Why were they crying when Cersei was about to die?

Why were they crying when Cersei was about to die?

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they envy her and her wanton sexuality. they want to be free to fuck all men they are related to, because their brothers are fat neckbeards like you.

Women are emotional creatures who haven't mastered their emotions and cry and wine about everything like a broken nail

Because Lena Headey is the only good actress on that show.

>Women are emotional creatures who haven't mastered their emotions

Meanwhile, men carry out shootings and violence on a regular basis because they can't control their anger. Who gives a shit if women are "emotional"? At least they aren't violent pieces of shit like men are.

If you can't handle a woman showing emotions, you are weak.

This. Too bad they gave her four episodes of staring blankly at a greenscreen and pretending it’s a window this season

she shouldn't have lasted past season 6

if women had testosterone they would have blown this world to pieces way harder than men
but since thye lack that they just cry and dont do anything about it

easily emotionally manipulated women are easily manipulated

The totally refilmed the episode. No one look surprised or reacted to the burning. Someone sperged, I want to see that footage.