What's her best video?

what's her best video?

Attached: ContraPoints.jpg (1163x1080, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread:


unironically the incel one


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-14 4plebs » Global Search » Searching for posts with the image hash ‘8mY6toDo (947x2808, 962K)

someone post the disney ride photo.



The one where he kills himself.



Literally never seen a single one and judging by the annoying voice, I never will


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Dilated and suicidepilled.

Remember when Contrapoints used to actually talk to right wingers and then stopped because even Sargon could hand his ass to him, and then the media starting writing glowing praise pieces about how Contrapoints was converting the alt-right?


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I want him to beat me with his infallible logic and then bend me over and fuck my ass

that's it, that's the one.
>this is William/Nick/Contrapoints at peak passing

his channel is kino

you're literally watching a dude losing his mind and documenting it himself

he'll be another number on those tranny suicide statistics pretty soon

is xe keanu mistress ?

>he makes 6 digits a month off whining about capitalism
>still running a capitalist scheme

Considering his completely hypocritical stances? Good. The sooner him and the chapo guys all fucking kill themselves, the better off the world will be.


Daily reminder that this mentally ill Redditor/e-celeb will never be a "her"

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I can't watch this freak's videos for more than 10 seconds without feeling a physical compulsion to shut it off. Something about him is just abhorrent. It's funny because his channel is the one all the leftists point to as the peak of leftist Youtube and the videos that will "de-radicalize" right wingers, when in reality they are the most unbearable of all.

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Would love to see this fag debate someone like Spencer and get absolutely decimated

It was the most honest. Which is to say, about 20% honest.




Have sex.

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did contra fuck jennt?

dont have it. feast your eyes on the feminin grace of this instead

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>22 minutes
free for all time

It’s a tranny pushing its agenda, what’s not repulsive about it?


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Points is echochamber moralisation directed to the left. But on a deeper level, they're improving tranny institutional clout by signalling loyalty to the both the powers that be (who feel threatened by authentic populism) and to poor people (who are increasingly becoming a political force via populism).
She's also got a neat scam set up where she can got those dollars from large backers and also upper middle class paypigs with disposable income.

the golden one video was funny but he only really attacked him on his mannerisms, not really his ideology.

No way fag

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Wait what the fuck, that's Nick?? He's a girl now?!

now i understand the """""aesthetics"""" of his videos

lol the left acting like some Milo tier faggot doing dandy shit is 'cool' and funny

Who's this salami tsunami?

why the fuck do these trannies always have chiseled chins and wise shoulders

is the HRT doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do? baka I'd kill to have shoulders as wide as some of these trannies

maybe it's their uncomfortableness with their masculine features that makes them transition, really makes me think tbqh

Post shoulder let us check

I'm terrible at reading faces irl (autist), but I'm really good at telling if someone is someone is transgender or not based on face alone
what does this mean?

Totally not mentally ill with a death cult.

I was so underwhelmed by that. Once you hit a certain point, everyone on the internet seems retarded and you have to read books in order to find new ideas. I was hoping to see something new, but these "breadtube" faggots are just the same as usual but aware that SJWs are cringe and are able to name drop /pol/. I actually wouldn't mind a channel that seriously expounds on liberal and Marxist philosophy, but they just get retards in their 20's to make these videos for jewtube to shill. Oh and speaking of "liberal and Marxist," I love how they go through such great pains to differentiate the two but never actually explain any differences.

Nobody fucks Jenny, she's a good girl!

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Contrapoints made a few interesting videos here and there but after seeing pictures of what they used to look like before they chased the tranny bus I'm honestly disgusted by their transformation. They looked good and gave that up to basically be a vampire that only looks good in soft pink-purple lighting with excessive makeup.

whats her insta?

>needs dedicated and exhausting video framing closeups/ lightning techniques to hide any comparative objects and basic reality

it must be tiresome being a psychotic man

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They need the excessive makeup or else they won't look like a woman.

The autogynephilic trannies are often hypercompetitive masculine autists who see the institutional privilege afforded to trannies and transition at the age of like 40 when they're already a software engineer. The wachowski brothers are probably an example of this. Does the Matrix feel like a movie made by two women or two men?
Bruce Jenner would be another example. They were a male olympic athlete who transitioned at like 50.
These are turboautists who noticed a way to flex on their opposition by dominating women and men.


Have sex

it's so odd that basic leftist critiques of "Society of Spectacle" and "simulation & simulacrum" stuff disappeared right as they're living thinking fake facebook pics is reality and "men are women"

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I have a more loosey-goosey view on gender.

For me it's Blaire White, the superior political tranny YouTuber.

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Have sex incels

Really, many of her videos are well made. The incels one was pretty good but the gender critical one was probably just as well made.

>inb4 him, he, man, etc.

shut up, KiAcel.

Have kids

odd how they're almost always autistic fail-goons who want to be seen the way they see women, as if these Chris Chan types could escape to a utopia alternate dimension where they're cute girls with dainty glass vaginas

it's always these fat balding dudes with too much 'bad' masculine traits

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The one with the commie catgirl, Cute design.

have sex

>he got FFS
>his dad is completely ashamed of him
>"sunphobic" so he doesnt want to age prematurely
>all about the environment, wants to fly transcontinental many times anyway
>doesnt actually make videos on anything that isn't about his chemical and surgical mutilations
>he claims that philosophy and politics have slipped his mind because he's a woman now, and women are all stupid
>claims to be off the booze
>is still boozing despite being alcoholic
>parents still calm him "him"
>claims to not be a channer
>browses this site daily and probably started this thread

> I actually wouldn't mind a channel that seriously expounds on liberal and Marxist philosophy, but they just get retards in their 20's
That's because only retards would do such a thing. Even the smarter of the liberals know that it's better to not make a yt channel, since that leaves you open to critique and background checks from everyone. Only idiots and attention whores (the two aren't mutually exclusive) would make a political channel, left, right, center or whatever. Same with being an "internet personality." Why the FUCK would anyone want to be an internet personality? Every single word and movement is heavily tracked. Not worth it at all.

> I love how they go through such great pains to differentiate the two but never actually explain any differences.
Liberals aren't true believers, marsxists are. That's what it comes down to.

Shut up Toyotafag

Why is this spam thread still up??

get the fuck out, degenerate


I'm beggin ya, lift weights

That trannies will never pass


Trannies need to be flayed alive, boiled and water boarded all at the same time

> her




it's just your mind playing tricks. you see what is clearly a man regurgitating his porn-fueled fantasy of how a woman should dress or act like, but he is so obviously a dude that your brain (which is designed to distinguish between males and females) exaggerates his maleness in order to deliver the correct information (he's a man). put them in some typical male clothing and they'll look like your average nerd.

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Get a clue

have sex

You guys need to find a lady to lay on top of for four or five minutes.

>normal healthy people like trannyshit

Attached: We 'get' women.jpg (3712x1008, 780K)

>alternating between posting on Yea Forums and /pol/

it's like pottery

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I dont know whats worse, someone spammin a literal who eceleb or the fact you've kept a track of it

Why is a tranny lecturing people about incels? The entire reason they pretend to be women is because they can't get sex

>your brain (which is designed to distinguish between males and females) exaggerates his maleness in order to deliver the correct information (he's a man). put them in some typical male clothing and they'll look like your average nerd.
damn makes sense

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Contra also had a large penis before transition. There's something to the high T tranny claim.

have sex

really what the fuck is the logic behind statements like this?

>kept track

Have sex

false sense of superiority

have sex first

Why has this website been obsessed with trannies, whether for or against, in the last year or so? Its fucking weird. Is it a culture warrior thing?

have sex incel


Reminder that this dude gets checks from the (((ADL))) to be a good goy.

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He should move in with Jim Norton.

Don't reply to me until you've had sex.


yeah well adjusted dudes who fuck think this guy is chill and would never laugh at him

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trannies are so delusional
I wouldn't fuck this even if I knew it was born a female

Its equally as obsessive and strange to notice something like that.

Her video about "the West" and how it has a very nebulous definition and really only refers to white and judeo-christian was very informative. Haven't heard a single rebuttal from the right about that one.

the fact that this and chapo get so much money is such blatant money laundering by jews lmao

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Fucking imagine doing this to yourself

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Wan uironically hotter as a dude.

Can't lie, Dave Mustaine's looking pretty good.

here's a rebuttal - yes, it does refer to white people

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>Why has this website been obsessed with trannies, whether for or against, in the last year or so?

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have sex

Have sex

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>Yea Forums(nel)ers are strange

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Absolute kino.

Get a clue

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lol trannies going into cp shit like old timey gross nihiilistic b tard fucks they are

not very lady like

have sex

This fact fuck and Contrapoints don't do any manual labor either. Ironic.

I love to see them have to work on a concrete job during the summer.

>it's strange to notice that something is spammed and shilled on here constantly


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>Contra also had a large penis before transition
where's the evidence.

>There's something to the high T tranny claim
there isn't, unless you're prepared to say all autists are secretly turbochads? trannies have higher rates of paraphilias and mental illness, and totally average male hormonal levels. that's what the research has shown.

>nick's only good photo


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fuckin lol


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If I had to respond to that idea, I would say that while this conception of the West as nebulous may be correct, it has been a very long time since the idea of the West has been based on Judeo-Christian values. Instead, our culture worships the ideals of democracy and freedom now.
While sizable populations in Western countries may still be devoutly religious and/or racist, the majority opinion and most of our leadership places Enlightenment philosophy at the center of their civilization. Essentially, democracy is our religion now. The founding fathers are our gods, and the Constitution is our Bible.

He's online and once again ignoring tranny stuff
remember to report him to hiro

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the one of him choking on my cock

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Thats literally a man

I think the theory that there are two types of trannies:
1. High T autogynos
2. Low T submissive homos
Makes the most sense.
I would be curious to see if the T levels of trannies cluster towards the lower and the upper end more than with most males.

>turn on one of her videos
>that voice

How can anyone listen to this person? I don't care that she's trans. I care that it sounds like nails on a chalk board. I seriously don't get it. IF your voice isn't pleasing why would I listen to anything you say?

>e. Only idiots and attention whores (the two aren't mutually exclusive) would make a political channel, left, right, center or whatever. Same with being an "internet personality." Why the FUCK would anyone want to be an internet personality
I agree and that's why if I ever made an "informative political channel" I would make sure my name isn't on it.

what a cringe shirt. Almost as bad as those "pussymaster" shirts

>critiques of simulation & simulacrum

you can't critique something that is completely correct user

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And yes, autism and chaddery are similar.
Turbochads tend to be autistic. They just smash through things because their autism is combined with high competitiveness, good looks and determination.
Autists are people whose brains got soaked in prenatal testosterone, but who don't necessarily have high T afterwards.

she looks like a pig in human clothing

autogyns are extremely autistic, which may be an indicator of an exposure to higher-than-average levels of testosterone in utero. this does not translate to higher levels of T in life, however.

>Autists are people whose brains got soaked in prenatal testosterone, but who don't necessarily have high T afterwards.
therein lies the confusion. it's two different things entirely.

i didnt mean critiquing the theory, i meant critiques from that perspective

they all disappeared, now facebook pics are reality, highly controlled videos represent a man's "true femininity"

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Contra unironically bluepilled me thank you for shilling her

Why are trannies so obsessed with incels and calling everyone they don't like incels?

its a insult that touches home and they assume it'll hurt everyone else (remember, they're failed men)

Is this shirt supposed to mean that nice guys lack the skill to fuck good, or that they simply cannot fucker her?

Isn't "she" like 6'4? Why even bother becoming a tranny at that point.

where does this guy fit?

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you know incel is an effective insult when people sperg out and demand an answer for why theyre being called it lmao thats why people use it

No bully!

It's almost like most of them are completely insincere and have an ideology that allows them to follow the prevailing social currents while feeling edgy and revolutionary.
This has been present in radical leftism for decades.
Lenin, for example, instituted libertarian economic policies to make Russia /more/ capitalist. After the Cold War, the Chinese communists went full capitalist roader.
The communist position in pre civil war Spain was to encourage capitalist development.
Anarchists and libertarian leftists rallied to fight global capitalism sincerely in the 90s, but got utterly blackpilled by end of the Occupy Movement and just went full establishment shills.
Even Foucault basically envisaged neoliberalism as a positive thing.
The idea that the left is somehow deebly opposed to capitalism is historically contradicted.
There was some genuine opposition in the form of Stalinism, but the contemporary left hates those people. The most obscene example of this nexus is anarcho-communists going to ethnically cleanse and annex land from Syria to form the Kurdish ethno-(totally not a)state. The Kurds are American and Israeli allies against secular Arab socialism. These fucking ancomms were working side by side with American special forces. Revolting.
At that point it's all just a larp and a scam and I can't take it seriously.
No actual dissident movement would be calling for private corporations and the state to have more censorship power.
These people are completely insincere opportunists. Fuck them.


"why are losers assuming the insult that hurts them will hurt others"?

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>imagine larping as a tranny for extra oppression points when you're just a sissy
No one cared who I was until I injected hormones

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This is true. Many of them still chase women after becoming trannys and claim they are "lesbians". I'm pretty sure that contrapoints even said she's a trans lesbian, trannyism seems to be a form of cope for low status men to weasel their way into pussy by shaming lesbian sjws into fucking men.

>an ideology that allows them to follow the prevailing social currents while feeling edgy and revolutionary.
>The idea that the left is somehow deebly opposed to capitalism is historically contradicted.
>The most obscene example of this nexus is anarcho-communists going to ethnically cleanse and annex land from Syria to form the Kurdish ethno-(totally not a)state. The Kurds are American and Israeli allies against secular Arab socialism. These fucking ancomms were working side by side with American special forces. Revolting.

seriously good post

>trannies are mad that no one will fuck them
>call their bullies incels to goad them into fucking them
It makes sense.

that's my wife

because trannies are the ultimate incel, the final conclussion.

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>tfw dated a passable trans
>tfw she broke up with me to bang millionaires


they literally want to be roasties

is it possible that there are AI currently running on all the popular boards? this makes me think of "talktotransformer.com" but its learned how to post like others and just repeats the formula

The interesting thing about Contrapoints is that Contrapoints could only ever succeed as a transwoman. Their brand depends on the shameless flaunting of sexuality that could be shut down in a second by a single leftist woman if Contrapoints was a straight white guy, and being a subservient little bitch would kill his entire spectacle. In fact, Contrapoints made content before transitioning that NOBODY cares about for precisely this reason: Back when Contrapoints was a he, all he was good for was basic bitch vlogs about how progressivism was good and debating with actual right wingers like The Distributist and not looking nearly as smart as he can now that Contrapoints only ever argues with Contrapoints.

In order to succeed as a figurehead on the left now, white men must castrate themselves.

Because they're Incels obviously. They're so sexually frustrated they castrate and kill themselves, it's glorious.

hiro was caught using bots on Yea Forums to make it look like a fast board a few years ago

yeah some guy going "teehee i wanna put my peepee inside women" wouldnt be as well received by leftists

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Start with the earlier ones so it's more gradual. At the end I didn't care, because I liked the content already.

he's right though contra is only popular because he's a sassy faggot

I want to fuck contra so hard. I don't gice a fuck what you think

He needed to take the gashpill to gain notoriety and credibility amongst the left, or else he'd just be another cis white male talking about things he's too privileged to understand.

Uncle Ted was right, leftism can only exist where there's heavy censorship and control. Odd, considering they're all about "freedom to be yourself." Fucking pieces of human trash.

>have to listen to degenerates and stoners wax political about "waaaah capitalism is baaad" and in the same breath, they defend burgeoning corpratism as the right of the company (in regards to twitter and facebook deplatforming people )
>I say anything against their bullshit, I get the smug "I cant even with you user" bullshit
It's a kind of tired that sleep won't fix


Tell us more about your AIDS, cum shitter

yeah its basically pic related

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based homochad

Why are they all making the same bug face? Fucking NPCs

Because normies or chads usually don't usually dedicate their time to shitting on trannies. I can safely bet there is a pattern of frogposters and burner accounts emerging.

>wow that really works! i'll use it too

He looks like Conan the Barbarian

why is this thread still up?

why haven’t the faggot mods gotten rid of all this epic “have sex” spamming like they did onions

Because they have something in common and it was very clearly said in the video. Feel like there is some understanding there instead of just a roastie pointing a finger and laughing.

Kek, liberals deserve to die painfully

it's about how incel isn't a very good insult and that ridiculing incels isn't a very useful thing to be doing. it subverts your expectation.

dunno but op's planned backfired

the one when my pepe goes hard