Why can't fantasy movies be kino anymore?

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neverending story was a gargabe, disneyfied adaption of a true kino book

Kronika is such a pain the ass to fight sometimes

Why can't atheists comprehend an afterlife?

>Movie ends right when the book got gud
I did find this odd

>Why can't fantasy movies be kino anymore?

You can never recreate the way you experience movies as a child.
This is a cold and hard fact.

If you try to chase these experiences you will always be disappointed.
If you try to revisit these experiences you will find that nostalgia is a poor understudy for the white-hot joy of childhood experiences.

You will never recreate the extasis you experienced whilst watching, for example, the never ending story as a child in your adult-life.

>You can never recreate the way you experience movies as a child.
Maybe not but DUDE WEED gets you around halfway there

>why aren't fantasy movies good
>posts photo from a mediocre fantasy movie propped up by the nostalgia of faggy early millenials
The only good non-animated fantasy movies i've ever seen are LotR and The Wizard of Oz
also dark crystal is ok
Labyrinth sucks but i'll give it a pass for featuring Bowie's bulge
fantasy is a genre where nearly everything is garbage

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take your faggot opinions and shove them up your ass

yes...but only halfway there, unfortunately

No, but you can mature emotionally and get over the cynicism of adulthood and learn to enjoy things at face value and experience things through a lense of innocent joy and wonder.

They unironically forgot how to make movies.

>also dark crystal is ok
The Dark Crystal being good is a meme of millenials with older siblings. I just watched it again on Sunday, first time since I was a kid and it was pretty stupid.

>how can i make as many wrong opinions as possible and post them as bait

hollywood's lost it's imagination. not even imaginative enough to properly adapt stories that have imagination. have to appeal to the lowest common denominator, fantasy nerds are usually one step up from the LCD

this is false. they figured out most people don't want art, they want something to turn their brain off for a while. thinking about a movie is dumb for most people.

someone post a picture of Conan the barbarian and conveniently forget the cringe *stronk* female character who takes out multiple giant guys on her own hand to hand

´coz their OST are overdone and the music its key to make that genre kino.

intredasting enought there is this composer "kevin penkin" which composes very brilliant fantasy music they should hire him.

Fantasy is a bad genre in of itself


fuck off kevin


>tfw obsessed with fantasy even though it's the shittiest genre that attracts the worst writers and 90% of the books I read inevitably disappoint yet I can't stop reading them

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