/film/ Art House General

Featured film: The Devils (1971)

What is art-house? An art-house film is a film that is intended to be a serious artistic work rather than a piece of popular entertainment. Once upon a time, before baneposting, such films were discussed regularly on Yea Forums. /film/ is an attempt to bring in-depth analysis back to the board.

Conversation starters for newbies:
>What is your favorite art-house film and what about it do you enjoy so much?
>What is an unpopular opinion you have concerning the status of a particular film/director/genre/etc.?
>What movie do you think deserves a Criterion release?

This is also the place to post any OC cinegrids you've made recently, but try not to flood the thread.

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I love nunsploitation

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Also, if you have suggestions on changes to the header, such as a question you'd like to see added, feel free to contribute and otherwise criticize /film/, we need those bumps to get us going

The Devils is batshit insane. Oliver Reed is fantastic. It's cool how he's able to turn such an unlikable bastard of a character from the first half of the movie into a literal Christlike character by the end. That man's a stud, he should have had more movie roles.


Is this a nun kino thread?

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Ken Russell is such a hack, he's just Baz Luhrman for the 70s. Effeminate, theatrical, gay shit. How could anyone take The Devils seriously when you have that one priest dressed like a rockstar with Lennon glasses and sleeveless shirts. Russell's design is just silly.

what about him

This thread is boring.

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Powell was a genius. It's a shame that Peeping Tom destroyed him while Psycho, a very similar movie, only elevated Hackcock.

any kinos of demons or niggers raping a bunch of qt young white nuns?

btw during the mexican revolution my grandmothers sister was raped by Pancho Villas gang while she was hiding out in a monastery

formerly exciting

great grandmothers sister

>btw during the mexican revolution my grandmothers sister was raped by Pancho Villas gang while she was hiding out in a monastery
Elaborate? That sounds like a spaghetti western kino scene

one of the worst "art" movies i've ever seen. entire thing was melodramatic as fuck and it was all building up to the scene we all knew was going to happen - and that scene wasnt even good

>What is art-house? An art-house film is a film that is intended to be a serious artistic work rather than a piece of popular entertainment.
That's not what art-house means.

God have mercy

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>there's a literal swordfight with someone wielding a crocodile as a weapon
Maybe you weren't supposed to take it seriously

>The Devils
>look it up on wikipedia
well, looks like I have a new film to watch this week

there were raids and pancho villas army was ruthless a bunch of niggers who would rape any women they found, so her sister and other women were sent to the convent to hide out while they were attacking the area

they got to the convent and raped everybody, some women were kidnapped by them and taken away, who knows were they ended up, there was no redemption or clint eastwood to save them though, but it would make a good kino

great grandmothers sister later married some dude and had more kids, dont really know that side of the family

Its unadulterated kino. Campy dark comedy with serious themes, balls-out acting, and a huge budget. Surprised it's not more well known. Make sure you find the unedited cut if you can. The Rape of Christ scene will look weird cause its ripped from LaserDisc (I think?) but you want this version

better go back to your 107 GOT threads

Any kinos about Pancho Villa or nihilistic Western flicks in the vein of Blood Meridian?

I found one marked "unedited" but in 720p which is 1:53 long. I'm legally purchasing one that's 1:51 minutes long.

The Great Silence is what you're looking for.
Blood Meridian ought to be filmed though. And the Coens could do it. We've already seen they can translate McCarthy's minimalist prose to celluloid in a way that honors its source. They're also huge directors so maybe they could get away with NC17. Especially if they go with Netflix again like Ballad.

>legally purchasing

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the Coens would shit up Blood Meridian with folk music.



My favorite Archers movie

Do you remember any music in NCFOM?
Didn't think so

Joe d Amato was a filmmakers filmmaker