Why does a single word trigger Yea Forums so much?
Why does a single word trigger Yea Forums so much?
Have sex OP
when you're young and awkward, sex is hard to get. It's plastered everywhere as well and not having a gf can make you feel inferior. Is it really that difficult to understand?
You labelled it wrong. the word should be at the hand
truth hurts.
Because Yea Forums is where the failed normies and truly autistic come to talk about similar interests
Why does one word trigger trannies so much?
You will never be a real woman
I'm 34 years old married turkish muslim guy with 2 kids.
Why are you here wasting your time on "incels", dude if you're not lying you need to gtfo
so based it could only have been written by someone who spent a suspiciously long amount of time on tranny reddits and boards
don't have sex
You could just have said "roach".
I don’t have a problem with the word incel. What irritates me is the context in usage.
If a feminist dyke, or a white knight soiboi calls me an incel, I can understand their position. They’re huge SJWs who hate white men and collectively whine about women rights, black rights, gay rights, etc. They are a natural opponent in the so called “culture war.”
What irritates me about the usage of the term on Yea Forums is that the people using it should be natural allies. They’re anti-PC, anti-jew, anti-black. You’d expect they’d at least be tolerant or even supportive of the equal anti-woman sentiment.
But that’s not the case. These same people who will screech for threads about kikes or niggers, will LOSE THEIR SHIT if you do the same for women. Which is why “incel” is objectively Yea Forums’s current favourite insult. Because for some reason, bigotry of any kind is accepted EXCEPT misogyny.
The overuse of the word incel on Yea Forums gave me the unwanted conclusion that the Yea Forums populace is filled with right-wing white knights, and thus I can’t even belong here. It’s a little depressing.
Are you hot?
get the fuck off my board shitskin
0.01% chance of being accurate
easily more than 30% chance of being accurate
no one on Yea Forums is getting hurt by being called a tranny lol
One day my children will eat yours.
Does it really trigger anyone?
Fucking kek
>incels trying to BTFO Yea Forums
Have sex.
now tell those hacks at talesworlds to release bannerlord
Stop raging about niggers and roasties and the term won't be buckshotted
Old news
He ends up defeating her, so your meme format isn't even right
Because incels HATE to be named and go absolutely apeshit when you expose them
forces them to face the hard truth that this is what their lives are
most nazi's were trannies m8
Based shitty ms paint meme poster
Cancerous double-digit IQ bugmen can’t go two posts without screeching incel and it’s made this board ten times worse
>tfw volcel master race
Yea Forums is filled with bitter insecure people who want to get under your skin for entertainment, they are always trying to figure out the simplest way to hurt people with words because how can words from an user on a vietnamese sign-language forum hurt anyone
lmao so captain marvel was an incel?
kek I hope you are and this isn't a LARP
Based & Turkpilled
Imagine thinking your cunt hole has value
Imagine thinking incel is an effective insult
Imagine not realizing that men can pay for access to a cunt hole any time they want
Imagine having your only value as a person being the hole in your cunt
I use it ironically, because I find it so petty it goes full circle and becomes humorous again.
This off-topic dogshit has been up for over two hours now, thanks tranny janny!
Hits too close to home