A25 coming out with more horror kino.
A25 coming out with more horror kino
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Is that Sia?
why are niggers so jarring?
ruins the trailer with his presence
nice to see Courtney Love still finding work after the little accident
Why would you name the production company instead of Ari Aster the writer and director?
I thought the thread was about Border:
Sure thing.
>dude ugly people lmao
jesus christ,dude
>More A24 KINO!!!!! Yipee!
wypipo be freaky and shit yo
>>dude ugly people lmao
I don't get this comment - OP's screencap does indeed look like the protag of Border...
>muh payganizm
>muh spoopy rich-oouls
>muh paranoid jewboy director
Yawn. Cinematography looks good though.
A2A isn't even the production company, that's what I find so hilarious about faggots who always go "EH TWUNTY FOAH SO KINOOOO"
they're kino
>More cult shit
This is ableist. People with deformities shouldn't be villified
Agree. I have my quota filled with The Wicker Man (1973), thank you very much.
>aren't homogeneous European communities so scary, goy?
>why are niggers so jarring?
>ruins the trailer with his presence
that's your instincts kicking in, a good thing
A bunch of city negroes are going to white country and can't handle their cult traditions. The normie ass audience is suppose to fear this nonsense. And yes, the random mixed people there are an eye sore. You can tell the story without pushing race.
you sound triggered.
white supremacy so fragile.
Anti-White propaganda.
This looks...familiar
I read the script and honestly the black character is just a classic ass token. Doesn’t say or do anything remotely important or memorable and barely has any lines at all.
please spoil the plot for me, I dont care either way.
Howd you get your hands on it?
>being offended over literally nothing
behold, the master race
My penis is absolutely twitching. I now have a reason to return to the theater.
Black people are literally always on your mind lol you've been permanently cucked
I've read the script it's actually pretty shit. Hereditary was better. The most scary scene is probably her boyfriend being boiled alive inside a bear skin and those two old people throwing themselves off the ledge.
Read Away it’s insanely predictable but will probably have a handful of pretty cool visual moments
It leaked online. Based on IMDb/what I’ve seen in the trailers this was the final script and no real changes or deviations have been made.
Lemme guess, it's some sort of patchwork of the wicker man and the kill list?
Ari has made 1 halway decent film and people in the comment section is all ready sucking his dick.
Yup this is the final script. Every scene in the trailer is in that script. Its fucking shit. The writing is horrible and it's not scary.
Close. You can read the script yourself.
The dialogue in Hereditary was hands down better written than the dialogue in Midsommar. The Swedes weren’t horribly written but the Americans dialogue(especially Dani) was fucking weak.
All entertainment must glorify the Volk. Anything that does not is subversive trash.
It's a small cult in rural Sweden you fucking retard. It doesnt represent white people unless you're a snowflake who loves to play the victim all the time.
Everything in it felt very borrowed. It mostly reminded me of something that would’ve been probably released in like 2007 with Eli Roth’s name attached to it.
That bear looks fake as shit
Fuck off back to /pol/ and have a cry, faggot.
Yeah the script seemed to follow the same formula as Hereditary - nothing, nothing, singular disturbing event, nothing, nothing, trippy thing, nothing, nothing, HOLY SHIT EVERYONE IS GETTING CHOPPED UP
Kind of tired now imo
And this kids is why right wing bootlickers never produce good art.
Literal Pavlovian conditioning. Get help, this shit will get in the way of living a normal life
>who is Wagner