Luke, after 40 years and a failed Jedi order resurgence, appears as a dejected old man

>Luke, after 40 years and a failed Jedi order resurgence, appears as a dejected old man
"C-character assassination!!!"
>Dany, for no reason, turns into a psychopath and murders thousands of innocent civilians
"Lol YES!!! Roasties BTFO!"

Explain yourselves, Yea Forums.

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Star wars was heroic fantasy in Space. Game of thrones is a nhilistic dragonn porn with ultraviolence.

>for no reason
and that's why you're a brainlet

>Luke. Beloved cultural icon. His story is myth making
>Dany. decade old roastie icon. Her story is a deconstruction and this is actually how it's going to turn out.

Luke was shit on so Rian Johnson could feel smart without doing anything original or creative.

Dany's story is intentional and part of a separate creative work that is intended to explore the issue of tyrants.

It shows the feminist lie that they want equality. They really just want propaganda and to censor anything that fucks with their narrative.

learn 2 read you fucking ape.

It was not set up in the show whatsoever. She was acting totally fine even after her second dragon died, but then she got triggered that King's Landing surrendered for absolutely no reason at all

Read a fucking book once in your life.

>1 post from this ID
bait thread guys

>for no reason

You act like madness doesn't run in her family. Plus she's shown this side more than once, just not to this extreme. But Dany by no right is a saint, and has happily murdered her enemies to get the Iron Throne.

She acted fine after her second dragon died because David and Co. can;t write for shit. Ever since Dany got her dragons she has been on a arson bender. She wanted to burn at least 3 cities to the ground before crossing the sea that Tyrion talked her out of. Now that she had lost faith in Tyrions council and Varys betrayed her she has nobody keeping her in check. She's just doing what her character has always wanted to do.

>for no reason
it's 100% consistent with the character presented since the first season

I'm shocked I've only posted here once, although I usually go on lit
I understand, I'm sure this will happen in the books too. But it was extremely poorly set up.
They needed to show in the last couple episodes examples of her willing to sacrifice or kill innocents to accomplish her goals, like beating the NK. Then have her be much more angry at the loss of her dragon, and blame the Lannisters for it.

She was always a crazy bitch, baiting user.

>for no reason
t. retard

She finally realized that nobody likes or wants her. So, since she knows she won't ever be loved, she will rule through fear. Just burning the red keep doesn't send a message to the masses that if you don't support me then your entire town will be put to the sword.

>It was not set up in the show whatsoever
Nigga did you even watch the fucking show??

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Why wasn't there any foreshadowing or character development for four seasons of WW2 before America went nuclear? They were supposed to be the good guys defending themselves from the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbour. Like I could understand if they'd let off some tactical nukes in Burma or something, to show a more gradual descent into full MAD. But the entire war they were presented as fighting for freedom and democracy against fascism, liberating Pacific islanders from evil Japanese imperialists. Then in the final act they made an asspulled heel turn and nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki for literally no reason after Japan was already defeated. Just for shock value and subverting expectations. I got emotionally invested in the American dream and then they just go and vaporise hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, ruining their entire character arc. Hack writing.

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She has been acting like a entitled and unstable psycho since she walked out of the flames with three dragons.
Just how much spoonfeeding do you need to see the writing on the fucking wall?

The only weird thing is her face here, ironically. She has never shown of being insane, just completly antisocial. Now she seems snapped, when she always did those things while being perfectly calm. A cold face would have fit better maybe, even if i liked it anyway.

>Dany, for no reason

Dany was always meant to turn into a murdering psychopath. The problem was that the show did a terrible job at illustrating her descent into madness in the last season so they had to take everything from her in this season to make up for it. It all feels rushed and poorly planned.

I make that face when playing video ganes all the time

> for no reason

She had always been a psychopath, sentencing people to gruesome deaths. You've been cheering all this time because you're retarded.

imagine being so stupid you don't get GoT

Was it rape though?

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If you always do that it's not problematic.

>be dany
>claim is inherently based on her being Aerys's Daughter
wtf how could this have happen im shaking

Dany's turn was rushed but your a brainlet if you think it's implausible

She was always going to turn, the hints for that have been there since forever.
The big issue is how quickly it happened.

Like this one?

You guys have selective memory. She fucked over the Unsullied Master because he called her a bitch behind her back, burned every trader in that city to a crisp and deluded herself and everyone into thinking that the unsullied was fighting on their own behalf despite the fact they'll jump into a pit of fire if she demanded them to. They're her slaves.

She's always pulled this sort of shit and everyone clapped because up to that point she only killed people the audience didnt like.

This shit was well set up 4 seasons ago.

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If you think her face in those 2 situations is conveying exactly the same emotion you might suffer from social-emotional agnosia. Seek medical help.

>Hoes mad
Have sex bitch

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>Betrayed by her lover
>All her advisors plotting an overthrow
>all her most trusted and loved friends killed in front of her eyes
>completely isolated and alone

>no reason to turn psycho

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She's wanted to burn cities since her dragons hatched
Luke wouldn't think about killing his nephew when he was able to turn his father back to the light

>The problem was that the show did a terrible job at illustrating her descent into madness
That's my problem. I'm sure Dany burning King's Landing was one of the three spoilers George gave to D&D, they just didnt bother setting it up well other than early signs of madness also present in the books

It's like when Anakin went from killing Tuskin civilians out of anger, to murdering Jedi children. There's a setup, but the character arc jumps directly from beginning to end

Most of the asshurt is coming from bookfags, everyone knows bookfags and the bookfag community are massive SJWs which makes it even more appalling that they're defending her because she's portrayed as even worse in the books than in the show.

>I entirely missing the fucking point because I am a giant mouthbreathing retard.

Read the fucking post I replied to.
>A cold face would have fit better maybe, even if i liked it anyway.

The rest of the reply was a counter to the whole "Why did dany go mad? there was no set up at all" argument.

OP here, I'm a bookfag but I'm hardly team Dany. I'm sure this happens in the book, but the TV show set it up super poorly.

>OP here, I'm a bookfag

Do you frequent asoiaf online forums and communities? Then you'd know they are overwhelmingly the sjw and blue-haired feminist type.

I literally only watched the first three episodes and it makes sense

>Do you frequent asoiaf online forums and communities?
No, I read the books years ago and only really go on lit. Book subreddits are complete trash.

>Dany, for no reason, turns into a psychopath and murders thousands of innocent civilians
She has been a narcissist and a psychopath since the first episode. You just didn't notice.

George Lucas didn't write that Luke.

Grrm 100% planned for Dany to torch the city

This. D&D were always gonna btfo the roasties.

I actually think D&D has intentionally lulled everyone into thinking Dany was some heroic figure, they've had 10-12 years to figure this shit out. Remove the "justifications" (most of them are just petty vengeance) for her previous actions and they come across as straight up homocidal.

No normal person raises/buys/fucks-her-way-into being the commander of a 50 000+ army to conquer and pillage two continents because someone whispered stories about it into their ear when they were a kid.

Takes a real fucking nutjob.

>destiny was to become pregnant with Peter's baby like some teenage soap opera and we were supposed to follow her and her kids' whacky adventures in the Cold War era
>dies shitting the bed (literally) from Typhus in a glorified hogpen instead
>lose an entire demographic of teenage girls and middle aged women who would've been fans of this

Who the fuck let George "Rail Road" Martin get a hold of this script?

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She spent all that time inspiring fear in the masters of Slaver's Bay and the Khals. In earlier seasons she actually learned nothing at all about ruling except that a quick way to get a loyal and loving followers was to free them from slavery. She was also surrounded by examples of leaders that ruled by fear (Viserys, Drogo, Masters, stories of how Westeros feared her father). Barristan tries to coach her a little bit on morality but his lessons are cut short and shortly after that she leaves Mereen on Drogo. She had no real idea about what it means to rule and to be a good leader.

The tactics she used to win love in Essos didn't apply in Westeros and the Targaryen name is tainted in the west. It will flow better in the book than the show but the show is telling a truth about what Danaerys will become in the book.

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>Burned Mirri Maz Durr alive
>Killed the Warlocks of Qarth
>Left Xaro Xhan Daro and Doreah in the safe to starve to death
>Reneged on the Good Masters and massacres them with her Unsullied and Dragons
>Crucified the Great Masters
>Fed heads of great Meereenese houses to her dragons
>Burned the Khals alive in Vaes Dothrak
>Burned countless Lannister forces alive with dragonfire
>Burned the Tarlys alive with dragonfire
>not set up in the show are all

>A targaryan goes crazy!

Who could have seen that coming!

>Burned her political enemies alive
>This somehow is comparable to burning innocent civilians alive after the city had surrendered
Just because it triggered SJWs doesn't make it good writing, stop being contrarians

You seriously think everyone in those hundreds of crosses in Slaver's Bay were guilty conspiring adults?

Murder in cold blood is still murder.
Especially where the Tarly's and soldiers were concerned. Tarly spoke his mind and was killed for it, thats not something a sane person does.
Neither were the good masters her political enemies, she purchased the slaves and then reneged on her promises.

>Just because it triggered SJWs doesn't make it good writing

Nobody here is claiming D&D's later half of Game of Thrones is good writing, but some seem to claim that Danys madness came on like a light switch due to "Muh subversions and thats a good thing" while it has been VERY obvious to everyone not blinded by her mediocre tits and ass that she is and always have been a nutjob.

Checked and /thread

>thought America was the good guys
>were consistently shown to be genocidal colonizers and slavers in all of their earlier seasons
>gets surprised when they commit atrocities in the final act of WW2
Brainlet, only a fool thought the Americans were the good guys, they were literally set up to become the next empire after the civil war. Then The hack writers just decided to throw the whole “there is no good or evil” theme out the door and had to make the Japanese and Germans into Saturday morning cartoon villain tier just to Make the audience root for the amerifats. Lets also not ignore the ridiculous plot armor they got during Pearl Harbor and the battle of midway

>Explain yourselves, Yea Forums.

There’s no hypocrisy. We consistently like white men and hate women.

fuck off faggot you don't speak for me i hate shit writing

I really loved how they magically got a huge fucking army even though they were in an insane depression a couple episodes earlier

Shit tier writing indeed.

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>killing military and political enemies is the same as massacring thousands of innocent civilians in a city that just surrendered

Holy fucking retard, how many times are idiots going to keep spewing this shit? This is like trying to justify Jon Snow suddenly executing civilians by claiming that him hanging the nights watch traitors was foreshadowing that he’s actually a murderous monster

She’s been crazy ever since she watched her brother die from a molten gold crown. You’re fucking retarded

It was hot

>everyone backs her as Queen for most of her life
>Jon tells her he's real heir but doesn't give a shit
>discomforting but trusts Jon
>Jon tells Sansa who proceeds to tell everyone
>Sudden rumblings around because everyone is snitching
>People begin to realize that they only aligned with Dany because she has dragons and that they'd rather see Jon as a king
>Jon's sister kills NK, while Dany's army gets BTFO
>Her most trusted person dies in battle right in front of her
>everyone is just celebrating and thanking Jon while Dany is left with barely an army left.
>North tells her to fuck off and they're not going to help her because they've lost too many
>Jon agrees to still help her because he's a moralfag
>Dany's Bff gets captured by Cersei
>Her dumb council thinks that talking to Cersei will save her
>Cersei kills Dany's dragon and BFF right infront of her
>Varys begins to snitch to everyone ala, Ned, and tell them that Jon is king, starting another bullshit civil conflict

She'got fed up and realize that nobody is going to truly respect her, so she'd rather force them to bend the knee. It got rushed because Dumb and Dumber can't write and asked for six episodes, but there was enough evidence even from the beginning that she was going to become the Mad Queen. Shit, that was the most obvious thing they've done.

>turns into a psychopath
I guess you missed 7 seasons of her burning people alive for getting in her way

>for no reason

found the roastie