The Expanse

What does Yea Forums think of this show?

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It's a solid show with an interesting enough plot to hold my attention. Some of the characters like Holden are a little weak but others like Amos and Alex are wonderful. It's closer to being realistic scifi than most films and television within recent years. I'd say that at the bare minimum it rates as good. Also, your thread is about to be flooded by incels who hate it because it has a lot of nonwhites in it so have fun with that.

Bump. Also, what are your thoughts on Amazon picking the show up? Hopes for Season 4?

I think it'll be good. I haven't read the books but from what I understand they still have a lot of material to draw on. I doubt Amazon is going to have too much of an effect on it beyond hopefully bumping the budget beyond what scyfy was able to do. I know Bezos enjoys it so I'd like to think he'll just give them free rein to do as they please. Or maybe season 4 will be about Jules Pierre and what a misunderstood hero he is and how we shouldn't all be so quick to judge powerful figures in the private sector.

jon snow in space, with extra diversity and feminism


Why does this look like a The Division 2 Expanseion

The best characters (and actors) are the secondary characters.
The sci-fi is pretty hard and it’s nice to see that for a change.
The story is a solid 6.5/10.
Not great, but not terrible either.

Reddit in space, Amazon owning it will be the last nail in the coffin

Have sex

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When is season 4 coming out?

is your mom back in town already?

Papa Bezos enjoys it so he'll probably bankroll it no matter what.

Someone post the “have you been protomemed?” meme

The expanse was actually referring to the firmament above our stationary, infinite plane. It has nothing to do with outer space. Notice how the devil deceives everyone.

I'll give ya that. If the show makes it to season 5 and stays faithful to book 5, all the secondary characters take on a much bigger role and step into the limelight. Which will be great, since Holden's actor can't hold a candle to most of the cast.

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Sometime soon, apparently. Most likely middle of summer.

Will there be more of based Ashford in it?

I was not referring to money issues, I'm referring to the fact that Amazon produces pure shit that's typically a mouthpiece for Bezos

The material is already pretty sjw friendly desu. Assuming the writing staff doesn't change in the transition I wouldn't bet on it being much different with Amazon.

Season 4 is mostly a self-contained story so likely no Bobby, Ashford, Drummer or the rest

I fucking hope so. I know the FOOKING LEGEND is playing the season 4 villain, which will be rad.

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Oh shit, I didn't know he was joining the cast.

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Oh for fucks sake, I hate actors that are type casted. They prove they can't do anything else which makes me hate them and disregard them

>deadliest character is a woman
fuck off lmao

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Thank you based user

That's not true though.

amos said he's an amateur compared to bobbie lmao fuck outta here with that shit

Because she is a marine. The male Martian marines are also super soldiers. Amos isn't a super soldier. Why do you have to read into everything and interject stuff that isn't there?


He's amateur compared to her because she's a military lifer. Amos is fuckin tough, but everything he learned about fighting, he learned in Baltimore before he went to space at 15. Of course Bobby would win in a fistfight. It even happens in the books.

I think that may have been more referring to the degree of military training than something like hand to hand combat efficacy. I don't think a duster woman, even a marine, could possibly be stronger than a swole earth man like Amos.

>deadliest character is a faggot


And hopefully lots of tits.

just read the latest book
RIP gunny, and black eyed undead amos is weird

>It even happens in a work of fiction
Look man I don't think anyone would argue the point that Bobby is a better soldier than Amos but if we apply maximum realism then there is no way a woman raised in reduced G is going to match up against a man from normal G.

>What does Yea Forums think of this show?
I like they try to write plot that has internal consistency and doesn't shit on all the physics

look here bro it's bull shit

are they gonna??

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Murtry isn't really just "generic bad guy" though. He was relatively grey in the books, and with how the show fixed Anderson, I'd bet they'll do Murtry justice as well. It's honestly a really fitting casting.

Good for her she uses power armor huh

Oh so you're an incel. Makes sense.

so how am i wrong she's the fucking badass yaaasss kween woman my point stands

Its great, best show on TV. I'm thrilled they saved it and I bought a prime membership just so I could watch it.

Season 2 is my favorite. The geopolitical drama and conspiracies are my favorite part of the show.

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Biological women get beat up by men in hand to hand combat

A (supposedly) over 6' woman of Polynesian descent who's built like a brick shithouse, who trained most of her life for the soul purpose of invading Earth, beating a former male child prostitute that hasn't been down the well since 15, who has no formal hand to hand training? I'd say it's fairly believable.

>ad hominem

Go back to watching GoT you room temperature IQ retard.

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show was good before fucking bobbie

I'm just here for the zero g tits earnestly

>deadliest character is a fucking woman
>that's not true
>okay it's true but
fucking lol

Incels really are absolutely deluded.

If you'd ever fight a woman, you'd realize quickly how you are wrong. I've sparred women who are very dangerous by female standards and it's really just kinda sad what gender does to strength, speed and reflexes desu.

That's not combat you tard

>martian marines are super soldiers
really? in what sense?

can't remember seeing any of them display any beyond-normal abilities

> incel moves the goal post because he hates women and is threatened by them

Kek. Have sex.

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brainlets seem to enjoy it.

Wrong person my guy, that was another user. I only argued that it's plausible Bobby could win against Amos. Never said "that's not true."


Good sci-fi

Women are allowed in main chess league but don't succeed, men are banned from competing in women's league, in fucking chess. Women are a fucking joke

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Nigger please.

Future Earth is literally an over populated multi culti, dystopian hell hole where everyone's culture has been wiped out and replaced with globalist consumerism.

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Fuck man, you weren't kidding.

Have sex mr.seething khv incel

The way the show that portrays a realistic approximation the racial and cultural makeup of the future seems to really rustle their jimmies for some reason.

Why do women need their own chess league you retarded fuck? Because they literally can't go against men even in chess

>nonwhites/non-asians in space
>realistic future
Oh dear

Why do you hate women so much? Do they threaten you that badly? Why are you still a virgin?

Reminder that trannies like Fallon Fox have started competing in women's MMA and they absolutely destroy female fighters.

>women are physically the strongest
what da fuck lmao

She's not my favorite character. Kind of a Mary Sue but she's not that horrible.

The Lesbo Reverand (Anna) is the one who annoys me although she's worse in season 2 than season 3 even though season 2 is still my favorite. She's just too much of a sanctimonious goody two shoes.

Holden can be kind of naive in his morality too but the narrative calls him out on it. Anna gets to run around through the shit staying squeaky clean and never pays for her naivety.

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absolutely SEETHING

I want amos to raw dog me in 0G

Mars is entirely Asian/Indian and white, and super advanced, which entirely makes sense. The rest are all belters flying around in 100yr old salvage.

Where has it shown women as being stronger?

>Muh dystopian future has a lot of colored people

no shit idiots its (((their))) goal and it will happen unless we do something

One woman, who's described as abnormally huge. And what does it even matter in a show about fucking space battles?

Fallon fox has been beaten by a woman. Have sex.

I think he's referencing Bobbie. But she's been genetically engineered to be a soldier so its not really applicable.

amos is a fucking killing machine but he's weaker than fucking bobbie it's fucking bull shit

A bunch of Indians living in the Mariner Valley larping as Texans is one of the best parts of the series/books.

Anna is way better in the books in every way

She got a power armor you dumbass.


Thank fucking Christ Anna has no role in the story anymore from this point on. Unless they shoehorn her in somewhere.

Again, cite a scene, where is it shown that Bobby is objectively physically stronger than Amos?

Amos is a big strong guy and a psychopath that will kill at the drop of a hat but he isn’t a freak of nature as Bobby is constantly referred to

holden reminds me so much of jon snow in terms of personality. he even looks like him a bit too

>After her loss, Brents took to social media to convey her thoughts on the experience of fighting Fox: "I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can't answer whether it's because she was born a man or not because I'm not a doctor. I can only say, I've never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right," she stated. "Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn't move at all in Fox's clinch..."
If women and men could compete equally there would be no women's division. Go dilate.

I wonder what Khazar milkers would look like once protomolecule'd

This is why I hate globalists and multiculturalism. Those views will end up being a oppressive, mono-culture that dominates all of humanity and ironically destroys the very diversity and cultures that globalists love to clamor about.

Yeah, I honestly can't tell if that's his character as the showrunners see him or just Strait's acting.

>sexy holden

No homo

He islike John snow and like most things peope point out that he is a pretty boy simpleton boy scout in over his head

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sex only cures everything if you are female

His character is legit just boring but the actor is also wooden. I think they just got an actor that fit the look becuase holden really isn’t that interesting or complex story wise

oh fuck what are you doing?
using facts to prove a point?
women will attempt to control your opinion by refusing access to sex / claim you are thinking irrationally because you have not had sex

> wonder what Khazar milkers would look like once protomolecule'd
>This is what Mao really wanted to find out on Eros

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based base cunt

It's kino.

>Physics defying milkers
Fund it!

>Mr Mao we've already sunk billions into the zero G milkers project but the results-
>Then we'll spend billions more. The outcome of this project is too important to abandon. The future of mommykind depends on it.
>Yes sir. We'll need more test subjects.
>Collect voluptuous women from Titan station then nuke it and claim some belter NEETS were responsible.
>Yes sir.

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Yeah, that's why I reject any sort of comment that this show is pozzed leftist agenda pushing. Earth basically has the multi culti future that all the neo liberals want and yet things are fucking horrible. All the traditional cultures have been obliterated, there's a one world government and yet everyone is still ruled by the elites, wealth and power are concentrated into the hands of the few, most people are unemployed and live off government assistance. Earth really is a multi cultural dystopia.

The only real culture left is on Mars, a deeply nationalist state with a shared culture and ideals.

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Post unironically based characters. Fuck the belt and fuck dusters.

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Unironically kino

It's the era of subverted expectations. I think I'm going to quit while this one is ahead.

This is 100% correct but people will ignore it because they can only see a show with nonwhites in the cast and equate that with leftism.

They've still got books to follow unlike GOT.

Plus the authors are apparently deeply involved with writing and narrative so it won't get the D&D treatment.

>Fuck the belt and fuck dusters.

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i binged S1 a few months ago and kinda just forgot about the show. i enjoyed it but felt the pacing to be a bit slow. i need to continue soon before i forget what happened in s1 but just too lazy/distracted by other things. also naomi makes me pp hard

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S2 and S3 are faster paced with more going on so I'd say they'll probably keep your attention. Also there's more of bestgirl Drummer.

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The first few episodes of season 1 are definitely slow. A lot of world building and not a lot of action.

I think the pacing in season 2 and 3 are better. There are still slow episodes between the ones where the shit hits the fan but there's always something building in the background hinting at impending doom.

Dawes was great but Ashford was even better as the main Belter in S3.

cheers lads. fuck it, gonna start season 2 now

Drummer is unequivocally the best girl.

Shame that she took Bull's role in Season 3 though.

Ashford was fucking great, which really says something cuz he sucked ass in the source material. I just hope they treat Murtry the same.

Yeah, I think they could have done a better job of conveying why he chooses the path he does in the end though. Its an understandable decision but if they'd conveyed the concept that it was a now or never decision his refusal to back down would have made more sense.

Gib ojibwe space gf

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When Ashford and Drummer gave that speech and everyone in the room started beating their chests in rhythm I nearly came.

>tfw each season's pace gets faster and faster compared to the source material just like GoT

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>Shame that she took Bull's role in Season 3 though.
Ah, not gonna start the show now, what a retarded decision



It works, and she has some of the same story beats, but the decision was definitely made to save money. Now that it's in Amazon's hands and not scyfy we'll hopefully stop seeing decisions like this one.

>good decisions from Amazon
Based retard poster

Most of their material has been garbage but Bezos has taken a personal interest in this show so maybe he'll tell all the usual hacks to keep their fucking hands off.

Improves on the sauce material

Book 3 is actually kind of shit but they condensed and improved it for S3

They also have a tendency to make and drop characters quickly in the books (e.g. Bobby and Avasarala aren't in Book 3), the show does a better job of it

Also combining Sam, Bull and Pa into pic related was genius, they're shit characters on their own but Drummer is great

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It was a good idea putting her on the Behemoth (in the book it's Sam as the engineer and Naomi just kind of does nothing on the Roci) but her belta accent was terrible

>Drummer is hard at work sweating in that jumpsuit all day long

You take that back.


fuck Bull
fuck Sam
fuck Pa
fuck book Ashford

that is all

She's the weakest character imo. Even Holden is better. I just can't get by how bad her belter sounds compared to Drummer's or even Miller who almost never uses his.

Book Ashford is shit and I'm glad they went the direction they did.

space kino and it will be the next big popular show

thats because miller has been trying really hard to not be an opa shitbag
its literally the reason he wears a hat

I will not sir

Sacrificing his boring shit character meant that we got Mecha Dummer

They should have axed preacher lady too and replaced her with Avasarala or someone

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It's for pretentious redditors who say things like "hard sci-fi".

just saying, but if you were on a ship with drummer all her pee would get recycled to make drinkable water. sooooo yea, that's a fun fact for you.

Easily one of the best performances in S3 if not the entire show. His speech to Diogo about what he'd been through and done was kino.

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That whole power struggle on the Behemoth is boring in the book because you don't care about any of the new characters

Tense Drummer vs Wild Card Ashford was actually interesting to watch




>Wanting to drink it when it's already been recycled
Surely you jest user?

I forgot they brought back Diogo

That was a major flaw in the book- lack of characters you actually knew. The Behemoth is a whole ship of literallywhos

I'll give ya that, putting her in his shoes was pretty rad.

I wonder if they'll give her Pa's role in the Free Navy arc? Hopefully not the stupid "hurr polygamy good" aspect though.

drummer isn't in to that shit you pervert

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Haha, imagine her using her mecha strength to hold you down and force you to eat her unwashed belter pussy out. Wouldn't that be funny haha? And then she could use the mecha legs to go into amazon position and fuck you till you can't stand. lol that'd be so funny.

nah, ashford will probably take over pa's role.

I haven't read Book 4 yet, next on my list.

Weirdly I did Book 2 and 3 as audiobooks - I used to hate the idea of them but for The Expanse it's perfect. You want to do it for books that have a good story but aren't necessarily that well written

How does the economy work on Earth if its now a single country?

it's not a single country

>Her belter milkers between those straps

engage in copulation


I think she's a little busy.

I'm not a fan of Preacher girl in general but that's mainly on season 2. In season 3 they use her a lot better and she has enough flaws and doubts that I don't feel like she's the Mary Sue she was in season 2.

It's still the United Nations, just the actual Nations have expanded and changed.

UBI shit basically

It's not really spelled out but basically no one works and it sounds shit to live there

Based trips of degeneracy

So Earth isnt a single empire? How boring.

I'll wait and see what Amazon does to the writing staff & producers from Scyfy

Yea Forums(nel) is hilariously predictable.

people do work, but they can't give everyone on earth a job. it's mostly because the high level of tech.

S1 is space noir

It's more like the EU with a single figurehead (the secretary general) at the top of the UN. One of the characters is the assistant to this guy, so you get to see some of the interplanetary diplomatics between Earth and Mars.

>Make a sci-fi show about space
>Don't have aliens
What the fuck is even the point? Like why even bother if you are not going to have aliens in some way?

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>I am your black lesbian wife
>remember that I am your wife
>remember our daughter
>she is our daughter that we have together

Every fucking episode

How lame it would be better if ZOGrica just tookover the entire planet.

It seems to be one big free trade zone with a single currency ruled by centralized bureaucrats who further the profit agendas of the elite while the common people have lost their culture and are reduced to sponging off government programs and distracting themselves from their banal existence with consumerism and mass media.

So basically its the EU but bigger.

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>no aliens

>I am your black lesbian wife
Thank for the heads up, I will be avoiding this show then

Haven't gotten past the first half of the first season, I guess.

White people caused this, the asians would create a global empire rather than some bureucratic federation mess. Also Im certain Russia and China would rather mutual assure destruction than give up their autonomy period. So a united world with Russia and China still existing is pure nonsense.

You're probably trolling, but there's shitloads of alien nonsense going on in this show, and it only ramps up as it gets further along.

So the ethnicities of the humans outside of Earth are mostly America, Chinese and Russian right? Because only those nations could afford commercial space travel. So the Belters are a new rural south?

the books are not about how the earth became united, it's about space politics between the earth, mars, and belters. it's called science fiction for a reason. how many times are you going to try and start this argument in these threads? do you think no one recognizes you?

The Asians and Indians fucked off to Mars, along with Texas, to terraform the planet and started a hyper nationalistic, science and progress focused civilization that's constantly at odds with Earth.

Pajeets would never give up India, and chinks are engrained in their middle kingdom.

mars is mostly chinese and indians, belters are a bunch of mixes

i wouldnt even consider pulling out

Most of the belt is German, Korean, and Hispanic it seems. At least going by the creole they speak.

Literally one fucking episode sperg. And yes my eyes rolled back into my head during that inane shit. Its the worst scene in the whole show with the worst character but a minute long scene is a stupid reason to damn a whole series.

You'll be cheating yourself. In the entirety of the show that's the only really pozzed scene I can think of. Its a good show, there are blacks and asians and spics and a few fags but they all take their turns being heroes and villains.

>White people caused this

(((white people)))

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who said they gave up india what are you talking about

>Asians, Indians,Texas
>Mars nationalism
This show sounds beyond retarded, am I missing something here.

Well America is destined to become a mexican state in 20 years so thats a given.

It's an amalgamation. A lot of people from shitholes on Earth were shipped out as expendable labor. The Martian population has a lot of pajeets.

>chinks are engrained in their middle kingdom
Then why are they in fucking Australia and Vancouver?

Lets be honest guys only whites and north east asians would make it into space. Any black on Mars or the belts is from a white nation there is no way in piss African has any space program existing right now in Expanse.

Mars was inhabited by Texans going "yea fuck y'all manifest destiny!" and moved into the Mariner valley, and the pajeet's and Chinese sent their best and brightest to Mars to terraform the planet. Combine a society that nearly fetishises tech and progress, and the entire planet working together toward one goal, along with Texas national pride and accent, then fast forward 200 years and you get the MCR.

Post a picture of yourself. I want to see what He-Man looks like.

Now look here pardner, best be sending them bobs and don't be skimping on the vagene neither.

yea mars should all be segregated and they should be writing about martian racial tensions and riots and martian SJWs and the alt-mars-right
its hilarious how its the same political shitbags that keep coming into these threads trying to start the same arguments over and over. you really aren't fooling anyone

>one episode

Mate she calls her about five times

I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Basically anyone with a clean record and skills could choose to go to Mars but they all had to embrace the goal of a hard life terraforming the planet for future generations. Its kind of like the United States back when we were expanding out west.

Yes, that cultural and ethnic identities change over the course of time. Especially when you and your family emigrate to a different fucking planet for life and live there for generations.

she calls her about 3 times and all the scenes combined are not longer than 5 minutes

In the end whites still won as we are the majority of humans outside of Earth.

>show isn't about race
>dipshits in these threads continuously try to discuss race
its almost like theres an agenda at work here, hmmmm

Tarnation! Hot a what Baabhabhiat, ah tell you hwat.

Its not a major part of the show and you know it dude. I'll fully agree that its the worst part of the show but its not important. Its just background for a character who I didn't like and not very relevant to anything she does. You could skip those scenes and not miss a beat.

Yeah, the agenda is of the incels in these threads that want to ruin quality discussion by constantly talking about fucking race instead of how cute my wife is (pic related).

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Managed to make space boring. Distracting amount of Muh diversity but to be fair that exists in the book series too.

Dropped the show after a season. Decided to try the books, but they were somehow even more cringe. 3rd rate GrrM imitators.

How do we get this shit when we still haven't had a Foundation adaptation?

You're as bad as they are with this incel trolling bullshit.

I don't mind talking about the political implications of the show but throwing around left and right buzzword bullshit isn't politics its shit posting.

>3rd rate GrrM imitators.
lmao what? you didn't read shit. they have absolutely nothing in common with the way grrm writes. the only thing the expanse and asoiaf have in common are pov chapters, and grrm did not invent pov chapters.

This shitting street ain't big enough for the two of us.

You are just fucking wrong about this, bro
You have been fed stupid lies by hollywood
A reasonably fit man will destroy a highly trained woman
Have sex

They literally worked with him on GoT you absolute child molester

>but here's why its ACKSHUALLY okay that the most deadly character is a woman
Have sex

It's called testosterone, bro
Try injecting some or something, or possibly just have sex

no they didn't, ty was grrms personal assistant for a couple years. for the writing itself, they have nothing in common, absolutely nothing. you'd know that if you read them, but you didn't.

jesus that nigger schnoze is yuuuuge

I know it´s wrong but... i would spin her drum.

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>You will never have hot zero G sex with Drummer
Just fucking space me already

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It's one of my favorite shows, but I'm also really into irl spaceflight.
Anyone can enjoy it but I think someone who doesn't know much about real spaceflight and orbital mechanics (most people) will appreciate the show's realism less.

I think it still comes across as unique enough compared to the usual magical inertialess spaceflight and artificial gravity seen in most scifi that those elements are still interesting.

Welcome to Yea Forums

Fantastic show season 1 is it’s weakest

I hope amazon lets the cast do fun post episode premiere interview things like this again.

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Still not sure how I feel about ol’greyskin.

>Be 18th century Voyageur
>Travel to Canada to trade in furs
>Meet Ojibwe qt that looks like Cara Gee
I'd never fucking leave

Episode 1: interior of a miner’s ship. It looks squeeky clean.
Aaaaand I’m out.

It's a given that the tv show will have gender/race swaps out the ass but are the books decent enough?

Yeah one thing that I like about the show is how genuinely into it all the cast and crew seem to be Hopefully Bezos is giving them a fuckoff massive budget compared to what they had before.

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they don't really do that in the show, there are a couple characters they did that with but it's mostly the same in the books

It's a fucking ice hauler man what did you expect? Coal dust?

The Canterury was originally a colony ship designed to carry passengers and supplies before it was repurposed to haul ice.

it's not squeaky clean and it's not a fucking oil rig, they're picking up and transporting ice.

Fuck you faggot, Burn Gorman is fucking great at any role he does.

People get upset at seeing the abundance of nonwhite characters because they're used to seeing sci-fi as the last great bastion of White People. They grew up being sold an idea that future Humanity is going to be 1960s America where men are men, women are women, small furry creatures are small furry creatures and the vast majority of them will be some shade of white.

Except that's not reality. That's not how things are going to happen. Whites are no longer the dominant demographic, and that truth's only going to get more obvious the further along we go. The media tried to pull the wool over our eyes of this reality by going from, "everyone is white" to "Mighty Whitey." Aka, there might not be as many whites as we were told, but every white is worth ten "diversity hires." That belief is dying too, and I think The Expanse is the first show that really gives a good cop at what this "New Sci-Fi" would look like, where the "beige future" is finally upon us but we're still mired in factional politics because, as it turns out, nationalism cannot be killed by simple demographic change, and in fact nationalism would only be exacerbated by the vast gulfs of distance between planets.

Based and Gormanpilled

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The slavemasters will let the slaves get too numerous, that makes perfect sense.

When are we getting a new season?

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You don't have to worry about the slaves getting uppity when you've effectively lobotomized them with cheap entertainment and erasing their culture with Whatever's On TV Tonight.

It sounds like it's overpopulated and technology has taken away a lot of jobs so the vast majority of people just kind of languish on basic income while elites pull strings to get jobs in government and doing important things.

holy cuck

Excellent analysis. Yeah, the idea of nationalism as we know it being superseded to some degree by a new version that operates on an interplanetary level seems to be a core background element of the series. It seems like its portraying the logical extreme of us vs them mentality. What was a Swabian becomes a German, what was a German becomes a European, and so forth until you reach the idea of Earthers, Belters, and Martians.

It does actually. You see you're thinking in terms of the elite needing the common people for labor; but with automation that's increasingly untrue. The rich can simply use the machines they own to manufacture however much supply is needed. But what they can't manufacture is demand. That's why they need the population to keep growing, to keep producing hungry mouths to feed, even if that means they're unemployed and dependent on the state because only more people can produce more demand and only more demand can produce more profit and only more profit can produce the economic growth needed to make your stock grow in value.

And that's the future of humanity they have planned for us, docile consumers, vying for the few jobs left, living off the scraps they throw us.

Attached: soylent_green_crackers.jpg (600x795, 85K)

I fucking hate the Indian bitch in this show, I have to turn subtitles on anytime this stroked out cunt says anything

Also they killed off miller way too soon

Keep watching the show amigo

Later this year.


This is completely backwards. The future will have totally uniform people both from genetic engineering and from not being forced into the confined space of earth with lesser people. The first ones capable of reaching another planet aren't going to bring dead weight for political points.

>The first ones capable of reaching another planet aren't going to bring dead weight for political points.
Yeah, like Mars. The planet colonized by Chinese engineers and Indian scientists.

fallon fox got her face literally broken by a ciswoman

you retard the prevailing atmosphere is of scarcity and austerity.

there have been 14 black american astronauts with space travel experience.


Really? Show me a government that's actually cutting spending and not just racking up debt.

Attached: socialism.png (1200x1200, 276K)

if they do it'll just prove people know full well it's a choice to be gay :^)

>have sex
>have sex
>have sex
>have sex
>have sex
>have sex

Attached: npc.jpg (408x431, 11K)

A delay is possible but they've said they're aiming for late 2019.

i want more drummer and less everyone else

>tfw no belter gf

>The only real culture left is on Mars
>a multi-ethnic, multi racial, one world government
>btw have i mentioned yet how much i hate diversity and big government

Attached: yanka-1.jpg (895x1082, 602K)

who said youre worthy of a belter gf?

Attached: beltytitties.webm (852x480, 2.45M)

the slow pacing was good. let shit breathe

i want drummer as my belter mommy

Attached: 1524493797866.jpg (500x500, 38K)

You're assuming I like Mars government, I don't. It has its own flaws. I'm just pointing out that they have their own distinct culture whereas no one left on Earth does.

In the Expanse everyone seems to have been homogenized into new cultures. Earth has a single homogenized culture based in consumerism, Mars has a single homogenized culture based in nationalism, and the Belt has a single homogenized culture based in poverty.

Attached: Expanse Rocinante.jpg (1920x1080, 482K)