>i-it's not gonna b-beat Avatar, lads!
>i-t's not even gonna m-make 2.5 b-billion
And this was said friday.
>i-it's not gonna b-beat Avatar, lads!
>i-t's not even gonna m-make 2.5 b-billion
And this was said friday.
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 butthurt Cameron fag starts crying
"m-m-muh inflation and gone wit da winz"
we did it reddit
still won't beat avatar
>Barely beating Infinity War in the daily sales
>Still has 300mil to go
Never gonna make it
daily reminder it took 8 months for avatar reach 2.7 billion
why they always bring 9/11 to compare to titanic?
one was an accident the other an terrorist attack
avatar is by far the better film. endgame is the most forgettable of all the capeshit
Avatar is one of the most forgettable movies of all time, no one gives a shit about it except to talk about the money it made.
>no one gives a shit about it except to talk about the money it made.
Like Endgame
people will remember cap using mjolnir, fat thor, time travel to the other movies, tony using the glove, the all out war
navi's dancing around in some shitty ritual to save the guy
americans coming to kill them
Imagine thinking Yea Forums is better than Reddit, GO MARVEL
You talk like anyone outside the retarded masses who invested their time into 22 movies is going to give a fuck about Endgame in the very near future. They'll mention it for how popular it was, not for how good and memorable it is. Everything you said is meaningless trash outside your little bubble
They remember that because it happened less than 3 weeks ago but look at the board. This is supposed to be the cultural event of a generation and there's no threads for it apart from this. And it's just about money
Inflation. Also Gone With The Wind.
Is this a joke?
none of those are memorable lol
tbqh avatar is a fucking rip off of dance with wolves
>none of those are memorable lol
it 2.5 with Monday, it was suppose to get 2.55 by sunday, it's slowing down
It being Avatar depends on how long Disney wants to keep it in the cinemas
I'll give you Tony using the glove and Cap using the hammer. The rest is nothing
While I want Endgame to surpass Avatar, I'm pretty skeptic it will be able to do it with massive drop every week & pretty much everyone have watch it multiple times.
It hasn't even been out for a month. It doesn't have to start worrying about theater time. It'll have beaten Avatar in 2 weeks from now.
It's all nothing you stupid fucking zoomers. God I hate americans
June 3rd is what I’ve been told
it's already dead in China, it needs long legs to beat Avatar now
Let's break it down. It needs another 284mil to beat Avatar. From it's third Monday on Infinity War made another 126mil domestically. Endgame third Monday was 4.7mil, IW was 4.6. On their 3rd weekend Endgame made 63mil, IW 62. So it's clear Endgame has slowed down to IW levels. It can beat Avatar but it's all down to the foreign sales and it's going to be very close
If you account for inflation you also have to account for no internet or pirating back then
>It hasn't even been out for a month
>"I don't know how the box office works!"
Endgame is probably a better movie than Avatar. Avatar wasn't bad and I appreciated it's anti-colonialist themes but the Infinity War/Endgame duology make up what will be remembered as one of the great epics of the genre. Personally, I don't like them as much as I like Batman v Superman but it comes down to personal preference. While I prefer the more socially conscious, subversive take on the genre BvS had, Endgame was still emotionally resonant and effectively conveyed some great humanist themes.
End Game isn't going to stand the test of time, they will reboot it in 10 years & a whole new generation will look at the old MCU & cringe
why are you all niggas so obsessed about what jew makes more money this week.
It's pretty fucking sad.
If anything it shows our economy is fucked. Fucking avi files are making more money in a couple of weeks than a few countries manage to produce in an entire year.
This isn't right.
Based. Cameronfags will continue to cope and cry.
Just like a whole new generation now looks at the Original Star Wars trilogy and cringes? Oh, wait, no, that's still the only part of Star Wars people actually like.
Sure, a lot of MCU movies will probably be considered pretty mediocre later on but I think Infinity War and Endgame will be among the ones that'll stand as classics.
Daily reminder they're two completely different box office runs and this statement is pointless
>Gone With The Wind
>Inaccurate numbers
>No internet or home video at the time
>In and out of cinemas for 80 years
Doesn't count.
Not adjusting for inflation is retarded. Go to a car dealership and demand a car for $850 because that's what they used to cost, then.
How does that help the point at all? Are you saying that Gone With the Wind would have been lower grossing because a nation half the size of 2009 USA would have pirated it more? Kill yourself. A movie's merit has nothing to do with its gross anyways, and even if you thought it did, then Avatar has been BTFO by a movie released 70 years before it
Anything that has more than 2 runs in the cinema shouldn’t count. Or at the very least only the first run should count.
Gone with the wind was in theaters for years and at multiple times. It also was at a time when there was much less competition because movies were not made nearly as often. Your logic is like saying we should compare sales of the Ford model T to modern sales of the newest Ford Mustang, then say
>hurrrr better account for inflation
>mode t was a better seller
You’re fucking retarded
If the Model T sold $100 million adjusted for inflation and the Mustang sold 75, what number more big???? Looks like 75 is bigger than 100 because I like the Mustang more and I don't like Model T
Vehicles depreciate in value, not necessarily because of inflation, but because of wear and tear, maintainence, and the fact that newer models that are better come out. They only gain value again once they hit “classic” status, about 25 years in the US iirc and even then they MUST receive some sort of refurb to make it nice again. A movie can be remastered, but it doesn’t lose inherit value because it still stands as a complete work.
>>Inaccurate numbers
>>No internet or home video at the time
shouldn't this be even more reason that it was amazing? They literally were hauling projectors from town to town across the west and south to show it. the fact it made what it did is fucking amazing.
I said I would save this post to the guy posting it. I know you're here. I'm watching you.
>This isn't right
Nothing is these days
>missing the point
Let me spell it out since you’re dense as a rock. Yes, the raw numbers are bigger. It it isn’t impressive or a fair representation of performance in the market when said product has little to no competition. That’s why Avatar has been #1 for years because it’s stupid to compare it to a movie that had DECADES to get to its inflated number.
Lets not compare the holy trilogy to marvel movies people forget about a month later
Tick tock Cameron.
The only amazing thing is that people had the patience to sit through that melodramatic snorefest.
When does Endgame stop showing in theatres?
"I love you 3000"
Hey there regular sized man"
"Im so confused"
"Lets kill baby Thanos"
"On your left"
And La cucaracha
2.8 billion
I dont know if Endgame is gonna make it. This weekend is John Wick 3 and the GoT finale.
>they're doubling down on their bullshit claims
I just saw Endgame yesterday.
It was terrible. Especially since Infinity War was actually a very good film.
>everyone got upstaged by Captain Marvel, whom is able to take out a ship directly firing on her that every other Avenger was suffering under, is stronger in combat than Thor, Captain America and Iron Man combined apparently, belittles the plot stating that earth is on the back-burner to other universes
>no real lose aside from two heroes when the previously film had lost half it's cast, ending carried on way too long mourning these characters
>last battle is just more cgi alien wars bullshit
>plot was messy and the use of time travel basically broke the universe for any future films in the MCU.
>ruined the main existing characters by turning Thor into someone morally corrupt and weak and Thanos into a one-dimensional bad guy who just wants to kill and destroy out of revenge and end humanity on earth
Remember me is the definition of an ass-pull.
It will beat Avatar by next month, I have a feeling they're going to keep Endgame in theaters for as long as they can
It's hasn't beat it until it actually beats it.
China fuckin shits!
avatar 2 is going to destroy you capeshitters
>it won't beat Avatar
>why not, it's only been 20 days and it's already 2.5 billion
All memes and shitposting aside, is that really a likely scenario? Will there really be much hype for Avatar 12 years after the original?
Why do you care how much money this movie makes?
Oh, the irony.
I don't. I care about Yea Forums being proven wrong time after time.
If Terminator 3 reboot is a flop then forget about it
that'd be 2 flops in a row for Cameron, hope he has a good gimmick for Avatar 2 this time
The gimmick is that Arnolds charisma has returned
Unlikely. Capeshitters won't watch Avatar since they are aligned with MCU. Prior to the release of Endgame they already continually shat on it by saying it is overrated and didn't deserve to be no.1 and you would churlish to deny the irony in that since they find MCU movies to be more than capeshit.
It is inevitable
cameroncucks BTFO
titanic is a pretty cheesy movie man. Do people here think its literally some kino classic? The human antagonist is literally a cartoon.
domestic box office is what really counts. they dont make nearly as much on overseas sales
TFA made 750m in 18 days
endgame made 728m in 18 days
>only 285 million to go
Is USA an island since they call every other country "overseas"?
Shouldn't 2.8 be "it's over", since that's how much it needs to make to beat Avatar?
americans sure love their star wars, don't they
You know what, that's a good point. Give me a minute.
It needs 3.5 bil if you count inflation, stay mad MCU cucks
I-it worked, the salesman looks kinda confused at first but I am now the proud owner of a car. Holy ship, thank you based user for your piece of advice !
>I don't watch the film I just came here to complain.
just wanted to remind everyone that Endgame making this much money legitimately and unironically triggered a lot of people on Yea Forums
>just wanted to remind everyone that Endgame making this much money legitimately and unironically triggered a lot of people on Yea Forums
And this does put a smile on my face.
I'm sorry were you trying to prove something with this post?
God I loved Thanos.
John Wick 3 and Godzilla are coming. Disney wants to promote the Avatar sequels as the followup to the biggest film of all time too. It won't beat it.
>John Wick 3 and Godzilla are coming.
You forgot Aladdin
based Disney, I hope Avatar 2 makes 2 billion more
I never thought I'd have more fun than relentlessly BTFOing the people who said TFA was going to "finish" Avatar, but I think this is gonna top it. Capefaggots need to be gassed.
fuck capeshif
Avashit 2 is going to flop so hard. Can’t wait to see it.
It’ll finish close to Avatar but doesn’t have the legs to get there. It’s facing steeper and steeper drops week to week. That’s inevitable when your opening is so huge. Plus more competition is coming now.
>that 140M jump outta fucking nowhere because these beauts didn't update till that Sunday afternoon
Whatever, brag about still being number two all you want, capeshitting zoomer.
Wick will put the final nails in your purple bloated corpse's coffin.
John Wick 2 made less than 200 million and is there really any hype for Aladdin after the trainwreck known as Dumbo?
>I'm really mad
>Here, have some buzzwords!
isn't Avatar a disney flick now too?
It's CGI pocahontas
reminder what it took for Endgame to make as much as it did.
Cool, now Jim is part of the winning team.
Aladdin is tracking for an 80mil opening and it has actual nostalgia going for it.
As of Sunday, Endgame needed to make $2.5 million per day on average for the remaining 123 days to beat Avatar. On Monday, it made $15 million. That has reduced the average needed to $2.33 million per day for the remaining 122 days. Keep in mind that the ticket sales massively jump up on weekends. It will likely make around $200 million between now and Sunday. That would reduce the average needed to $731k per day for the remaining 116 days.
In summary, Endgame will likely outgross Avatar within two or three weeks.
Tried to see if for a 2nd time with the gf today because it was Tuesday half-off pricing and all 9 showings were full to the point we decided to go next week.
It's gonna be fine. Hell, it already beat Avatar if you remove the inflated price of 3ds and imax tickets.
>Keep in mind that the ticket sales massively jump up on weekends. It will likely make around $200 million between now and Sunday
this is what imax looks like
and keep note theatres are only hosting standard showtimes for any other movie
so endgame is being given some bullshit box because managers are dumb cunts that thought endgame would be filled even after two weeks
this is ruining it for other movies btw
I... am Jack Sully
Daily reminder that's bullshit.
Well let's see
Endgame needs 285 mil to reach avatar
It drops ~60% per week and there wasn't that much serious competition against it so far (that starts with John Wick Godzilla etc now)
This week it made ~126 million domestically so next week it's going to make like 50 million at best, then 20ish million etc etc so it's at most going to get another 100million donestic
So it needs around 185 million best case for it from overseas, but its biggest haul (china) already dropped to have 18 million this weekend and it's responsible for ~1/5th of the foreign take, and it had a 70% dropoff, while other countries had dropoffs up to 97.7% (Italy)
So it reportedly did 100 million foreign this weekend, so let's be optimistic and say it did 150 during the week
So now it's going to drop to ~40 million following an optimistic 60% drop (both drops have been 60%+ so far).
So it's going to make 40+10ish+etc million and I personally don't see it getting to more than 100 million worldwide over the next few months
So it still needs another 80ish million from somewhere, so it will either run for an infinite amount of months, or they will make a facebook campaign or something so people rewatch it to top avatar
One or the other
>lol u mad bro?!
Gotta be +18 to post here kiddo
A small adjustment, I made an error, it's going to go from 150 million to ~60 million, the 40 million was for the next weekend foreign
>Is USA an island since they call every other country "overseas"?
Domestic box office includes Canada.
real experts are saying it has a good chance of beating Avatar with just 1 million more at some point next month
but who cares since having 2 based Disney films at the top makes it all good
Daily reminder you're brainlet
I personally couldn't care less about what blockbuster gets the most money, I just wanted to get some numbers down so this shitposting at least slows down a little bit
how long did it take to reach 2B?
47 days I think, Endgame did it in 12
Foreign box office is lagging on reporting. Most countries only posted up to May 5th so far. We will see another jump once they update for last weekend.
Endgame was the exception as I recall
Avatar was the second or third quickest to reach
Nah, it already has
The "by weekend" stats accreddits ~100 million but the total if you do the math on what has reported for 3rd weekend is 30ish
Avatar literally got there the slowest
Not many movies have $2 billion, but those that do got there in a month's time and then died out
>Avatar literally got there the slowest
Ops pic is showing the foreign number of 1,774,700,000 which matches what I posted. "As of 5/5/19" for many of those countries.
If it doesn't beat Avatar... man the keks that will be had.
1.7 million is the gross-to-date on the site indeed, but it's an estimate since you can see that not all countries have reported the 3rd weekend
That was the point, countries like Korea have 10 day old data.
1.7 billion* I mean
it took 72 days for Avatar to reach 2.5 billion, and Endgame took only 18 days
not really, Disney will be celebrating either way so should we
not 2.5 wth
Thor's character arc alone in those two movies is better than anything that Avatar has to offer.
>four times faster
so avatar really was the second fastest to break 2B, had a feeling
also, rejectard, for the third time, I said 2B, not 2.5
but I guess you felt like shitposting about something unrelated
Titanic is a shitty movie and is only so high on the list because it could get you laid back in the day
as much as i want endgame to beat avatar, it's not happening anymore user
So Endgame has 54 days at the LEAST to earn another 285 million, which Avatar earned AFTER its 72nd day.
No he's right, you're just a seeing marvel faggot
Never doubt our Lord and Savior, king of the arts realm and based subaquatic explored.
Imagine if Bezos donates 1 bil to Avatar
There is no coping. Inflation is a very real thing. Avatar is still behind Titanic. Endgame is still behind both.
True. I don't watch children's movies, so Avatar and Endgame are exactly the same to me: interesting because they're the highest grossing films of all time.
Avatar was boosted because everybody saw it in 3d which costs more.
>I watched a crappy cam version on double speed while scrolling my phone
Let's be honest. Both Avatar and Endgame are shit.
Endgame is shit but avatar is even worse. Infinity War was good though.
A massive faggot
I’m glad it’ll beat Avatar. Now Jim will have motivation to make Avatar 2 even better!
Or it will be a double bill with Far from Home
it won't beat avatar
>Infinity War made 307 million after its 3rd weekend
>Infinity War 3rd weekend: 170 million
>Endgame 3rd weekend: 166 million (lower than IW overseas)
>Thursday domestic numbers will be lower than IW at the same point