/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for shit thumbnail
he didn't fold the paper and poke a hole through it so I didn't get what he was talking about
Third for reactor-chan
Someone post the pictures again
he found the golden ball
Anything that isn't:
>Tudor era England
>Americans revolution
>19th century America
>WW1 western front
fuck off with this gay ass Game of Shit OP
this thread is maxed out at 15,000 roentgens and is hereby condemned
first for lewd HBO sexploitation
> defending the STRONK womyn character
What's the deal with the poem in the beginning?
>5 minutes with reactor-chan
>a life time of regret
what do you choose?
Threadly reminder
>2 divers are still alive
>One died in 2005 of heart attack
>the operation was conducted on 5th may
>fire crew pumped out the water from corridor 001 before the divers went in
>max reading on their dosimeters was 10
>they did not use diving equipement, just dry suits and respirators
>they could communicate freely
> they found and opened the valves with ease
but milk is better than water
Impossible. our dosimeters max out at 3 roentgens
Dr Legasov, I’m Politburo
Also note this "life-time" is roughly 2 weeks
>5 minutes with reactor chan
>a life time
same thing really
I know. but they're still irradiated.
>Big green explosion ends up releasing enormous amounts of radiation
>everyone starts suffering acute radiation sickness
>Dany sees this and decides to not let anyone in or out
literally better than what we got
it's in Russian, not in Ukranian as the show says. It's a famous poem about WW2.
Post YFW the light goes out whilst wading your way through radioactive water
gallon of milk a day keeps the radiation away
You're a big guy?
Well it’s not great but it’s not terrible.
didn't know reactor lovers were real life succubus
Why is this show full of needless lies? It is good, but what the hell is with the changing of events?
If Chernobyl was a Sonic the hedgehog zone, what would it be like?
Would it be just a zone or a whole game?
This is like when old Mexican women put mustard on burns. Fucking stop that bullshit.
k i n o
>you think you know the way back
>the clicks are getting closer together
>you know you've gone the wrong way but now you have no idea where you are and the machine is going crazy
You're delirious. Go to the infirmary
Thank you, Comrade.
Chemical plant zone, obviously .
I really want to see that guy taken behind the chemical shed and shot.
>1 (one) view
>Content from fucking SKY
>Blocked in the UK
fuck right off you fucking jews
I thought there was a spooky monster when they saw the water bubbling
Because they need to push the narrative: heroic workers vs evil politburo. And because their sources are shit.
How can a series be so kino, bros?
Fuck me, now I have to wait another week till the next episode
A series on the jayhawk wars would be kino.
when do the stalkers make their entrance?
this show is wack
>Sonic under water in some mystery oink solution
>Bubbles for breathing come from some cracks in the pipes, a mystery gas
it was a swimming bloodsucker
>rip doesnt include translated subtitles
It is a spooky monster, user. It can kill you even now. If there's an accident, it might kill you from where it is, thousands of miles away.
>How can a series be so kino, bros?
It's interesting as fuck and it's a subject that hasn't been done to death.
it didnt have subtitles anyways. Its a famous poem from WW2
that actually never happened irl.
It's inevitable that there be trashing so just be happy that the trashing was minimal.
I don’t think hbo included subtitles for that.
>pipe falls and traps the three basement guys
>beast mode shoefactory guy comes from nowhere
And to think I was a child when this happened and I had no idea.
If this went really bad and USA got irradiated I wouldn't have known why I was dying.
>events documented enough that user in his mom's basement has a solid grasp on what happened
>somehow the showrunners don't know
>muh narrative
It's a fucking dramatization
Which episode is the woman scientist going to drop onto the reactor core from the ceiling hole and 1 hit K’O boron dagger then wink at the camera?
>why did I see graphite Bryukhanov?
>Fomin why did he see graphite?
>uhhh, it was Dyatlov’s fault
Yeah we need more boring stuff about the flyovers.
Scene could've been put in the exorcist it was so scary.
>gotfags have started to watch this
So that's it? What, we some finna... suicide squad?
saw this post twice already
In the fuckswamp of absolute horror and depression of the episode, this bit cracked me up so hard
Hope these two get a gulag spin-off show
How do you pronounce Chernobyl?
is it more Chair-noble or Sher-know-beel
Idk, but the first person to go down to the reactor was Checherov and he is not even in the series yet.
[man reading poem in Ukrainian, over radio]
Any one got the exposed core/Sunshine meme?
Give them a break. They just watched their entire world crumble before their eyes.
It’s called 5 years gulag.
I actually kinda feel bad for those two because it unironically all is Dyatlovs fault. Weren't the two of them asleep when the Chernobyl meme lord himself fucked the test up and started sending staff to the infirmary left and right?
And after Dyatlov gave them crap info which they dutifully sent to Moscow only to find themselves holding the ladders when general Chadov comes back from his roentgen safari
>The champion of House Gorbachev is...ionized particles in the atmosphere over an exposed RBMK reactor core
what did GRRM mean by this
Based Boris
CHOR - na - bweel
the "y" sound is not present in English. You will never pronounce it right.
The scene that fucked me up the most BY FAR was the townspeople staring at the fire
Of course it wasn’t my fault I was asleep!
They took Dyatlovs side and claimed there was no problem. It wasn't until they had undeniable evidence practically shoved down their throats that they finally admitted it.
Fuck them.
That's Ukranian pronunciation. Khokhols are not allowed.
>the doggo chasing the bus all excited
which episode has them saying all the stalker memes like cheeki breeki an nu and blowout? i love memes
>guerilla warfare and political terrorism
>leading into the Civil War
oh excuuuuuse me for not proposing a pornographic feature based on Tim Cook's weekends.
Cool poem. Thanks for posting it
Only gets worse for the poor doggo’s user :(
who would win
dany + drogon vs reactor-chan (with lower biological shield intact)
All the six people who were found guilty (including Bryukhanov, Fomin and Dyatlov) were arrested only in august 1986.
Wait until the liquidators have to try and fix Pripyat
>little girl wants to take her puppy on the bus
>solder takes puppy from her
I'm not crying. I got powdered graphite in my eye.
All you need is one minute with Reactor-Chan, user. Let’s be real. You wouldn’t last longer than that.
Solved the boron dumping problem. Thank me later faggots.
>that thumbnail
how do radiactive elements fit into creationism? is god retarded?
I think it was chasing after its owners who had to abandon it user
i'm sorry ;_;
Don’t be delusion user, it’s just debris not graphite. Check the roof if you don’t believe me
>tfw it and all the other doggos and pets are going to get shot next episode
If I remember right they basically went around shooting them all after a month or so, poor bastards.
>All the six people who were found guilty (including Bryukhanov, Fomin and Dyatlov) were arrested only in august 1986.
Should've been fucking shot behind the chemical shed.
I made one for my britbong friends since Sky are blocking the original, see if it works.
>Retarded Amerilards do retarded things over race
Woah, amazing story.
>Don’t be delusion user, it’s just debris not graphite. Check the roof if you don’t believe me
oh well if it's just concrete I'm perfectly fine! eyeball just fell out. Ah well. I doubt it's related.
It was not. If you atch the scene closely, it's a police dog that went to bark at the bus's rear wheels.
>all the doggos
not all
>blaming Bryukhanov
He was asleep user, his wife is here!
I swear I was laughing to myself when I first saw this scene I figured I'd see this post here.
>drogon breathes on reactor
>doesn't burn anything
>causes steam explosion
>drogon and danaerys die of radiation poisoning 5 minutes later
>God created radioactive shit
Dare I solved your problem
This. Because the latest generation of entertainment producers have absolutely no idea what they're doing, this sort of thing has been missing. They had that laughably self-defeating forcememe of a "refugee" boy on a beach (oh, it failed? Re-attempt immediately with the same thing, making the same mistakes). People who should know how to evoke tears instead provoked laughter. Chernobyl truly is the best Yea Forums in a long while.
blocked :^(
bong btw
>He was asleep user, his wife is here!
ahh that's right. everyone has immunity from everything as long as they're asleep.
Based commies
This show is a great redpill for normies. My gf has never agreed with me about socialism so much as she has the last week.
Bless HBO.
>blocked as well
Comrade what is the meaning of this?
Already blocked. Stupid content filters.
You don't know shit. Dyatlov was actually based and was following instructions. That's why Legasov suicided. The six were just scapegoats.
>how do radiactive elements fit into creationism?
There is a massive amount of refining work done to make the radioactive elements feasible for plants/bombs and such.
If they just used plain old radioactive ore, the bombs/plants wouldn't work.
Made what? a collection of scenes with a sappy song?
you need to pitch shift the audio too
What the hell kind of nihilism or sophmorism or simple hostility to America does it take to look at our Civil War as stupid? Oh, right, a "college education" without any math or real history.
doea immunity to fire cover radiation as well?
Yeah people need to really point out the fact that "commies did this"
it's blocked but what is it anyway lad?
Can everyone bang out the good memes please? Compiling for next weeks episode
So now she believes that retarded bureaucracy can hinder disaster relief, but only the state can move enough boron and sand?
>You don't know shit. Dyatlov was actually based and was following instructions. That's why Legasov suicided. The six were just scapegoats.
in fact, I heard it was impossible for the reactor to explode. So obviously that didn't happen.
Who’s ready for /Liquidator-core/
>but only the state can move enough boron and sand?
It's 5000 tons of it. No way the private sector can accomplish that!
uh, guys.... why am I getting tranny videos suggested to me on youtube now....
Or that the root cause of the problem was a culture of covering-up, taking risks with human life, and compartmentalizing information, all of which were rife in the Soviet experiment.
The scenes where Boris looks miserable after he is told he'll be dead in 5 years, with suicide music in the background.
>Die from radiation
>Tell them to fuck off and get sent to prison
Decisions decisions.
Fuck your screamer vid, faggot
How could anyone possibly watch this or study any sort of economics or history and think communism is good?
I'll move that sand and boron... if you fucking pay me you nigger
They're not immune to anything
Seems like there's plenty of simpsons related material just waiting to be used.
What the hell is wrong with you that you pay attention to YouTube recommendations? Are you stupid? Is there an especially good reason why you're not using a frontend like a civiized human being?
they survived irl but still
>Northern elite wants X
>Southern elite wants Y
>They go to war over it
>Americans still obsessed over it
Woah so amazing. So exciting. Even the first Serbian uprising is more exciting than oligarchs fighting over a country.
>uh, guys.... why am I getting tranny videos suggested to me on youtube now....
need to clear your history before going to youtube. they look at that shit.
I wanna make a collection of clips to the song Sex Bomb by Flipper
Ready for melting firemen kino
>"That Wasn't *Real* Communism!"
very funny picture
don't worry it worked out for that guy
>I'll move that sand and boron... if you fucking pay me you nigger
You can't even drop it directly! You need the wind to carry it over the core!
Just hire a company with some giant industrial fans. Easy, but you gotta pay them.
>He doesn't know about the ionization of the atmosphere caused by the radiation
Nigga where have you been? Theres been a million billion trillion RBMK threads
Comrades how many episodes until we find that American capitalist has stolen core and placed the graphite there for the making of USSR look bad
um but sweaty
a whole bunch of amerisharts died
and also niggers got freedumbs but not really
so its obviously the most important event im human history ok
I understand now. These /XYZ/ Generals are HBO shills. No it all makes sense. GoT is almost over, we need to get fourchan hooked on another of our shows.
But hey, it's pretty great, I'm in.
Shit. Now I want to know about the cat...
There are a lot of stupid people out there. But to be fair, governmental incompetence transcends political ideologies.
>reddit spacing
you have to go back
Would have been better kino if we got a scene where the Swedish plant finds out about Chernobyl rather than stronk woman in Belarus
The cherenkov effect, completely normal phenomenon. Can happen with minimal radiation.
Not great but not terrible
What was the name of the hotel they stayed at
>Just hire a company with some giant industrial fans. Easy, but you gotta pay them.
But how are you going to power the fans without a nuclear power plant!?!?
You have to first build a second power plant to power the fans to blow the dust over the exposed core of the first power plant.
>t. moments away from being sent to the roof
What about marvel and AMC shills?
But Sweden is further away than Belarus.
Is your cat getting enough roentgens?
I didn't mind the scenes with her in belarus in her lab but everything after was just pure QUEEEEEEEEEEN SLAAAAAY
I noticed that. Shes ugly though so I dont care.
>tfw you dont even have 5 years to live
Why are you so offended by his fetish for transexuals?
Power is still being generated. Next question.
>The cherenkov effect, completely normal phenomenon. Can happen with minimal radiation.
Hell, I've seen the cherenkov effect from my uranium infused glassware.
But Sweden were actually the first ones to know something happened
That's not true.
It was the Soviets, they just didn't tell anyone.
is that more than a normal person should have?
Ah well, atleast you tried lad it's the thought that counts
*outside of USSR
Swedes were the first people outside of the Soviet Union to know, because all of their nuclear power planets had people tripping radiation alarms on the way into work
I'm at 1.5 million and i'm doing fin-kgdgf sg fgsfgnfgmnfgnfgndfgnmlSFGNMdfNHAENBa
Yes it is
Well no shit but they obviously weren’t gonna say anything
No it's not.
unlike weak limp wristed decadent west where everything is shut down when somebody sneezes, the robust socialist design and construction of NPP Chernobyl has allowes the state to keep 2 of the 3 non-exploded reactors to keep operating business as usual. We would have kept 3 running as well if not for that stupid bitumen fire on the roof that SOME alarmists (and possible american spies) insist is graphite
Do you feel in charge? Order the radiation back into the core.
Only if you’re some sort of pussy user.
That’s a big reactor
Why the fuck would a doctor say 15000 roentgen per hour isn't dangerous?
>using a frontend
enlighten me, comrade
>is not danger, right komrade?
these three guys didn't die irl so I hope the show doesn't go full dishonesty
Yes it is you stupid faggot
I think you can't shut down a nuclear reactor with pushing a button, so it was the logical choice to keep them going.
>Why the fuck would a doctor say 15000 roentgen per hour isn't dangerous?
If you can't see the radiation it's not dangerous. Duh.
Prove it
Maybe not the first to know about it, but the first to bring it to public attention
show me the bodies
This man is exhausted from over-shitposting I've seen worse, someone take him to the infirmary.
>le strong wyman May may
To late for that. It’s reasonably accurate, but it’s still a dramatization. Just enjoy the kino and read about it for yourself.
Nope. You're wrong. Surrounding republics Belarus and Lithuania found out long before.
>I'll go then
I think we can all agree this guy is the ultimate badass. Say what you will about Russians but their officers have alot of balls.
Fun fact the actor Mark lewis smith plays Mr Hogg the whaler in master and commander.
>these three guys didn't die irl so I hope the show doesn't go full dishonesty
Nowhere in episode 2 do you see them dying.
>Say what you will about Russians but their officers have alot of balls.
says who
Thanks for turning me onto this Yea Forums literally the first new show i have watched in months ! everything else is literally a (((contaminated))) radioactive mess
>This man is exhausted from over-shitposting I've seen worse, someone take him to the infirmary.
yay! milk!
hence why I hope they don't kill them off
The Glow is her love
The Glow is her life.
Embrace her Glow
Spread her Glow
Do not let the Kuffar cover Reactor-chan with unholy boron and silicate.
Glory be that is Reactor-chan.
better than water
>Say what you will about Russians but their officers have alot of balls.
Not after exposure to that much radiation.
Embrace the Glow.
did this really happen?
Started digging around for some more radioactive accidents.
Fucking JUST
The real core was the friends we made along the way :^)
Oh they’re still there just firing blanks.
Me. Based off their reputation in Hollywood movies like The death of stalin. Sue me.
Yes. There’s video footage
On the next episode of Dragon Ball Chernobyl:
He didn't fly too good
Watch some documentary on it. They interview liquidators. They ask them if they would have done it, if they were explained all the risks. They all answer "Of course, I would do it again. Somebody had to do it. When the motherland calls, it's my duty."
Based Soviet soul.
Go back and read what I wrote.
>when you're too young to deal with this Soviet BS
Yes but I don't think it happened with the first heli they had dropping sand
Yes it did, theres a video of it too. The pilot clipped the cable.
Fucking metal
Time to fap
Yup, but months later
>Oh they’re still there just firing blanks.
How many millions of billions of them though?
Why? Russians love killing themselves almost as much as they love killing each other.
>Go back and read what I wrote.
I don't want to
Core lava
>[YouTube] Chernobyl disaster: First aerial video (embed)
Muh mysterious Russian soul
>this was a great idea
It didn’t and they weren’t flying into a giant radioactive death cloud. The helicopter hit a crane cable and crashed. But it was one of many many helicopters that were used.
>did this really happen?
You tell me.
Why would a trained helicopter pilot fly inside of a massive dirty smoke cloud anyway?
needle in the Heeeeeeeeeeeeey
Yeah. Video is on YouTube. Not on the first flight though.
>find new glowing rock
>turn it into paint for watch faces and dials
>don't tell anyone shit's probably fucked
>explicitly tell the women working for you to use their mouths to keep the brush pointed
>everyone starts getting sick
Did these three guys make it? I'm getting conflicting reports
the incident where the little girl uses radioactive material as body paint is worse IMO
Because in Soviet Union you do as your told
but man was it fun
Really makes me wonder how the US would have acted if 3 mile island had a full meltdown
you have to wait for next week's episode to find out.
YouTube: I forbid you from watching this video!
HookTube, InVidious, etc: here you go.
YouTube: I demand that you sit through this five minute misloading advertisement for cat food insurance!
HookTube, InVidious, etc: Yeah, no.
>Not great but not terrible
this meme has some real potential
It's 15000 right in front of the reactor, less in Prypiat
There has always been wild medical debates about the impact of radiation, length and intensity of exposition for 'light' doses that don't immediately give you radiation sickness and kill you in days.
Add to that the usual soviet tendency to minimizing issues and the fact that a doctor will likely assume that the last thing a party official wants to hear about is evacuation, for a hundred reasons
>t. incel
Have sex
Yeah but what else do you expect from low IQ Brazilians
>Really makes me wonder how the US would have acted if 3 mile island had a full meltdown
Probably better because we actually cared about human lives.
Before you were deputy secretary you used to shine shoes, everybody called you
Spitshine Toмми
Go home and get your fucking shine box
Why do you keep posting child porn? That cos you're a pedo?
no u r
Don’t get fresh!
Well if they got actual russians to play the parts they'd all be really hot.
>after being specifically told not to
the british accents are actually really annoying
That's why the only character I like so far is Shcherbina.
Isn't it assumed he crashed because he was suffering from radiation sickness
>Perfectly Under Control
Newpipe on Android
>Not great but not horrifying either
YouTube with self destructing cookies and ublock
Vanilla YouTube
>the british accents are actually really annoying
yeah. i understand why though. be really hard to get hundreds of brits to learn how to do russian accents.
>Tell me how a Nuclear reactor works or I'll have these men throw you out
>He looks at the goons who sit unflinching
>Now you messed up, I know concrete
Not gonna lie, I had a giggle. Boris is pretty based desu
>It was not. If you atch the scene closely, it's a police dog that went to bark at the bus's rear wheels.
That's not a police dog user, he's stopping it from leaving the city, he's holding it by the scruff of the neck , the dog likely belonged to the woman in the back of the bus who was centre-shot seconds before
Opinion on The China Syndrome?
vote here citizens of wakanda
never 4get
we wuz churnobyl
Like 1 or 2.
probably nowhere as poorly
I hope he shots the dog so he doesn't mutate in the zone.
No pupper deserves that fate.
The song makes that video utterly sadder...
Song name?
>3 million billion trillion bullets
why don't we have a name for that number?
and what caliber of bullets?
>but we're staying here
>yes, and we'll both be dead in five years! oh...I'm...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...
Hold it, what did I miss here? Is Boris already sick or something?
Scherbina actually sounds like a rooskie, based character
>Song name?
Avagadro's number?
wot r u on about spastic
What was the reasoning for not bringing pets? surely they could see this as a future problem. hard to believe and Ruskie would willingly leave behind their beloved kots
Gotta earn that fifty cents
the wut
All of those people really died
>Following the explosion many inhabitants of Pripyat gather on a railway bridge just outside of the city that provides a view of the nuclear power plant. They spoke of beautiful flames in all the colours of the rainbow (the burning graphite) and how the flames reached higher than the pillars of smoke. Sadly what they didn’t konw, was that the wind that swept over them carried with it a dose of radiation equivalent to 500 Roentgen (exposure to 750 Roentgen/h, 7,5 Sv, is deemed a lethal dose).
>Of the people standing on the bridge that night no one survived, it is now often referred to as the “bridge of death”.
the fact that they plan to be in the town and have been close to the plant means they've already been exposed
They were probably irradiated
>we actually cared about human lives
So no one goes in and sacrifices himself because muh freedom and cheesehamburgers and you end up with millions dead?
new thred?
It's a movie in the 70s starring hanoi jane. kinda kicked off the anti-nuke plant movement. which was its purpose.
>name for that number
There's "Mole" but that's hardly going to convince the central committee.
Hysterical nonsense, looks downright silly next to this. Notable for an early depiction of sexual harassment.
>What was the reasoning for not bringing pets?
they're fucked. they're covered in fur holding in all that radioactive shit. They don't really fit on the busses. The people are being evacuated to fucking tent cities probably.
BuzzFeed makes an actual good video for once
They were probably LESS irradiated than the human beings. Pets wouldn't have spent nearly as much time outdoors as their owners.
Isn't that already obvious to both of them? I'm wondering what faux pas Valery apparently committed to warrant his apology.
>What was the reasoning for not bringing pets?
No room.
seems like a good reason I guess
you double the number of buses and people have to corral their pets so that they don't mess with each other or otherwise shit on the bus.
no, pets were later shot because they would wander around in packs, become irradiated, and spread radiation that way.
I have a feeling that dog will feature again, and it will be shot
>I know what you're guarding
>I know everything
>lemme through
>demanding a guard to disobey orders
literally "it's impossible there's no way we could ever access th-- 'I'm in,'" tier character
The one where Hisashi Ouchi got nuked sounds wild.
>fuck up procedure
>room lights up with a blue flash and alarm starts sounding
>you and your two buddies immediately start to feel pain, nausea and have trouble breathing
>start vomiting and pass out
>cue 83 days of your muscles and skin sliding off of your body with doctors repeatedly bringing you to life because your heart keeps stopping
>I have a feeling that dog will feature again, and it will be shot
thus showing how monstrous the soviets were.
>completely tear out the heart of a country
>debase its culture
>topple its statues
the descendants of the Chernobyl doggos and kots are pretty much fine. in fact a lot are being taken care of, and some have actually been adopted by people around the world
>ywn own a Chernobyl kot
Didn't he just arrest her which is what she wanted anyway
There's your number.
And your caliber is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 10^-12m.
>Isn't that already obvious to both of them?
the other dude wanted to fly over the core for fucks sake
because American police are known for their love of dogs
It was mercy killing, all the pets were going to die of starvation or radiation poisoning
not great, but not terrible either.
>because American police are known for their love of dogs
>all the pets were going to die
if that's true, why are there still dogs and cats running around?
yeah Americans usually say good boy and give them treats after siccing them.
This image gave me a sensible chuckle
>It was mercy killing
you and frank 'n furter I swear...
Fuck I love these memes
Okay, but I'm fixated on Valery's sudden remorse after the claim. He made the claim deliberately to illustrate the gravity of the situation. It makes no sense for him to suddenly apologize unless there was something particularly insensitive about the remark.
S8 turned into the worst season. Commie block kino is in,
The core is not exposed.
I made one 4U big guy
new thread
new thread
new thread
what's great is if you've never seen the show you won't get them.
does that mean that fukushima is the proof that capitalism doesn't work?
One of the best shots so far, felt so natural watching that moment.
Stop jacking to lady men
>a dose of radiation equivalent to 500 Roentgen (exposure to 750 Roentgen/h
you're delusional, it was only 3.6 Roentgen
Every time that a committee is assembled to solve a problem I just hear spanish flea and yakety sax on loop in my mind for the duration of the scene.
The whole world isn’t a conspiracy against you. I start a lot of these Generals if I’m up.