnancies happen and anti-abortion people don't want to allow abortions under any circumstances, as shown by the new Alabama law. They're also fine with not allowing abortions in cases where the baby is determined to not be viable to live on its own after birth and would rather just make the parents watch as the baby is immediately put into life support and then witness as the baby suffers and slowly dies in the span of few days or weeks. Because a baby's life is so sacred it has to be allowed to be born and then slowly die an agonizing death.
>Democratic Sen. Bobby Singleton said on the Senate floor after the amendment’s defeat. “You just aborted the state of Alabama with your rhetoric with this bill.”
What the fuck he actually said that.
>In a statement, Staci Fox of Planned Parenthood Southeast said, “Today is a dark day for women in Alabama and across this country. ... Alabama politicians will forever live in infamy for this vote and we will make sure that every woman knows who to hold accountable.”
>“Whose choice? Our choice.” Several women dressed as characters from the “The Handmaid’s Tale,” which depicts a dystopian future where fertile women are forced to breed.
Yeah nah. Centrists don't get the right to call the right wing "triggered snowflakes as bad as the left wing," if the left wing goes into complete histronics like this.
>handmaids tale
>dark day for women in the US
>forever live in infamy
>aborted the state
Come on.
The Georgia law, just like the Alabama one, are designed to be so draconian that they are going to be contest in court and then send up to the ladder to the Supreme Court just so that they can then get Roe v. Wade overturned and ban abortion federally, and if you think red states don't try to ban abortion without exception, you're delusional.
All according to keikaku
Hollywood sex strike might be a good idea, what with the over 250,000 new cases of super Gonorrhea reported in Socal/Long Beach area alone.
Here's what the new alabama law actually says
Don't let a bunch of anti-natalist liberals cloud your mind with their bullshit. Read and make your own decisions.
This won't work as they envy other women getting off...
>outlaw abortion
>women stop having sex
>abortion no longer necesary
>How exactly is becoming pregnant due to rape or incest
Cases such as these account for less than one percent of all abortions.
abortion is eugenics so it's pretty based imo
And thats a bad thing?
>admitting it was never about human life and just about punishing roasties
why are conservatards so stupid?
Yes, because all you're doing is make women die as a result, because abortions will continue to happen and they're going to be less safe, which will lead to both the mother and the baby dying, and you've achieved nothing but punishing women for getting pregnant.
Abortions are never safe somone always dies
> They're also fine with not allowing abortions in cases where the baby is determined to not be viable to live on its own after birth
Bitch I read the law. It's 10 pages, not much legalese.
>Section 3. As used in this act, the following terms
16 shall have the following meanings:
>17 (1) ABORTION. The use or prescription of any
18 instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device
19 with the intent to terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to
20 be pregnant with knowledge that the termination by those means
21 will with reasonable likelihood cause the death of the unborn
22 child. The term does not include these activities if done with
23 the intent to save the life or preserve the health of an
24 unborn child, remove a dead unborn child, to deliver the
25 unborn child prematurely to avoid a serious health risk to the
26 unborn child's mother, or to preserve the health of her unborn
27 child. The term does not include a procedure or act to
Page 5
1 terminate the pregnancy of a woman with an ectopic pregnancy,
2 nor does it include the procedure or act to terminate the
3 pregnancy of a woman when the unborn child has a lethal
4 anomaly.
>(3) LETHAL ANOMALY. A condition from which an unborn
10 child would die after birth or shortly thereafter or be
11 stillborn.
>b) An abortion shall be permitted if an attending
26 physician licensed in Alabama determines that an abortion is
27 necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk to the
Page 7
1 unborn child's mother. Except in the case of a medical
2 emergency as defined herein, the physician's determination
3 shall be confirmed in writing by a second physician licensed
4 in Alabama. The confirmation shall occur within 180 days after
5 the abortion is completed and shall be prima facie evidence
6 for a permitted abortion.
You can actually make a case, for example a rape baby, that letting the baby come to term would create significant mental distress to the mother.
Why would you ban abortion before you ban immigration?
Do Americans want their women to be raising nigger and mudslime rape babies?
I'd say the difference is whether you want to give birth and allow the fetus to actually become a fully grown human being. With abortion you're terminating a potential human being. But a woman maiming her fetus while still planning to give birth is torturing a human being by deliberately reducing their quality of life.
>You can actually make a case, for example a rape baby, that letting the baby come to term would create significant mental distress to the mother.
And there's nothing stopping people with anti-abortion moral/religious believes from saying "not buying it, abortion denied."
For a second I thought they were talking about Georgia the country and I thought what the fuck why is Literally Who calling for a mandatory nofap in the Caucauses and who the hell would listen to her, don't these people have bigger problems to worry about?
No, the exact opposite has happened because people like you. Your fear of being unable to kill babies has led to filthy abortion clinics that get away with murder because any attempt to regulate after Roe V Wade has been met with hysterical rhetoric that it will lead to exactly that.
And there nothing stopping the whore from going somewhere else to kill her baby legally.
don't listen to the christfag brainwashed retard sheeps. kill everyone
Except for the legislation that makes going to another state to abort also illegal, and anybody else helping the women to be an accessory to murder due to criminalizing abortion and making it essentially murder under the new law.
This person is right you know
>Republicans want people to stop having sex
>lets stop having sex to own the Republicans
Trump is 100% winning 2020 isn't he?
>forcing a woman to be responsible for her body
The horror....THE ABSOLUTE HORROR!!!!!
It IS murder you stupid whore. Why can't you just be responsible?
Only 13% of white people
Not have the child in the first place via abortion. A lot of people are terrible parents and terrible people and will make terrible choices thereby introducing more terrible spawn. Abortion cuts all that shit right out
>It's murder even though in the other state where it's going to be performed it's a legal procedure, so fuck you, you'll still get prosecuted!
Whatever happened to states rights?
This sex strike will last as long as it takes for Chad to take his shirt off.
Not for about 20 years. DESU she never really was.Just another washed up ugly chick whos hit the wall.
kill yourself you fucking subhuman
>murdering children
But a zygote isn't a child?
>If you can kill it because it's not a human being, if you're blind why can't you pluck out its eyes in the womb? Why can't you take off the arms and legs?
Killing a lump of cells that hasn't developed to the stage where it's considered to be human is completely different to intentionally causing physical handicaps.
Killing someone then raping their dead body and chopping it into pieces is also worse than just killing them.
Are you being obtuse or are you genuinely brain damaged?
The kind of person who gets an unwanted pregnancy is the kind of person who is unable to plan ahead or consider the consequences of their actions. They are not the type of person who buys or carries condoms to be prepared.
on my 5th one
>tfw I have been on strike for 25 years
And I'll make it another 25 if the government doesn't provide me with a cute gf RIGHT NOW
I would like to know why hollywood has taken such an interest in the state of Georgia in the last few years, long before any of this abortion controversy. It’s as if they are planning a mass exodus from California and plan on annexing it.
There's a lot of TV and movie production done in Georgia due to their tax incentives. That's why plenty of people have said they're now going to boycott the state and go elsewhere with their business.
by abortion.
not overpopulating the world
not bringing a child into this world if you cant manage to give it a decent life
So... abstinence?
Based and, frankly, redpilled
Actually in some states it's murder and the unlawful termination of a pregnancy. Thats what happened to that Chris Watts guy.
You're trolling, right? They literally already are.
>admitting it was never about human life and just about punishing roasties
Where was that admitted, you blithering simpleton?
In your head?
I've been on a sex strike for 22 years.
>if we kill them, we won't need to pay for them
Shouldn't the well being of a baby be more important than money? I mean, a baby's live is sacred, isn't it? Or does that magically stop once it's out of the womb?
>Not have the child in the first place via abortion.
Or here's a better idea, queer:
How about just not having the child in the first place? How hard is it to keep your fucking legs closed?
>projecting this hard
Attack your opponent, not the strawman.
>Killing a lump of cells
Fun fact: All stages of life are a "lump of cells".
You are also a "lump of cells".
That's not realistic, it's a complete cop-out. People have sex. People are careless. Contraception doesn't always work even when used. Abstinence has never worked in human history to prevent unwanted pregnancies, so it's not a workable solution.
>Shouldn't the well being of a baby be more important than money?
If it was, you liberals shit-hats wouldn't be breeding kids you can't feed and then demanding Republicans finance them.
I’d fuck her the arse
OK so basically the law is "murder is murder".
I don't see why SJW blue-hairs are so rectally flustered over this.
Imaging being such a faggot that you don't want to kill childrens of whores before they're born.. if you don't do that you end up with your average user
>abortions will continue to happen and they're going to be less safe
Legalize mail-bombs.
Mail-bombs are going to get sent even if they are illegal.
Why is it always lolbertarians pushing for shit like abortion laws and stricter borders? Don't tread on me should be tread on them instead, lmao.
>Abstinence has never worked in human history to prevent unwanted pregnancies
>i don't support the murdering of children
cringe and söipilled.
>Puck bunny calls for sex strike
Lol, puck bunnies are sadder than ring rats.
What a liar.
>Centrists don't get the right to call the right wing "triggered snowflakes as bad as the left wing," if the left wing goes into complete histronics like this.
Fun Fact: It's never "Centrists" that play the "le two sides of le same coin!"-card. It's pretty much ALWAYS stealthing SJW's.
So now the well being of a baby is tied to if it's got liberal parents? Weird how that moral outrage over sanctity of life of yours ends up being nothing but moral hypocrisy and political sycophancy.
>Implying I have sex
doens't affect me whatsoever dumb roasties, but yeah keep your holes shut and see how many guy still want you for your """great personalities"""
Its all about moral standpoint.
Nobody gives a shit about them.
>Abstinence has never worked in human history to prevent unwanted pregnancies
This might be the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen a human being post.
You might legitimately be fucking mentally handicapped.
>It's never "Centrists" that play the "le two sides of le same coin!"-card. It's pretty much ALWAYS stealthing SJW's.
Except it doesn't. Read the law again. It's only 10 pages
I love how your arguments just devolve into meaningless roundabout rhetoric. You don't have a point and you know it.
Meanwhile my point still stands: Liberals are having kids they can't support, like the fucking human trash they are, and demanding to either kill the child or have someone ELSE pay for it.
Both of which are despicable and your despicable people for making this an issue.
What causes actresses to think their opinion matters?
>OMG why can't one state just legalize murder? That isn't very libertarian!
>remove sexual education in schools that teach teens how to avoid bad shit when they finally start having sex
>outlaw abortions because babies apparently have souls
>cut social spending because ''fuck dem dere deadbeats with their kids, moochin off the system!''
>poor people end up having more babies that they cannot afford because they aren't properly educated on shit like this
>either die, participate in crime or end up draining funds from the system anyway
Thoughts and prayers will fix it. Thank fuck I'm not American, lmao.
>It's actually a lefties self destuct thread
A combination of narcissism, a Liberal Echo-Chamber and perpetual guilt over their wealth that motivates empty gestures at "improving society".
>in US, it's legal to boycott a US state
>it's not legal to boycott israel
The absolute state of amerikikes
Yeah, people literally just don't know that p0n0s + vag00 makes a baby unless a government-funded class tells them so.
This is the thinking of your average Big Government Leftists.
They literally want the Government to babysit every aspect of your life, and for you to pay for it. Because they assume everyone on the planet is a fucking rock-stupid as they are.
>my society is superior because we use tax-payer funding to kill babies and provide for degeneracy
Let me tell you, Nigel, I am SO fucking jealous.
me kill baby or no spread hole
>What is the death penalty by the state
>What is stand my ground laws
>What is justifiable homicide
That's a lot of legalized murder.
>remove sexual education in schools that teach teens how to avoid bad shit when they finally start having sex
No wonder Americans need warning signs on everything they cant figure out that something hot is hot or that a penis in a vagina leads to baby
>Yeah, people literally just don't know that p0n0s + vag00 makes a baby unless a government-funded class tells them so.
People believe plenty of stupid shit, like having sex in water will make it impossible for a girl to get pregnant. You correct these things with proper education, which is obviously kryptonite to your average faith-based legislator in America.
>This is the thinking of your average Big Government Leftists
This is the thinking in every country that has better education, health and happiness outcomes than America.
>They literally want the Government to babysit every aspect of your life, and for you to pay for it.
No, people that are educated (I can understand why you aren't, given where you're from) want people to have access to a proper education when the government is already spending out of the wazoo for ineffective education. Teachers are paid like shit, educational outcomes are near the bottom of the developed world and illiteracy is on the rise. All while still paying top dollar for what is tantamount to a rusty bomb learner car of an education system. Only in America is providing substandard services to your own citizens to OWN DA GLOBAL LIBS a virtue, lmao.
liberals are unhinged. always moving the goalposts so they can play victim card. disgusting subhuman scum of the earth. literally devil's henchmen.
if I wasn't yuropoor I'd vote for him and I'm not even rightwing. Insane thots like these need to get their shit pushed in hard before they learn heir place
Funny how you libs will say a baby isnt human until born. But the moment you get into a car crash and get injured causing the baby inside of you to scream and sue the person for killing your once alive baby.
Show literally even one case where a pro abortion woman tried to sue somebody for killing her baby in a car crash.
None of those are "murder" though. They are at best "homicide".
And none of the people getting killed in those scenarios are helpless babies.
Pretty big difference. Probably too big for your tiny liberal mind.
Great, if they aren't sucking dick for the job they might start hiring people with actual talent.
>This is the thinking in every country that has better education, health and happiness outcomes than America.
You mean the ones that are the size of one of our states and is 99.9% white?
Keep sucking that government cock, slave. It's why you live under Hate Speech laws and I don't.
>And none of the people getting killed in those scenarios are helpless babies.
Except for all the states that have been entirely okay with executing people with mental deficiencies that make them be at the emotional and intellectual level of a child.
Leftism really is Moral Syphilis.
cast them:
>retarded person = baby
Holy shit, YOU might be the one who is actually fucking retarded.
Also, your outrage indicates that you very clearly have no conception of how human mental capacity works.
Fun fact: Being mentally handicapped does not absolve someone of 100% of guilt for their actions, like outraged retards like you seem to believe. Missing a chromosome does not automatically absolve you of guilt in raping and murdering 10 nurses. There's a spectrum of human intelligence and of culpability. But this gray area naturally terrifies uneducated, moralistic brainlet liberals like you, because you can't be bothered to learn shit that isn't related to black oppression or gender-spectrums.
Nice desperate attempt at moving the goal-posts, though.
You brought up something totally unrelated to the argument and STILL managed to get your shit pushed in.
>You mean the ones that are the size of one of our states and is 99.9% white?
Ah, the classic talking point. The places that have economies smaller than a state, with significantly higher taxes, less industry, largely out of state manufacturing (for EU members) and massive Welfare systems STILL manage to provide better outcomes across the board than America.
>It's why you live under Hate Speech laws and I don't
Yeah, instead you have your states circumventing the democratic process and can't be critical of Israel. ;) I'll stick to having access to objectively superior systems over being able to scream MUH FIRST AMENDMENT RAAAIIIIGHTS HELPPPP HELLPPPPP.
>remove sexual education in schools
not true. teaching children to practice abstinence and about the risks of sex were removed though (discipline bad; promiscuity good)
>cut social spending
see chart
>poor people end up having more babies that they cannot afford because they aren't properly educated on shit like this
no. they have more children because they are genetically inclined to
>either die, participate in crime or end up draining funds from the system anyway
because they are genetically inclined towards such behaviours
>today there are more slaves in the world then ever in human history, many of which are women and children as sex slaves
>not being allowed to kill their children is dark times for women
killing babies >>>>>>> saving people from hell
>STILL manage to provide better outcomes across the board than America
But they don't. Even your little Socialist hovels in Scandinavia have lower average incomes than most Americans.
so has Yea Forums become /pol/ at this point, fuck this shitty website
>lol First Amendment isn't a big deal
Average Europoor.
Open wide for that big, juicy government cock, slave.
This is the shit I remember when libshits try to play the "nobody treats abortion as a condom!" and "nobody actually likes abortion! it's just necessary!"-cards.
These people are legitimately evil psychopaths.
>But they don't
>Links a SCREENSHOT of a graph pre-housing crisis based entirely in the U.S
Holy shit, the American education system at work. Did they not teach you how to cite a source or did they cut that out of the budget to make room for the cups of lard?
My government provides proper services, you get taxed just as much and have officials subverting the democratic process while pretending that you're free. Truly the American way, plugging your ears and screaming while getting fucked in the ass - but at least the constitution says they aren't allowed to!
>Being mentally handicapped does not absolve someone of 100% of guilt for their actions
I'm not arguing it does. But if it's fine to execute people who literally cannot understand the consequence of their actions and functionally operate at the level of a small child, then it's a bit weird that you're fine with that but think it's fundamentally wrong to abort a fetus that is far from being mature enough to even do basic functions like support itself outside of the womb because it's not developed enough.
I hope people rip into her for thinking that sex is the problem.
It's a really conservative stance
Why do redditors post like this? Everything has to be a leasing question?
can't have overweight people cosplay as her with that kinda outfit user. can't have people buying movie tickets either, which is probably the majority who are seeing that
You literally exist under unelected governance.
You don’t give a shit about children you retard, stop pretending you do. You post in a fucking mongolian basket-weaving site and shitpost
You vote for the people who then together make up of EU's legislative body. It's no different from congress.
Cause they want to secede from the US in a roundabout way
americans make more money so they can afford private services and don't require government services. and officials cannot "subvert the democratic process," whatever that means; there are these things called checks and balances. and someone living under eu rule, an organisation that routinely overrides the laws and will of the countries it supposedly represents, should not criticise others about democratic process
because leftists hate dissent and despise freedom
No you vote for a government which implements lae passed down by an unelected bureaucracy. Cushy EU jobs and big pensions are awarded to the best boys in class. What the fuck is a German going to know about the needs of the electorate in Ireland?
>americans make more money so they can afford private services and don't require government services.
Except tens of millions can't afford healthcare. Or make enough to feed themselves, and require food stamps.
>there are these things called checks and balances
This is hilarious from a country where the current administration is telling Congress it doesn't have to abide any subpoenas that Congress has the full legal right to issue.
Pol btfo yet again
We need manditory abortions for everyone.
The human race has been on this planet too long.
It's time for humanity to end.
>I don't know what a child is
That's where we're fucking at! Once again the useless wastes of fucking flesh that has ruined everything good in this goddamn world! That's where we're at! HITLER HAD THE RIGHT IDEA! HE WAS JUST AN UNDERACHIEVER! KILL 'EM ALL, ADOLF! ALL OF 'EM! JEW, MEXICAN, AMERICAN, WHITE, KILL 'EM ALL! START OVER! THE EXPERIMENT DIDN'T WORK! Rain 40 days, please fucking rain to wash these turds off my fucking life! Wash these human wastes of flesh and bones off this planet!
This. I used to be vehemently prolife, but then I saw the statistics and now donate money to planned parenthood
I've been on a sex strike for 20 years.
I'm pro-abortion simply because I want all retards gone.
Aristophanes didn't predict sex dolls tho'
Or porn.
Start by giving your mother's son a late late late term abortion. Hang yourself. Suck a tail pupe. Borrow a gun fron an NRA buddy.
I read that as "give your mommy a son" by having sex with her -,-
The trumpugees can't help it, they were kicked out everywhere else and they have to shitpost SOMEWHERE. What can hiroshimoot do? Put up a firewall?
>Except tens of millions can't afford healthcare
yeah the health industry is fucked but that doesn't change that americans on average make more money
>This is hilarious from a country where the current administration is telling Congress it doesn't have to abide any subpoenas that Congress has the full legal right to issue.
i'm not american so i don't know about that. but i do know that the government can't just unilaterally deprive people of their rights as has happened where i live. america is just much more free than most countries, and that freedom comes with the cost of lower equality
Who does that? Nigger, just make another one. Do you cry for all the potential lost lives every time you nut over your keyboard?
Funny how conservicucks are all about freedom.
Except when they aren't. The only thing freedom you fags care about is "muh guns!" because if they take those away you'll have to find something else to help alleviate your cowardice and compensate for your microdicks.
>women think men desire sex above all
The quality will go up because garbage like her won’t sleep their way into roles. I wish Weinstein had a taste for beautiful twinks instead of bulldogs like Argento and Zendaya.
They already do you dumbfuck.
Guess that shows what you guys really care about. You're willing to support what you perceive as the murder of children out of pure spite. Bravo.
that is ancaps, conservatives are about conservative values ? I dont know much about american politics
Literal femcels lmao
>funny how it's conservatives and not liberals who are about liberty
Don't see how that's funny to be honestly, mostly just fucked up
They're obviously not the centrists though.
>"Don't worry, I'm on the pill."
>Bitch only takes them before sex
You murder a potential person every time you jack off.
>I'm taking my genitals away!
proof again that women are children who only deal in absolutes
I thought all the girls were on sex strike the past couple of years haha
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Fuck Jannies 他妈的黑鬼 Fuck Niggers 发生了 The Fappening 六四天安門事件 The Black Lives Matter protests of 2016 天安門大屠殺 The Sandy Hook False Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Goyim Struggle 大躍進政策 The Gay Rights Movement 文化大革命 The Niggers Sent To Africa 人權 Paid Shills 民運 Demoralization 自由 Ebola Weapon 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-Glownigger system 台灣 臺灣 911 Inside Job 中華民國 Republic Not Democracy 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tendie 達賴喇嘛 Install OpenBSD 法輪功 Traps Are Gay 新疆維吾爾自治區 The 4channel Autonomous Domain 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize For King Nigger 劉暁波 Chris Poole 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Weaves 劉曉波动态网自由门 Samuel Hyde 唐纳德 特朗普 Donald Trump 贾斯汀特鲁多 Justin Trudeau 有毒的氟化物水 Poisonous Fluoride Water 黄色背心 Gilet Jaunes 特里阿戴维斯 Terry A Davis 艾略特罗杰 Elliot Rodger 他是免费的 He Does It For Free 他可爱 He Cute 基于和重新填充 Based & Redpilled 对韩国人没有实际意义 Gookmoot 大块头 Big Guy 诛戮 Bane 斯尼德 Sneed 每日剂量 Daily Dose 悟饭布兰科 Jewish Internet Defense Force 和平卡车 The Truck of Peace Attack of 2016 乌克兰亲欧盟示威运动 Euromaidan 取决于价格 Fugg 不是广告客户友好 Not Advertiser Friendly ?
more importantly, why are actors political opinions given any creedence at all, who gives a shit what some dumb bitch thinks about abortion laws, because she was on tv? fuck off
What a laughing stock USA has become. Holy shit
this is what makes advocating against abortion unconstitutional, its standard right wing rhetoric, they care about abortion in the attempt to make women less whorish they don't actually care about the kids.
Republishits have never let something so small as the constitution stop them, however.
so Alyssa won’t have sex in Georgia? She’s really an idiot and she already has herpes
Wait, you actually think Alyssa Milano is going to stop fucking producers?
This sex strike isn't for her, it's for the retards that follow her.
>If you are against murder, you must pay for gibs for every potential murder victim and also become a full blown communist.
That's not how it works.
If they go on a sex strike, won't they increase the number of incels?
Women can't offer men anything else.
>why does a woman have an opinion about a restrictive law that applies to only women in a state she might work in on a regular basis?
Confounding conundrum.
>Not being allowed to kill babies compromises my sexual autonomy, therefore I'm protesting that law with abstinence
So I see the law does exactly what it's supposed to do? Great, thanks Alyssa.
>Shouldn't the well being of a baby be more important than money?
Yes, but that does not entitle his parents to other people's money.
>producers that get hundreds of teens asking to be movie stars
>having sex with a 50 y/o used up roastie metooer
the sex strike isn't for her because she probably hasn't had sex in years
Especially because celebrities are pretty much the people that are most removed from actual, common life is like in the States
Is this seriously an argument leftist are making?
Also, not being allowed to expressed oneself is rich coming from people trying to censor everyone.
>i don't know the difference between a gamete and a zygote
Sorry, but unless you're a Christian, you're a leftist by definition, even if your own plan for Utopia differs from the mainstream.
we have a republican president in office that wants to get rid of the media, you don't get to make an argument about censorship, and in fact republicans have always attempted censorship, its just that because of the rise of identity politics they now know they can run on calling the lefties fascists, basically politics are a fucking joke and its just about getting into power, ideology does not matter anymore, but people still go ahead and vote against their own interests anyway :^)
So you want a baby to suffer by not giving it monetary assistance simply because the money has to go through the hands of a parent that isn't you. That is completely illogical.
triggered into ending their degenerate behavior, I love it.
False. There is a case where neither died. What makes it even more unbelievable is that the daughter grew up and forgave her mom
Well if it weren't for abortion you would be drowning in niggers so there's that.
>simply because the money has to go through the hands of a parent that isn't you. That is completely illogical.
that's perfectly logical
I support abortion because I support euthanasia and eugenics
Stop bringing kids into this shitty world to suffer. You shouldn't have conceived them in the first place, but if you do, it's not too late to save them
>You either give up all your money for other people or you must allow killing of babies, no inbetween sweety
>Accuses other people of making illogical statements
>There is no legislation to allow killing children out of the womb, that is nothing more than another made up lie to rile up people against abortion
They literally passed laws to allow late term abortions user. They are legally allowed to pull out healthy babies at 8-9 months and euthanize them because the mother changed her mind and doesnt want it.
So you want people to suffer by not giving monetary assistance to everyone who asks, starting, by the way, with myself, because you support existence of penalties for murder.
>Is this seriously an argument leftist are making?
Well it is the truth. Conservatives actively want to defund social security, programs like food stamps and take away healthcare from tens of millions of families. Yet they claim they care about babies, despite every policy they advocate is actively hurting babies who come from low income households and require assistance and affordable healthcare. Jimmy Kimmel's baby is a good example. He could afford the money to pay for his child's highly expensive treatment, but no poor family can if you take away their basic health insurance that Obamacare gave them.
Look, the question is not what conservatives do overall and how this fits the rest of their agenda, this is about abortion. If you want to make an argument here, you should argue the ethics of what constitutes human life and what does not. Everything else is irrelevant.
so by not enabling your bullshit I'm actually saying I don't care about human life?
that's completely retarded
Later term abortion is for situations where the child cannot live without life support and will die regardless within a certain time frame, suffering a painful death as its small body slowly fails to continue basic functions. It's a procedure that requires you to have a doctor's consent. Trying to paint it as a mother going "yeah I don't want it anymore" a day before the due date is immorally dishonest fear mongering and demonizatrion of medical procedure with blatant lies.
moar good news
>Conservatives pretending to want (they don't actually do so, and everyone who seriously tries will be murdered faster than Kennedy) to dismantle programs which observably impoverish the nation, especially the social strata they are supposed to help, means they don't care about people!
You are wrong. There are plenty of cases of late term abortions out of pure convenience.
Provide examples then.
>Later term abortion is for situations where the child cannot live without life support and will die regardless within a certain time frame
a timeframe also known as "lifespan"
most abortions including late term are done simply for convenience, it's only like in 8 percent of cases that it's due to something else like rape or medical complications.
holy shit the mental gymnastics here LOL
Facts are not mental gymnastics, though
umm its her body her choice, even if the baby is about to be born
You care so much about human life that you refuse to give any aid to more impoverished families and make them and their small children suffer from hunger and medical problems that cannot afford to treat until they have to be sent to the emergency room. My god what a bleeding heart you are, Mother Teresa has nothing on you.
Defend post birth abortions
They don't exist.
I still don't know who she is and I don't care enough to look it up.
its because they assume all poor people are niggers, or they assume that if they had any value to society they wouldn't be poor, which is a hilarious show of cognitive dissonance
>refuse to give any aid to more impoverished families and make them and their small children suffer from hunger and medical problems that cannot afford to treat until they have to be sent to the emergency room
What is even your point here? poverty doesn't warrant murder. What you're trying to make me agree with is that poor people are SO UNDESIRABLE that they should be killed before they suck resources out of the economy, which is many times crueler
You obviosly don't care about the poor, if you did, you'd demanded to stop all forms of social security, so that they won't suffer from obesity, which the leading case of health problems among the bottom 20% in US.
Not that guy, but I personally believe a certain amount of health care should be a obligatory, yet I'm pro-life. Not every conservative shares one set of opinions.
except that blackface wearing governor straight up defended their continued use in his state
Oh, do we now know whether he wore blackface or the hood?
it had to be blackface, right? didn't he try to moonwalk in the press conference because it was for some Michael Jackson impersonation?
The abortion debate is literally about republicans trying to control women, they know that if they make abortion illegal that women will become less whorish by default, that is literally the entire point of this debate. They don't actually care about the kids, they just want women to be less whorish and more likely to have sex with them, instead of chad.
Let's at least stop being so disingenuous here
>The abortion debate is literally about republicans trying to control women
It's literally not, and the fact that people keep saying that is the most fundamental misunderstanding between conservatives and progressives. To progressives, everything must be part of a power game, especially things they don't personally agree with. This isn't part of a power game, it's part of the ethical question whether an unborn baby has human rights or not. So far I haven't seen any convincing arguments from the left, it's just euphemisms, whataboutisms and ad homs.
Ironic coming from the right really, acting as if your choice in corrupt politicians is above such things, they are all crooks and all of it is about power plays, the fact that you don't realize this shows the smoothness of your brain. The right just found some stupid bullshit to run on because they know it divides the country. Like I said, disingenuous
>being a poorfags because they have no idea how to manage their money
....Well, how am I suppose to react to this?
What ulterior motive would stopping someone killing babies serve to a corrupt politician?
>literally counters with a whataboutism
>it's part of the ethical question whether an unborn baby has human rights or not.
How do you apply human rights to a lump of tissue that at six weeks doesn't have any type of resemblance of a human being, doesn't even have cognitive functions and one that cannot support itself outside of the mother's womb until after the current average cutoff date for abortions?
I'd argue that up till a certain point, unborn fetuses don't qualify for human rights. Key traits differentiating humans from animals or plants are self-consciousness, ability to feel pain and suffering, etc. If a fetus does not possess brain activity or cannot survive outside the womb, I don't think it should be considered human. If it's morally acceptable to euthanize animals, or euthanize vegetables and permanently comatose patients, then I feel it's morally acceptable to abort fetuses at that early stage, especially since many of them would otherwise grow up to suffer (but that's based off anecdotal evidence).
One would think that as long as the fetus is completely dependent of its mother for basic life support and cannot exist outside of the womb, it doesn't have human rights because it has not matured into a state where it can be considered an autonomous human being instead of a parasite.
Oh, very easily. It's a unique human life, therefore it has a right to exist as much as any other human life. That wasn't so hard.
Key traits differentiating humans from animals is that they are human, period. We know that, why act ignorantly towards that fact?
>Key traits differentiating humans from animals is that they are human, period. We know that, why act ignorantly towards that fact?
This is a major oversimplification. Would a vestigial twin without sapience count as human?
>I haven't seen any convincing arguments from the left, it's just euphemisms, whataboutisms and ad homs.
>well what about
Read a book you fucking brainlet.
>If it's morally acceptable to euthanize animals, or euthanize vegetables and permanently comatose patients,
This is a false equivalence because none of those things are on their way to becoming a fully functioning person, which a fetus is.
Why is independence that a differentiating factor? There are many people that depend on other people in order to survive. Infants for example. Old people, severely disabled people, sick people. Are we therefore allowed to kill them because nobody asked me for permission to take care of them?
It's a fair simplification. Until we know better, anything a human man and human woman conceive is a human. You know what is not a fair simplication? Viability as a condition for human life to have rights.