It took Avatar 72 days to reach 2.5 billion

>It took Avatar 72 days to reach 2.5 billion
>It took Endgame only 20 days
Remember when Yea Forums genuienly believed Avatar's record would hold?

Attached: 15572278837830.jpg (900x1102, 214K)

>last highest grossing movie of all time was at the end of the last decade
>the next one is at the end of this decade

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Why is such a random number as 25 and an impressive mark to notice again?

Avatar beat Titanic only in 2010

Attached: tumblr_m3md6ydmZp1qajc4eo1_400.jpg (265x333, 27K)

Endgame capeshit is dropping like a rock. Avatar will still be King

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Remember when people actually believed what the studios say that they took in? You are foolish if you take what the studios say at face value

Titanic 1997
Avatar 2009
End Game 2019
>X-Files music plays

>Gone with the Wind

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Infinity War made 304 millions after it's third weekend, if Endgame matches that it will beat Avatar and so far Endgame made more money than IW in it's first, second and third weekends

marvel basedboys btfo unequicovally holy shit based cameron

>Wizard of Oz

Ok seriously what the fuck

Avatar had very strong legs. Endgame is falling fast. It will make 100-150 more but that's it.

Star wars became number 1 in 1977

Here's a graph since you don't understand numbers. Endgame went from way ahead of infinity War to even. With holds like this, the "matches IW" goal won't happen

Attached: 4u4jo0iykyx21.jpg (1099x548, 42K)

Phantom Menace 1999
Ben-Hur 1959

>it took a franchise juggernaut 10 years of buildup to maybe beat some literally who movie about blue cats
Keep seething capeshitter.

It already blew way past IW. Barely needs anything now to match Avatar.

Lmao cope harder fag

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

I want to see more of that cutie on the left. Would love to sniff her farts, ya dig

>Blueman groupfags think people even care about Avatar after all this time

Sequel will make less than 700 million word wide

Who fucking cares though

Avatar was like Half Life 2, a tech demo with forgettable everything

It takes most people a minute if not longer to name someone besides "jake scully"

Nervous mousefag.

Nice projecting
I can't wait for next week when all you avaturds are spamming >muh inflation
If you really cared about that you'd be posting and Gone with the Wind, an actually good film, not avatar.

Half-Life 2 is kino though

The faggot who took the picture is the faggot who put the flowers down. honestly these people need to be sent to re-education camps.

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They have both Detective Pikachu AND John Wick to compete with this weekend.

lmao, Pikachu is dead. No one gives a fuck bout that. John Wick hype is real.