Is it actually a bad season, or is Yea Forums just toxic?
Is it actually a bad season, or is Yea Forums just toxic?
it's a terrible season and the only thing that they did right was turn dragon lady into a maniac which is strangely what everyone else seems to be upset about
It's bad in that it has totally left the foundations: a drama about political intrigue interspersed with adventure and action elements. Instead it's a basic action-adventure series with some politics in the background. This season was designed to be exclusively pay-off from the last seven seasons, so its unsurprisingly that old fans don't really care for it.
It's still one of the best shows on television, perhaps the best now that Veep is over.
it isn't any worse than season 7
>hold on, can we talk about this?
It somehow managed to piss everyone off, from lorefag neckbeards to self-inserting yass queens. I think that's admirable in itself.
>facebook normies hate it
>coworkers hate it
>Yea Forums hates it
>rating sites hate it
No, it is a failure
>Veep is over
Uncle Jeff will be missed.
general consensus is that it's bad.
Some people will tell you that episodes 1-3 were good but 5 is shit. People with brains will tell you the show was shit for years, and Dany going MAD was the only entertaining thing to happen in years.
But overall, most of the fanbase is disappointed and most of them are bitching on Twitter about it being six episodes instead of a full season. Everything seems rushed.
Yea Forums is toxic, masculine, white, male, incel, insensitive, and....uhg...I just can't, I just can't even right now.
I've talked about it with fans of the show I know irl who are complete normies - they dance around outright saying its bad, and they try to focus on the positives like the art direction and the fight scenes, but it's clear that they are extremely unethusiastic about the narrative choices that have been made in the last couple of episodes.
I wouldn't say admirable, but it is kind of impressive. At this point watching what D&D have done is like watching a skilled clown somehow manage to slip on every banana peel, step on every rake, and take every custard pie right to the face all without looking like he's deliberately trying to fuck up.
>Male coworkers have been just "lol, that was dumb. Did you hear they're doing a Sopranos prequel?"
>Female coworkers literally seething and not talking to anyone, let alone doing any work
>Is it actually a bad season, or is Yea Forums just toxic?
It's a GREAT season. NPCs are mad. D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.
The epitome of a woman...
>mentally unstable
>can't lead properly without male advisors telling her what to do
>hates her own race
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>wants to flood the west with immigrants
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings
Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.
It has all of the same issues that the show has had since season 5, but they're amplified by the season being shamelessly rushed.
it was a bad start but now that normies hate it we can all agree it's based
>t.seething roastie
Yea Forums doesn't know anything about good writing. #RELEASETHESNYDERCUT
i dont even watch this gay show but i like seeing people angry over fiction, fuckin retards lmao
>turn dragon lady into a maniac
She was literally always a maniac.
You know it's bad when Yea Forums can write a better story
It depends on if you like episode 3 or not basically
Still has production quality, acting and story that is miles above every other show on television, and that will never change.
There have been many moments where the suspension of disbelief is so intense you have to go full Marvel and turn your brain off, but that's about it.
Show me or greentext a single instance of someone on Yea Forums writing ANYTHING better.
Ill wait!
no one is a "maniac" even the mad king was going to burn the city after he LOST
and i would believe she would do the same
but this subversion is stupid and you are just pretending its not
this would be awesome but its not why they did it
Literally Half of Yea Forums threads are about GOT.
Think about it.
I am here just to laugh about the memes. Don´t listen to the "haters", just enjoy the show.
It´s been bad since season 5. This is beyond bad. They basically took a dump on every single character arc:
> They built up the threat of the NK, the winter and the long night for 8 years. They built antagonism between this being that´s supposed to end all life and Jon, a Targaryen that was resurrected by god to stop him. Screw it, let Arya, who had never meet the fucker kill it by stabbing it a single time with a piece of glass.
> They built Arya´s vengeance arc for 8 years. She couldn´t go to sleep without reciting the names. She retained her sense of self without becoming no one because her will to kill Cersei was absolute. The hound tells her to let it go because it´s not worth it and she just leaves.
> Tyrion who was ugly but propper intelligent is a sentimental useles moron now.
> Daenerys gets in love with Jon out of the blue with 0 development or sexual tension. Then she suddenly goes mad and we are supposed to believe she has PTSD.
> Jaimie grows up for seasons. Get out of a toxic relationship, repents for being an asshole and is finally ready to make his own decisions instead of just listening to his sister... he goes back to her.
> Sansa spends years in the court, learning to play the game, to plot, to use secrets, to endure everything with a smile. She then makes no use of this whatsoever. Confronts Daenerys every 2 minutes and can´t keep a secret for 5. (and we are supposed to believe that´s little finger tier)
Literally not a single arc closed in a satisfactory way. Not one. You get plenty of battles but no real emotional investment either because no character ever gets to face the important events they´ve been preparing almost a decade for. Everybody knew in some level or another that certain characters could not die until certain conditions where fulfilled which takes away the suspension of disbelief and the resulting tension. By going against script theory we got an anti climax.
It's rushed but the story makes sense. I wish they had gone for 10 episodes instead of 6 though.
>Is it actually a bad season, or is Yea Forums just toxic?
It's bad. Even normies can see it
Its bad since season 5. Normies took a little bit longer to realize it though
its all a misunderstanding
hear it from the cast themselves
Browsing twitter to post screencaps with your Yea Forums friends isn't work, user.
If it wasn't rushed and jammed into 6 episodes there'd be less people complaining. I don't think any series could pull off such a dramatic shift in pacing, especially in its final season, and not suffer for it.
It's okay.
Ep 1 was okay.
Ep 2 was good.
Ep 3 had some great scenes/moments but was ultimately a letdown that made no sense.
Ep 4 was hilariously bad, I laughed when the triumphant music cut out as Euron shot that dragon out of the sky.
Ep 5 should've been Ep 9 as it needed more lead up but it was still the best episode of the season and sent of a few characters well while progressing the story nicely. Still some dumb moments tho.
From the end of season 3 onwards is a catastrophe.
>Is it actually a bad season,
It's literally the worst season of any show in history.
even the fucking normies are rising up against this season. that's how you know
The fact they need to tack on "behind the episode" shit to explain already dumbed-down scripts is pretty damning.
I've enjoyed this at least.
>I-it would be good but it was rushed!!
>Literally nothing happens in the first 2 episodes
ep 1 2 3 = decent
ep 4 5 = dany, jaime, euron, varys, cleganebowl all botched
ep 6 = ??? probably shit
it's like they're lead footing it in a traffic jam
>stomp the gas
>stomp the brakes
She destroyed the Iron Throne. Isn't that the thing she sought?
Joffrey is insanely hot.
contrarian detected
>euron sniping dragon
why not have dany engage his fleet and get surprised by the ballistas. same result without the bullshit.
>mad queen
why not keep missandei hostage and kill her and a dragon after dany takes the city? have the peasants celebrate killing a dragon, sending dany mad.
makes me think they fucked with it in editing because they realized they didn't have enough material for two whole episodes, (or they fucked with it after a 1st draft of the script but wanted to keep their big setpiece stuff intact so they contrived the end of episode 4 to be like it was, so episode 5 could be like it was)
Why not use the dragon fire to create myst around the ships to affect visibility and render the arrows useless? Why not heat up the air near the clouds to produce rain that affects aim? Wheren´t dragons supposed to be unstopable beasts or something? How is Daeny so tactical impaired?
As someone who got into this show because my girlfriend made me watch it I think the first 3 episodes were absolute shit and they ruined the night king story line. However, the last two episodes were kino of the highest order. I love seeing all the write ups and seething social media posts about muh queen turning into a homicidal cunt and cersei x jaime coming full circile instead of some random shit like jaime killing her to complete his redemption arc. Tyrion helping his brother escape is something women will never understand. Jaime returning to Cersei and having that kino moment with her before they both die is something women and cucks will never understand. The season has redeemed itself with the last two weeks. If you disagree you're a faggot or some verified critic hack who probably has an article floating around twitter titled: "Cersei and Dany turning into one dimensional villains is problematic, and here's why."
Yes, Its just trying to be shocking.
>prepping up jon for the task of taking on the night king for seasons
>lol jk all you get to do is sperg at a dragon while lil sis gets the kill
My coworker hates it because "the writers hate women." I think society is toxic on both ends. No one ends up liking ANYTHING.
>doesn’t mention how Varys, the most interesting and cunning character in the series, becomes a dumbass and gets himself roasted
Back to /pol/ faglord
>le quinoa of order
>it‘s good because someone doesn‘t like it
>women will never understand
You don‘t need to lie about ever having had a girlfriend, incel.
I don’t enjoy disliking things. I want every movie and show I see to be the best thing I have ever seen. If Game of Thrones kept the quality of the first 4 seasons, it would probably be my favorite television show of all time.
t. roasties
>Is it actually a bad season, or is Yea Forums just toxic?
I saw this the other day for just 1 episode and it's pretty spot on.
Things that stand out are
>Why did the first half of this episode play out like a cringeworthy episode of Love Island?
>After George R.R. Martin spent decades writing thousands of years of Game of Thrones history, with generations of family lineages, why did the writers think it was okay to just say "the new prince of Dorne"?
>Wouldn't a fully grown direwolf be useful in the war to come?
>Why so awkwardly write Ghost and Tormund out of the show?
>Considering Daenerys was up in the air flying on a dragon wouldn't she have spotted the large fleet of ships nearby—especially if they were within shooting distance of an arrow and within her eyesight?
>How did Euron kidnap Missendei and no one else?
>Jamie “I killed the mad king to save half a million innocent people” Lannister
>Jamie “I charged a dragon alone to save the kingdoms from a mad queen” Lannister
>Jamie “Fuck you Cersei, I’m going to go north and fight for the innocent living” Lannister
>Jamie” Lol fuck innocents. Everyone can die. I want that bad pussy” Lannister
Which of these doesn’t fit.
>>lol jk all you get to do is sperg at a dragon while lil sis gets the kill
Their God bringing him back to life would at least make sense if he dealt with the dragon. Like magically survive his blue fire or slay the damn thing.
Not an argument. How does it feel knowing you are lower IQ than the strawman SJayWs you spend all day beating up
Other than being super rushed, the white genocide is the only thing that was actually okay.
Still pissed that the sue isn't dead yet, though. Her arc is completely over, cucked any real story about the white walkers and they still wont let her go.
Jaime is a man caught between the light and dark, between what he knows is right and what he really wants, which conflicts with what's right. It tears him up inside sometimes and even though he does care for people, he'll say he doesn't as a self defense mechanism.
He does care for the people, despite them hating them no matter how many times he risks his life for them. It gives him a bit of a resentment which he uses to justify his sister antics, but ultimately he's just playing the asshole so he can go do what he really wants. It's beautiful and tragic and honestly the only decent final arc this season despite maybe Sandor's, which was "okay".
Yea Forums is actually being more kind to it than other places
>no one is a "maniac" even the mad king was going to burn the city after he LOST
Yeah, that's why he was a maniac you dingus
Agreed. The transition to mad queen should have taken at least a season. It’s obvious she only ever did shit right because of her advisors. She basically spells it out in Mereen when she says that she is worried that she may be mad. If you can’t be sure that you yourself will be a kind ruler, that’s a pretty big sign that there is a problem.
>bad season
>/ourqueen/ burns them all, qyburn dabs and cleganebowl happens
If Jamie cares about people, why did he explicitly say he never cared about people in confidence with Tyrion?
Fuck off nigger lover
Are you the cunt who mentioned Varys? I don't think he acted particularly dumb, just underestimated the amount of kool-aid Tyrion had drunk.
this nigger is right
>s1-s7: the white walkers are the biggest threat to the continent! No matter what happened in the human wars, it never mattered in the face of an apocalyptic threat. Everyone must all unite to even stand a chance at beating them!
>s8: haha just kidding, that was actually a misdirect, the white walkers were actually a side quest! The only reason they are here is to weaken Danys armies to make the fight against the real final boss, Cersei, more even
>NOPE! Just kidding again! Cersei gets beaten hilariously easily and Dany pulled massive armies out of her ass
>Danaerys was the real final boss the whole time, you were just too dumb to notice it!
All this in 3 episodes. Yes it was shit, the pacing was horrendous. They tried to wrap up way too many plots too quickly while also putting in useless filler and having characters act utterly retarded just to move the plot along
It's a terrible season. The mad queen twist with danerys is the only thing that remotely felt like GoT to me. I will never forgive them for prison shanking the night king though, lol.
Because he's in a craze of worry that Cersei might die alone, and at that moment he probably doesn't. Or he's just pretending to be an asshole and trying to convince himself he doesn't. Both are well within his character, we'll find out exactly what he was thinking if fat fuck ever writes the damn books. I'm fairly confident this is his book ending too, it's honestly too nuanced for the coked out hollywood brothers writing this pig slop
Because it makes it easier for him to rationalize his decision.
Tyrion knows better, even Jamie knows better. He just wants his final moments to be with the one he loved, even if he loved a monster.
Jamie is amazing, retards just like to paint people as all good or bad to cope with their own beliefs as well.
It’s hard to say since tyrion and varys both went from masters of cunning to drooling yes men over the last 2 or 3 seasons. But the varys I remember wouldn’t expose himself so easily and then not have some kind of contingency plan
Wow, you matched me step for step in how I look at season 8 user.
>the white genocide is the only thing that was actually okay.
Its very shit but last episode was legitimately pretty good
>If it wasn't rushed and jammed into 6 episodes there'd be less people complaining. I don't think any series could pull off such a dramatic shift in pacing, especially in its final season, and not suffer for it.
But on top of that they literally made 2 and a half episodes be about fan service. So it was like 3 and a half episodes to destroy an evil menace from the north, turn dany evil, and then set up whatever the fuck happens in the last episode.
Season 6 ending was prepared all season. Ned's death was prepared all season. Red wedding was prepared for a long time as well. All this vs 3 and a half episodes.
Because they're still sticking to GRRM's ending while inserting all sorts of fanservice and gimmicky bullshit. Mad Queen Dany doesn't belong in D&D's GoT; she just doesn't. She will work in George's GoT, but not this one.
>Because they're still sticking to GRRM's ending while inserting all sorts of fanservice and gimmicky bullshit. Mad Queen Dany doesn't belong in D&D's GoT; she just doesn't. She will work in George's GoT, but not this one.
True, but in that case D&D's GoT deserved to be wrecked anyway.
>It somehow managed to piss everyone off, from lorefag neckbeards to self-inserting yass queens. I think that's admirable in itself.
Literally all the feminist shit was so convincing to women that they thought the show was literally intended to be about feminist empowerment. This made what was an obvious possibility every forum was talking about prior to episode 5 (the mad queen) be seen as an absurd plot twist because the real GoT to them was literally just about female empowerment.
Why wrap the show up so quickly? Why rush it? It’s the most watched series in the world I’m sure they could have milked it for another 1 or 2 seasons.
Normies hate it so I like it.
>Why wrap the show up so quickly?
Literally because D&D are writing/directing the next Star Wars film.
Damn that's unironically deep.
>is it bad?
>you really need to ask this
The show hasn’t been very good from season 5 onwards and season 7 was awful
Season 8’s shitty writing is the icing on the cake
>Jaime’s satisfying character arc gets btfo’d in favour of retardation
>mArya sue saves the day again with knife skillz
>they even give her a fucking double bladed weapon like a post-darth maul Star Wars OC
>Daenerys commits a massacre for no reason
>we kinda forgot about the valonqar
>people actually believe Jon would be a good ruler, despite his only qualifications being popularity honour and Targaryen lineage
>Sansa is still the worst
At least bran is funny enough that it’ll be based when they elect him king
Just as a continuation I’d like to say that evil dany is cool and her being the final antagonist is perfect
My problem is that she doesn’t actually have a reason to torch the whole of King’s landing suddenly like that, you can’t go straight from
>anyone who betrays me dies
Straight to
>lmao I’m going to kill thousands because I’m upset
Their should’ve been something that set her off
>Female coworkers literally seething and not talking to anyone, let alone doing any work
sounds like pretty much every roastie I've ever worked with regardless of the circumstances
>Is it actually a bad season
D&D shoved a giant redpill down SJWs throats and they are convulsing. Let's review Danny's plotline:
>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.
This may be the most accurate depiction of a SJW white woman in power ever displayed on television. It was a 10/10 easy.
Because the writing is bad lol
No the show is amazing.
The ASOIAF forums hate this season and I've been noticing more critical views from even normalfags, so no, it's not just Yea Forums
>Female coworkers literally seething and not talking to anyone, let alone doing any work
why are you lying?
>if your skin isn't #FFFFFF then you are a nigger
In a few episodes Dany goes from giggling and making out with her new boyfriend as they play How to Train your Dragon to burning a city and a bunch of civilians. Now, she lost some people/dragons in those episodes and found out her bf is her nephew that people like more than her but is that all it took to become a monster?
Last episode was unironically great. I'm not surprised the normalfags hate it now though.
>D&D shoved a giant redpill down SJWs throats and they are convulsing. Let's review Danny's plotline:
It's not D&D. They actually fucked everything up. It was GRRM who came up with that magnificant twist. D&D spent 2/6 episodes fucking around with fan service instead of setting this up properly.
>In a few episodes Dany goes from giggling and making out with her new boyfriend as they play How to Train your Dragon to burning a city and a bunch of civilians. Now, she lost some people/dragons in those episodes and found out her bf is her nephew that people like more than her but is that all it took to become a monster?
She lost almost everything and is gaining nothing. She's been trying to make friends, trying to make allies, but she is no good at it.
All she has left is literally her dragon and Greyworm. Both of them just want to see things burn.
Daenerys was supposed to be the final villain all along. The season was supposed to be longer, and HBO begged D&D for more episodes but they were to tempted by SW and Mouseshekels to care, having a short final season was their stipulation for doing it in the first place.
That's why they did the Night King dirty, to save time for Daenerys, but with the season cut so short - it's all rushed anyway.
>Danaerys was the real final boss the whole time, you were just too dumb to notice it!
This but unironically. She's been absolutely insane, self-absorbed, and power hungry since season 1.
I think I'm in the minority because I have actually enjoyed the season and don't understand the hate, the worst part has been the cringe dialogue in the first episode especially and the awful nodwink jokes they inserted.
I thought E2-5 have been captivating imo but problems with script are still around they just are no worse than the previous 3 seasons.
Overall I would put the season on par with 6 and better than S5 and 7
I don't come to Yea Forums that often, the hate for GoT s08 is a thing everywhere
It is a bad season saved by genocidal Dany
They rushed things because the writers can't work in a longer, or another season. Lot of characters did a 180º change for no reason
The problem is that, they lacked more time for a 10 episodes season or having a s09
At least with LOST they had the writer's strike excuse, even though we know it was (((FUCK THEY))) who ruined it.
It must be very embarrassing to be a worse storyteller than RAPE RAPE martin
She's a woman.
they had to leave to write/direct for disney, I think some star wars film or something like that
yeah it's pretty shit, but the last episode was the best so far.
Replace Night King with Lich King. What changes?
>There are no better writers in television
Least convincing acting Dinklage has ever done right there.
>n a few episodes Dany goes from giggling and making out with her new boyfriend as they play How to Train your Dragon to burning a city and a bunch of civilians
Welcome to females son, of all the things in GoT this arc is the least unplausable
perfect analysis
For one the Night King would have had a motivation and dialogue. Rather than the mute robot killer we got.
I'm just happy I'm not the only person pissed off
>had to
No they’re greedy hacks who don’t care about the show and want to do something more lucrative
>She's been trying to make friends, trying to make allies, but she is no good at it.
Seems pretty bullshit when she had no problem attracting tons of allies in the previous seasons. She’s always been way more charismatic than Jon Snow of all people.
Sort of this but 2 was just okay 3 was mostly bad 5 was okay
This is the same lady who locked them into a dungeon because they BBQ'd a single child
It's been butchered since season 2, stupid since season 3 and irredeemable since 5. It just took 3 fucking seasons of terrible shit for the masses to completely jump ship. They'd fucked up even before running out of book material.
Danny needed to be over a season. She's grown up with everyone telling her about home, but the houses that were going to support her are fucking dead. And she spent the last 15 years being manipulated by 3-5 different factions all sort of working together and just biding their time. She was never going to rule, she was a stupid kid who wasn't taught shit about the place she would 'rule'. The councilors never taught her real leadership, Essos is a string of fucking failures, some of her own making through sheer ignorance or ineptitude. Then she waddles over with arrogance and expects people to bow lovingly? We already had this character arc with stannis.
Killing off all her underlings is a good way to drive the eventual madness, but they've been dying since she started the Essos conquest. The whole angle about the dragons being uncontrollable without dragon horns just vanished, so they stopped being the double edged sword they were in Meeren, where she really considered them to be a threat.
It's fucking terrible. You cant resolve the Night King plot and Dany's madness in 6 episodes. The first three episodes of season 8 should have been done in season 7 and finished the Night King there. It would have given the Dany plot much needed time.
But they still would have fucked it up
If they open the next episode with a flashback to the Dresdening of Kings Landing and show that Dany had lost control of Drogon and Bran had warged into him it will go down as the greatest subversion in television history. To bad it wont happen
Why is dragonfire now fricken lazorbeams tier? I can let undead dragon slide melting the wall, it's fucking ice (except, it's magic ice, that never fucking melts), but a breath blow shit up? Fucking harrenhall was roasted by dragons 90~ years older than these ones and at least 4 times their size, and it only melted the rock, it didn't cause fricken lazorbeams. Why did the NK tank dragonfire, but succumb to valyarian steel? Why did Jon survive hiding behind a rock that had dragonfire blown at it?
how likely is it that bran will actually end up on the throne next week i bet 1000 bucks on him when the odds were still pretty good , or did i get tricked by the leaker? i kind of am getting the feeling he only did this to have people falling for it and bet on bran
It's bad but it's always been like this since season 5. It hasn't gotten bad all of a sudden.
based and redpilled
No, but it got worse by an order of magnitude
Seasons 5-6 on their own. Not as good as the rest of the show, but that's because 1-4 were amazing. 7 was disappointing, but not the straight up garbage fire it is now
He will be the leader of a new council of sorts but not the king. The bookies are gonna use that to not pay you out
> she lost some people/dragons in those episodes and found out her bf is her nephew that people like more than her but is that all it took to become a monster?
Well, those and the targaryen incest blood
Bit of both imo, super rushed season when it could have been brilliant combined with the fact that everyone has been super critical of the show since ~s5, there's a lot of things I like about the season but mainly I just have a problem with how rushed it is.
>an extra few hundred thousand for a cgi direwolf petting scene? nah lets not bother making our massive hit series go out with a bang and instead opt to save a (frankly irrelevant to them) amount of money for no reason.
>Weird fanservicey shit like Jaime banging Brienne or Ghost charging headfirst into a fucking wight horde with no armor/way to kill them. A bunch of shit that absolutely did not need to happen. Yeah its cool as fuck but it’s illogical.
>Completely illogical nonsense that falls apart when you question it even a little. Examples are “What the fuck were the Dothraki gonna do if Melisandre didnt come to light their blades, just charge into darkness?” Or “what the fuck is Bran doing in the middle of the fucking Winterfell battle?”
>Shitting on prophecy that was hyped up for years because you want to subvert expectations and shock the audience
>Awesome technical production squandered on 6 rushed episodes instead of just making another 2 seasons (HBO wanted to give them the budget, they said no)
I mean it’s still a pretty good show, it just feels like we entered a weird “what if” scenario universe instead of a proper ending
>Literally Half of Yea Forums threads are about GOT.
Can anybody explain the "Dexter" reference to me?
>Agreed. The transition to mad queen should have taken at least a season
Do you not remember the time she burned an old woman alive? Or the time she locked a man and woman in a bank vault together where they would die due to painful starvation, perhaps even one of them eating the other? How about the time she reneged on a contract deal and roasted a businessman alive for abiding by property law?
She's been psychotic for years. The only reason people get angry now is because, by and by, what she did in the earlier seasons was generally done to brown people, while what she did last episode was to whites.
DnD REDEEMED the shitshow, I'm happy now
I only started coming to Yea Forums from my home boards because I knew this season (as well as 6 and 7) were trash. I wanted to see if it was just me who thought so because I tend to have higher standards than most people I know.
sansa should have been killed.
that would make sense for reason to kill dany
Dany should have just flown to the red keep and killed cersei
and started persecuting people she thinks are plotting against her; cersei, jamie, euron, vars, sansa, gendry and burning them in public, tyrion arya, and jon plot against her behind the scenes,, all of them having lost people to her
She also does good things like freeing the dorne queen, and the black fishes' nephew, give yara power, maybe land reform to the peasants (GRRM talks about aragon's tax policy, this is similar), maybe she raises taxes pretty high to pay for the dothraki and rebuild westores and PAY OFF THE MASSIVE DEBT FROM THE IRON BANK, people and nobles start to rebel and she starts mass burnings
you know, like game of thrones
no one is 100% evil, no one is 100% good
no explosions and whooooooossshhh there goes the dragon, fire ball, explode!!!
Season 7 had way worse writing than this season though. The only episode with REALLY bad writing in this season is the long night
Anybody finding a way to shoehorn in their racial butthurt has a very smooth brain and likely, just a cruel and vindictive heart.
Also, I clearly remember that the other woman in that vault was a white woman. In fact what did that old woman and the businessman look like. The other guy in the vault was black.
You're a fucking idiot.
>and likely, just a cruel and vindictive heart.
OR, and get this, trying to make SJW Dany fans freak out. If you point out to them that they cheered for all the deaths of brown people that Dany killed but killing loads of white people is the straw that broke the camel's back, that's entertaining to witness.
>Why is dragonfire now fricken lazorbeams tier? I can let undead dragon slide melting the wall, it's fucking ice (except, it's magic ice, that never fucking melts), but a breath blow shit up? Fucking harrenhall was roasted by dragons 90~ years older than these ones and at least 4 times their size, and it only melted the rock, it didn't cause fricken lazorbeams. Why did the NK tank dragonfire, but succumb to valyarian steel? Why did Jon survive hiding behind a rock that had dragonfire blown at it?
writers are dogshit
Dany freaking out was a point from JRRM, plus it was kind of written on the wall because her becoming queen was too obvious.
Also, she mostly killed slavers and those who defended slavers at the start so it depends on why you are killing people.
Sacking a city you wish to take over from slave holders and killing their army and having collateral is very, very different to incinerating what would be the seat of your own government when victory is very easily achievable by going straight to where the hated despot of the land (Cersei) is hanging out and burning her instead.
I don't know why I'm defending this, this show is full of so many stupid inaccuracies at this point and we can both agree on that.
It's godawful, but we've come this far we're all going to enjoy the finale either way. Bran becoming an ineffectual leader with no tax policy makes sense. Sansa ruling the north makes sense. Jon fucking off to play with Tormund makes sense.
There's no way the final episode won't be good from the spoilers.
>She was literally always a maniac.
It was probably the case, but this time they made it so obvious that the feminists can't even spin it into something legitimate. besides she was after another woman so it's harder for them to embrace it. Ultimately they can't deny the obivous and that upsets them. They scream about equality, but they cry when you give it to them. only men can be genocidal maniacs!
This is what happens when you give big budget to hack directors.
>resorts to low IQ response "incel"
>get's called roastie in retort
>"woah, not an argument"
It's like you're being intentionally hypocrtiical
>strawman SJayWs
SJW's aren't real until it's a good thing I guess
It's almost like she's talking to real people now and not sand browns.
>people on Yea Forums come up with better plot outline than D&D
It’s frankly shocking how shitty the show became
I would add that Episode 1 was a quipfest and Episode 3 hurt the entire series as a whole as it made the night king a joke.
The women of our generations are, with very few exceptions, just plain shit. Nothing is ever their fault--anything that goes wrong in their lives is never due to their own failings or even circumstance, but it instead the product of evil men. They throw childish tantrums across social media any time anyone criticizes any woman for anything. Any time they heart something they don't like, they become vicious beasts, screaming the most hateful, hypocritical nonsense imaginable.
And this is all the fault of the feminists who taught them to act this way from near-birth.
t. seething medcuck
It also went to shit in the later seasons.
Fuck freeing the Sand snake. Nobody wants them back aside from the bad poosi posters
It's terrible
Even critics and reddit and normies dislike this season.
its bad. they ruined my queen for the sake of subversion and drama. screw grrm if he has the same ending
Please tell me this is a copypasta
Usually I don't agree with Yea Forums but this season is awful.
They built up to this point for nearly a decade, anyone who thought that the last season wouldn't be regarded as the worst is delusional. There never was a way to finish this gracefully.
If you’ve actually read the books and don’t see evil Daenerys coming then you might legitimately be retarded, I’ll be extremely disappointed if GRRM doesn’t have evil dany
The show handles it so poorly that despite it still being the logical conclusion for her character, the two hacks significantly reduce the foreshadowing and examples of Daenerys ruling poorly in favour of loads of yas kween stuff that continues until season 7
It's the culmination of 3 bad seasons so it is unsurprisingly bad and might even be the worst season in the show.
>he hasn’t taken the fAegonpill
You can give a story like this a satisfying ending, the problem is that since season 5 they started making up their own shit while trying to reach the same ending the books will
Except book ending with evil dany going mad because everyone loves based Aegon will be kino
Jon will actually have been named Jon after Jon Connington
It was an absurd plot twist because it didnt have enough setup, I am perfectly okay with Danny becoming thr Mad Queen, but not in a 6 episode season where her character motivations do a 180 within 2 episodes.
If this was 2 seasons of setup and at least 10 episodes, I would have bought it
This. Most due to arbitrary limits on runtime. Just why dabid why?
Theon was the only character whose arc actually concluded.
And Euron. He got everything he wanted and died happy.
>show goes to shit as soon as women are in charge
like pottery
>look at IMDB ratings
>not a single episode has got below an 8 until this season
>last 2 episodes are below a 7, Last of the Starks is down to 6.1
Even normies are turning on it, not just Yea Forums.
Nah, even my normie friends think it's shit.
Femcels are toxic, they’re the ones screeching. Most sane people just think the season is a bit rushed.
I'm enjoying the salt. I've been emotionally disconnected from the show since season 5 though.
Her going mad doesn't feel earned through storytelling. Last episode felt like an older one but with so many coincidental events like Euron swimming to shore and fighting Jamie.
You have to add ep 3 made it impossible to re watch the series
Last episode has a 47% (and dropping) on Rotten Tomatoes. Everyone hates it.
This season has all the problems of the show since S5 writ large, so no one can ignore them anymore.
Rushed seems to be the consensus among every viewer of this show
>episode one is not good on its own
>episode two is not good on its own (especially bad considering the next episode's lack of fulfillment)
>episode three falls apart for a variety of reasons
>episode four is not good on its own
>episode five is the only episode that can stand on its own legs
you don't have to be a neckbeard to dislike this season as a whole.
It’s a bad season. My mother has never read the books, is a casual viewer of the show and even she turned to me after Varys died and explained that she had a huge fucking issue with it because he’d been so smart in the past and had survived several reigns.
It had its moments but it's the most nonsensical season right after 7.
fren, they cut faegon, there was no trump card of Varys' to be called out on. Cutting Faegon and JC, hurt this show.