Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Bless this thread in Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
Staying /comfy/.
Sneedlita Farmer Angel
Chucklita: Farmer Sangel
Brrr, it's chilly.
Stay warm, frens.
hello new bread pleas be heal by arita
Hello new bread please be healed by Arita!
OP post is dumb and makes no sense
Lewdposting is NOT Jeromeposting, the two are very separate and distinct things.
Two dead memes for /healing/ I can get behind this
thank you, this will be a blessed comfy thread now.
Alita is low iq
it sorta can when it's done to rile people up. also shush it's a funny edit
>Lewdposting is NOT Jeromeposting
Right, that's basically what it's saying. That 'good' Jerome-posting isn't really Jerome-posting at all.
>That's where you're wrong user.
That is a ridiculously cute Alita.
I searched for the most derpy, low-iq looking frame grab I could find to respond to this with. It took way too long, my Alita folder is way too big and disorganized. I need to do work.
are there any good streams, non theatre versions. I never made it to a showing
Don't forget this classic.
>Red eyes
Goddamnit, I KNEW Vampalita was cannon!
>someone used my oc as an op
Anything that divides us is Jerome posting. Lewd posting is gross too. Its worse then Jerome posting. Jerome posting only attacks us. Lewds attack Alita. what Peaches did was a betrayal of these threads and everything Alita stands for.
All we know for sure is that Disney (Fox) has distribution rights to Alita: Battle Angel. We know nothing about any sequels, and we don't even know if they have exclusive distribution rights to A:BA.
I can't get enough of these simple blanket edits. MORE
I want plebs to leave.
Yes, I did, but I added my own Jerome-post LARP to the second section of 'good' Jerome Posting! Hope you don't mind I remixed your work, but I love classic Simpsons, I loved this edit, and I wanted my lulzy shitpost to be a part of it. Please forgive me for doing so without your permission, senpai.
Yeah but the *actual* Jerome post with the pepe meme thrown in with the lewd posts insinuated that all the other posts were also Jerome posts. If that was removed your argument would hold more water.
One of these days I'll run through the OVA just to collect cute Alita screengrabs.
>let's not be divisive
>literally dividing us now over this
Nice try, Jerome.
1.) It wasn't Peaches, it was an imposter pinching his nametag
2.) This guy didn't ask about Alita lewds, he asked about Chiren's breasts.
Your larp post was *not* a good post, and ruined the OC. Way to go, ya blew it.
No, that wasn't an actual Jerome post at all, actually. If you actually look at it, it's a satire that mashes together all the language of previous Jerome posts. It's a parody.
This is getting TOO cute it's illegal
actually the original one didn't have the frog post under the "good jerome" post, i didn't notice it until it was pointed out. it doesn't really fit in with the others though so idk why it was added...
Worse than ksg
I bet pretty soon you're going to start talking about how nobody *needs* memes this cute, aren't you?
Well guess what, it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs!
this drawing has more life to her expression than Brie does very curious cuter too
Sorry. Fine, I'll just go hang myself then, bye.
Ego. See
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Yeah and probably also has an ass!
Good bye.
no dont
ok back to comfy
based-Keean poster
You're actually starting to impress me
>tfw need to go to gym but want to work on story
just go to the gym and work out plot holes and the rest of the story in your head while you work out
As always
lifting for Alita comes first. I only skipped today after work because I thought was gonna meet a friend but he bailed.
any loli alita kino bros
the cuter and funnier the better BTW
I guess I could somehow rationalize my gym visit by saying it's necessary in order to become better looking than Keean Johnson
Oops how did that get in my Alita folder?
Sneed: Feedle Seedle
Not as handsome as Ed Skrein
ha ha yeah posted it totally on accident sure ha ha
>I wanna FUCK that blue ASS!
>tfw people try to fuck with us
Ed's not as much of a giga-chad as Robert though ;)
Now that I consider it though, with all the spamming and shitposting and Jeromefuckery going on in the thread right now, there might not ever be a better time for me to duck out and lift.
I will of course also do cardio, because that's actually the most important thing.
they're just getting coldly ignored now lol
victoria are you here
have a good workout, things should be comfy by the time you get back
we'll keep it comfy.
Hell, you and me both, buddy
>tfw the loli poster is back
tank u sir
just ignore it. Starve them of (yous).
just keep cool, it'll pass
At least bring the ones who wronged you with you.
Always bring a few "ass holes" with you is the golden rule of suicide.
Here is a comfy story to improve the mood.
God dammit!!!
You should probably edit your dedication now that we know SA isn't a fellow
we are reaching levels of floof that shouldn't be possible
That's the kind of mentality that is going to end gun rights world-wide, because stupid fucks can't just remove themselves and call it good, they have to commit some heinous crime that makes the news instead.
Please don't enable that fuckery.
>SA isn't a fellow
SA is an underage girl (possibly female).
that sure is F L O O F
>Alita has raised my standards not only for film but also 2D animation
>I hate most modern anime now
Why is it all so flat?
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm pass 18 pedobear.
that must be rough. I've never been all that focussed on anime but I'm definitely uninterested in movies coming out. The only thing I'm actually excited about is Villenueve's Dune. And that's a long wait away.
Fellow is not heavily gendered in the non-US world but maybe I should. I'm still kind mad that the one off I wrote for her actually ended up being a kind of decent story. It was never meant like this.
Dune/Alita double feature when
Did you not say you're too young to fly alone?
Pedobear stopped being interested when you turned 13.
toss in BR2049 and I'm all on board, sihaya.
I said that I consider myself too young to travel Alone. I just don't feel comfortable travel by myself, It has nothing to do with my actual age lol.
Formerly #512
after seeing other movies in theaters after alita, i couldn't stop comparing the film and thinking about how much i'd prefer watching alita instead
You did write pretty good. I tried to write an user get into Alita world myself after you write the story for me, but..... got the general outline, but have problem turning into paragraphs.
You said you were writing a novel in your free time?
Pedobear bring me the nostalgia of encyclopedia dramatica.
I tried watching Age of Ultron a little while ago and literally fell asleep in the middle of the day
I knew he lurked these threads!
Time: 5:13
He's practically winking at us with this!
i only saw shazam and endgame (gf) since, they were okay but i just kept wanting to watch alita the whole time
have an extra comfy blanket edit
NOOOOOOOO have this already though thanx
who hurt you
Thanks friend. I tend to write more extensive stories for the DnD worlds that I create- CO is the guy writing an actual novel. Maybe one day I'll make something but it's not a priority right now.
just hide/report it, fren. They've been at it since last thread. Starve them out (thees).
Why is she so CUTE
because she's sweet and goofy and murderously insane when she's set on it.
Has this one been posted yet?
This body reminds me of screwhead desu
i haven't seen that one yet, it looks nice
How is everyone doing today?
I want to rewatch alita!
pretty good, thankfully people are ignoring the shitposting. Probably gonna sleep soon though. It's been nice and sleepy tonight here.
I just realized that realistically neither one of them should know what dinosaurs are
checked and agreed
How so? Realistically she shouldn't give a shit about 500 year old rock music either yet she's an aficionado. Dinosaurs being commonly known to have existed is hardly unrealistic.
Yeah I think Kishiro wasnt really sure early on how much history was left so he kinda played it by ear. It's still CUTE though
just saw alita with some anons
it was good
must not be a dryad butterfly. if it was she’d murder it on the spot. with guns, her sword, fists. whatever it took.
Love this one. Also nice trips.
jealous of you guys.
Still jealous that you got to see it in theaters one last time
Did ya went to Denny’s afterwards?
I need to see those well choreographed fight scenes again and also saved.
watching the rip is only sating me so much. I need glorious HD.
Fuck off to /r9k/. Yea Forums isn't your discord channel autists
This movie has inspired a lot of new friendships. Was it your first time?
They seemed pretty big on their buttrock in the scrapyard/ iron city if you look closely.
we went to some Peruvian restaurant
it will be in some theaters until at the very least the end of next week
yeah it was my first time seeing it
very impressive graphics desu, the city especially. The animation in the fight scenes was very nice, very clean
I went in intentionally avoiding any spoilers or anything, as autistic as that is. Time to read the manga now desu.
I have to admit the movie makes me very excited for the sequel, although I'm sure the manga already goes over the events
stay comfy anons. See y'all tomorrow.
the only thing i can find online was a chinese TS with like 5 watermarks floating across the screen. jesus.
I stopped watching 5 mins in lol.
Glad you had a great time. Now you can properly join in on all the comfyposting!
Ugly autistic faggots. There are like 20 of you lonely losers left obsessing over this gay fucking movie. You should all kill yourselves.
Oh noo the fatboy fedora squad is here. Quick everyone epically own the libs!
Night user sleep well
did you get saltado? you lucky bastards
Night user. We'll keep it comf.
Haha okay user go see the movie though
I'm only one of those three things
Feeling like making some OC later today. Saw you guys made some pretty amazing stuff earlier.
Do iiiit
Gym user here, I'm back. Kinda feeling sick from drinking my protein too fast. Time to get to work on chapter 3.
Dropping by now and then since a while:
Sequel when?
BluRay release when?
1. No idea- hope for an announcement later this year
2. In about two months, last we heard
>Probably late July
did someone say, second children?
that's taking too long. we're the best fans in the world why do we deserve this long period of uncertainty?
Because to suffer is for grow strong.
alita give me feeling so strong
i have seen film's for an month's
This. We will pass through the fires of this trial stronger than ever. It is a test of the fanbase. We will not fail.
If Jimbo could wait 25 years, we can wait however long it takes.
Chinese render with the hair bun? Looks great
ohhhhhhh baby.
Good night anons
Well, not that long.
It would be a shame but if we had to then so be it
>tfw I'll be 80 years old when the trilogy is finished
G’night. Also desert Alita is best Alita. Can’t change my mind.
I've been comfyposting this whole time VA :^)
I'll watch that anime you rec'd me btw
y-yeah I actually did
how did you know
the restaurant was kinda sketchy but seemed decent enough I guess
hopefully we don't die of food poisoning
Thanks to movie technology they could pull that off, but the sets are still standing and I don’t think they’d keep them around for that long.
>constantly see alita threads
>assume its some kind of long-running series
>finally look it up
>its a 2 hour long movie
what the hell have you guys been talking about for 513 threads
Lots of things user. The manga, the film, the content and edits we make. Come watch it some time and join in when the digital rip drops
because that's what everyone gets
watch it yourself, and you'll understand why we're here
Wrong namefag friend but we do occasionally post similarly.
hope you guys have a nice drive back btw
Sleep well fren
What meme will inevitably replace sneed posting?
Have sex.
Speaking of which. Does anyone here actually use twitter? Would be amazing if someone told Uwe Bol to have sex.
He'd probably threaten to fight you lol
Chapter 3 is up for any of you mad lads who are still lurking the night.
i don't use social media or twitter for that matter, it's full of cancer "relatable" posts or tryhard normie humor with faggot harry potter and black people reaction gifs
Social media as a whole has gone to hell, but Twitter is possibly the worst of any of it, on account of being the most useless and redundant service from the start.
Have a fresh shitpost twitter. wondering how long until they take it down
it's not just , it's also the
20th Century Fox purchase fucking up both the theatrical and Blu-ray release, and Disney employees/contractors fucking with it (have S.E.C. if true)
Only live action movie released so far in 2019 that is known to be shot in 3D, and not just faked in post-production.
The Alita Experience - a sort of escape room like(?) thing run with actual actors in three locations in the US, where several anons went and met each other by chance or after planning in these threads. Meetups continued with surprisingly /fa/ /fit/ and /k/ anons.
It was supposed to be an SMS service for following only your closest friends or really important stuff. That's how I remember it at least. Then it devolved to blue checkmarks who live their entire lives online with their manifold pronouns, 5 years old memes and general retardation.
>Uwe Bol
>Account suspended
I'm always up at ungodly hours friend. Good to see you're putting things out fast friend. Gotta ride that momentum as far as you can.
Seriously? lmao
Damn straight.
Reposting known European screenings:
May 15th: Moscow, Russia
Neufahrn, Germany: May 18th and 19th
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway, now CONFIRMED at 14:30 or 15:00 local. Fan group have reserved 120+ tickets.
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys
A wild new OC appears. I'll read these tonight, after dark.
>goes for a Damascus blade
>gets several delams along the spine
>inclusions near the riccasso
>critical weapons failure during strength test
Wait the norway thing is happening? Holy shit based norbros we don't deserve you
requesting Alita enjoying motorball over a disco background webm titled "itshappening.webm"
maybe he should’ve had sex lmao.
but user it looks C O O L
That whole rant about nigga technology on boondocks was truly prophetic. Social media in general is horrible but twitter is especially for lcd retards.
This guy really liked it.
>implying alita needs protection
This is one of the most refreshing Alita-based videos I've seen in a while.
I gotta hand it to blackbros, they know how to convey an infectious hype level.
heading to bed. goodnight y'all
Night fren
sleep well fren
for some reason i cant decide if i should watch the anime adaptation or even read the manga. Maybe i should just be contented having watched the movie..
read the manga. it’s great, and made my appreciation for the film deeper. the ova is cool, but really just feels like cliff notes.
>sub 50 posters
>alita thread
I am pleased to see that it is not alone for me to think about Alita.
Yes, there is a thread. But I want more and more evidence that we exist as a community of fans.
And not three anonymous from under different IP.
>read the manga
And the film version is so good that you won't be disappointed in it.
On the contrary, you will understand how much work was done and how carefully treated the manga.
asneeda tomacco farmer
I thought the manga was definitely worthwhile and I felt the same way you did before I read it.
Yeah, I too would like to be able to feel like there are more than like 200 of us in the whole world.
Realistically probably 95%+ of the actual fanbase doesn't even realize Yea Forums exists, much less would want to come here if someone described it to them.
I do think we are among the most elite of Alita fans, however, along with the dedicated Chinabros.
made me laugh desu
the jannies said they'd band us if we went over 50
I'm confused. When did I Jerome post?
In the Russian general about 50 unique ip.
But real people I suppose are about fifteen twenty.
remember to join our discord!
That's utterly improbable, since this general alone has that many real people who are actively involved in meetups in multiple locations.
To think that they are the only actual people here would be absolute madness.
Seattle user here looking for the other Seattle user I talked with earlier, didn't manage to get in contact. Let me know if you're around.
Yeah I peg this place at around 50-odd people accross time zones. Then there's people who lurk for whatever reason.
it was based off the asking for lewds while namefagging, deleting the post, and then claiming wtf i didn't post that.
halfway through i realized the oc didn't fully make sense in relation to what actually happened, but i thought it was still funny and i had already spent too much time making it
sorry peaches
Appropriate use of Impact font
better scan
I..I love you too...
please give me the sukku...
why you fags still so obsessed with this movie
Both cuts are good! However, I see a crack in this blade. Remember, rust is the enemy!
So how many of you anons here are alita fans way before it had a film adaptation?
man i hate being a latelet :(
see , and
Not me - I knew about Alita since it came out, but I passed it by thinking it was like some "sexy assassin girl" shit that I had dropped before.
Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave the thread you've pushed out IPs above 50 which means we don't get jannie sympathy points any more.
I watched the anime on VHS back in the 90s, but I didn't read the manga until like 2006 when I heard James Cameron was doing the movie.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to repost this.
I'm a latelet too, but at least I wasn't an eyeball brainlet. The first trailer I saw made me full hype to see the movie.
It is difficult for me after GUNNM to read another manga.
There is of course a "golden fund", but what comes out mostly is shit.
Fuck me he was jacked.
Well, by soldier standards, he's fairly normal.
I mean, the movie IS called Soldier, after all.
He's so fucking yolked in this film it's insane. Genuinely goal body.
There are about a million things I should be doing but this idea just would not leave me alone. It's a bit more of Alita/Koyomi friendship since people seemed to like the last story with those two. I hope you're all having a great evening. Plus it's a bit of a set up for something in the future.
fuck me i finally finished, took me 3 days. Here's my Vamplita story. feedback is appreciated and pls no bully.
Vamplita: Hidden Deception
Oh shit all this stuff coming out right now, perfect time to take a break from writing, let's do this.
I liked what the gunsmith asked for as a reward.
Props for being able to stay close to the structure of an idea. I have such a bad habit of just going entirely left of field with my inspirations. I actually love that you went with s super traditional approach to vampires. It's an interesting idea mixed with the aesthetic of Iron City. As always keep going if you find the inspiration and reason to do so. We can always use more content.
Read the manga. Movie and anime are shit.
Honestly volumes 2-5 of the manga are the peak of the story in my opinion. Minus Ido's weird possessiveness, they really do a good job of showing both Iron City's darker sides and Alita's growth.
>Movie shit
>On the /alita/ general
One point friend: though we call her vamplita for the sake of ease, it's probably best to keep her Alita in your stories. Becoming a vampire shouldn't change one's name, after all. Nice work though.
I want Hugo to fuck me
Hugo only has eyes for Vector
>muh gay Hugo meme
Ok friend...
Very nice sir, short, sweet and to the point, with a twist I didn't see coming. Bravo.
Also introduces a new feel to the world of /Alita/. I won't spoil it, but damn, it could be too extreme for this thread.
Yeah i just shortened it to vampi like it's shortened to Ali in the movie, but that's a quick fix. i'll edit it later but thanks for the feedback.
i haven't read any vamplita stuff, just the pictures and captions that get posted here, so it formed an image in my head that i needed to get out. Also i didn't want to read other people's work until i was done with my own so that my ideas could be as "original" as possible. And yeah i wanted to stay traditional with vampires cause it made the most sense to me, and i could build around it. I might add a part 2 later that takes place before, after, or maybe both, who knows. we'll see if anything in the threads spark something in me again. thank's for the kind words
hope you liked it!
I have you to thank for the story even existing if you're the one constantly posting "the sun is setting user, you know what time it is" with vamplita edits if you couldn't already tell I'm glad you liked it. keep posting stuff like that in the threads and maybe i'll get some new ideas for more stories in the future and thank you for deleting your earlier post
Time for pic related, goodnight everyone. keep the thread comfy
I like it fren. It's also a useful exchange for me from a technical standpoint as it has relevance to my own story, in a way.
I fear that I'm not as good at character interaction as you are, though.
Thank you, yeah, that's my OC and I'm the biggest, guiltiest Vampalita poster around. If you like Vampalita that much you might also be interested in my story, though it exists in a slightly darker setting and takes a bit more time to get into.
For me it is 6-7
Thank you friend, yeah, I'm usually that poster, and I'm very pleased with how Vampalita has grown beyond my control and is turning into her own phenomenon. I try to steer her how and when I can, but she belongs to /Alita/ now, as evidenced by the multiple fan writings that are beginning to appear.
Alita is a fundamentally good but also troubled character, and Vampalita is even moreso troubled - with the dual afflictions of being a cyborg warrior AND a vampire. How can she deal with those she loves, while still getting what she needs? For Vampalita, life is a constant struggle against her own nature.
That's nice of you to say. I wrote a lot of lame schlock before I started doing deeper character work; stories like this one are genuinely hard to write. Practice makes perfect after all. Relevant pic.
Yes indeed. Chapter 4 is on the way, this one gets really in the weeds with the characters, so we shall see how it goes.
it's reality don't deny it
thanks for the reply. I might as well descend further into the alita fandom and check out the manga.
The choice is yours friend, but remember, if you take the red pill, you can never return to how things used to be...
It's been awhile since we did a can photo chain. I'll start.
>Gateway Computer
Holy hell, that thing must be literally as old as the internet.
wait wat.. so the manga still ongoing?
Yeah Mars Chronicles is vaguely ongoing though it's pretty like, tangentally related to Alita herself nowadays.
Anyone else find Rosa attractive?
Would do fren but I'm out atm.
>Anyone else find Rosa attractive?
hell no
We're a fan.
Sometimes, in some ways, yes. But that's kind of a dangerous question to ask in this thread, friend. There are at least a dozen anons who would be happy to bury you with Rosa dumping for even suggesting their favorite infatuation.
Hello, all. Standee user here, Haven't visited in quite a while because life got too real. What have I missed? Any Blu-ray info? Sequel info?
Well suite yourself...
Sweet, sound like my kinda guys.
Yes, very yes
Hey welcome back fren, and inda. There's a meet on the 25th happening on some beach in CA. And the Blu Ray looks like it's set on being launched digitally on the 9th of July and BluRays launching on the 23rd.
>period blood
Go see the movie user.
Hey frens, I was lookin at the data to find out when we'll hit #999 and I found a problem... If the poster count keeps declining at this rate, we won't make it, everybody will be gone by thread #860. If not, we should hit #999 mid October. Now, this does not mean we lost, because this is a very rough estimate (I used the data of every 5 threads) and I was assuming that poster decline was linear, which is probably not true. I also didn't consider any external factors (like blue ray release for example) that could potentially give us a boost, so have faith.
I believe we can do it!
Here is the raw data if anyone wants to do his own analysis:
I. She is amazingly charismatic.
This is actually really interesting in the graphing but both the BD and the fact that god knows I'm not going anywhere means we'll make it to #999.
>I'll claw my way there with my bare hands if I have to.
I'm waiting for it to be available on torrent
The calculations do not take into account blu ray.
In general, of course, one day this general will disappear.
You know how tears in the rain.
But Alita will remain.
Welcome back! I wrote a bunch of new stories.
Hummmm okay then...
Chapter 4 is going hot!
>four (!) new stories posted overnight
Aha I can see why my story was well-timed. This is developing well I like it friend. Don't burn out with your writing though- remember the folly of CO.
>these graphs
Well this certainly brings an interesting and menacing new angle to the discussion, almost like our own internal version of climate change, or the heat death of the universe.
Who is CO again? Every time I see that abbreviation I just think Colorado, and get confused.
CutOut. He produced a lot of the old transparents for the early edits (EG this) and wrote an extended story.
There are no brakes on the OC train, fren
Oh snap, I didn't even know about this. Did he ever finish the story? It has a lot of chapters.
CutOut was the man, but I feel like I haven't seen him for a while? Did he drop out?
Yup the story is wrapped up and he's still here. He's just writing his own thing right now and lying in wait before we get all the HQ frames of the film. He's got work ahead of him then.
>2,500 words deep on my latest and the end is still some ways off.
Heavens I'm tempted to split this damned thing and get something out for you guys. I'll hit it hard today and see where that gets me.
Yeah its a bit like climate change, and nothing is lost if we just stabilize the change (poster decline). In our case even if there are only around 20 poster per thread we should reach 999 before winter.
You could release it in parts. I'm releasing mine in chapters and I don't even know how many there will ultimately be, but at my current rate I can pump out one or two a day.
You could try splitting it in half, or something.
Longest thing I ever wrote was 2.8k for this so shrug
>word count
Lol I just plugged in my whole story and found it's almost to 4,900 words. No end in sight. I wonder if it will end up as long as OC's once all is said and done...
That story was THE quality fanfic I was waiting for. it was honestly a pleasant read, even if change of perspectives and who talks at the moment were a bit unclear. The scene transitions and timeskpis were a bit jarring, but characters and plot were high quality. Sadly that left me starving for moar of the good stuff.
Not to toot my own horn too much but I hope you're had a look at these two as well. Might be your thing.
Those were pretty nice snippets. Just a quick question, was Anya supposed to be a lesbian?
Lordy, the speed of this one is inhuman!
Ahaha that's something I'm leaving up to the reader to decide. Sometimes the adrenaline of almost dying pushes one's senses and emotions to the limit. Whatever version of her you prefer, feel free to have her be.
have a good quiet one tonight anons
I got the new bread
>almost like our own internal version of climate change
even including the doomsday predictions based off models with inherent inaccuracies
That's a pretty nice approach and works well for the snippet. I can accept that.
I hope I don't break any rules if I post a link to fanfic I liked?
Currently this is my favourite oneshot. It's a moment of intimacy between Hugo and Alita so IT DOES CONTAIN LEWD, but it's also pretty sweet and cute.
Well. bittersweet since we know how their relationship ends, but for what it's worth, its still heartwarming moment.