Movies for this feeling?

Movies for this feeling?

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Is this nigger speak?

Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, but all the while a great wind carries me across the sky.

Shit. I was in CC in 2014, lives in my parents house, and used to log into Facebook. Turned my life around and now I’m getting a PhD in a STEM field

Blade Runner 2049

>get stem phd in 2014
>on-site job interviews
>no offer
>uni postdoc for 2 years
>move in with brother because cant find job
>industry postdoc for 1 year
>now at national lab for postdoc #3
good luck faggot

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Please tell me you didn't get a PhD in Biology

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>postgrad slave
>turning his life around
Looks like you‘re wasting it, bubbah.

>Logging onto Facebook

So you want feels for being a retard?


>getting an advanced degree unless you're gonna teach or already working in your field
Wew lad. Hope you didn't shell out your own money or loans for that.

>future adjunct professor max
>we made it lol

yikes boi no wonder you went to cc lol

Oslo 31 Aug 20(something)

>smokes weed
>smokes mid
>in high school part 2
>logs on to facebook instead of working or studying
>wHy dOes mY LifE SUck

If you're doing a stem PhD and not getting paid on top of free tuition, you are being taken advantage of

College is largely stupid and pointless outside of a few select fields, and some of those still require having connections.
t. have a worthless master's degree that thankfully I didn't have to pay a dime for

>2.5 GPA in Community College
>Smoke weed and wonder why you're tired 24/7

>using Facebook after 2010
Do Americans really do this?

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Who said I’m not?
It’s sad watching all of you uni drop outs squirm

the fact that you would even post this exposes your gross ignorance of how STEM graduate education works.

Its already been said but I'll say it myself:

science, math, and almost all engineering....

You don't pay. If you *do* pay anything its for living expenses.

Typically that happens when you are in a smaller university with a smaller number of undergraduate students in your particular field of study and so there are not enough TA positions to provide TA stipends to all of the graduate students in that area.

Either that or you are in an underfunded research group that can't afford to give you an RA salary

For most people in this position, the strategy is to write a shitload of requests for funding (government/industry grants, foundation funding, etc.)

This is the bargain/tradeoff that basically all universities make:

Graduate students do the heavy lifting. They do the lab work. They see the sun rise. For that, they get free tuition.

Even at private schools.

The exception is an MS, which is basically a "failure degree" by itself in any field other than a handful of engineering disciplines and CS (where its basically irrelevant anyway).

"leaving with your masters" is like the ultimate failure that causes graduate students to consider suicide.

I have literally never heard of them waiving tuition for further studies like that

My tuition is covered. The uni fees are the gotcha tho

I really don’t think you fags are stem. I think you are dropouts that tried programming

>reee if you‘re not making a cucktorate you‘re a drop out
Have fun competing for vacancies with fresh grads who will work for food and experience and working for an MBA five years younger than you.

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There is hope in the darkness.

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I am not stem, i study game design. but i only posted the one post you replied to. I also won't drop out of anything.

Lol okay buddy. I’m not worried. I’m not a Indian or chink. I’m 100% Aryan Chad. I’m not worried. I was part of a frat and I have connections. I’m not worried. I just need to publish along the way.
Sucks that you don’t have the same advantages I do, street-shitter

>i study game design
you are invariably squandering whatever potential you have

you dont see being white as a massive disadvantage toward ever getting a job? i guess you really are in stem.

Lol no
We all know that chinks and Indians are lazy. They do shit work, plagiarize, and steal. If you were in stem you’d realize the racism that goes on. Of course, all while saying “I’m not racist...”

well i learn to code in the degree to an extent so there is a skill there. my aim was just to have a degree of any sort so i can work overseas on the right visa in countries that require a degree.

also to be honest man i don't really have potential. lol

>so i can work overseas on the right visa in countries that require a degree
Stay in your shithole paki

the point i was making was that at least in every non-stem field it's harder for white males to get a job.

>I'm not worried
>I have so many advantages
>I'm not worried
>I'm so smart and good at my job
>I'm not worried

Freud needs to talk to you

I'm from new zealand lol.

>I’m not worried
>I’m not worried
>I’m not worried
You‘ll have to repeat that again to have me wholly convinced, labnigger. Enjoy your advantages of being years behind in work experience, while being no better than an undergrad in the eyes of 99% HRs. Hope you‘ve prepared your anus for being an underpayed overworked postdoc slave dreaming of getting into tenure-track for the next 20 years.

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It's likely the same im stem. The guy is just larping as a white person.

If you're not a hedonist, then why not just end it?

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted it. I’m a bit busy and stressed with shit so I wasn’t thinking clearly.
I repeat myself
I figured. But it’s true about the chinks and pakis. Most people know they are shit but the boomer and gen X profs don’t want to stop taking them in despite their shit performance

>u log on facebook to read posts from ppl u hate
haha who the fuck are torturing themselves with that kind of shit

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I just studied Business and partied and never went in to class or studied and passed all my exams easily because Business is easy common sense and got job immediately when I finished college working for hospital in HR.

I’m not sure what field you think I’m in, but you’re not right about it at all

I like life, maybe not my life all the time but i like life in general. partying, hanging out with girls, fucking, drinking, travelling, eating food, spending time with my dad when i can, these are all great.

beside most of us are too cowardly to kill ourselves.

I remember I didn't even have facebook until university required me to get one because the admin is living in the past there by about 10 years.