Chris Hansen to catch a predator vincent ambrosio

Who was in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I knew jim ross was a pedo. They finally got him.

He didn't get any free home baked cookies?


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>starting weeping like a child when chris steps in the room
Is this the true face of the incel breed?

This show is fucking trash and is just as bad as Desperate Housewives and Game of Thrones and is just trainwreck porn for normies, and doesn't actually do anything to help victimized children.

only pedophiles feel sorry for people on tcap

Vincent ambrosia was sentenced to 2 and a half years of a 10 year suspended sentence. That's 2 and a half years of this pathetic faggot being off the streets. I'd count that a win for children.

im a neet so im going to rape a kid, feel bad for me

if you hadn't of kept telling him "have sex" our good boy wouldn't be in any of this trouble.

Should age gap matter? It was only like 7 years. Meanwhile pic related was like 15.

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Nah it's his fault for not going to a bar and talking to women. There are plenty of fat landwhales that would have sucked his dick after a few drinks.

Why does this literal 3 think he has a chance with anything above a 2?

holy shit what the fuck is going on here

Because he never questioned his actions and attire. Atleast until he got grilled by chris.

Off the streets... he's not a harm. If that was an actual 17 year old girl they would have met up and maybe gotten to second base and he would have shot his wad in his pants, said "y-you too," and went home.

That's not exactly kidnapping toddlers off the playground, user.

he wasnt kidnapping toddlers but he was trying to molest 2 12 year olds

u didn't know Sammy boi has a thing for underage girls?
honestly it's surprising Hansen hasn't caught him yet

First off your post is written like an idiot wrote it and second nothing you wrote is an argument about my post. If you would like to discuss if it was helpful to children having pedos off the street through tcap then let's have that discussion. Don't reply to me unless you gather an intelligence arguement.

to be fair this nigga's got a fucking A Plus name

of course its rambling nonsense he is a pedo advocate. you can tell by him trying to act like a 12 year old is like 17. the dude was sending dick pics to children fuck him

Vincent. That chat transcript is huge. Look at it.

that's pretty crazy

who wouldnt

He's not a pedo, though. If he was a pedo he would be kidnapping toddlers. Except pedos don't typically do that.

Separate from Hansen's decoys?

Also he admitted depression, suicidal thoughts, Did they attempt to get him help or did they just lock him up while they put his face on national television? If they didn't, then this is not helping anything.

that was on an msnbc budget. it dollar store cupcakes from now on

It's just so tiresome with so many stupid children attempting to have a conversation with adults and when they get BTFO they just revert back to their childish parrot talk. There's such a large amount of low IQ children here.

Okay at first I was like, this guy is pretty slick he's movin' fast for a fat fuck and then he sits down

Thanks Yea Forums for getting me out of the GoT threads. Really wasn't expecting that level of comedy.

fucking kek

>decoy chan will never be your gf
why even live lads?

>pedos don't typically do that
not typically, usually they befriend a child and groom them to molest them. That's what fatty was thinking the plan was till hansen skull fucked him into a crying baby.

>t.noncey mcnonceface

>Goodbye Horses begins playing.

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Shame is the most efficient way to help someone. They are shamed out of their stupidity or they kill themselves. Both is a win. God bless Chris and his crew.

How many pedos you know, faggot? you most definitely actually know several, though you don't know it

he wasnt talking to the decoy he was talking to two children that they know of, also had child porn on his phone, but you don't have any problem with that do you?

> If he was a pedo he would be kidnapping toddlers. Except pedos don't typically do that.

which one is it faggot do pedos kidnap todlers are not. are you a nomap?

Holy shit it’s this faggot AGAIN

Did he make the child porn? Did he distribute the child porn? Then what's the problem?

Sending dick picks to twelve year-olds is a problem, though, That's not because he's a pedo though. It's just because he's an incel.

Not an argument, please reply with intelligent conversation next post.

>not an argument
>literally pointing out that there are so many pedos living under your nose but you don't notice because they keep their desires to themselves and deal with them in other ways
>disregarding that these types of pedos outnumber the ones you see in newspaper headlines
But of course you would ignore that.

Well known hoax. FBI already visited Sam because that girl called in false accusations. He's not in jail because its all been proven false by him. Cheers.

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Is Chris oni-San gonna look at my posts in the soph threads on /pol/?

are you defending child porn?
how does one be a pedo? if trying to have sex with 12 and 13 year olds, sexting them, and having child porn doesnt make you a pedo what does. also answer my question are you a nomap

>Did he make the child porn? Did he distribute the child porn?
autorities would say that just downloading or watching it increases the demand. but there's no proof of that and most of the material is being kept around by the same autorities to use as bait, so they're doing more damage themselves rather than preventing it

post it on Yea Forums

Hey I’m fresh off the boat from /reddit/, why is Yea Forums so based and redpilled?

what do you call this body type?

>FBI already visited Sam because that girl called in false accusations
Weak damage control Sam. That was a separate ex-GF of his.
If it's a hoax explain the pictures of them together and the text messages aligning perfectly with the anecdote he uses in the Boston Ross skit, where he clearly bleeps out her name.

>There's tons of pedos under your nose
The only people would write this statement are pedos, no intelligent human being that thinks logically and rationally would just assume everyone's a pedo without themselves being a pedo.

He's doing it to gain sympathy.


Being sexually attracted to 12 and 13 yos isn't pedo because 12 and 13 yos are pubescent. Pedophile kind of implies you're attracted to PREpubescent children. No, it's not appropriate to approach preteens but it's nut unnatural to find them attractive. A pedo is someone that only gets off to the thought of eight year-olds and finds adults disgusting.

And I'm not defending the production or distribution of child porn (as in actual sexual molestation recorded by the abusers) putting people away for merely possessing it is draconian.

And what's nomap? Non offending? Yeah, I'm non-offending. But I don't go by those acronyms.

Fact: the large majority of CP existing on the internet today is distributed by both law enforcement and by minors themselves.

I mean you're just wrong, but keep going. I'll take the you's. I didn't come to this thread for that, but someone has to call you out. Dunno why people keep pushing it, really tired of seeing those two in only that image on this board.

Uttertaker mode

I could care less, Sam is still based

>no u
lol, if you are gonna say shit at least back up your arguments and answer the damn questions.
>t. pedo defender

The Horse With No Knees

Only a normie would think that "pedos" are some genetic rarity.

can somebody explain wtf the big deal is about some fat fuckin pedo trash that Yea Forums is losing it's shit over?


A judge doesn't differentiate between the terms of people who are attracted to underage boys and girls. They just label you a degenerate pedo and throw you in jail. those who try to have sex with girls that are 8 and those who try to have sex with 14 years get the same ruling.



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For a moment I thought that was Fraser.

>and that's a good thing!

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So normie is an insult? What exactly is a normie?

>ywn fuck a pedophile pussy
Why live bros?

Retarded man says
>Sky is PURPLE!!!!!
I say
>It's blue, usually. Sometimes it has clouds and whatever.

I'll treat retardation the same way I always do. The world is round, chem trails don't exist and you're a moron. How's that?

So you think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month's Ambrosio shipment?

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>There are plenty of fat landwhales that would have sucked his dick after a few drinks.
truly a fate worse than death

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>I can't address the question put forward so Ill just throw out gibberish and hope things work out
get a load of this guy

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Dude she’s 16 and it’s legal in Germany so stfu

Don't listen to any of Hansen's bullshit, M'Ladyman. Sometimes he thinks HE'S John Wayne.

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absolute unit

How come I can never find this show except through Yea Forums links? Where the hell is this being broadcast nowadays


Imagine, in thirty years we'll be watching TV shows of middle-aged guys trying to hook up with late 20-somethings and then sending them off to the concentration camps.

>Well Niles, here is another mess you have started

On Yea Forums


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At least you admit to the facts (and no one is arguing the legality of what he did, other than speculating that who knows how low of an age the guy would go if it was legal). Props to you, unlike that other faggot that's in complete denial.

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"how old did you think this girl was?"
"high noon"

He probably woke up this morning and put on his finest garb thinking "Ohhhh yeah gonna get this fucking underage pussy like a BAWS". Gets fucking arrested lmao

>attempted but never completed molestation
>weeped like a little girl immediately
>gave out whole life story and litany of excuses
>only sexual experience was being anally and orally penetrated
>when interrogated, he wept and blubbered about everything he did
>New York accented fat cowboy

>successfully fucked and murdered his waifu
>when caught on live tv, he stoically admitted defeat
>when interrogated, gave only monotone yes or no answers for 3 full hours

By faggots, I'm going to go make a drink and maybe read a book and then, before bed, I'm going to spend like an hour jacking off to pictures of little girls, shit is going to be cash.

I love posts like these because retards think this is old Yea Forums where you are actually anonymous.

No, this is nu4chan where captcha legally binds you to your posts, a legal precedent for several years now.

For 200,000+ years up until the 20th century, it was perfectly natural (or outright encouraged) for men to have significantly younger partners. Yes, that includes your great-great-grandparents. Now the current narrative says we are supposed to pretend the most glorious civilizations the world has ever known were actually plagued with mentally ill men instead of facing the reality that these desires are completely normal. Why face yourself in the mirror when you could just have an NPC reaction and cry "kill all pedos"?

Brainlets don't @ me.

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Shhhhh don't tell him that his IP and location is logged with every post.

>virgin pedo attempts to justify wanting to fuck children

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OY vey

no wonder they didn't release this one

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Pedo, huh?

Based Discord tranny. Have children. Oh wait, you can't

What the fuck does the image purport to show? You have been around on this board for a long time spamming this stuff, you’re a weirdo nigger shill.

Don't discount that he's on the registered sexual offenders list, and can't live near schools or playgrounds. If he gets nabbed again, he goes away for a long, long time.

yeah and we don't think the sun revolves around the earth anymore either dumb shit, its called being civilised

>took 20 pills of oxy
>only made him tired

what an absolute beast of a human specimen

Attached: why triple h you son of a bitch, why.png (1366x768, 898K)

Hansen: "Help me to understand?"
Ambrosio: "Well, Mr. Hansen. It's like this... I'VE BEEN LOOKIN FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES"

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Overripe autistic pear.

Read it and find out dipshit. And watch the Boston Ross skit, he starts talking about her about half way through. And then answer the question instead of doing pic related.

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You're awfully invested in normalizing sex between adults and children.

I bet you're one of those pedo arabs who hangs around minecraft servers grooming kids.

Sam is /ourguy/. Period. And his comedy is just a joke bro

Attached: virgin vinnies toothbrush.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

He posted somewhere right before "Best weekend ever!", because he was gonna fuck a 12 year old on Saturday, and go to Nascar on Sunday.

Womp womp.

>This thread is going to turn into a hydefag vs tranny thread
For some reason they are going from thread to thread arguing with each other.

>arrive at 12 year old girl's family home
>immediately ask to watch a movie on her tv

>I'm fat
lmao what the fuck

yea, like most comedians he puts in real-life anecdotes/experiences into it.
>Sam is /ourguy/. Period.
yeah if you're a pedo I guess

>The Vincent Evidence Pictures

Hey tex how ya doin

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Fuck pedos but uh, this guy's fucking based.

>and doesn't actually do anything to help victimized children.

Go read the chat logs. The instant he knows the mark isn't ugly and a waste of time he sends a dick pic.

Is Chris gonna be OK bros?

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I wrote this fatty advice to someone so you don't look like Virgin Vince but the thread died so I'm posting it here. You can have sex, fatties, we all can, just present yourself well.

>dress baggy
No. This will make you look fatter. The eyes invent more fat where the baggyness is. Always wear an undershirt, preferably not a cheap thin one. Something that fits well but not too tight. You've seen fatties, rolls, cellulite and nipples protruding. This is how you prevent that. Literally male spanx.

Get nice, thickish, darkish but not too dark patterned buttonups, and one charcoal grey one. Wear a dark shirt underneath. With the dark grey one, wear bright colors. Roll up the sleeves. Avoid white boomer shoes, avoid baggy pants. Black slacks or jeans always. Get pants that conform to your leg. Never over the fupa. Let your gut hang. Try to make yourself look thick and strong, not flabby and fat. Avoid dressing like a boomer. No polo's, no sweaters. Shorts are acceptable. Wear them with a thin zip up hoodie, unzipped. If you need bagginess, do it with an oversized hoodie, no zipper.

Never ever go /fa/ unless you are muscular or skinny.

I was going recommend skinny jeans but I don't trust retarded fatties to do it right. Never too skinny. I also notice that getting jeans that 2 sizes too long look nice around the ankle. As for hair, never think that your long hair looks good. Keep it medium or short, not too flashy. Do not accentuate your fat faggot head. Identify the shape and style your hair to round out that shape. No hats.

>hunt a pedophile

what a stupid way to measure.

use a remote control, use a phone, jesus

Just lose weight cunt

Fucking Mr X

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>the virgin crybabby vs the chad pizza eater

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>not that big but I could fit inside you

fucking kek

>Wappingers Falls, NY

Well, that explains a lot.

room temp IQ.

>scientific knowledge (ever-changing, refined, contested) is equivalent to over two hundred thousand years of social and even reproductive precedent
explain in 1 post why an animal feeling attraction towards another sexually mature animal is "uncivilized".

>b-but muh brain maturity!
if that's the case then nobody should be allowed to fuck until they're in their 30s, when brain development ceases.

looks like a good 'za desu

Normally I like to see the successful guys they nap on this show: doctors, soilders, clergy, etc.
Don't typically care for the wrecks, but damn this one got the keks


Fat people have a hard time losing weight because their pride and ego tell them to be happy with themselves no matter what. Had a friend that was 400lbs and never listened to us about his weight despite us giving him all the best advice we could find. Took him collapsing at a party and being in the hospital for a week before he actually took our advice. Pretty much i just encourage fat people to keep eating and enable them till they die or have a realization that they need to change.

the brain of a 25 year old is different than the brain of a 12 year old when it comes to rational thought, if you actually interacted with human beings and didnt jerk off to lolis and infographs that "prove" your retarded point you'd know this

Who the fuck is Mcdaniels? Got a link?

>Why don't you just shoot me?
Yeah, why didn't they?

I am. I'm 60lbs from goal weight of 195. I'm 6'1.

Just trying to help fatties. I got pussy even when I was 300.

I’ve watched the Boston Ross skit. It’s funny. I read your faggy infographic. You’ve strung together several pieces of circumstantial evidence provided by suspect sources (anonymous and/or easily manufactured), along with inflammatory pictures (girl who looks bloodied — is the idea that he was beating her up?) to give the impression that Sam Hyde is a criminal weirdo. Leaving aside all the aforementioned bullshit, you’ve been spamming this shit for YEARS giving the impression that you have an axe to grind. Finally, even if I believed your shitty innuendos, why the fuck would I care? Who the fuck is invested in Sam Hyde personally? I don’t give a shit what the politics of an artist are, and most artists are shitty people.

But it’s irrelevant because you’re a faggot spamming off-topic retardation about Sam Hyde on a fish weaving forum, day in and day out. No one cares about your shit, which is also why you obsessively samefag replies to your own posts. Just kill yourself and get it over with already.

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>new york italian
>cowboy get up
>nascar fan
>pickup trucks
>confederate flags

I'm a fat cunt, and I know I should change. I don't not take advice because of ego and pride, I don't take it because I don't care. I think you'll find that with most fat fucks, we know we are wrong, yet we continue the lifestyle. But yes it will take them the realization that they might die to finally change their ways, I agree.

Convinced this guy was an actor.

Youtube search Stephen McDaniels, watch his news interview first then the interrogation. You're in for some kino.


>oy vey it's just a coincidence, now let me go on this completely unrelated wall of text rant
the texts and what he talk about in the skit literally match up perfectly, and the "milky titted" reference is exactly what people on this site described them as at the time.

kill yourself faster, you fat fuck

Just lose weight you fucking retard. I lost weight, tons have. It's not hard.

I didn't even read the rest of your post. Just lose weight like I did.

>Fat people have a hard time losing weight because their pride and ego tell them to be happy with themselves no matter what.

Niggah please. Fatties can't lose weight because they can't stop eating.

What's the backstory on this guy?

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Cause you are tall and fat, it isn't the same.
I'm trying faggot

Fat, autistic pedo. What else do you need to know?

How was this evidence released

Really made me think

>i don't care
That's called ego my dude. It's ok i'm not going to meme you out just wanted to help you understand.

he's 19. he can't even get into bars when this was shot.

I'm fat/was fatter and I hate this whiny shit. No one cares. I only gave some advice to current fatties to gain some confidence from not dressing like a loser.

Just lose weight. It makes you feel good.


Likewise the brain of a 40 or 35-year-old is different from the brain of someone in their 20s. Your point?

The discussion here is not "Is it okay to fuck teens under 18?", but rather "Is it okay to be attracted to teens under 18?"

Perfect illustration of the hypocritical "If this 15-year-old turns you on, you have to die" moralfag white knights.


Music concerts, social events, local festivals. He obviously isnt a social shut in so he had options. He was just stupid.

I have never replied to this nigger in my life. I have watched him spam shit for years. Please forgive me.

You are probably right
That is definitely tall
Of course it does, I hate whining too, I just don't care about life.

nobody is going to control what you're attracted to, acting on it is whats immoral

Imagine failing high school

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How much of an incel are you?
My guess is a lot.

>How was this evidence released

That's what I'd like to know.

>Perfect illustration of the hypocritical "If this 15-year-old turns you on, you have to die" moralfag white knights.

This page has been shared in threads.

bitchute com/channel/the_v_files/

Posted Jan 28, 2018

I know i am....dumbass fat fuck

But I’m 6’5”

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>you’re a bad goy, I guess
Better than being a onions

I can't even watch it, I'm physically cringing from this fat faggot bawling like a baby over being exposed

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Nobody gives a shit about your e-celebs. Quit trying to hijack these threads with your nonesense.

for you

How ya doin' tex?

>being a Southaboo from upstate NY

I’m all body types, I have a thin face, titties, and big arms. What do fat-bois suggest I do? I have long hair and it doesn’t feel right, should I go bloatmaxx or skelly-mode? I’m homeless and making lots of money so I can either go to McDonalds or the gym, I just want to sleep good tonight

>Convinced this guy was an actor.
He knew it was going to be the last pizza he ate in a long time. I'd do the same desu.

I bet he smells like cow shit, or his own shit.

Imagine being from NY and not being able to pull pussy on the regular. The state is god damn colossal and there population is packed like china. The dude didn't even attempt to try.

Imagine being a pedophile and having to sit there while this 28 year old aged whore pretends to be 13 in front of you, etc...


mcdaniels did not fuck his waifu. he was planning to but then got scared when she woke up after he stepped on a creaky floorboard and just killed her. he never got any.

i live in upstate NY. once you get out of the cities it's full of hicks like this that vote republican and drive pickup trucks with confederate flags.

Oh, what a loser. He probably just groped her lifeless corpse and jerked off.

That's probably been his tactic his whole life for getting his way.

I'm not a dumb ass fagit
I'm 7'0 ft tall fag

>Also he admitted depression, suicidal thoughts, Did they attempt to get him help or did they just lock him up while they put his face on national television? If they didn't, then this is not helping anything.
The biggest help to him, children and the rest of the world would be to encourage him to kill himself.

This is why they held off on releasing the footage. The dudes in for so much meme abuse i bet he kills himself as soon as he realizes they released it.

He lived less than 80 miles from New York City, but he was driving an old clunker mustang with rebel flags on it, like he's in Alabama, and there would be people who would think that's cool, ever.

You’re going to burn in hell

>Hansen! Just the man I been lookin' fer. Draw, you damn dog! Let's settle who's the fastest pull in this here state...

that's based and Hilary lost, faggot
this man's time will come


I didn't vote for Hillary, and that fat fuck pedo is a loser no matter where he is.

I hate these faggots with full heads of hair crying that they can't get girls.
Just lose the weight you fat fuck.

>a third of the toothbrush in his fupa
>still doesn't come close to being longer than it

>that part where he just willingly takes the seat and confesses everything to let it go

you know i was stunned, because im a antisocial neet and often times i do those kind of things when i walk at night around my apartment pretending to talk to myself or a police officer and asking him just shooting me right there

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I'm 5'8" with a wife way out of my league. This bait is only believed by beta man-children

That would mean giving up delicious food and eating until I'm full. I will not do that.

Women like Statham like balding.

It's your fault.

why would you shoot a man before getting a confession out of him

>doctor gives you amphetamines because you're a distinguished gentleman
>makes you horny and weird like an amphetamine user
>it's literally my medication like Vito
Many such cases!

That guy left the house thinking that was a good outfit.

Dude I work full time and am homeless, keep up the good work!

Then die a violent painful death

>No hats.
a baseball cap is the perfect fat guy accessory dumbass


may god bless his horse's knees

I'll wait til I get the ultimatum from the doctor or have a heart attack then just buy a gun and blow my head off

It won't be violent or painful, it will be tax payer funded

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i mean i live with my mom? whatever
he got my confession now i hope he puts me out of my misery

It is an episode of Hansen vs Predator that Yea Forums hotly anticipated 3 years ago but was never shown until today. His attire is also meme-worthy.

You know, that's probably something you shouldn't admit to strangers. Just sayin'.


Attached: T H I C C.jpg (438x626, 15K)

In Poughkipsie, NY. The rednecks in Duchess county don't larp around like that.

Jesus, stay back

Statham was better looking with hair and alrady attractive.

Anyone who is attractive bald was better looking with a good haircut whereas plenty of people lose what scrapes of attractiveness they have to their name along with their hair.

lol this user starts seething about being a hairlet within the first minute of waking up everyday

>tfw went bald at 20
The game was rigged from the start.

Statham is definitely good looking bald and only certain hair styles make him look attractive

>was never shown until today
What was the reason for this?

Also kek at Hansen reading the transcript to the blubbering idiot in his gentle voice.

>in prison for 2 and a half years
>get out to find the video of you being arrested is online for everyone to laugh at
What a life.

>wife out of your league

So like a 5-6/10?

if some day i did something where some special unit would care enough to ask gook moot about my whole post history and get every single dynamic IP from my ISP they might aswell make a documentary to show children in school about the fall of the modern man and the problems we face in our todays society
i wouldnt even care

so instead you want to talk about having sex with teens under the age of 18? very well then. are you aware that the age of consent in the overwhelming majority of the world is anywhere from 13 to 16? are these countries "immoral"? were your great-great-great-grandfathers "immoral"? are entire civilizations "immoral"?

I believe it had something to do with a lawsuit

>My...father was fat. Me, though? Never. I have never been overweight.

Fuck off back to nambla, fag.

Oof he even had CP

Based and redpilled

is that you Sambo

Attached: SamHydeAOC.jpg (782x1300, 377K)

>Initiated contact with a 12 year old, BECAUSE she was 12
>Asked for lewds
>Sent dick pic
>Wanted her to take a picture of her vagina
>Wanted her to break her cherry first, so his little dick wouldn't hurt
>Said "We're pretty much having sex
>Crossed state lines to meet who he thought was a 12 year old

Yeah, I think the cp on the phone was a clue they pretty much didn't need at that point.


room temp IQ.

room temp IQ.

Seems like he didn't lose weight in jail.

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That and he contacted another decoy, so he was clearly out looking for them. I also quite frankly don't understand hideous losers who think they have any sort of a chance with any attractive girl regardless of age. Then again, the retard couldn't get past high school so I suppose that's it.

>I take no glee in this
Fucking liar Hansen.

Don't kick him when he's already down

Faggot pedo who needs to die in a fire

yaasssss, goals boys!

>I believe it had something to do with a lawsuit

>What was the reason for this?

Vincent's father was a cop!

bitchute com/video/cIRIxsbFMFI7/

That's Sam Hyde you are insulting, watch your step buddy.

>Born different
>Born innocent
>Born perfect
>I'm not like you, I'm a...
>Born lover
>Born livid
>And I know, I'm
>I'm not like you, I was...
>Born clever
>Born knowledgeable
>Born better than your best
>I swear I'm a born killer
>Born thriller

His father was a cop and he didn't know to ask for a lawyer? Retard.

sub zero IQ.

>ya gonna pop that pussy or whistle dixie

Ex-cop. That's fucking awesome. What a dumbass. "I'm the police!" - I bet the Duchess County PD had a few words with him about that.

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Triggered faggot pedo who needs to die in a fire

buddy looks young himself, like 18 or 19. Why not try to smash some 18 yr olds? Still teenage but legal.

I thought the guy was just an edgy humorist. Didn't know Sam was sick.

it's very particular how often in this show the suspect (as they're being arrested) says:

"why don't you just shoot me?" the guy knows he's never gonna live it down.

he's pretty degenerate. comedians are typically not good people

Because he's a pedophile who has CP. Don't buy his faggot act.

imagine NOT being a pedophile lmao

he is just really really really into gary coleman.

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Vostok Station temp IQ.

t. Never Heard of PhotoShop

why does this dude look chinese in half of his pics

t. doesnt understand the concept of corroborative, self reinforcing evidence that makes the idea of shoop hoaxing unrealistic

I'm waiting for the very special episode where they fuck with someone who's packing and Chris Hansen and the film crew get murder suicided.

Seriously telling some poor schmuck that you're a super horny 14 year old girl so you can ambush his dumb ass and destroy his life for ratings is pretty evil.

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the /fit/

I build rockets for Lockheed and I say string pedos up

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>this guy gets arrested
>çunny posting stops
makes you think, yes it does!

Get a Snickers bar retard you're gonna be waiting a long time

>obviously posing with fake blood for shits and giggles pics that were publicly posted
>easily faked/photoshopped unrealistic conversations that seem like they are trying to make said pictures come off as proof of violence, when the case is clearly the opposite
>"self-reinforcing evidence"
>never brought him to court
please be pretending to be this gullible...

Mars ice caps temp IQ.

The Baked Potato

>They all actually took pity on him
>The police didn't even rough house him

let's all have sex with kids and turn gay when we hit 40.

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You think I don't know that? It's not illegal to jack off to pictures of girls from catalogues or instagram.

I never said it was okay to have sex with children, only that it is normal to be attracted to pubescent children.

The Virgin Vinny vs The Handsome Chadsen

>obviously posing with fake blood for shits and giggles pics that were publicly posted
she's talked about getting nosebleeds easily on her social media, and she wasn't bleeding because he hit her, it's because they just finished some rough fucking
>easily faked/photoshopped unrealistic conversations
Sam's text messages with other people have been put out there, it matches pretty closely with how he converses with his girls. And again, the text messages line up exactly with the ross skit anecdote, something you are conveniently overlooking and it pretty much seals the deal on the authenticity.
>never brought him to court
this is pretty common in these types of situations

No one can't stop the Hansen

It is very lol-inducing how upset this show makes this board

I mean think about how a lot of the posters act on here and how these guys act on the show. It's easy to understand.

They're just baiting for (You)s. Everyone else is laughing at this New York virgin cowboy.

The kinds of guys who do this aren't the type to murder-suicide. They're dumb and passive. There were a few guys who had guns in early episodes of TCAP but they always had the decoy tell him to leave his guns (which should have been a dead giveaway) and they had security at the ready if anyone tried anything. In one of the episodes the rabbi tried to get at Chris and security stepped in immediately.

Anyone have the actual law these people are breaking? They don't interact with children at any point.

>the rabbi
Ok I actually want to see this one. Will make webms.

Offense/Statute: 53-21(a)(2) - Risk Or Injury To A Minor Involving Contact With The Intimate Parts Of Someone Under Age 16 (attempted) (offender Also Had Child Pornography Images On His Cell Phone.)
Date Convicted: 14 November 2016

Offense/Statute: 53a-196f - Possession Of Child Pornography 3rd (offender Also Had Child Pornography Images On His Cell Phone.)
Date Convicted: 14 November 2016

Offense/Statute: 53a-71(a)(1) - Sexual Assault 2nd Of A Minor (attempted) (offender Also Had Child Pornography Images On His Cell Phone.)
Date Convicted: 14 November 2016

Offense/Statute: 53a-90a - Enticing Someone Under Age 16 Through Interactive Computer Use (attempted) (offender Also Had Child Pornography Images On His Cell Phone.)
Date Convicted:14 November 2016

Imagine having CP on your phone haha who would do that haha

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is there a court case? no.
has the girl made a public statement that can be cited? no.
has her age been proven? no.
is there any indisputable evidence? no.
and no, screenshots, pics/sayings taken out of context, and extra claims are not indisputable. if the evidence were real, there would be no debate here.
there are only 2 types of people to blindly follow shit like this without question:
1) people who are extremely gullible and impressionable
2) teenagers
you're obviously one of those.

so, either reply to this with something that can be confirmed (video evidence, confessions, legal evidence, etc), or concede and stop spreading a false agenda. check mate, you fucking sperg

>my father was overweight
way to relate hansen


Attached: cruz attempts to walk.png (600x453, 414K)

Could be worse

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>is there a court case? no.
imagine being so autistic that you expect a court case to make a coherent and acceptable argument
>has her age been proven? no.
it has, she's been doxxed at some point
>is there any indisputable evidence? no.
still not addressing the ross skit sealing the deal eh?
>and no, screenshots, pics/sayings taken out of context, and extra claims are not indisputable.
they are if they all reinforce eachother, again you still havent explained why the texts and the skit line up exactly, unless you think that it is a coincidence which makes you a massive retard.

I've never seen such a fedoracore post on this site holy shit.

>but they always had the decoys to tell them leave the guns

>show up to meet 12 year old girl
>obviously adult person shows up
>go on with it anyways

I know most of those guys aren't the brightest lamps out there, but come on...

Reminder: This piece of shit is out of prison.

I new a guy like this in college. Dude was from the TriState area but tried to do the whole cowboy thing. He was an alright dude... just had a weird insistence on getting into western things.

I'm not that user. That's true and all, but Fairfield, CT is filled to the brim with ex-New Yorkers. It's definitely in the NYC sphere of things.

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>Risk Or Injury To A Minor Involving Contact With The Intimate Parts Of Someone Under Age 16
My dick wouldn't hurt anyone
>Possession Of Child Pornography 3rd (offender Also Had Child Pornography Images On His Cell Phone
So someone that has a baby picture where their kid is naked?
>Sexual Assault 2nd Of A Minor (attempted)
Better luck next time
>Enticing Someone Under Age 16 Through Interactive Computer Use (attempted)

fuck N*GGERS


This is why children should post here.

>\things\don't click\cp\cp

Attached: eddy.jpg (436x391, 24K)

Did this guy get raped to death yet?

>shows up with a goddamn knife
>just makes himself comfortable like a complete alpha, completely owns his space
>dresses like a cowboy
>sits like he's a cowboy at a goddamn western tavern
>"Yeah, you got a TV?"

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that kid popping off

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Not worse than pretending to be a nigger to fit in, using words like "bruh."

naawww queen

>normal to be attracted to pubescent children.
Its not normal at all. Its fucking sick

I honestly think Thad was reaching out for help, albeit in an indirect manner. He clearly understood what he was doing was wrong and that he needs help, otherwise he would've tried to hide his deeds.

>imagine being so autistic that you expect a court case to make a coherent and acceptable argument
no legal action is the most telling sign of a fabricated story. popular and recent example being the melanie martinez rape case. all internet drama, no legal action, ended up being a lie.
>she's been doxxed at some point
making claims with no citations. kek
>still not addressing the ross skit
>they all reinforce each other
>the texts and the skit line up exactly
okay let me lay it out for you, dipshit

Shit was hilarious, when the cameras came out he almost had a panic attack. He even did the john dena you can see me gesture out of a panic.

guys i don't know which of you is which, but the problem with that image being posted isn't even the image being posted, it's the two or three dudes every thread saying "you prove me wrong" "no you prove me wrong"
you HAVE to find something better to do with your time than go in circles about whether or not x failed comedian is a pedo

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>chat surfaced long after video, chat is more likely to have referenced video in hindsight.
except, the video came out in 2016, and the texts were floating around in 2015 if you pay attention to the timestamps.

I was wondering if they were going to spear him or something.

You're talking to a bunch of retards with a long history of just straight up denying reality when they don't want to hear it.

All pedos should be tortured and killed. But the show is complete shit. I find no enjoyment watching mentally ill people get busted for living their mentally ill fantasy.
Although they should still be tortured and murdered for being disgusting wastes of life, I don’t enjoy watching it.

What's with Hansen's youtube channel having a fuck ton of random videos that aren't interrogations?

>proven false
>"hey, did you rape her?"
>well she says you did but we got nothing so... see ya

Yeah. Proven.

One could argue them being interrogated and humiliated on TV is a form of torture, and clearly a lot of people enjoy it.

It isn't his youtube channel, it's a crime channel, Hansen vs. Predator is just one the "shows" there.

also at that time on chans edgy pedo jokes were normal and pedo bear was everywhere. i legitimately think he was originally doing it to be edgy and it became real when he got basically tons of attention (read: encouragement) for it

Those text message sound exactly like Sam's voice. I used to think he was doing a bit but now it's obvious he can't "turn it off" and is really a pyscho.

ok retard

built good

>15 year old
that's not a kid. Would probably violate "position of power" rules but there are plenty of places where that's legal.

lol ur "basic common sense" is demolished

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>Who was in the wrong here?
Probably the guy trying to fuck the 12 year old.

>timestamps can't be faked
you're fucking with me at this point

Sam abusing an underage groupie. They only hate it when you dump them.

it might be, in some cases and in some places, strictly legal to do what he did, but that's not the fucking point is it

show more evidence tham screenshots, degenerate

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they're literally in the Yea Forums archives dumbass.
Just.. go away, you're not doing yourself a service sticking around proving what kind of retard you are

the point is that she's not even 15

>having started puberty
>in girls, having developed slender figure, breasts, and pubic hair
>finding this attractive is sick
Are you retarded? Or brainwashed?

it's really not a bad tactic. he only served 30 months of a 10 year sentence because he played the victim card perfectly.

? A guy literally blew his head off with a shotgun after being harassed and chased the TCAP crew. That's why NBC dropped the show and had to rely on Kickstarter

The point is she's very immature and vulnerable and sam's instinct is to make her into a sex toy for him to fuck and abuse.

>bases opinion off of unverifiable chatlogs

Somebody probably thought it was hilarious and wanted to share.

New thread when?

Good riddance

Yes but that isn't a murder-suicide, now is it?

Also if it was legal I wouldn't be surprised if Sam would go as low as 12-13

read the thread, he literally describes what happens in those chat logs in one of his skits (which wasn't released till after the texts leaked)

Just came to get something to eat

That's pretty normal. Not everybody is a groveling beta male.

I get that the power dynamic between a 30 year old washed up comedian and a 15 year old slut is off putting to most people, but it's not pedophilia. Plenty of girls that age go after older degenerates. I sorta know a junkie manlet who always walks around with a new teenage whore in tow.