Why do people shit on the universal monster movies for being a sausage fest

Who the fuck cares

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Who cares

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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based ryan poster
absolute shit episode

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Who does this? NPCs don't watch anything before the first Star Wars and feminists don't watch anything not trendy.

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Based Bores

I'm more bothered that they thing they were only cheap horrors. The Invisible Man was closer to an action film for 1930s.

Mike looks so creepy in that pic

think*, autocorrect got me


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kyle grew out his hair and now looks like a 10 year old mexican boy

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>went from being a musician to a construction worker
>James probably hasn't been allowed to speak to him in years
>Song isn't even used anymore

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>there exists some autist who bothered to make this shop

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"Hey pal. Pull up a seat, this one is on me."

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april is a beautiful woman incels

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>Why do people shit on the universal monster movies for being a sausage fest
i've never heard this, ever


Right looks a lot like James.

you have been visited by kyle the tiler, straight lines and spare material will come to you only if you reply "Lay that tile bro" to this post.

can i have cute blond kids without the fat amercian wife?

There were good actresses in them. Though it always annoyed me that the actresses in Frankenstein and Bride of.. look nothing alike at all.

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those are some of the cutest kids ive seen! how the fuck did april rolfe and james produce such beautiful people?

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Look how proud and happy James is. He's too pure to be memed, lads

>mike here, were playing castlevania blood of eterny. its a hack i just heard about-
>*gets hit by enemy*
>*doesnt get item he wants*
>*dies on boss for 10th time*
>*fall down pit*
>*enemy hits mike causing him to fall down pit*
>FUUUUUUUUCK!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO *beats couch as hard he can* UGHHHHHHH YOU MOTHERFUCKER BULLSHIT *still hitting couch*
>mike proceeds to take 10 minute break

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hes insane

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He's clearly being cheeky.

>my little james cant possibly be this cucked

based pepe sorcery mysteries uncovered live on remembrance canine

its hard to picture mike as a boomer when hes eternally a manchild

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What's with all these dumbass faces in the thumbnails lately? Also, why do they only have James' face on the James & Mike and Rental Review videos?

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they know people only care about james and it takes effort to put other people on there

>those children
Looks like they win the genetic lottery.

>mfw watching rayciss three stooges

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You fuckers better not start waifuing these children.

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is it gonna be worse than last year?

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yes because nobody cares and yes im replying to myself

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Who was here when they were doing these streams?

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what a fucking shitshow. mst3k bullshit. dumbfucks kept fucking up the stream and the ps2 broke. could barely hear the movie. shit audio. apparently tony is supposed to upload stream highlights but he never did because hes a dumbfuck fat lazy cunt.

me. i asked james to do a frankestein snarl on air, but he said hed rather give time to the real borris karlauf.


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What the fuck was his problem?

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Sjw cuck

he just wanted jamed to try a pepsi

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>Never had a Pepsi....

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i want a cookie so bad bros.

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>i dont feel so guh...

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The Wolf Man (1941) was a really good movie, especially for something Universal created from scratch. I was surprised that the full moon was completely irrelevant in the film, but it felt more like genuine folklore that way.

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even when mike was with claire, i could tell that was a fake smile

is mike basically just "the chad virgin"?

doesn't he got a big dong too?

mike is unironically a chad. someone who knew mike in highschool cane out and talked about how many gf's mike has gone through

glorious thread

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they were using a ps2? the fuck?

yeah to play the movies on dvd. not sure why. it overheated or some shit.

wow thats some turbo boomer shit

when you view mike as the closeted homosexual that he is, then his actions make a lot more sense. spends all his energy trying to cover his tracks instead of being honest with himself

>e-celeb headcanon

mike only dates women with man bodies

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he literally praised them for almost 30 minutes until that 20 second part where he mentioned the raycism tho

i NEED to sniff erins feet

>ok with cuck shit

>triggered over an autistic manchild not liking something
ok, this is epic

Gross. Erin is disgusting.

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Damn, Mike has been hitting that bottle pretty hard lately.

thats the point. big smelly erin feets.

Was she the savior? The TRUE AVGN?

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was james cameo kino?

Who is this?

Faggot makes a whole video about how people do impressions of Lugosi by going "blah!" and doesn't credit the originator, the great Jack Carter. Disgusting negligence.

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>my whole life has been horror movies....
>how could i not know this....

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Is actor, Mike Matei, a homosexual man?
people have talked about this before, but i think there needs to be a whole thread dedicated to it.

just some facts
-art student
-likes to sing show tunes often
-has a high pitch voice with a slight lisp
-very sensitive and slightly psychotic
-his best friend in the world a male, who he hangs out with almost every day, and often talks about how funny and smart he is online
-has drawn guys being shit and giz'd on
-often likes to show off what straight sexual acts hes doing with a girl in order to prove something

If you can, do yourself a favor and find Norm MacDonald telling Jack Carter's deathbed confession. I only found it on YouTube once and that's not enough times to hear it.

I don’t know, but to me he seems gay. He claims he’s not, but I’ve never seen, like, a guy who’s not gay seem so gay. I don’t find him funny. What can I say? Never made me laugh.

i agree with some of this. but mike is a REPRESSED homosexual. his actions are different from open gays. he's got that shame and guilt shit, which dictates his every move. only ones to defend him are the screenslobs who are literally in every one of these threads. mike is queer and i hope he comes to terms with that

obvious hair plug

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Things aren't gonna end well for him. Dontcha just get that vibe? Shit's gonna come out real soon about Miney Crafta Mike. We all know it......


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will do if i ever find it

that or a combover

I just smoked a joint to three little birds and I just wanted to say I'm stoned as fuck bros.

She’s looks pretty now

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wow. took 25 years off!

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and if he is exposed as gay.. oh no! he will be like every single other youtuber!

i heard about that. based as fuck.

I miss kino MM guys. So much.

he is in a costume with make up.

too bad james ended it to make time for his kids because his wife said so.


it became unwatchable once he started doing clipless reviews

Poor James. He doesn't deserve this shit. How can one man be so fucking nice and awesome and fall from his own empire so fast?

Exactly that most likely, he was just too nice and a total pushover.

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I'd have to agree. As knowledgeable as James is with trivia and facts about the films, it bores the everloving fuck outta me just seeing him sit there. Same thing with James and Mike Mondays and Rental Reviews and any of the other bullshit that isn't Avgn. There's two types of shows on Cinemassacre, Avgn and everything below it. And I mean FAR below.

wait what happened

>jon keeps shitting on mike on gay grumps
>eventually makes vids with them

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nothing happened
kyle realized what the shitshow is happening and left
he also has kids

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Castle My asshole

Legit question: why do people say James Rolfe is a cuck?

there are so many blacks in philly...the fact these will grew up to be single mother with mutts is basically confirmed. poor james

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see it all started from the movie
the whole cuck movie started from there, really. james is responsible from bringing cuck full mainstream

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this is how avgn was born....james looking at mike playing games

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Mike looks like a school shooter

never forget

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fun fact; whenever james is interviewed and asked
>what inspired avgn
he never mentions mike. he just says
>old bosses i used to have....

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>click on new james and mike
>james is nodding from the exact second the video starts

>all these pictures of april with the kids
>april's mom with the kids
>none with james and the kids
I'm starting to wonder if maybe he really IS busy.

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egomaniac doesnt want his legacy taken away.
4 documentaries he made about HIMSELF
recently self proclaimed curator of all film
incoming autobiography about himself under the age of 40

also, the screenwave crew.
even if HATE the new episodes. thats fine.
But they did write them. Even if they are the most dog shit ever, when have you ever seen James thank them for writing his show for him?

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He has no self awareness

do you think its the autism? didnt james say he’s autistic or a learning disabled

Remember that time James destroyed his PS3 by playing a shitty pirated DVD?

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