admit it.
it was kino.
admit it.
it was kino.
the marchino cherry on a turd.
Le lone white horse. So epic. For the win!
it's only kino if it turned out to be Bran
But what does it mean?
Death riding on an ashen horse maybe
I dont get it.
Normies are so confused by this scene it's hilarious.
what are other scenes with complex symbolism?
woah bro! Le death le rides le white horse bro! hell F*cking epic bro!!
It's normie core death rides pale horse arya is death. Its actually WWII referential because DnD moved on from civil war in USA symbolism from battle of bastards to this. Its selfish showrunners wielding a good book series for their pleb tier interests.
it wasn't kino, it was as if a dumb shit was trying to make art, but all he got was feces in a can
better than any capeshit
This was the best episode since season 4 and only trannies, wh*te women and based boys disagree. God, let me in there and let Daenarys hardener of my cock, breaker of faggots, cleanser of ethnicities land her perfect ass directly on to my face for a week.
no, it fucking wasn't
>supposed to be a poignant scene about the utter destruction wrought by dany's tantrum
>uses a literal psychopathic mass murderer as the foil for that message
>entire scene is based around non-universe christian mythos (behold a white horse) and is completely out of place
cut the horse bullshit that was just people trying to pad their resume, swap out the goblin for someone who actually gives a shit about the people around them being burnt, and maybe you would have something
Biblical imagery doesn’t belong in settings where Christianity doesn’t exist.
>What is Hardhome
Apparently GoT is a western now.
it's a ww2 movie, not a western
We stopped using horses in combat since WW1.
White horses are a stable of the western genre.
It should have been an elephant.
the horse was nothing, i was talking about the bombing of the city that went on and on
Oh yeah. Dany was secretly Harry S. Truman this whole time.
would have been more kino if it was on fire. i feel like horses on fire is a very underused image. cameron did it in avatar
>Its selfish showrunners wielding a good book series for their pleb tier interests.
this, and star wars is next.
There's still the butchering of Jaime, dragon inconsistency, Euron being the sole survivor of the iron fleet to wash up at that exact moment and place Jaime is, just to have a battle for no good reason, while show Euron probably would've just fucked off with the dingy. Golden company looked like they were some 500 men and not 20000, Harry Strickland was a complete waste. Unsullied and Dothraki suddenly exist en masse, and the siege itself is beyond fucking pathetic. Don't even get me started on Varys' intelligence being completely and utterly butchered, the only good scenes were random destruction in Kings Landing and the "horrors of war", but these scenes are unearned because the siege was downright pathetic and the dragon inconsistency. Tyrion and Jaime was pretty nice despite further butchering Jaimes character, Headey and Waldau also deliver good performances even though their scenes shouldn't have happened at all.
GoT did it already though.
It would have been kino as a symbolic representation of Arya's death, but she's already shown in the preview of the finale, so that's already screwed
only if kino means shit, does kino mean shit?
It looked too much like the ending for "Caligula"
subtle are you joking, zack synder is more subtle than this shit where the fuck did that horse come from after it was damn near incinerated
>are you joking
On this board? Do you really have to ask?
sorry, i knew you were joking, i just wanted to question the people that actualy think it was subtle
always get a good laugh at the retards that said this ruined the movie for them
symbol of hope or some shit; I bet Arya becomes the next king, or in this case queen, slayer.