Is there no redemption for her?

She was literally on the front lines of the Long Night. The good dany is somewhere inside. are D&D really not even going to let her feel remorse and regret and show shes a person and not just a 1d character thats just hurrduur targ genes

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I’m sure she will show some regret.

>Justice. I remember justice. It had a pleasant taste. Justice was what we were about when Beric led us, or so we told ourselves. We were king's men, knights, and heroes... but some knights are dark and full of terrors, my lady. War makes monsters of us all."
Thoros to Brienne, A Feast for Crows, Chapter 42, Brienne VIII

Turns out that was the moral of the entire fucking series.

>She was literally on the front lines of the Long Night
so? being brave doesn't make you not a genocidal maniac

Stannis wanted to fight the zombies too, there was no redemption for it


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>are D&D really not even going to let her feel remorse and regret and show shes a person and not just a 1d character thats just hurrduur targ genes
LOL, the salt never ends. Were you upset about Luke Skywalker or Stannis etc.? No? D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>mentally unstable
>can't lead properly without male advisors telling her what to do
>hates her own race
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>wants to flood the west with immigrants
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.
>Daenerys "De-housing Civilians By The Millions" Targaryen

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let me repharse, she was on the front lines defending people who showed her distrust and lack of gratitude.

her only possible redemption is humbly forfeiting her title

>Were you upset about Luke Skywalker or Stannis etc.?
i wanted stannis to live and win at blackwater

>>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
why no one just give her a hug?????

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What is there that needs to be redeemed?

She was surrounded by traitors and had to take matters into her own hands.

Besides, even if she hadn't used her dragons, medieval sieges and subsequent ransacking and pillaging typically killed and raped a large % of the town anyway. That's simply normal. Is Saladinn remembered as evil because he allowed his armies to slay all the men and take all the women of christian towns as sex slaves?
Even if she hadn't used dragons at all, the amount of civilian death and suffering would have been comparably high anyway.

Probably at least 25% of the civilians would have managed to run out an exit or gotten to the harbor.

>Is Saladinn remembered as evil because he allowed his armies to slay all the men and take all the women of christian towns as sex slaves?
but he didnt.

killing civilians means killing her off is justified now. i just dont want my bbgirl dying mad. i want the good dany to wake up and feel sorry before she dies

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because she would be just as fucked as them, or at the very least would have no kingdom left to rule

according to her those were her subjects she was killing

No she knew winning the battle by surrender would not make her queen because the people love Jon.
Even those in her inner circle betrayed her in favor of him, in her eyes.

Ruling by fear is now her only option.

Cersei had no problem with it.

why dont they love her guys?
shes so qt

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cersei was an irredeemable figure

I would love her with my penis if you know what i mean.

Justified. The Andals needed to be completely demoralized.

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is dany irredeemable too now? :(

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my bb

yes he did you ignorant retard.

Dany helped us Monteniggas (barbaric Northerners) raze old town of Dubrovnik (real life King's Landing set) to the ground during war in 1991 - by virtue of this she sure redeemed herself for the boring piece of shit she usually is.

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I'm surprised by the fact that people never saw this coming. We saw it when Daenerys burned Mirri Maz Duur for, in effect, pointing out that Daenerys' beloved husband and unborn son were seen as monsters by the rest of Essos and nobody other than Dany would mourn them. They saw it when Dany threatened the Spice King and the Thirteen of Qarth by declaring that she would take back what was stolen, destroy those who wronged her, lay waste to armies, and burn cities to the ground. They saw it when she had slave-owning nobles crucified, and killed random people to try and root out the Sons of the Harpy. They saw it in her constant iteration that everything would be "solved" once she sat upon the Iron Throne again. They saw so many hints of how bad she could be... and yet they were still blindsided by her actions. Why? Because they fell for her own hype. Daenerys always saw herself as the hero of the story — and she did just enough "good" that they started to see her that way too.

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Daenerys never in her life had a friend. Growing up she only had Viserys who abused her. Her first human connection that was anything close to a friend was Jorah but he just wanted to fuck her.

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I want her to be irredeemable.
Then I want her to win
I want her to have the Dothraki pillage their way back north
I want Tyrion to drown himself in wine as the the one thing he finally believed in turned out to be false
I want her to burn the Starks out of their shitty hovel and snicker over Sansa's smouldering corpse as she destroys the lives of the remaining characters we love
I want Drogon to interfere and deny Arya her righteous vengeance at the last moment
I want Jon to horrified to learn he has broken the curse and given her a child
I want her to compel the fealty of every ragtag kingdom left in Westeros with fire and blood as she said she would.
Then, when the our poster girl finally rules the 7 kingdoms like everyone wished for, the sweet taste of dreams fulfilled turns to ash in everyone's mouths as the rhythmic march of a new regiment of Unsullied herald a new iron fisted Targaryen dynasty, rendering Robert's Rebellion utterly pointless in the span of a single generation.

That would be an end fitting for this setting

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Why are we pretending those civilians were innocent? They were working, providing Cersei with gold through taxes. They provided services to her army including blacksmithing, cooking, dispensing drinks, entertainment, housing, whoring. Cersei's army doesn't feed itself, arm itself, clothe itself. Somebody does it for them. Who? The civilians.

If they really disapproved of Cersei's actions, why didn't they fight her? We've already seen in Slaver's Bay what a few pissed off freed men can do. Where are the Sons of the Stag/Wolf/Dragon? At home with their families, imagining that even if Queen Cersei is deposed that her successor will be merciful, so long as they are loyal servants who bend the knee and never question how their actions enable the unjust.

Queen Daenerys (seven blessings upon Her) has justly punished these cowards, subjecting them to the same horrors they enabled to be subjected upon others.

>give the people what they want but it ends up feeling like shit
Surprisingly I'm ok with this.

im fine with this, i just want my bb girl to live or die nobley

She doesn't need redemption since she did nothing wrong.

Danny going mad actually made me like her. I never really cared for her before, I thought she was annoying and entitled. Her being a villian makes her 10x more interesting.

Americans did the exact same thing as she did during WW2 and yet they're seen as the good guys.

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Jon snow will kill her.

There was nothing irredeemable about Cersei. The not totally evil people she blew up were the literal dedinition of collateral damage in an act of justified self defense.

This right here. This episode totally justifies her being a Mary Sue for the entire series. Her going full psychotic chaos demon mode redeemed her character.

Japan was trying to take over the world dude. Anything the axis got was justified.

writing was shit there was nothing that lead up to danys reaction. they could have kept the mad targ shit out and still had plenty of drama between the north and south and just left the show at that. the game goes on ect blahblah

There is no light at the end of the tunnel for Daenerys. She joined the dark side and went full-on genocidal maniac. She is her father's daughter and there is no escaping her doom at this point.

Maybe without her last dragon she can be tamed but the only reason I can see keeping her alive is if she's pregnant with John's child. After she gives birth I don't know how John would be able to protect her from the rest of Westeros even if he wanted to, though.

She is a tyrant with no honor or mercy and in her head she's the opposite, which means that she is going to spend the rest of her life at war with reality, and unfortunately for her the rest of the world happens to be reality. She cannot rule, because she is a primal force of destruction just like a dragon.

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>Anything the axis got was justified.

Well, if peasants are to be accountable for what their absolute monarchs do (Japan was an absolute monarchy during WW2), then roasting King's Landing's population was also justified

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>lets stick it to the swj and ruin the show even more

evil always wins though.

>and show shes a person and not just a 1d character
WTF are you talking about? Thats the whole point of her arc, this past episode is specifically what proved she is not a one dimensional character

the problem is she snapped for no apparent reason.

>live in king's landing
>motherfuckers killing people left and right
>orphans starving everywhere
>another king ded
>cities getting invaded lmao oh well
>never leave
yes they deserved to die and i hope they burn in hell

s.t.f.u. red.dit. She had just burned a guy alive five minutes before for suggesting she was crazy.

When evil wins it just gets replaced with a different kind of evil eventually. Good is the only true constant and it never disappears completely.

The only way out for her is she has a depressive breakdown, and Jon takes her away to live beyond the wall or some shit for healing. They can live in a house with a red door and lemon tree, of course

he trying to poison her food and kill her you mong

That's the problem, that bitch Sansa is mad Jon loves Dany and not her

Remember when she fed people to her dragons on a bunch of trumped up charges?

>no apparent reason

>All this denial

The series is neck deep in reasons faggot. You just wish your little Princess stayed pure. But newsflash, she never was.

It’s because the writing is shit, it’s literally that simple
The reason the plot doesn’t make sense is because the writers are hacks
The show went downhill season 5 on and sometime in season six or seven it turned to total excrement
Can we stop trying to justify it and just shitpost

>implying he wasnt 1000% justified.

He should tell her that as he lovimgly puts his arm around her he her right before stabbing her in the back of her skull.

1) they don't know her
2) she's far too interested in 'might makes right' instead of playing peacemaker
3) she already burned the fuck out of so many people, it's kind of hard to think of her as anything but a crazy warlord

Dany would have really benefited from the Teddy Roosevelt adage of 'speak softly, and carry a big stick'
she already had the biggest of sticks in the dragons
she shouldn't have been so quick to anger about the small stuff

>lack of gratitude.
If your motivation to save lives is getting people to say thank you, you were never that good

Dany could've stopped the dead at the Neck. Take King's Landing like she planned and demonstrated she easily could've. All the other kingdoms fall in line, march the Reach, Westerland, Dothraki, Unsullied, Dorne, surviving Ironborn to the neck, plenty of dragonglass having been mined for everyone, plenty of wildfire made for by the Alchemists. Sit tight, let the dead come to you marching either through swamp that traps or slows them down, or through the one stable road that doesn't let more than a few march side by side, natural chokepoint. Go ham on them with dragons and archers, pitch, tar, oil, wildfire

Book readers have seen it coming for a long time
It’s the logical conclusion for her character in both the books and the show
That being said, the execution of the idea in the show is absolutely terrible, it’s written just as poorly as everything else has been from s7 onwards
I’m glad that bomber dany has happened because: a) it indicates how the books would end if they ever got released (with aegon causing dany to lose it instead of jon and Cersei) and b) all the triggered retards who actually thought that season 5-7 weren’t shit because YASS KWEEN
But the writing still sucks

She already had amfull blown messiah complex and the way she was preening aroumd Winterfell like a full on psycho kween. Sansa is not suprised by ANY of this.

you just summed up the problem with virtue signaling perfectly

When did Tokyo ring the bells? I don't remember ever reading that.

How many people has she killed and burned alive before this episode?

>they dont count

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Hell he probably IS going to say something like "we should have stayed at that waterfall," I'm sure D&D won't be able to resist the pottery with Ygritte's death

>Living in kings landing
>anyone older than 20 remembers when the Lannister’s raped the fuck out of the city
>constant starvation
>constant extreme poverty
>city keeps getting attacked
>kings keep dying and being replaced
>the hated queen mother who famously despised the poor detonates the fantasy equivalent of a fucking Moab in the middle of the city killing the popular new pope and the beloved actual queen along with many peasants as collateral damage
>the queen mother (with no claim to the throne now that her son is dead) seizes power and starts dressing like a Disney villain
>the murderous selfish queen who has done basically no good for the realm invites you into the city to ‘protect’ you
>these peasant retards not only stay in the doomed city with the queen who has a history of massacre but more flood in from the countryside
What Daenerys does is evil and her being the villain is the right end for her but those peasants 100% deserved to die horribly for being so stupid,