Look at the comments!

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Other urls found in this thread:


After the reception of the end of GOT I could see this changing.

>Directed by Rian Johnson

jewish nepotism, nothing new

what would happen when immovable subverter of expectations and unstoppable subverter of expectations meet each other?

this is good news.
there is zero chance of it being good.
every step closer to ending this shit franchise.

>Tit milk from dragons with light sabers
sounds kino desu.

>jewish nepotism, nothing new
Really no other good explanation. Good time for some redpilling.

they cancel each other out and make a normal movie because their corporate overlords are holding a gun to their heads

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If D&D directed the original trilogy:

- C-3PO would have blown up the Death Star.
- Darth Vader would reveal he's Luke's father off-camera.
- Chewbacca would be killed off to keep make up costs down.
- Luke and Leia fuck.


did you forget to say have sex you bugman

>Rey annihilates Coruscant with a star destroyer

I fucking hope so, confine all the bullshit to one trilogy instead of spreading it across two. It would also be hilarious because Rian Jonhson's fans are the same people who are calling D&D sexist after the latest episode.

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Will Rian Johnson be attached to their project?

Is Rian defending the episode?

He hasn't commented on it, but he defended the death of the Night King

Back to leftypol you retard

He loved the NK twist.

I'm positive Kathleen Kennedy is trying to destroy Star Wars or get it to such a low level that any mediocre content will seem ground breaking

>Hasnt commented on it
Not surprising at all

based D&D will bring disney down

Debid is about to send the mouse to bankrupt city


Didn't that basically already happen?

Their style is honestly better for something like Star Wars rather than GoT.

It's the io9 fan base what kinda responds u except

Don't know about any of you but I'm looking forward to see how much gasoline they would add to the dumpster fire

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I loved the part where Jar-Jar Binks fucked anakin and then killed emperor palpatine.

Gotta give this to them, i used to like star wars but now i just want it to crash and burn with no survivors. Please let rian johnson team up with d&d, that would be a beautiful disaster.

have D&D made any good decisions that weren't decided by GRRM in GOT?

>Don't know about any of you but I'm looking forward to see how much gasoline they would add to the dumpster fire
It ain't gasoline, it's radioactive waste.

>Jews own Disney
>give Jews a major role producing their films

Who could've predicted this?

D&D will subvert Rian's subversion and the movie will be as if JJ directed it: a boring, predictable rehash.

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Don't be problematic

>trying to fit in with the big boys.
io9 is pretty much the only dedicated scifi news aggregator still standing these days, timmy. Not to mention that they're just reporting a fact.
Back to reddi.t with you now, there's a good boy.

They should just let M. Night Shamalamadingdong direct Nu Wars. Turns out--Palpatine was the good guy all along because--*gasP The VONG.

--who were really the Gungans, so the Jedi are double-bastards

Johnson is a good director but terrible writer.Keep him away from a pen and it could be decent.

>Johnson is a good director but terrible writer.Keep him away from a pen and it could be decent.
Is he though? He's directed one good film over the course of his career to date. Maybe he's just another hack who accidentally made something good at the start of his career with Loooper, like the Donnie Darko guy or Josh Trank?

>lowres epic caption gifs
Every time I open twitter it's like taking a trip back to 2000s

what went right?
(i dont know how to do black bars)

Huh, they are great directors, they just need a good writer and they can do wonderful things.

>Johnson is a good director

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>Luke and Leia fuck.
Sounds pretty kino to me

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We're putting together a team.

Sounds better than TLJ

It's just so all painfully bad. It has that cheap stage fighting choreography feel to it.

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>Johnson is a good director

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Why wouldn’t they announce this after episode 9 comes out? The only reason the third movies in these trilogies make so much money is because people think they’re the last ones doing this just seals the fate of episode 9

Do you think they are going to top the new trilogy by making a worse one?

D&D clearly love the hero's journey more than Rian ever could. Their handling a simpler concept like Star Wars would probably net better results.

>more star shit

>Don't know about any of you but I'm looking forward to see how much gasoline they would add to the dumpster fire

I'm with you brother. I literally enjoyed the hatred and blacklast against nu-wars and this season of game of thrones more than any actual film/tv series to come out in over a decade. the trauma these shitfests generate is infinitely more entertaining than any actual film I've seen in years.

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I wonder whose gonna rape who in the D&D star wars? and whose gonna fuck their aunt? and what fan favorites they're gonna character assassinate(since there are none left?) i can't wait

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You forgot
>Luke kills Vader and falls to the dark side, just like his dad
>Leia gives Han a one night stand before going after her brother and joins him as the ship blows
>Jar-Jar gets the jump on Palpatine and kills him

Eh, to be fair to them, it actually isn't necessarily easy to successfully adapt even great book material. There have been A LOT of shitty movies and tv series that have great source material. Creating one of the most watched tv shows ever is not something that happens by complete accident.

They seems to have some skills as producers. They've made mostly good decisions on what to focus on. How the TV series should feel vs making it a sequence of movies or violent soap opera.

wtf I love leftypol now

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Indeed. This is their wheelhouse. The reason they fucked up Game of Thrones is precisely the reason they will do well making a Hollywood blockbuster.

first jew jew and now these two yids. Star Wars is dead.

I'd agree if not for GRRM being a former television writer and many people noticing that his book feels like a screenplay.

Rare bonbi you have their friend.

This is so painful to watch. How did anyone think this choreography and this particular take was acceptable. How does anyone think this movie is good at all?

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Why do they keep pushing out SW movies? Destroys the "hype" and brand a lot imo

setting aside all the dudes just twirling around and swing at air-- why do they look like the AMC dots??

Yup, it's worth a lot.

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If they don't keep making them they are just leaving money on the table. I saw a chart that says they have one planned every two years until 2099.

>Whines about da Joos
>Blame leftypol
Well, to be fair, leftists hate Israel too, but they don't whine about Jews in general.

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Most of their complaints about "corporate power" and "the big banks" and even a lot of the white privilege shit they talk about really applies to Jewish power and nepotism. It's just too much for them to wrap their minds around.

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Yeah but Star Wars isn't like cape shit, the stories are so self contained in itself that you can't just keep pumping like there's no tomorrow since there won't even be a story to tell.

Actually had a thought. If Jews save the best shit for themselves, would eating kosher food be better for me overall?

There should be more than plenty of possible stories to tell in the Star Wars universe. It honestly pisses me off the Star Wars as an IP has a monopoly on laser swords and zen space wizards.

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You'd think that since Star Wars has a vast universe but 7 and 8 is proving otherwise.

I haven’t followed the show in years, can someone please explain to me why people are mad Dany is a cunt when she was always set up to be one? Her character is literally “ruling by virtue of birth and being told you deserve to rule doesn’t make you a good ruler, more likely a psychotic tyrant”.

No rich person in a suit in hollywood has ever actually read a review. They've never looked at any kind of discussion of the quality of a series. All they look at is the money numbers.

>Oh these guys made game of thrones? How much money did it make? A gorillion dollars?! Holy shit give them our properties, they'll make a gorillion dollars for us too right?

A lot already considered and knew of the possibility, the execution just sucks.

Dany has been primarily going after her direct enemies and was still aware of the citizens plights, which was why she imprisoned her dragons at one point when they burned a kid.
Now, she went after the civilians deliberately, after she had stopped temporarily, just cause of fucking bells.

It would have been better if she went for the army and Red Keep initially, before going after the civilians as she got drunk on the slaughter and fire.

Hasn't this property been subverted enough?

I can get on board with that last one but the rest sounds shit.


Who the fuck actually watches this shit? Looks so silly

Hey dabid
hey dabid
what dave
what if, what if the audience forgot vader died and he is still around
wouldn't that subvert their expectations
bravo dabid

They are good writers, they just didn't want to put enough effort in GoT to give it a good finale.
They dumped GoT Season 9 for Star Wars. Shame

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Why does everyone on Twitter use the shittiest gifs possible instead of a smug anime girl?

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More like showruiners

The guy is holding 2 weapons and actually moves the one in his left hand in front of her belly, he literally could have cut her stomach open there.

Also it disappears after he moves it. Someone dun goofed hard.

Pretty much anything that they didn't adapt was shit, so I seriously doubt that, the best I can give is that they stopped really trying midway.
Though probably were negotiating this for a few years already, season 7 was already pretty damn rushed.

In the end they should have resigned or HBO should have fired them if they didn't want to give a proper ending to the series, HBO said they wanted 10 seasons after all.

>look at the twitter comments
no thanks

Is that why he defended D&D's shit writing on twitter that badly?

Season 1 of GoT was great, but this was mostly because it was a straight conversion from the book.
Season 2 was were the OC started creeping in and quality started deteriorating but it was still tolerable.
Then when they went past the books and it was all their writing the show just turned bad

Remember: Disney Star Wars in not canon.

Why are all of these racist misogynist antisemetic homophobic goyim so upset? I don't understand.

If these guys were in charge of the sequel trilogy it might not have been shit. Rey would have turned to the dark side and we would have gotten a clean "rhyme" with the prequel trilogy, which sets up for the next trilogy which would "rhyme" with the original trilogy and be more upbeat. They aren't afraid to make a female lead turn into a villain, either.

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I fucking HATE Star Wars but this shit is starting to really piss me off.
Everyone's so fucking melodramatic these days like shit's always the end of the fucking world and it's plunging them into a pit of depression.

>Ctrl+ F Deadpool
>0 Results
This is going to be fun, Disney Wars going down the shitter more than it already has.

just a coincidence I'm sure

Why do they do everything together? Can't just one of them direct it? Having two directors seems like a bad idea.

Also, doesn't the DGA get all pissy if two directors who aren't brothers f8lm a movie and share credit? Dunjo why siblings get a pass. Weird bullshut union rules.

When I was watching this in cinema on day one when this scene started one guy shouted "What is this fucking power rangers!".

And then half of cinema laughed.

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>Chewbacca suddenly appears at the end of Return of the Jedi and shoots both Vader and Emperor

Reminder Benioff is a complete fraud and literally blackmailed the HBO producer into letting him continue making GoT after a producing a pilot so bad and telling of his incompetence that everyone involved realized "this man has no idea what he's doing".

Attached: New Script Report on the Failed Pilot Episode of Game of Thrones 1 7 YouTube.png (963x525, 708K)

t. The Dragon Demands

This they’re killing it so Marvel studios has no franchise competitors AND to profit of the original series in Disneyland, Merchandise and third party content.

Its like Star Trek. They out new stuff out but the merch is all classic shit because it has a higher need for supply and demand. Their sjw policies never succeed on the merch level. Look at Ray, Rose and Finn shelf warmers.

Now instead of seeing them destroy something I like I can see them destroy something I hate.

Just to be clear, these are all the same people who cheered on The Last Jedi right?

God I’m so conflicted right now. On the one hand D&D are hacks, but on the other hand the sheer amount of SJW asshurt they can deliver over the next decade will be phenomenal.

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See the problem is that they won't even make the SJW's asshurt.
Dany going mad is probably a GRRM idea, not D&D's, they just fucked up the delivery of that.
D&D will absolutely make SJW appealing tripe

they just might subvert our expectations and make a half-decent movie.

Power of world class editing.

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>first time watched it looking at what Kylo Ren is doing
>makes even less sense than what Rey does

Yeah, they're so lucky. It probably has nothing to do with Dabid's father being a billionaire Goldman Sachs banker.

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I was completed floored when Leia hijacked the second Death Star and blew up Endor, screaming at the Ewoks: "Why didn't you fucking depose the Emperor you furry little treeniggers?!"

Don't know how they GoT away with that, but it completely subverted my expectations.

>- Luke and Leia fuck.
Literally nothing wrong with that.

doesn't he have a sword in his other hand? whats going on there?

crying out while you strike huh

Reys plot armour destroyed the weapon

>making star cringe even cringier
el oh el

the hell is that dude wearing
it's like a metaphor for menstration

"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

I think it's time I killed myself, I no longer recognize the world around me.


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Brick was good

>produced by D&D
>directed by Rian Johnson
The expectations will never be the same.

So Kathleen Kennedy has graduated from hiring someone who want's half his audience to hate his work to two people who want EVERYONE to hate their work.

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No it wasn't.

What happens when you team up two hacks with a complete fucking wanker of a fuck up? Is it a double negative any they cancel each other out?

no, prepare to see hackkino

still would have been 3x better than last jedi.

yes, almost certainly. they're likely collaborating, which is absolutely fucking hilarious.

look@ how versed in memery I am

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Rian Johnson will be attached to a rock and dropped off of a pier

It's like symbolic or some shit, I dunno lol

It's not nepotism if Jews are legitimately the most competent people.


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Uh, D&D are all about that SJW empowerment shit, it's Martin that has some borderline violent issues with women (if you read his books, its clear he frequently goes out of his way to make horrible shit happen to every female character).

This is why SJWs are retarded just like Alt-right cucks. Neither of them actually understand whatever the fuck is going on around them, they're just ranting and raving at anyone who ends up in their line of sight.

Already better than disney nu wars, GoT at its worst is still better than Söy War/Marvel as its best

Im going to laugh really hard if the movies are amazing and Yea Forums still shits on them to be anti-normie

The Last Jedi is kino but dan and david are literally whos. all theyve got to their name is ruining game of thrones with their sloppy fanfiction based on a one page summary of the the last two books

>My reaction pics are meme KINO yours are onions

Have sex.

So you aren't going to laugh at all lmao

Nope faggot. TLJ was kino and this latest episode was the only good one these last two seasons

when has that ever stopped them?

>he thinks the director is in charge of the fight choreography

Holy fuck it's so dense in fuck ups, I could watch it for hours. No way this isn't an inside job to kill Star Wars

The funniest part of the mistake was that it's clear that he was still actually holding it in his hand, but was digitally removed.

So the editor actually noticed the mistake, they clearly didn't have time to reshoot that part so the edited it out and hoped the audience wouldn't notice.


Don't know. Try it out for a month and report back to us with your findings. you might be on to something, friend

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based D&D

This is the same company that is 'happy' with EA's handling of the exclusive Star Wars license releasing nothing but 2 failed online shooters over the years. Even though fans are outrage and wants Disney to pull the deal. Disney is just too big to fail.

brainlet contrarian


that’s the kino tier list. rest of the seasons dont count

>This is the same company that is 'happy' with EA's handling of the exclusive Star Wars license
They're not about to say that they're unhappy with EA while the exclusive contract is still in place. More so, EA are pretty much their only choice given that activion are in up to the hilt with yearly franchises and ubisoft exclusively make low effort open world trash now.

Will they be doing The Old Republic? Will they be ruining that, too?

Attached: Blur Studios The Old Republic cinematic.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

KK might actually be retarded.
Funny most of these people probably cheered the initial announcement of them doing a trilogy.

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This deal would have been set in motion ages ago, likely at least a year. So KK and co. probably just walked into catastrophic shitstorm, while thinking that they were hiring some of the hottest stars in the industry.
Same thing would have happened with Rian... they hired him after looper, thinking that he was some sort of elite auteur who could make scifi profitable on the big screen and then surprise - Johnson is actually a stupid, pretentious hack who can't write or direct for shit and looper was just him accidentally making something people liked.

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So are these now known as rscist nazi's or what?

keep hitting those homeruns kathleen kennedy!

Think about it this way, at least it will be consistently stupid rather than having the extreme dip in quality GoT had once they ran out of book to adapt.

It can't be worse than TLJ, so why not.

Seems to me it's actually possible that getting hired for Star Wars is the reason season 8 is as godawful as it is. They're desperate to get it out of the way so they can get to work on Star Wars.

What are you talking about? The Old Republic is already ruined.

>So are these now known as rscist nazi's or what?
No they're sexist whyte moyn

Rian is a kino director. Fuck off.


Hack singularity incoming

Visually, yes, narratively, no.

It's so disappointing that TLJ was actually such a beautiful looking film, it's like despite always being a collaborative effort, it still takes an exceptional director to make a film that is both narratively and cinematographically excellent.

what was the point of that episode

Don't be silly. Season 8 isn't their only case of bad writing from them. They're simply bad.

What’s funny is that they may have been rushing through the show so they could do this.
I’ve heard HBO wanted it to be longer with all 10 episode seasons and more of them

Kylo didn't kill anyone, but those floor tiles are at fucking 1 HP.

At this point, I feel like everyone in charge of a major franchise is just purposefully driving it into the ground because it's been proven that whatever cult of soiboy fans and SJWs will still keep dumping out their wallets as long as you make a tweet saying "YAY FOR NIGGERS & TRANNIES" every once in a while.

>Don't be silly. Season 8 isn't their only case of bad writing from them.
Don't tell me I'm being silly, user, you're the one inferring something that I didn't say.

As I understand it, it's speculated that HBO actually wanted at least another season out of them. But they'd been offered Star Wars, so as a result, season 8 is not only baseline D&D level bad, but also rushed, making it extra bad.
>Seems to me it's actually possible that getting hired for Star Wars is the reason season 8 is as godawful as it is. They're desperate to get it out of the way so they can get to work on Star Wars.

How can Disney keep fucking up with Star Wars? Did George enact some dark ritual before selling it to turn the property to dust for whoever bought it afterwards?

now do we talk about someone who actually religious jew or some mut who has ashcan jew or separdic jew in their family? because enraged poltardians see no difference

lmao kill yourself

Then everyone clapped. And the name of that guy? Abraham Lincoln

Just imagine how much they can subvert our expectations together ... And then they will subvert even those

Perhaps together they can cancel each other out

>implying star wars isnt already dead

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Season 1 of got is a masterpiece with the next 3 seasons still being really good. They're just garbage scriptwriters

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the rape

Traditionally Jews literally were vegetarians, kosher was a loophole for times of famine, where a person was only allowed to eat meat of an animal that they raised and cared for. This was eventually simplified to 'murder it in a natural way'.

>these people are still praising rian

Hopefully we get to see the Night King/Darth Maul throw his double sided lightsaber like a javelin from the surface of a planet through space and into the Rebel command ship, instantly destroying it

>pg-pg13 “mass appeal” Kathleen kennedy overseenno sexy characters or cool aliens

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>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick

>implying KK would let them turn her self insert evil

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We should make a betting pool on the chances of each GoT actor getting a role.

I mean, besides Gwendoline Christie. Haha, she must be funing about this now that I think about it. I mean D&D suck but at least they'd likely give her something to actually do rather than just be a joke.


This isn't 10-12, this is Old Republic

>I saw a chart that says they have one planned every two years until 2099.
They're coming every three years. They're slowing things down as Bob Iger said, until they can figure out what the fuck they're doing.

Around every three years is the rate the original and prequel trilogy movies came out at.

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Why does he stab the ground? What the fuck is going on? Who approved this?

fake news

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Explain Jons story then you mongoloid

>Jewish population in the US: 5.3 million
>50% of Jews over 115 IQ: 2,65 million
>white population of US: 192 milliion
>13.6% of whites over 115 IQ: 26 million
the numbers still don't add up
if you do the numbers over 130 IQ, it's 700,000 vs 4 million
the Jews are vastly overrepresented and you can't explain it by IQ

Attached: iq-distribution-curve-1.png (658x325, 26K)

the thing is that the non practicing jews consider themselves to be just as non-goyish as their forefathers, they're the same as murrica-niggers who never left Detroit feeling like they're african kings and queens
they also tend to share the exact same views on politics as giga-jews, rarely do we see ashcan jews stray further from their heritage than just simply stop going to church or whatever regularily after their bar/bat mitzva

If D&D were in charge of The Last Jedi they would have had Rey lightsaber the Siege Dreadnaught to death at the beginning of the film instead of it being taken out by a space B-17.

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I keep seeing people post this retarded picture but what is it from?

Bells was kino, if they can pull that off again I might be ok with it.

If it's just S U B V E R T E D: The Movie then fuck them.

Im ready for kotor kino

Want to see the KOTOR lore ruined as much as the OT?

I swear they are fucking perfect if you want the most consistent sequel to episode 8.
>epic shots and cool cgi battles for no reason at all
>inconsistent battles like light speed jam
>characters being killed off without explaining their back stories like snoke
>characters suddenly turning evil or good



He could have cut her stomach open with his left hand weapon

One of the concept pieces from the Art of The Force Awakens. When they were in let's throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks mode after tossing out Lucas' script for the trilogy.

They kind of forgot they had it

2 dumb jews and a shabbos goy. great.

Kotor is on a platter for them, everything is already written and established all they need do is copy it

>Did George enact some dark ritual before selling it to turn the property to dust for whoever bought it afterwards?
Kanthy Kennedys fault for lying about wanting George's help with the trilogy

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Yup. She needs to be fired. She is unable to run that studio. Though I think she will leave after episode 9, so whoever the shadow president of Lucas film is equally retarded.

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that's because jews invented IQ tests for the military specifically so that other races perform worse on them, thus justifying giving other races worse ranks and roles within the military

Rian Johnson at the directing and Filoni at the scenario.
There. Kino. For a whole trilogy, from beginning to end.

I can feel him reminding himself not to do anything with his other hand. Also how did he have a dagger one second then suddenly not

to subvert expectations

You should swallow a razor if you think Looper was good.

Yeah, just like the sequel trilogy, right?
You are delusional if you think Disney wars has any chance to be good.

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I remember enjoying it. Maybe I should give it a more critical rewatch.

TLJ is unironically worse than the prequels

The funniest to me is that Rey reacts to being slashed for some reason that makes no sense at all

the prequels are kino. gas yourself.

it's the only way jews can advance, they are too dumb and talentless otherwise

>Chewbacca would be killed off to keep make up costs down.
infuriatingly accurate

The director is in charge of the fight choreography, via the choreographer. The Director has the full ability to say the choreographer sucks and is absurd. The Director is responsible for the hiring of all major roles on set, and is most directly in charge of any interactions with on-screen talent. The director bears full responsibility for the mis-en-scene. Rian wanted a "le epic" fight scene, hired a vetted choreographer who could deliver something like this, and after working with the choreographer, producer, and talent, not only accepted, but fully approved of this choreographer, and worked with the cinematographer to capture it in this specific way. What do you actually know about working on a set?

That would prove the lad you replied to correct megamind

I'm just wondering who these two fucks think they are that they're too good for the most popular TV show of all-time after starting out in awful shit like Wolverine Origins and Troy. Yeah Star Wars is popular but there's going to be a three year gap anyway because they fucked up with Solo so that left plenty of time for two ten episode seasons for 7 and 8.