ITT: Dream guests

ITT: Dream guests

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Other urls found in this thread:


a lit stick of dynamite

a chimp on DMT

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a bum

Donald Trump on shrooms

>Liam Neeson
>Slavoj Zizek
>Quentin Tarantino
>Kanye West
>Donald Trump
>Norm MacDonald
>Bill Clinton
>George Bush
>Sam Hyde

i just want it to be live again


bob lazaar

Adam savage

Joe Rogan ft. Eddie Bravo and Joey Diaz
Joe Rogan ft. Chimpanzees
Joe Rogan ft. Gorillas
Joe Rogan ft. John Jones and Daniel Cormier
Joe Rogan ft. Daniel Cormier and Brock Lesnar
Joe Rogan ft. Brendan Schaub
Joe Rogan ft. Avengers
Joe Rogan ft. Cast of Games of Thrones
Joe Rogan ft. Will Smith and Orc (Netflix special)
Joe Rogan ft. Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart
Joe Rogan ft. Alex Jones pt. 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Julian Assange

David Duke

so little DesTiny is a white supremacist

this would be amazing

>doesn't look like you've been your face pulls joe
>jesse get the ropes

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He's a progressive who believes you can say nigger and faggot without being racist or homophobic.


JRE ft. Kanye West, Alex Jones, and Eddie Bravo
It would be a 5 hour modern day epic.

Based list

Game of Thrones writers

I unironically agree that you can say nigger an faggot without being racist or homophobic

this fucker promised that there will be an interview with lil b about a year ago
fuck him he will die by the basedgod curse

They share the same love for lil' chimps

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Les Brown
Emilia Clarke (sue me)
Alex Rodriguez

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Romero or Carmack, mostly Carmack

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Chappelle from 2004

he is a faggot

>enjoying a right-wing podcast

Corey Feldman


Alex Jones/Edgard Brah #3.

#2 topped #1 so, 3 must be even better

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fascist child groomers don't get the wall, but only because it would be too quick and they need to suffer more

great bait, mate

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What are you gonna do, make her watch Contrapoints?

yeah we need to know who the gay kike pedophiles are so we can gas them

>numale fantasies


it's quite possible that leftist youtube will be a part of the ludovico technique programming in the gulag

I'd like Liam Neeson so that he could clear the air in regards to his racist remarks

I want an episode with Alex Jones, Eddie Bravo, Joey Diaz, Rogan, and Trump all talking about flat earth, interdimensional alien pedo vampires, and DMT.

Mel Gibson and Alex Jones at the same time

>his racist remarks
What he said was not racist

Trump would probably, accidentally, release classified info on aliens and other conspiracies.

>Trump goes on the Joe Rogan Experience January 2025 and just starts disclosing everything

>i roamed the streets at night looking for a black person to beat to death
>not racist
Sure incel

Jamie pull up tha..

David Icke, with Eddie

>Any of these shows would be fantastic
We will never get any of them

Unironically Pewds

I'm actually surprised he has never been on the show.

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Edward Bernays

>implying Julian hasn't been dead for months

Not an argument faggot. He literally did nothing wrong

i want eddie alex part 3 already

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Joe is controlled now, Sargon was the last controversial figure he was allowed, because Sargon is a retard.

As much as I love Chris, I don't think their personalities would go well together desu. Chris is best when he has someone autistic to vibe with, like Cory

How much of an actual NPC do you have to be to be hung up on this.

I keep saying Grant Morrison would be a great show, and Joe's already got a way to get in touch through Kevin Smith

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I can't believe Alex Jones said this.

David Graeber. One of the greatest thinkers alive to today and unironically makes anarchism look sane. Would love to see him talk to joe about bullshit jobs, money and debt, the government and socio movements from the lens of anthropology and economics. Guaranteed Rogan would love his ideas too but since he's such a dumb fuck I expect the conversation to devolve into MDMA and Chimp fights in less than 15 minutes because graeber is pretty eloquent and references a lot of things when talking so joe would be fucking lost.

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tom cruise

Nick Mullen

The fact that right after having Jack Dorsie he stopped having live podcast because of they had an issue where they have to cut the feed and like ten minutes were "lost"when it was uploaded should tell you everything.

Jared taylor would boodyblast this little queer.

Dude no one wants an intellectual conversation because Rogan is like a fish out of water in those. We want crazy conspiracy shit with Alex Jones putting Bravo in a headlock.

is he a magician or something? that sounds stupid as shit

Destiny is an intellectually dishonest hack, his "debate" with Sargon was the perfect match as Sargon is an intellectually dishonest hack as well.

just have all 3 on so we can watch Joe grind all riffing to a halt like he did with LoS

Really makes you think because Jack was a retard too

Grant The Wachowskis stole the Matrix from my shitty novel Morrison

I honestly don't know which of them would be more uncomfortable.

Jesus Christ. Right after the second coming.

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Eric Striker

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mister metokur

He'd actually be a good guest, but no fucking way that would ever, ever happen.


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Diane Fossey


I'm so fucking mad at you guys for not saying Patrice O'Neal. Fuck this board.

Who is this nigger and why do I see him everywhere?

He's dead user... I know it is sad.

Facing your demons and admitting you were wrong isn't racist

just some dead nobody

>Jesus starts describing heaven
*Joe Rips joint*
>Joe: Why are chimps so strong?
>Jesus: right... so I was saying about the meaning of life..
>Joe: Jamie, pull up that chimp attack video


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Robert Morrow
Chris Chan
Vernon Chatman
Terry Davis (RIP)
Jason Genova + The Delray Misfits
Noah Munck
BG Kumbi
Jan Rankowski/Jace Connors (while in character)
The LA Beast

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Richard Stallman

Kanye West
Danny Brown
Sam Hyde
Chris Hansen
Haruki Murakami
Brett Easton Ellis

>dream celebs
Michael Jackson during the heat of the allegations

Hunter S Thompson

Roe Jogan

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Maria Bamford


What would he talk about


just fyi that guy is embroiled in a big issue right now with not telling people for years that he accepts bribes for his videos


can imagine an alpacas eating an orange for 3 hours? saved you some time

>sam hyde

never happen

George RR Martin speaking his mind on what he truly thinks of Game of Thrones and what he plans for his remaining books.

Gordon Ramsay

I wouldn’t mind seinfeld passive aggressively roasting him

Honestly, Richard Spencer. It would generate a complete shitstorm.

Unironically Viper.

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Do you mean advertisement?

Jared Taylor

>just fyi that guy is embroiled in a big issue right now with not telling people for years that he accepts bribes for his videos
payed to use certain guns in his videos or paid to say they are good regardless of what he thinks?

Harrison Ford, I can imagine him shitting on every movie he's been in

I’ve never seen Joe be so mean to anyone like he was on to Sargon that was unwatchable. Just because he dared to say anything bad about a woman. Why is Joe an alpha but such a beta cuck when it comes to women? Daddy issues much?

These 4 should be in the same podcast. I can just imagine a left 4 dead game with them in as well

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I want youtube to implode. Go big, or go fuck yourself, Mr Toe Rogan.

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nerds ruin everything

He would start rolling about the jq and the rothchild and then joe would go “wow man i never thought about it like that. Have you ever tried DMT?”

Norm MacDonald

Paul Le Roux
Vitalik Buterin
Roger Ver
Carlos Matos
Todd Howard

a revolutionary musician known for songs like ImSippinTeaInYoHood, Look at Me, I LuV mY cLiQuE LiKe KaNyE wESt, suicide pit and I Don’t Wanna Do This Anymore
basically the 2010’s version of John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix, Michael Jackson, Mozart, David Bowie and Bob Dylan in one person

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>Todd Howard
Joe wouldn't know how to properly berate him for being such a shitty developer that is ruining gaming. The first 30 minutes of the interview would be filled with bugs and then you would have to pay $15 for each 30 minutes after.

zeesh ish untsrue you khhapitalisht tswine

yeah i think Joe wants to keep his career

He isn’t the same person anymore. Grow up.
You’d be correct if he still thought that way, but this dumb witch hunt people go on to justify close minded “progressive” views literally ruins lives. Leave that shit to reddit, not here

ProJared and James i forgot his name but it’s that make up faggot who got MeeToo’d by straight white males and a possibly kikeish female cunt with a face made out of plastic

based id poster

this freak

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Nope. He would talk about DMT.

fuck off back to Yea Forums commie

It was decades ago you faggot NPC, he told the story because he realised how wrong he was for painting all black people with the same brush and seeking to attack an innocent person as reprisal.

Fuck off
And never talk to me or my wifes son ever again

I'm really surprised nobody said Karl Pilkington

Also on my list:
Vince McMahon
Hulk Hogan
Daniel Bryan (in kayfabe as the New Daniel Bryan)
Viggo Mortensen
Grant Morrison
Nigel Farage
And there's always more room for Alex Jones

based and underrated

Wait is that orlando sanchez?

What did he mean by this?


Amazing bait, faggot

Scarlett Johansson
Nathan Fielder
Edward Snowden
Emma Stone
Dennis Rodman


Fred Willard
Elizabeth Banks
Elijah Wood
Daniel Day Lewis

Aubrey Plaza
Nicole Kidman
Derek Jeter

Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Eleanor Tomlinson
Ethan Hawke
Diego Maradona

>Don't go in the woods!

David Paulides

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Seems like he's on Coast to Coast every week.

Bill Nye

Joe shouldn't have a guest on from a field he has absolutely zero interest in. When he has a gap in his schedule he just fills it with journalists we can make fun of.

Zach would be better


Alex Jones / Eddie Bravo Part 3: Return of the King, featuring Elon Musk

sam hyde

He had Molymeme on I think twice but every time it was just Rogan grilling him about the cult accusations which were ancient history by then. 3 hours of "I do not say leave your family and come join me in a compound."

Not saying he's my favorite person ever but you have a noticable ancap on and he can't formulate a single question about his actual views. Rogan is just a weedertarian that can only maintain focus on singular campaign goals like UBI or free college. Can't imagine he would do Graeber any justice either.

Nice bait, but you're still a faggot.

You can't have an honest debate with someone that pretends to not know basic knowledge in order to construct a counter argument. Pretending that blacks don't commit a lot of crimes or Mexico would be a magical wonderland if the US didn't exist is just stupid and it's a waste of energy listening to him.

Giving Joe some credit, at least he shuts down a argument if someone starts spouting stupid bullshit like that one guest who said gender doesn't exist because there are thai trannies.

it was a different time

Cormac McCarthy

100% true. I used to be a piece of shit incredibly racist guy but I realized all the hate isn't worth the energy. People can turn around and realize their mistakes

hey joe

Nathan Fielder
Pardon My Take hosts
South Park guys
Sam Hyde
Keanu Reeves
Stephen King

choosing joe's "guests" is kinda hard, due to Joe not really putting any effort to ask good questions instead he "small talks" for 3 hours on subjects HE wants to talk about....considering anybody is just wasting their time...I guarantee thats why he hasn't got that many HUGE names in awhile and why the kanye interview wont happen

imagine having a guy like and hearing joe sound like a babbling idiot

also joes secretly censors negative opinion pieces but no one wants to admit it

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whoops meant

>Pretending that blacks don't commit a lot of crimes
he never said that, retard. he propably would just disagree with you or JonTron on WHY they commit more crime.
>Mexico would be a magical wonderland if the US didn't exist
send me a quote but that shit sounds made up. Why do poltards have to straight up lie about what people say in order to discredit them? does that manlet scare you so bad?

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kill yourself

robert downey jr

Bring Jontron on

Gavin Free
Geoff Ramsey
Michael Jones

If Moot went on what would he talk about?

Grant Morrison and Alan Moore

What went wrong with this hellsite

Get Gavin McInnes back on

nick’s the only funny one out of them all.
he’s self-aware enough to pick up on joe doing that too, so it’d probably just be awkward depending on how bitch joe’s feeling.


Some nasa guy with eddie bravo on the studio

>Alan Moore
would probably be the worst episode. guy is way too full of himself from the stewart lee video. also Rogan wouldn't understand anything he says

based an evian pilled

these, but carmack never
romero would do it, but nobody wants romero

Donald Trump, but only after his presidency so he can speak freely about shot that went down during his administration. It will be a riot, because the guy seems like it would be a fun interviewer when talking off the cuff

Trump is no idiot. if he wants to reveal certain secrets he will sell them. he wont do it over a podcast

Has anyone here actually tried DMT? What's it like?


jacques vallee
norman finkelstein
kevin macdonald
noam chomsky
david duke

George Soros

I don't think trump's ego would allow him to go on a podcast.
Unless he made his own one and interviewed himself.

>A 15 minute video to tell you to bee urself
modern political discourse is too fucking verbose for my tastes.

Ike Haxton interview only one I cared for, and it was dissapointing. But maybe another poker name like Jungle.

doesnt exist.
hes an alt right boogeyman

Donald Trump


>MMA guests

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Khabib doesn't even speak English

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>ITT: Dream guests
I longer have dream guests ever since youtube shut down live stream and now the episodes are pre recorded

it basically defeats the whole purpose. from now, everything will be sterile as fuck.

his mulatto stepdaughter

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Imagine them on the same episode and Joe brings them back together, reconciling their once long lost friendship.

You misunderstand. I want Alan Moore and Grant Morrison together because I don't think they've ever appeared together on camera and they seem to have a volatile history.

Linda Moulton Howe

-Sam Hyde
-George Soros and Alex Jones
-Alex Jones and Trevor Noah
-David Lynch
-Norm MacDonald
-Lloyd Kaufman
-Julian Assange
-Kanye West ft. Alex Jones as surprise appearance
-Mel Gibson

Add Jon carmack

Noam Chomsky. He might actually fucking do it, too.

>*injects CBD* hey what about that time they made chimp version of you and trained chimp-you to to talk?
>"Well, you see, that experiment is broadly considered a failure, animal language is distinct fr..."
>chimp brains, man, they're just like us but with like downs or something.

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2 hours of
>I'm truly blessed
>He was a young, hungry lion

Tom Papa
Burt Kreischer
Brendan Schaub
Bryan Callen
Eddie Bravo

God knows we need more of Schaub shilling his awful comedy routine

Pierce Brosnan and his wife

Based. Not with eddie though.

Stephen King
Dave Chappelle
Phil Anselmo
Eric Dubay

>I'm really surprised nobody said Karl Pilkington
Joe and Karl discussing lil' monkey fellas was literally my first thought


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All of those are true

Fuck off Steven

>I am a messenger from Muad'Dib

I agree with this Graeber is based
But unfortunately this.
Im of the opinion that Joe Rogan is far too stupid to have the enormous amount of sway that he has.

>the guy from townsends
>primitive technologies but the dude just bangs rocks and doesnt talk
>jared harris
>cody from codyslab
>count dankula
>gus johnson

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>Norm Macdonald

This. We only have a few more years of his genius.

>ctrl + f
I'm disappoint

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Chris Chan


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>no ferguson
get outta here nigger

only good choice itt

tranny's in sports

Would anyone even notice if Norm went senile?

>Yea Forums
Is this an insult towards people who read?

underrated post

lmao, Yea Forums doesn't read

Not a big loss for music

Trey Parker

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How’d you think up this joke? It’s just so mind meltingly fucking original I cannot fathom fabricating such a succinct sentence of pure comedic power

no but Yea Forums is full of commies
when you see a racist here you send him back to /pol/ and when you see an ultra-leftist you send him back to Yea Forums or call him a discord tranny


You've got it all figured out, don'cha?

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This is a great list. Norm would be absolutely ideal.

Way too late for this one. If it was a going to happen it would have been in the Gamer Gate times.

Much more culturally important than anyone is willing to give him credit for.

Danny Brown has been on Joey Diaz podcast multiple times FYI. It's as good as you imagine.

>posts nightmare guests, not dream guests

*Rem Lezar

fuck off you underage faggot. He was a black rapper #2598, and no one outside your zoomer demographics haven't even heard of him.
His greatest cultural accomplishment was that he died young.

does anybody notice how destiny/destiny supporters just kinda ignore facts in front of them? im not even trying to right wing circle jerk just that this is something that I have noticed

Nigel Farage

Eddie Bravo + David Icke would be based


Norm MacDonald
Phil Anselmo
Steven Wright
Colin Quinn

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and John Carmack

Sargon is a guy with a lot to say on social and political issues (whatever you think of exactly he has to say) and he decided to bitch about some literally who

also he was very nervous and wound up

>Brenton Tarrant
>Christian Weston Chandler
>The guy Joey Diaz kidnapped
>George Soros
>Eddie Bravo summoning the ghost of GG Allin
>Mell Brooks
>Kim Jong Un
>Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi
>Chadimir Putin
>Joe Rogan's buddy of his
>Kentaro Miura
>Tim Berners-Lee
>Ben Shapiro's wife who's a doctor
>Tits of Ben Shapiro's sister
>DJ Kool Herc
>Anita Sarkeesian vs. Dan Vavra
>Moot & Gook Moot
>Richard Spencer
>DJ Akademiks
>Gabe Newell
>Donald Trump & John Oliver
>The guy who wrote The Simpsons S11E05
>Tim Pool vs. Susan Wojcicki
>Takashi Murakami
>Ben Garrison
>F.A.R.T.: The Movie (1991) writers
>Larry David
>Mike Matei drunk
>Olsen twins
>Harvey Weinstein
>GRRM & D&D & Stephen Dillane
>Julian Assange
>Charlie Sheen coked the fuck up
>Playboi Carti & Lil Uzi Vert

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Rob McElhenney and/or Danny DeVito.

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do you realize that zoomers will eventually run the media and he will be seen the same as the other famous artists who died young? i doubt that people who were 45 in the 70s cared about jim morisson's death
seethe more grandpa

Quentin Tarantino

Josh Gates
Trey Parker
Scott Adams

Pewdiepie can't talk freely, any slip and he's in deep shit. That's why he's so careful with live streaming.

1000% unironically, Jodorowsky

These are all awful

give examples

I have noticed noticed that right wing circle jerkers fume about him and can only give very vague or made up reasons why exactly

>Tom Papa

Literally the worst ever guest Joe Rogan has. There's another comedian one but I forgot his name, he's this tiny guy and he's cringe as fuck too

not a rogan fan but this would be great

>Noah Munck
>LA Beast
These would be epic

isnt he getting divorced from his black stripper wife

too bad he's dead

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u should look up the definition of a bribe and if anyone gives a shit that youtubers are paid shills i got some news for you:


Vince McMahon

Dr. Tony Huge

Frank Yang if he can tone it down with the psycho babble nonsense cause i would not watch 3 minutes let alone 3 hours of that

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louis ck
o&a reunion
norm mcdonald
Michel Houellebecq (too bad he doesn't speak english)

Varg Vikernes

Tom Brady

you know you want it

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Anyone suddenly stop watching since he stopped doing it live? For some reason it's just not the same.

Is there a reason why he stopped?

I never watched them as they aired anyway. Are there big obvious cuts in them now?

Stopped watching because its utterly tedious.

There could be no better guest. But this wouldn't be for the cawlmedy fans or the le basedlon basedmusk is le frickin epin redditor fans.

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He hasn't said why or even addressed it in anyway. Well we don't know if there's edits but if he has a public figure like Tulsi Gabbard on who the fuck knows.

>ctrl+f: Shatner
>0 results
wtf Yea Forums? This needs to happen before he dies.

An obvious choice, but Keanu Reeves. Whenever he comes up in conversation Joe's always enamoured with what a great and interesting guy he is, and all his John Wick tactical training and whatnot clearly sucks Joe in. It always ends up on the JRE clips channel.

Also this is out of left field a bit, but Isaac Arthur, guy does videos on youtube about absurd but apparently plausible futuristic concepts to do with spaceflight, robots, virtual worlds, blackhole engines, moving galaxies, all sorts.

Destin Sandlin

The Primitive Technology guy, if Joe can convince him to dare speak on camera.

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Probably got some sort of strike on his channel. Means you can't livestream for a month, I think... or is it three months?

Agreed. Probably has alot of old school stories. He's still good, but it's only a question of a few years before he's CTEd out.

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Looking forward to the fricking epic kanye west podcast little buddy? Get hype! Or how about the cawlmedy store tho.

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was already on it
and all he did was shill for stemcell therapy

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I asked him on one of his videos and he said
>Who is Joe Rogan and why should I go on his podcast
Plus, Varg would never get a visa to travel to the US

came here looking for this

When it starts with 'X is a comedian' I usually stop the podcast right there. I'll only ever watch if it's someone I know or Yea Forums recommends it

Only one true god teir guest

Jane Goodall

she spend most of her life living in the jungle with chimps by her self for science.

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joe could meet him at his shed in france

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so you want her to talk to one more chimp?

norm would be a travesty. joe just wouldnt "get it". even guys like theo von fall flat when talking to joe

It's pretry fun to watch desTiny destroy cryptofash frauds and grifters, and it's especially fun to watch their incel fanbases seethe in the aftermath, but what would he even talk about with Joe Rogan?

yea i think it would be really interesting because joe is a massive chimp, and also a massive chimp fan.

jane will have some really cool shit to say. immagine how many times the alpha male of the pack tried to breed with her when she was alone in the jungle.

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would be more fun to drop him in detroit or south chicago and watch the result

I need my boy on

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Nick Mullen

>get blown out by a manlet
>just say you wish he was dead in response
lol, this is what happens when you tie your lifes identity to a meme president who is just as corrupt as any one liberal they hate

who said anything about him being dead?
>you tie your lifes identity to a meme president
who said anything about drump? could it be that you're obsessed with him?

paul dano
ariel pink
jake gylenhaal
david lynch


thanks user

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Mark Zuckerberg would be very interesting

Dumb fucking cunt


Thanks from our boys over at federal

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r/the_donald tier list

Lauren Southern so I have more fapping material of her

David Attenborough
David Lynch
Nigel Farage
Jacob Rees Mogg
Joaquin Phoenix
Matt Groening


>Jace Connors
Parkourdude was pure kino.

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Jones and Cormier would be nice.


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Isn't it Fuyutsuki who's the expert in "Metaphysical Biology"? Joe would be all over him.
>so explain to me how AT-fields work

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