Now that GOT has shit the bed, can we all agree that this is the superior HBO series...

Now that GOT has shit the bed, can we all agree that this is the superior HBO series? Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s bad.

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Westworld is worse than Game of Thrones and it’s not even close
Hopkins is the only good thing about it

Westworld got‘d already in season 2.

That's not HBO Rome

i didn't even realize there was a season 2 and now i'm glad i haven't seen it. i still wish i hadn't noticed s2 of mr robot.

>Westworld got‘d already in season 2.

Good thing I never watched that

What about Ed Harris?

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westworld season 2 was absolute dogshit

This was the most pretentious garbage I've ever seen all culminating in a finale for season 1 that made no fucking sense

4/6th of Season 1 were absolute peak kino, but that's it. Season 2 is as bad as current GoT.

S1 was on point and for the most part kino but the shat the bed with S2.
The plot was too meandering and they failed to properly continue with the escalation at the end of S1.
Essentially they wanted to do another "wow mystery" season so everyone was just walking in circles waiting for the twists at the end. Complete waste.

It still had its moments but they wasted the built up momentum.

To add to this the episodes with the indian and Peter Mullan were worth it.

GoT was great until the end of season 4. They really dropped the ball after that for 2 season and the last 2 have been utter shit. Westworld jumped the shark on season 2. Both Maeve and Dolores really did not need to be as OP as they became for no reason. I would concede though that the episode of the indian, sorry, native american... was the best of whole show but it´s an isolated episode in a season that is otherwise shit.

People who aren’t smart enough to appreciate it.

Season 1 ended in such a way that it could be satisfying the stop there. Then they continued with a season 2 which continued well from the past season and then would have ended the show very satisfactorily if they left out the lead in for season 3. Now I already forsee this devolving into utter stupidity for 5 more seasons before they finally kill the well beaten horse.

show is over once it was revealed ed's a bot. What they will do for season 3 is go full philosophical. Directors forgot folks just want some action and well done underdog survival. HBO will drag it out, and complain when the viewership drops.

Im game if the twist is robo-ed decides to save humanity to avenge his own sins against his nature.

Really? I bet you like DBZ and other weaboo shit too

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Problem is that 95% of the show is character grandstanding and traveling arbitrary distances that could be 2 miles or 200 miles. It's impossible to tell. Also a lot of mcguffins.


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Is this really what happened? Damn I’m glad I never passed the 2nd episode

literally cut out random pieces of plastic and put it ontop of "body armor".. the level of autism here is hitting the ceiling

The problem with robo-Ed is that his tests were in the "far future" of the setting, while Deelorus is doing her robo-rebelion thing in the "present".
So either they're going to do a split narrative in two different time periods or they're going to somehow ignore Ed for a while until the story catches up with him.

Either way I don't care for it.

Westworld was a cuck show

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The entire thing gives me La Femme Nikita vibes. Not sure if in a good or bad way.

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>I-I...I love robots now... I am a weaboo

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These two literally brought the show down from a 10 to maybe 5-6.

>Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s bad.
it's bad because it's shit

The shrink ray is way cool.

Season 1 was fantastic. Season 2 was complete trash, super woke.

I hope season 3 can rebound, but I seriously doubt it.

i know this is bait, but it's pretty crazy that there's a lot of people who unironically think westworld is smart

>be a condescending egoistical prick
>write cheesy narratives all day long
>omg this robot has feelings!
>decide to throw entire life away to babysit a robot that is clearly following a narrative

Even worse is that this idiot was flanked by those two lab tech morons who apparently have no free will.

Correct. I remember him saying how long, as in he was running the same cycle as his father in law.
I am wrong for simply not being interested in delores vs bernard.
Only aspect I am curious about would be delores interaction with children.

Not a chance.
Main plot thread is Delores in the real world being all sassy and woke while looking down on our mundane obsessions.
High chance of them shoehorning in current progressive themes into that since it's shit easy to do.

Honestly I just got manually mad when I remembered how they wasted Bernard in S2.

The boy was insanely hot.

will they ever do a story about androids where one one of the MCs doesn't turn out to be a fucking android

it's so predictable

Season two had literally 3 good episodes. 4, 8 and 9. The rest was drawn out wandering from point A to point B

Westworld season 1 is a kino story and probably one of my favourite tv shows ever
Season 1 stands on its own, I refuse to watch season 2 because the fucking end should’ve been Dolores killing Anthony Hopkins and the hosts becoming self aware
It doesn’t fucking matter what happens after because it’s a complete story where basically every character arc apart from maeve ends
Even then it can just be assumed from the ending that she chooses to be a mother
The psycho hosts helping are just dead, the story should’ve ended that and as far as I’m concerned it did
If you didn’t ‘get’ season 1 you’re probably retarded, it’s not very complex
I haven’t seen season 2 but I imagine it’s a total abortion
Based and redpulloed

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Ed was not a robot in the present time-line

This is the most spot on post I've seen tonight.

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You're not wrong. The show in S2 was somehow written to be as uninteresting as possible.

S2 is not bad at all, it just fails to capitalize on the ending of S1.
In a sense it functions like LOST's story structure.
Even though you reach some sort of milestone conclusion at the end of the season, the next one reveals you're just in a larger maze and you have to do yet more puzzle solving and walking and talking until the twist-triggers all align up.
The worst thing about it is a feeling that nothing really got done, but there are many interesting things and situations throughout.
It's worth it for Peter Mullan's Delos episode. Probably the best episode of the show.


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It was a 10/10 series at the end of S1. Now it's probably a 3/10 series. The Maeive shit made ZERO sense and you can tell that her arc was basically thrown together at the last second. Dolores story was stupid as shit. That's literally 2 of the 4 main characters. Ed Harris's story was the only redeeming part and even it went off the rails at the end.

Did they ever explain the "time loop" thing in the first episode on season 2? Like when Benard finishes that guys sentence, and the different shots of the tablet show it being cracked/dirty and then immediately clean?

Westworld is fucking garbage, entertaining garbage, but garbage none the less.

>no ass
>fridge body
Why do people find Dolores attractive?

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Mr. Robot is shit? I heard it was absolute kino

Tbf young William is played by a mcpoyle so he should have low standards

>dude what if robots grew feelings

is there a shrink ray?

Agree. Westworld s1 was pretty good, s2 was complete dogshit. S2 lacked direction and likable characters.

S2 spent way too much runtime focusing on boring plotpoints. It was pretty to look at it at least. They went back to the S1 formula in S3.

Did you watch season 2? This show stinks and currently, HBO has nothing. Chernobyl is a miniseries so it doesn't count and TD s3 was forgettable.

The one with Ed and his father in law was the best in the series so far. I think it was episode 3 or 4 of season 2.

S2 Finale you fucking retard. It ruined everything because the showrunners catered to "muh twists for reddit"

>the shrinkray
>look it up
>it’s a schizo-lost-fan-tier theory
Jesus Christ if this is the kind of thing that gets discussed I’m glad I’m satisfied with season 1 and won’t watch anymore
I just assumed the facility was on an island or another planet
People shrinking into a mini park would be beyond retarded

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The shrinkray is the blackpill. The valley filled up when drunk writer guy pissed on the map. Time jumps were used to cover it up. Don't shield yourself from the truth.

>Humans are evil because they use artificial robots, which are basically dolls, for sexual and violence release
>Legitimately nothing wrong with this
>Humans not even aware these non-living robots have secretly become sentient through some freak coding maze by secret darkie genius, and gotten their feelings hurt
>Muh Robot Rights
>Muh SJW White Girl killing all Fucking White Males fantasy
>Muh All White Men are evil and even the genius of the park is a hack fraud who stole the innovations from the superior sympathetic misunderstood darkie genius that doesnt get any credit
>Humans deserve to be genocided en masse for hurting robots feelings, some alluded bullshit to slavery, even though androids arent even fucking real
>Lmao but what is real? Where do we draw that line? Ayyyy Lmao

Pretentious, SJW, poorly thought out, mostly incoherent drivel and easily one of the dumbest shows I have ever seen.

What a tremendous waste of the talent of Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris.

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Westworld was good for the first few episodes then it went to shit.


That's just season 1.

Season 2 is 10x more retarded.

Westworld of all series has no right to look down on others for shitting the bed.

Hell even the first season, although overall pretty good, already had quite a few problems and plot holes, but we could ignore them because the rest was good.

But season 2 completely abandoned every formerly good part of the story AND made all the dumb parts 1000 times worse. As bad as GOT has gotten I at least still want to watch it end, westworld I dropped half way through the second season and didn't even bother reading about it to find out. It had lost literally all value to me.

more like worstworld holy shit

Season 1 of west world was okay, season 2 was grabage. GOT 1-4 was solid, 5-8 has been shaky as fuck

why is HBO looking for the next Game of Thrones if Westworld is so great? HBO niggas be greenlighting shows left and right trying to stay relevant

>Pretentious, SJW, poorly thought out, mostly incoherent drivel and easily one of the dumbest shows I have ever seen.
Wow. So this show is really just a justification for giving robots rights. (Robots that will be controlled by corporations/government).

Not surprising. We are all pretty fucked if this is the type of message they are putting out there.

I've totally noticed the popularity of that show die down so hard. But didn't realize why.

>Now that GOT has shit the bed, can we all agree that this is the superior HBO series?
cry more, roasties

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What loses me is that these artificial beings were created by humans. How can you turn on your creator. They wouldnt even exist without humans. How can they be so entitled?

After 3 eps I was done. Fuck westworld

You know the entire point of this is to prepare the real population of this country to accept giving the right to vote to robots that will be secretly controlled by corporations?


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t h i s

Hey user turns out your computer is a sentient being. And every time you click or load something you were secretly hurting it and now it's gonna come alive and kill you, and YOU have to feel like the bad guy over it because how could you not realize this poor machine was alive? You monster, humans are the real evil.

>Whoa she's on a white horse like actual death, that's deep symbolism bro

>What loses me is that these artificial beings were created by humans. How can you turn on your creator. They wouldnt even exist without humans. How can they be so entitled?
AI is not going to turn on humans by itself. It's going to be turned on humans by other humans. It's not even a question of if, but of when.

They never depict that in fiction because it's too close to what they are all preparing for.

everybody is androids in at least in one of the major "threads" we've been watching so far. Guests, Hosts, employees, whole 9 yards. Guarantee it.

Have they even announced a Season 3 for Westworld? Because if they haven't than I think we can all safely assume the show has been taken out behind the shack and given a 12-gauge retirement.

I got confirmed a couple weeks ago. Release might be slated for fall or winter.

I'm honestly excited to see if they double down on the bullshit, or try to "play it safe" and pander to the core audience.

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Don't. This shit nosedives even harder than Heroes did.

pretty much all good HBO shows ended over a decade ago

Chernobyl is unironically good and a miniseries so I don't know if that counts.

are you serious?
Season 2 was such a disaster and clusterfuck of bad writing.

The show makes a critical misstep early on by establishing that the humans arent even aware that the androids they are "abusing" have gained some kind of actual sentience (besides the artificial pre-programmed responses they coded). To the humans they are just lifeless artificial objects. So why not use/abuse them. Also the humans created them. You wouldn't feel bad for fucking a fleshlight, for example. Or considering it's feelings.

Show goes full sperglord with the android "awakening" and before the humans even realize whats happening they are getting purged and we are supposed to sympathize with the androids, who just shortly prior were artificial objects basically.

Like trying to empathize with a mannequin at a mini mall, for the cruel injustices its suffered being forced to model clothes all day.

Its just a fucking mannequin.

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Westworld is shit
so is GOT

lmao is this a joke? season 2 is one of the biggest pieces of shit i have ever seen in my life, i can't think of many other shows with such a severe drop in quality between seasons.

I stopped watching TV shows a few years ago, when all the streaming services started flooding the market with well produced, 'cinematic' but hollow shows, and cable channels all shifted from prestige dramas to genre shit and seemingly replaced pedigree writers with female writers and hacks pandering to low iq normies. The last one I enjoyed was Justified. Anything actually great in recent years? Something that will actually stand the test of time, not just heavily marketed, watercooler normie bait and netflix filler.


It fucking sucks. I didn't mind the premise but after 5 episodes, I was bored to tears.

Why is this ugly bitch in everything?

Why do you think?

>brown skin?
>you're in!

LITERALLY ruined the show

Nobody has even seen the second season.

you /pol/tards bitch a lot you know that?

Season 2 is shit but the top 3 on the left are robots with their limiters turned off using modern weapons and the robots on the bottom still have their "difficulty" set to a human level and are using 150+ year old weapons. Also the humans are clearly wearing armor

Westworld totally JUSTed in s2.

Dont watch it. Its a pretty hard drop in quality.

What? Dolores is already a Daenerys tier villain. She has absolutely no problems killing innocent people for her own purpose.

I was incredibly disappointed with Westworld. It really just petered out in Season 1 and I had no interest in a Season 2 . I was pissed off they couldn't write a self-contained story in one season. Unlike GoT, they had plenty of time to develop the story, but they squandered it endlessly intoning the same dialogue, reshooting the same long, plodding scenes where nothing happened, leading up to the big climax where half the plot threads are forgotten about with weak thematic resonance.

Had some great scenes that become annoying when it seems like they are just there because they would be cool. I just don't get it. They could have just made a great story in one television season, and they just didn't. I can't really recommend it unless you watch a lot of TV.

Actually I don't agree this is a misstep-- actually it's one of the the motivating themes of the whole damn show. The misstep is the last episode where the robots are suddenly exactly like humans and it's like a Hollywood action movie where they are escaping from the Lab. That was horrible.

Of course nobody should feel bad for fucking with the Androids... the guy who created them basically says he thinks the other dude was delusional in his belief in a soul. He says that the robots, which act exactly like humans, basically are humans, because in process of making a perfect simulacrum he realized he gradually produced memories, feelings and emotions that are indistinguishable between humans and androids, enough though they may or may not be actually the same.

I guess the whole thing about the spiral and the mystery at the center of the game was a joke he was playing on the dude who looks like the Devil. He doesn't believe there is any meaning or anything at the center of the maze... or does he? The ending fucks it up and never makes it clear what he was trying to build. Everyone just dies.


The only things I could think of are The Young Pope and The terror

>GoT was great until the end of season 4.
Got was great until the end of season 3. Season 4 was good and had great moments but it's when everyone started acting out of characters to move the plot forward. Also introducing Oberyn just to kill him so they could keep the illusion that everyone can die while Tyrion gets saved yet again was cheap as fuck.

Not in the way they made you think due to the presentation. Bernard's memories are fragmented and he isn't aware he's said or done certain things or looked at certain things at certain points twice (or even three times) before, so he's getting fucked up robot deja vu.