>China forbids movies about using time travel to change the past.
This kills the Flashpoint movie harder than Marvel beating them to the punch to the Hypertime/Multiverse concepts.
>China forbids movies about using time travel to change the past.
This kills the Flashpoint movie harder than Marvel beating them to the punch to the Hypertime/Multiverse concepts.
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marvel have any movies about talking gorillas living in an advanced ape society hidden in the heart of africa??
yeah, Black Panther
>China forbids movies about using time travel to change the past.
Seriously, they specifically single that out?
yeah, huge thing about fate
China forbids movies about flaming faggots so that leaves the Flash out from the beginning
I thought that was Wakanda?
yeah, they also heavily altered Wandering Earth from its source material since it's based upon people not believing the government
Such a huge retarded country of bug-people
Ezra Miller killed the flashpoint movie by being a horrid flash.
For good reason. CERN is actually going back in time right now and ripping holes in our reality. It's what's causing the Mandela effect.
Did they ban Endgame, or did this happen in the last couple weeks?
Here is hoping Wonder Woman is the one that changes the past or timeline in Wonder Woman 84...somehow
That might be a loophole they use.
Maybe that way they can get rid of him as well.
I can see WB just axing everyone but Gal, Drogo, and Shazam since they are the ones who had success, Cavill and Affleck already gone anyway.
This, how did Avengers Endgame get through?
Endgame's time travel doesn't change the past, a fact they bring up often.
It’s still time travel
It's specially time travel that changes the past, not time travel in general, learn to fucking read.
top fucking keks
These Chinese rules are retarded anyway
Maybe by refusing to let Steve Trevor go she actually is transported to a new Elseworlds, since there is a shit ton of them in the DC universe, problem solved.
There is no Batman and Superman, or any other faggot they want to get rid off.
Bullshit Endgame
So the reason they used convoluted time travel in endgame was only because china? Wooow
it worked extraordinary well anyway, Endgame is now the most highest grossing overseas movie in China.
>Avengers Engame is literally this
You may want to change your lies shill.
The response you want is obvious but it’s still very funny
who cares, DC beat Marvel to the punch with magic but it didn't matter and nobody but rabid underage fanboys will keep score
Literally learn to read
Doom Patrol beat Endgame to the punch
Don't underestimate just how desperate the chinese government are to hold onto the power they have. They implemented a fucking mandatory social credit system into the public without a problem. They don't want any sort of rebellion to happen and will do anything to prevent it. To them, changing the past is apparently changing fate, and one thing that big government authorities do NOT want is the changing of status quo. They want their citizens to accept being NPCs and want to stamp out any idea about it. They're like North Korea, but a bit more lenient and with better publicity.
is this really the future of pop culture, pandering to alien insects with alien insect superstitions.
>no time travel, no skulls, no colour white, no number four, NO NO NO CHING CHONG YOU MAKEY INSECT FRIENDLY OR WE NO BUY
Insectoiding video games and now films. globalisation needs to burn.
Based Grodd poster
yeah, whereas the US government doesn't try to hold onto power and lets everyone just be free.
anarchy in the yew ess aye
yes it did
I hate China so fucking much, they are going to be much worse than the Jews for sure.
>DC beat Marvel to the punch with magic
Is Doctor Strange not considered magic now?
That literally makes no fucking sense
US & China aren’t the same duder, if they were you’d be literally unpersoned.
China forbids any content that alludes to the past being better than the present, or that the past can be changed to create a different present. They fear it could incite people to challenge the CCP.
If you want a sneak of the future, look at their conquest in Africa going virtually unopposed.
Take a step back and re read what you just read. If that honestly makes sense to you, then your lost.
According to Disney pandering to China, No.
I even asked Yea Forums last week what happened to China's 'no time travel' rule, and didn't get anyone saying it's allowed if nothing changes. Shouldn't the chans be seething about pandering???
Seriously, haven't they imported like a million people over there, and yet I don't see any of the typical leftist crying "Imperialism" like they do for everything.
> After watching the travesty that is Endgame, Xi Ping-Pong makes sure Hollywood will never use that shitty plot design again
When did China get based?
We literally did, learn to COPE.
Suicide Squad was before Dr. Strange
The CCP is the present. If you imply the past is better, you imply there's something better than the CCP. And that's illegal.
Likewise, if you change the past and it affects the future, it implies that the present can be changed. That it is conceivable that in some way there could be a reality where the CCP is not in power. And that's also illegal.
No. All they have to do is show time travel has consequences and future travel links to the failure of the league.
How the fuck does a country so retarded have so much influence? Were are dealing with Inquisition type stupidity here.
Yes it does, just another timeline.
This all they have to show is that thanks to Flash stupidity Batman and Superman no longer exist, DC can have its cake and eat it too.
>Caring which megacorporation made a movie about magic first
If they create another timeline, they're not changing the past, they're creating a new order of events.
But why?
Are they afraid a mad chinese scientist will travel back in time and get rid of the communists?
Unironically yes.
With Endgame rules you could go back in time, stop the CCCP from forming and then live in that timeline, therefore changing your past and future.
>DC will have a female leading the Justice League due to outside contract bullshit and bad decisions, and yet will feel infinitely more organic and acceptable than Marvel's calculated woke approach.
How the fuck did this happen though?
It's quite amusing
They banned skeletons a while back so horror movies stopped showing them
Also witchcraft is verboten
>Actually believing there will be more Justice League movies
They allow no kind of fantasy that might involve undoing Mao's revolution.
Also, ghosts for some reason.
>WB not milking that shit
Please, its as if you don't know Hollywood, that shit still made money and its a known IP regardless of how bad the movie might have been, so they jews will try to get more money out of it.
I mean, shit they are currently making another Suicide Squad for fuck sakes, who the fuck asked for that?
How is he so perfect?
>that shit still made money
It literally didn't.
Is Ben saved now?
if only you knew how bad things really are
implying this makes a difference to winnie the pooh’s clan
Can we also not get Blackest Nights cause of spooky scary skeleton people? Fuck chinks.
Gal is a goddess
>no Blackest Night
>no Ghost Rider
Ezra miller's flash was bad because he was directed poorly.
Ezra Miller is however a horrible person.
Who gives a shit what they think? Is the sales difference really THAT big?
what's so horrible about him?
he is a fag
His weird running really was offputting.
So? He's still based
He's the only one who seems committed to getting a Flash movie right when WB wants a quipfest instead
I hope he wins. WB probably think homecoming was successful without understanding it performed worse if IRONMAN was not in it. Quips alone would not sell (shazam) , but is needed to reduce the tension if the film is too dark. They just need to show flash having fun, but cant shake the inner pain. The quips are a cover.
I feel like we are bound to hear something about it any day now
I'm suspicious because Ezra has started bulking/working out again and if they are really going to start filming soon the timing would be ideal...
He tried to pressure the wonder women actress into spouting sjw shit.
China literally fucking massacres their young adult for protesting and got away with it scott free.
Based China doing whatever they please. Why are they so alpha Bros?
Why don't you ask the kids at Tienanmen square?
Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes says things they regret
He's done some based stuff too: youtube.com
Hopefully. They Warner, have an april 2020 slot via box office mojo. I am unsure if it is just a slot or an unannounced film that is low budget w minimal cgi.
>april 2020
Do they even have a director?
>Y'all gonna disrespect the Wandering Earth?
>Fuck all your time travel plots, jackasses
The Chinese are fucked in the head from a thousand years of being brutally raped and conquered by foreign invaders. If you ever wondered why the Chinese act like they have no souls then you should read this.
Yeah, because time travel is going to be the next big thing!
no just a slot for unannounced dceu project.
Then read this. The Chinese were always soulless.
Read this too. The Chinese were cannibals for most of their history.
Chinese are evil with or without foreign invaders. Kublai Khan forced them to live in peace and harmony but as soon as the Mongols were gone China reverted back to the soulless villainy they are known for.
Ching chong ping pong ding dong mahjong
>MCU will beat DC to the multiverse punch
>DC already has multiverse
First of all Marvel has a Omniverse which like a multiverse but retarded.
Second we already have Flashpoint comics released so who cares about it being on the big screen its just a waste of money.
Third comicbook movies/tv shows that are capeshit are for double
comme cucks, i would call you a nigger but unlike capeshitters on Yea Forums they get pussy.
Also fuck china
>Marvel has a Omniverse
Best girl when?
This. The foreign invaders were divine punishment. The Chinese are a naturally evil people. They will be genocided.
Fuck China. DC already told them they could fuck themselves when they put Katana in Suicide Squad.
This. Nippon strong!
In Endgame they don't change the past to fix the present. They just use it to get the infinity stones (in what is an alternate universe) then return them to that exact point in time when they're done so as not to change the events in that universe.
It's dumb (because that universe's Thanos followed them to their universe among many other events they would have influenced) but in the minds of the writers nothing would have changed.
Not black enough
The Chinese need to be enslaved like the slave race they are. There's a reason why the Japanese word for "chink" means slave (chankoro).