Wow, I can't wait to watch Mixed-ish, a fresh and innovative spin-off of acclaimed series Black-ish, on ABC this fall!
Wow, I can't wait to watch Mixed-ish, a fresh and innovative spin-off of acclaimed series Black-ish, on ABC this fall!
Other urls found in this thread:
When will based Castizos get their own show
They’re all so... talented!
black-ish! a show watched by no black people and almost exclusively watched by white SJWs
Holy shit, these kinds of shows feel more like parody than reality.
black-ish, grown-ish and now "mixed-ish"
They still look black tho.
I watched it a bit. Not bad desu.
just fucking kill me, right fucking now
THe kid in the middle is horrible
look at those eyes, looks 25
left one is ok
Finally, a show for real Americans.
Finally! The newest chapter in the *ish Cinematic Universe.
At least the dad is white this time.
How many % are they?
looks good
Great observation, trying to figure out how to like the one good post on this site lol
show would probably be better if it was just the young girl tho desu
What would a show white-ish be? Pic related.
Are you serious? Whats next, Octoroon-ish?
>being so butthurt and obsessed you invent something to fantasize-outrage over
The Middle
>having sex
this is where you lost me. Pic related aren't breeding stock. They're genetic abominations.
>implying a nazi would ever be able to have sex under any circumstance
Why is the father white? Practically no white man finds black women hot enough to want relations with one, let alone breed spawn with one. This in completely unrealistic.
What's this phenotype called?
The title doesn't even make sense anymore. Either they're mixed or they're not.
beggars can't be choosers. White men are stereotyped as desperate virgins today for a reason. They'll get with whoever they can. Now like they're black guys.
oh boy, more '80s nostalgia bullshit with a dash of race hustling
no I mean nazi in the israeli sense.
it just means "white person who has the audacity to breathe or possesses the ability to think critically"
like when the guy from supersize me went to israel.
everyone just called him a nazi for walking around with a camera.
nazi just means an uncastrated white male at this point to jews
why do you see it thrown around on here so much? who do you think monitors the boards here? cuz it aint norks or persians.
Give it a better title then.
wow Israeli's seem based. Thanks friend.
>leftist journo cuck btfo by Israeli's
3 Steph Curries wow
>jews abroad infecting other host nations
blackis, mixed ish, degenerate ish, interracial family romance drama #35A, interracial teen sex drama #17C, etc. etc. some chuck lorre show about a blonde shiksa in love with jewish nerds again, etc. etc.
>the exact same jews after making aliyah to israel
wanna explain that coincidence david?
I mean "Blackish" already made sense for that. They're black but not quite black. This is just unnecessary.
Reminder that in a race war, cross breeds are targeted by both sides and accepted by neither.
christ calm down nobody cares. It's not the jews fault women find you repulsive btw
cope, ahmed
Israel is epic and makes faggots seethe.
Reminder in a race war incels get hit first
Those kids are so fucking ugly
what's so bad about that.
Its rational for a group of people support minority issues when they are the minority, while supporting nationalist policies while they are the majority.
nobody is stopping whites from doing the same
>ahmed, have sex, incel, based israel
jesus they just stopped caring about updating the script they hand out in tel aviv no matter how obvious and blatant it is
>based schizo poster
I actually liked that one. it flew under the radar for a while.
>56% kids
>somehow the mulatto kids
>have a supportive father who lives with them
>go to an all white school where they are the hip negroes instead of an predominantly black school where the nigs ostracize them for being half breed
>college educated parents
Im just gonna go out on a limb here. the dad is gonna be a dumb white guy who makes all the mistakes like every other sitcom and the wife is gonna be shaneesha jenkins head surgeon at county general who is the smart level headed parent
so brave.
so stunning.
stop being so triggered basically, Marvel, Hamilton the musical, and Pornhub are jewish produced.
>samefag replying to a post after you spammed the report button while posting the same spammed images
you sound like you have experience being called a schizo.
Really gets the noggin joggin....
It's not the jews fault you goblinos love hamilton and blacked porn. Aren't you guys the master race?! Surely you can have some self-control?!
no? Now cope shitskin
Anything an Israeli posts mocking Arabs is always ironic; you're a bunch of Middle Eastern gypsies hated so much in the Europe you ancestors ran off to you came back to the Middle East and began to LARP as your ancestors, even going as far as resurrecting a dead language and culture. All based on US dollars too and support from every cucked and guilt ridden Euro nation from Germany to the Czechs to the Poles.
A body can't be healthy until it is rid of disease :^)
>angry arabaic screeching noises
Sorry Mahmoud I missed that. Don't you refugees have government-funded interpreters for this stuff?
When are we getting "Jew-ish"?
>It's the jews fault I'm a fat loser
put down the fork once and a while instead of scapegoating christ.
I don't think a show about high IQ and success would appeal to the fat opioid addicted masses who watch TV very much
Black-ish isn’t the worst show.
That’s all I’m liable to say at the moment.
Durka Durka!
just a little while until the sweet release of death bros
Why is there some arab freaking out about Israel ITT? Go cry on pol or something christ.
Ah, another Israeli who pretends English is his first language and he is a white westerner
>that hair
100% half jewish kids to prove how racist the whites are against blacks and jews and its so difficult being jewish or black in a white mans world
dear god (((they))) have just given up on subtlety at this point.
I mean they have an asian family sitcom. black sitcom. mexican sitcom. jewish sitcom.
now they need a half jew/black sitcom.
>thinking anyone who hates shitskins must be an Israeli agent
lmao this is why right-wing parties are being elected to kick you subhumans out
None of the kids are Jewish. This is what passes for "white" these days as you incels can't get laid and your women fuck blacks/hispanics instead out of desperation
christ you're obsessed
Based coward hiding his ethnicity
What children's show are you creatures crying about now?
this. when you think about the amount of israelis and jews on the chans and the time spent here and getting paid for it?
I cant tell if its pathetic or admirable.
whatever you do dont post anything even remotely truthful or red pilled on /k/. the jews there will get you locked up or vanned real quick. the mods are jews and the entire state of israel keeps an eye on the goys with guns board.
dont believe me? post something innocuous thats mildly critical of israel or jews abroad. see how quick that gets a thread deleted.
based shitskin pretending to be white because he lives off western tax dollars in his refugee center
>that description
This shit pisses me off. The crazy importance Disney is placing on racial identity and the "quandary" of assimilation.
just turn off your brains bro
I don't think anyone else cares about these butthurt muslim rants about mean Israeli's m8.
sounds like someone is salty about getting btfo in another thread.
Protip: Don't take the internet so seriously, mahmoud.
thats mostly in america tho, in the rest of the new world its usuall european men that found some fat ass black chick
>wh-white people wouldn't never hate us!
lmao, like 2,000 years of history user, if its not one ethnicity its another. If its not the Romans its the English, or the Spanish, or the Poles, or the Germans, or now the Arabs. Boo fucking hoo, quit being a shit race.
>as he furiously spams the report button and searches for another pro-Israeli image
When's the next call to prayer ahmed? The endless whining about Israel btfoing you is tiresome
wut? You're the one crying and screaming over being bullied by Israeli's or w/e. Then you start screeching about some thread you got run out of. It's p pathetic.
but seriously, how's the wifi in the refugee center?
>mass shootings
literal non problem while minority gang violence is rampant
>actual muslims are openly posting in this thread
literally just mixed
this is some serious cope for losing all those wars mr. durka durka
ok retard
>muslims are the ones flooding Yea Forums reporting posts and censoring people as part of a state effort to curb free speech and monitor thought crime
>not the jews
yeah. Im getting sick of all these muslims always shutting things down and censoring things.
filthy muslims control the news, hollywood, banking, diamond industry, publishing, and everything else in the world and they cant let us have one place to bitch about it openly?
fucking rag heads.
this is some shit taqiya
>haha ignore our crimes don't you hate these Israeli's fellow white kuffar? Die for palestine!
>everyone just called him a nazi for walking around with a camera.
I didn't hear the word "Nazi" at any point in the video, but I did hear some angry people shouting "Nooooo caaammmmeerraaaassss."
yeah it's not suspicious at all that you're rushing to the defense of muslims ITT and trying to deflect
nice looks like a powerful diverse cast
someone sounds jealous muslims just get btfo instead of rule the world like jews do
ok retard
>the only people who hate jews are arabs
>not anyone with an IQ over 100 and the ability to think critically
1 800 come on now
I mean the fucking chinese openly talk about how the jews run the USA and commend them on how they control the masses of goyim so well
weak comeback. Back to your xanax
They’re hitting this thread hard
yeah the chinese appreciate how high IQ and competent Jews are. Nothing wrong with that.
Meanwhile they treat muslims like rats and set them on fire with flamethrowers for laughs
Rly makes me think...
ok retard
>Chinese commend Jews
is this supposed to be insulting?
When are we going to get Niggerish.
Why can't you just shoo back to your own country? I'm tired of paying for rapeugees
>mudshits can't handle the bantz thread
how shocking. Maybe cry to the EU to block these islamophobic sites?
>Sandeep Dikshit
maybe you shouldn't be so shit at shitposting. They didn't train you very well in Qatar I see.
by allah, it's like another six day war!!!
man between this and this is us the (((producers))) at abc and nbc must have an ongoing bet on who can pump out the most interracial feature programs in a year
very important teaching tool for my blended family, shalom to all the fine mensches at abc
well the jews are the ones giving billions to NGOs to circumvent national laws and dump them on europes shores by the boatload
honestly. look into the money behind the NGO's dumping muslims off by the millions. notice anything?
is this that show white people watch to show they're DOWN WIT AFRO-AMERICAN CULTURE?
Outside observer here: Muslim posters ITT put up a miserable show. Learn 2 meme
>It's the jews fault I'm a coward who ran away from goatfuckistan to live off western gibs
>Netanyahu Meeting with Visegrad Group (anti-Immigration EU bloc) leaders
>Israel's campaign against Soros
>Netanyahu calls for European states to close their borders
>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right
>Israel Celebrates Election Victory of Brazi’s far-right Jair Bolsonaro
>whats up fellow white people
uh huh
If you could have sex, you'd be less angsty about jews
3/10 taqiya Abu
and here's the 2nd part of the script
>אוי ואבוי
not a rebuttal
Who the fuck watches this shit?
>At least the dad is white this time
This is gonna ensure absolutely zero woke black chicks (i.e. the main demographic) will watch this, and the ones that DO are generally the type that get called coons (wokely). There is nothing black girls hate more than a white guy with a black girl, or just about any girl that isn't white when you think about it, so this is gonna alienate the very audience they think they're gonna try and get
The reason nobody give a shit when black guys date white girls is because both races have written all parties involved off as being absolute subhuman garbage, but any black girl with a white guy is guaranteed to be at least a 7 or higher, and thus triggers the crab/bucket mentality. It's pretty normal/accepted to be against interracial dating the woker you get with black people, and even the ones supposedly against it will go "well lets examine this" if cornered
It mostly just pisses them off that WMBF usually involves absolute chads and hot Tyra-esqe girls, where if they try to date "on the diaspora" and ensure everyone involved is black, they just bitch and moan without ever examining THIS
What is it with americans and their complete obsession with race?
mixed race women have the sexiest feet,thats a fact
stereotypes exist for a reason m8. Incels are always angsty about jews from what I've seen. Really makes me think.
This seems like a nice wholesome show .
Most black people i know watch myself included . I think you are thinking about is insecure .
>There is nothing black girls hate more than a white guy with a black girl
You've got it completely mixed up. Black girls have no problem with this and in many ways enjoy it because white men are still considered the upper echelon of society. It's black men with white women they hate, and boy do they hate it
true, we always run out of that shit every friday night, why do they buy it? it taste like shit
That one Jew is back. Just get a trip already you fag. How much time do you spend seething about whites?
>t. seething Groid
lmao at all these retards getting banned
The UK is a wonderful place.
This is actually true for the average Amerimutt.
Was gonna say this. The only people I know who actually watch the show are black.
t. white guy who doesn't watch the show
have the jews just given up because we've reached the 100% saturation rate?
like didnt they used to be clever about these things in the past?
>the wifes best friend is tiffany shiksa, who is married to dr. tyrone powers, mother and father to their 5 adopted children from mexico, uganda, china, syria and india.
captcha not working anymore
welp the jews did this as well
its always the same 3 autists that derail the thread
I had a white girl get made at me because i called a girl a mulatto who was half black. Is this even an offensive term?
same copypasta news links bugmen post to disprove nationalist populist sentiment and to make you demoralized
user is a tard but he's not wrong about them NGO's. The state of Israel which is run by a nationalist with valid reasons to ally themselves with those states and groups who are idealogical alike. SOME European Jews realize Muslims extremism is a real threat so they vote for them "far right" parties but most diaspora Jews are progressive.
>those who share beliefs get along
Shocker! but you probably think such groups are full with people like the user you replied to.
Both the left and right have their versions of "the jews" and both are true.
>be black-ish
>get a spin-off grown-ish
>get a spin-off mixed-ish
>Connors is still running.
ask yourself this
>who actually reports posts? who actually does the banning?
then after you solve that riddle start looking into the federal reserve and free masons. maybe start with the charlegmane prize. look up what it used to be called when it was first created and who the recipients have been.
Dios mio...
That seems to talk about America, and America has nothing to do with white people.
My Mixedtakes
Why do white people make you so mad?
They are the most tolerant of them all.
>corn sirup
What the fuck are these.
No, Black-Ish was just pretty successful. The little girl is beloved and is getting a movie too, Little.
>go to an all white school where they are the hip negroes instead of an predominantly black school where the nigs ostracize them for being half breed
This is something I've rarely seen touched upon.Niggers hate every race not just whites.They hate arabs,chinese,indian and even light skinned/mulattoes.Meanwhile white people almost never discriminate.You'd think mixed race be as redpilled as possible.
whats next he says
>white people be dumb and fucking black guys and smoking weed is what #woke ass queens really do
maybe you've seen it. its on every single channel in every western country besides japan or korea.
I cant wait for
>going to war with Iran and rebuilding the 3rd temple of solomon is what real niggas who run deez streets are all about
thats gonna be a moneymaker when it goes into syndication
the only thing surprising about this show is that the jews have just completely given up at this point
they are on NAH FUCK IT levels of dont give a fuck
>should we continue our centuries long subversion of our host nations with propaganda to promote race mixing so that we will finally have a one world government headquartered in israel and each jew will have 2800 mulatto slaves?
>nah. fuck it. just call the show mixed ish and make sure there is an episode about white racists shooting up a school and killing children who try and cross the border. lets just call it a day. Ive got a lobbyist here to change the stars on the flag to stars of david and we were supposed to have lunch half an hour ago.
The brain of a stormfag is a desolate place
That little girl is Steph Curry's daughter? If not, she looks just the same
The correct term is mutt
I don't have any extra change sorry nigger
>100 years later
>america and europe are both temple of solomon has been rebuilt
>borderless world run by a one world government
didnt see this comin yo
Europe will never be
I'd tell you not to have kids, but we both know that isn't happening
>click on link
>Click on random ass name "Wolfgang Schauble"
>Between 2015 and 2016, Schäuble and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, which manages aid to Holocaust survivors, negotiated a budget of some $500 million, the largest one-time increase in homecare funding for survivors the organization has ever secured.[66]
Jesus christ
Where are you from, user?
>start posting recipients of the
>gets taken down when you notice a lot of coincidences between the winners and their (((legacies)))
truth really is anathema to them. its like holy water for vampires. I guess that makes blood = to usury.
I wish we had a wiki list of (((interracial))) couples featured on network tv
then maybe a list of all the producers behind those shows
>the school bullies are gonna be redneck whites bullying them for being half black
instead of
>the school bullies are black bullying them for reading books and being half white
one Ive actually seen in reality.
the other, I havent seen once. only in tv and movies.
>half breed mulattos not 100% solely identifying as black because its cooler and more socially acceptable
I guess the jews havent watched or listened to any modern athletes in the current century.
The Goldbergs.
>le 56% meme
what ever happened to that asteroid that was supposed to obliterate us?
this but unironically
the protocols of the elders of zion
how I learned to stop worrying about meeting my biological father and learned to stop worrying and love my mom
drake: north americas fatal mistake
20 IQ points lower, 0.30 seconds faster
what the fuck
I swear whats the point in even watching modern shows anymore
Uncanny the show
the “your grandkids”
Why are literally all of ABC's sitcoms race based besides American Housewife?
good luck finding them.
are you prepared to go basement to basement to look for huddled figures cowering in the shadows? I fucking hope so or the incel race will outlive us all.
based and cringe
It's a mystery
(((no idea)))
wait til the next time a cop shoots a black guy, then we finna get niggerish real quick famalam
ducking phoneposter
No, but you sound like you're from the 1800s
I've been wondering this ever since Twin Peaks The Return ended, nothing on tv gets me intrigued anymore (even as someone who works in the industry).
merely coincidence goyi... er, buddy
How did they audition for this?
>Sorry youre too black
>Sorry youre not black enough
>Hmmmm to spic looking
>Youre just white with a tan
Good time to ask what the fuck Kylie Page is. Besides a qt.
it's bfwm so it's actually based
Meet the Goblinos
Who is this?
I legit thought it was a parody for the first 3/4.
when are they going to make "poor-ish", thats much more relateable to the average American
the chick from Hollow, a sub-par found footage horror flick. she does do a scene in her underwear though.
the goldbergs
Anything else this shit is kind of fucked up?
Isn't this an enemy in Zelda?
Im just waiting for the israeli tv adaptation with palestinians and jews interbreeding
any day now.....................
A whore.
its called the current century
produced by arnold rothchild
Getting larger every year.
So many white girls dragging their little nignogs around....
the future of america...y'all looking at it pussy ass CRACKERS.
>interracial numbers are skyrocketing
>be blue eyed swede german american
>check white (hispanic) in every form or job application I fill out
checkmate jews
This show got a second spin off? Is it that popular? I don't know anyone who watches it.
>tfw your mere existence is being used as a political issue
Thanks I hate it
Literally the opposite; insecure is like sex in the city for black women, as a black man black ish is so incredibly removed from my own experiences it’s alien. The Cosby Show somehow pulls it off though. Maybe it’s because it’s less subversive and more traditional
is importing millions of 3rd world peasants to commit crime, hurt people, rape children, and live off welfare popular?
no. but its what (((they))) want so its getting billions of dollars in funding and more promotion than the olympics and the world cup combined.
>the show about a 100% hispanic american citizen and the shame and adversity he faces for being born a ginger
>despite his heritage, ignacio ramirez must fight through all the prejudice of the modern world to prove he really is down for tha culture and not one of the racist nazi dinosaurs that ruined the entirety of human civilization
airs betwen 8pm and 9pm. between who wants to die for israel and the holocaust remembrance hour period piece ensemble show.
whoa, powerful. i didn't know that whiter blacks have it worse than blacker blacks
also, can't wait for another spinoff: mutt-ish
I watched 1 ep and the humor was awful (probably because its on ABC)
Either that chick has a granite chin or that faggot has pillow fists
well goddamn thats like watching millions of zebra crossing a river and seeing one with red stripes
Can't wait for Goy-ish
The Aristocrats
How is there even a market for this?
Can we just confirm that ABC and other Networks are just making shows to launder money now?
the decline of western civilization
I thought the black chick was gonna wail on that white guy
>4,000,000 videos of dark skinned people assaulting white women
>1 video of a white man assaulting a dark skinned woman
threw me for a loop
The future we choose.
That was Roseanne.
why are these kids so derpy looking? especially the one with the jewfro
How can one webm perfectly describe a whole """"nation""""
well they had to make it believable interracial kids were being raised in a 2 parent household
you got a better idea?
this thread needs a merchant image dump
they are objectively adorable. you are just delusional
Found the groid
in 1985 mixed race couples accounted for 50% of the population and were living in communes
dude i'm so glad you discovered Yea Forums during the 2016 elections! You people have ruined this website. Every fucking post has to be your weird obsession with race.
That is not visually appealing in the slightest.
what do you mean "you goyim"?
Nigger, please
have sex
>7.8K up
>less than 300 down
Wonder how much they paid.
have sex
also forcibly sterilize african immigrants in israel
Are they working their way towards White-ish?
no. whites cant be celebrated.
you can have black ish.
mixed ish.
but white ish?
that implies a horrible future for the world that cant be condoned.
what the fuck-ish thiss.
did i just watch the whole show in 3 mins?
they're a hardy folk
It's a thin line between love and hate
Well there you go, here's your lovecraftian adaptation.
>janny in the background noping out on two separate occasions
I think they hate us because they are well aware the majority of us don't even see them as women.
Just zero attraction at all.
>There is nothing black girls hate more than a white guy with a black girl
for a white guy, the only women easier than asians are blacks
I think that in case of those "woke" sjw's, it's a simple case of fetishization. Tell a woman that a guy is a bad, powerful oppressor and she will inevitably start to wonder what would it be like to fuck him.
This one actually looks kind of wholesome and it shits on the liberal white guy instead of the conservative one.
My sister watches it but I really don't like afroamerican humor. It's all BLACKS BE LIKE and WHITES BE LIKE. I guess you need to be american and really hate the white man to get it or something.
Finally a show for the average American!
>white male black female parents
El abominacion...
it's a reference to them being mixed but not even knowing what mixed means
ABCs sitcom line up is such an abomination of the obama years. Mediocrity hidden under the veil of identity politics. They have like 10 different shows where its like
"what if family was asian"
"what if family was black"
"what if family was Jewish"
Meanwhile you look back at 2000s sitcoms and realize it was the last time they were good. Malcom in the middle, that 70s show, arrested devlopment, etc.
there is enough castizos on tv where are they based mestizos at?
Didn't Anthony Anderson rape a chick in his trailer some years ago? Everyone just forgets that
I’m black and I watch it. the show is shit though, I don’t know why I keep going.
That is some severe projection right there.
>all brown people and wemen can only be good wholesome characters or it's racist sexist
based dunkin donuts on them dany fags
Looks better than the goldberg spin off that failed and retooled with the white woman lead that is still boring.
The bull is the only one who watches it in our family.
that's racist
sound is better
this will all be you
I'm excited
The spics will have exterminated the niggers by 2030.
castizos and mestizos were made without jews lmao
One Drop
I doubt that. They haven't exterminated niggers in Mexico.
Why is Netflix only for women now?
This will be your average mixed.ish viewing party
The Shouldve call it:
The character’s actress the show is about Tracee Ellis Ross’ father is literally white...
Only hotep woke “I need to save the black race” type of black girls hate WMBF.
German-irish american.
Not really, in Blackish the mom is mixed and the dad's family is literally retarded they make a point about how kids with natural hair is a retarded thing that only stay in home mom's can deal with and not someone who works. The white dad will probably have to deal with negros telling him how to rise his own kids. I'm willing to bet there will be an episode about one of the mixed kid being mocked for licking dadrock instead of hip hop.
Becuase men are more likely to pirate their content and to be cautive consumers. That's pretty much it, the only real bias netflix has is the pro-fag shit.
>lipstick alley
You know, this comes off as a weird objectification of non white people so leftists can revel in it—especially white ones.
>hurrr I want /pol/ to leave
No, this isn’t good television.
Dios mio… La Americanos…
There seems to be a ton of wmbf couples in media
Yet I've only seen like 4 irl
goodness gracious mullatos are ugly
The grandpa is already the most based character in the show. The small girl is qt.
>rainbow johnson
fucking christ
The entire thing is thather parents were dirty hippies.
>3 niggers in the pic
I do not get it. Or i should be 'murican to understand this?
You are clearly mexican, stop larping, any European that has seen real africans can tell those kids are mixed.
The Americans (2050)
I saw that “Little” movie. It was pretty cute but it had some questionable pedoesque scenes.
Why do you care about a show that's not made for your and your not gonna watch anyway....?