Powerful, really makes you think

powerful, really makes you think

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Other urls found in this thread:


Really makes me think that all women are children.

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It's not a veil, in fact it's important that we allow people see how shitty the world used to be.
It's also to appease retards like this article's writer that would complain about a lack authenticity with relation the "struggles" of women in the past" if they had gone the other way with the writing.

>we were oppressed so hard back then
>stop showing us being oppressed so hard back then

they are
most people are
men are more likely to grow up


Tankies are fucking seething

>inb4 what does communism have to do with it

>powerful, really makes you think
D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>mentally unstable
>can't lead properly without male advisors telling her what to do
>hates her own race
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>wants to flood the west with immigrants
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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Dany was on the rag, lol fuck stupid whores!

True commies would have shown the medieval past even more brutal and backwards.

Write your own game of thrones, roastie.

So these women are having emotional tantrums over a fictional fantasy show's demonstration that women are too emotional

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We should never of given women voting rights.

>really makes you think

No, it doesn't actually. I'm going to go about my day without even thinking about this pointless article even once.

Also, have sex.

>Princess Weekes
Sounds like a butthurt feminist who hates the fact her ideology won't allow her to be a homemaker.

This is more idpol clintonite sjws. Tankies are too bus defending North Korea and Pol Pot.

True commies would have these bourgeois navel gazing writers sent to 'rehabilitation' camps to be humbled by hard labour.

Or it's someone who needs to dilate.

allowing them on internet was an even bigger mistake

>Normies hate it now for being "sexist, racist, and misogynistic"
>older fans from S1 - S4 gave up hope post-S4 and have been hating it ever since
>people who just recently wanted to get into GOT are now having second thoughts to the negativity
>GRRM is distancing himself from the show and plans on finishing the books in his own way
>S8 is the lowest rated season on record
>everything that got leaked turned out to be 100% true
>in the end, nothing actually matters
>GOT is about to have the worst series finale in TV show history so far
>8 years of hype amounted to overwhelming disappointment
D&D are the definition of saboteurs. They wreck anything they touch due to their style-over-substance approach to everything. They're unironically the perfect fit for Disney Wars and their collaboration with Reeeeeeeeean Johnson is like a match made in heaven or hell.
GOT is the perfect disaster on par with ME3, Lost, or Dexter. Possibly even worse. I look forward to the supernova of salt next weekend.

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You mean like how the middle ages are always shown to be more brutal and backwards than they really were? Like how everything is drab and covered in shit? I guess true commies already control the media.

how about narrative reasons?

>by Princess Weekes

I'm not convinced this isn't GRRM's fault. You can't end a nihilistic story in a satisfying way.

What's really awesome about this is, when we were shitting all over the Battle of Winterfell, the narrative was that we're a bunch of losers for caring so much about a fictional story and we should get a life.

Not that the show isn't still a sloppy pile of shit, but the hypocrisy and butt flustering of the YAAS QUEEN crowd has been a real treat to witness.

>"historical accuracy"
I don't understand.

If D&D did the bait and switch intentionally it still doesn't excuse the writing quality
also it would mean they ruined a good story by laziness
if the books ever get finished (they won't) they'll end with the same psycho dany but she'll be trying to depose Aegon, a competent male leader, SJWs would be even more upset


>how can i make my post more hyperbolic

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the sad thing about the professional complaint industry is that it actually impacts what gets made now

who is behind it all?

I am literally fascinated to see how D&D's psychology reveals itself in the next episode.

This proved that their idea of a Red Wedding-style plot twist is the literal opposite of good writing, so I want to see what their idea of the of a Red Wedding-like aftermath should be.

I wouldn't put it past them to try to have Dany
still be sympathetic and feminist so that even madDany waifuposters are alienated.

Check her twitter. It's not the first time this black gay feminist of a snowflake cries about GoT. She was seething on twitter last week about how they could kill Missandei the last black female actor on the show.

But I can see how she made her instagram private after Yea Forums trolled her lol

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So what exactly happened that made people so upset? I'm asking as somebody who doesn't watch GOT but has a vague understanding of the general plot. Did the princess die?

no good story is nihilistic. D&D messed up the story structure and made it like that.

Women did that by themselves. You didn't give them anything. 51% of human population is female.
I hope your mother kills you with gun while you are naked and begging for you life

>implying that the leaked ending wouldn't be extremely satisfying within the context of the books
Crazy Daenerys getting pissy that kings landing loves fAegon and don't like her would be great
Jon going back beyond the wall is a decent end for his character
King being an elected position with a council and 3 eyed bran being that king is actually pretty good, breaking the cycle of hereditary rule

The problem isn't that the leaked ending stuff is bad
The problem is that everything following the end of season 4 until episode 8x05 is like bad fan fiction written by someone who had read GRRM's FFC and DWD notes from before they were released

>historical accuracy is sexism

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The writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Lets the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynasties. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on the most important and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.

>Aegon, a competent male leader
citation needed

by the way Varys murdered Kevan and is planning to blow up the Great Sept specifically to help Aegon. it's not like if the show were accurate to the books Aegon would seem like Mr Perfect to any of the audience, or like someone who earned his crown.

Have sex.

it's equivalent to if a Star Wars movie ended with Luke Skywalker raping a bunch of younglings out of nowhere.

>Princess Weekes

I would already know to never listen to anything this person has to say before she opens her mouth.

Only thing it makes me think is that from now on we'll never have any movies that are historically accurate again. Doesn't fit (their) narrative. For a history buff it's kinda depressing.

>Jon going back beyond the wall is a decent end for his character


bookJon literally rebelled and broke his vows to turn the Night's Watch into a rebellion to save "Arya" from Ramsay. he's not a pussy in the slightest.

The only people who read these articles are /pol/ and like five other people desu.

Pretty good meta-example redpill about the Jews, too
>one of the most popular series in recent memory
>devoted fanbase
>massive Cash cow
>writers could literally shit out a script and people would devour it and beg for more
>but you are a Jew
>and you just can't help yourself
>even when things are going the best they possibly could, and all you have to do is not Jew it
>you still can't stop yourself
>even in the face of overwhelming success, with nothing and no one else left to subvert
>you subvert yourself
Truly an allegory for the entirety of Jewish history and culture

How does these professional complainers impact anything when they couldn't stop the Iraq War or stop Trump or stop I don't know, China from kicking their asses in the future with the uyghur shit but Chinese don't really care

>we ever got any historically accurate movies before

>racist and sexist things happened in the past so bring it up in a fantastical setting from the past is bad

How fucking fragile of a human being do you have to be?

No more ability to escape into a better time period before forced diversity
Every tv show with an interracial pairing, a gay, a trans, man with tits women and retarded white men
Looks like i will be sticking to the older shit

>competent male leader
He's a thoroughly entitled shithead who got tricked by Tyrion into going to Westeros long before he's actually ready.

Don't compare LOST to this garbage. The characters remained entertaining and interesting throughout and the sense of mystery never faded.

these people don't give a shit about real world problems and the people who run the world aren't afraid of them

>Don't compare LOST to this garbage
>implying Lost was ever "good" post-Season3

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Repeal the 19th and the 13th

>implying Game of Thrones was ever "good" to begin with

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LOST never had a plot to ruin, so it could just be about playing to the actor's strengths. it's not at all the same situation.

All they care about are clicks. That's it. That's how they make their living. If they lived in a genuine utopia with absolutely nothing to complain about they'd still have to find a way to complain about shit.

Why do people think "fantasy story" means "everything must be utopia"


/pol/tards always seem to have severe ADD. Did you seriously spend all these years glossing over the plot and only picking up "evidence" for your bbc cuckhold fantasies?

>All of the ruined characters and shit writing
>People finally get upset when they ruin their girl
It is fucking stupid. No one would have cared if they had made Jon start raping and killing people.

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>"everything must be utopia for women"
Fixed. Somehow GOT became a feminist fight and if girls lose it means all girls lose

the books are feminist. grrm has said as much.
you just didn't notice because you're stupid.

>and props to the writers for being truthful.
While I agree here, I wouldn't give D&D too much faith in D&D anyway. They're corporate faggots and sensationalists.

I thought that was the point of that tumblr SheRa reboot

Imagine getting this angry over a TV show


>imagine being happy when your order a pizza and raw piece of dough and unmelted cheese is delivered

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It wasn't a disaster. Just disappointing. Can't be compared to trainwrecks like ME3 and Dexter. I hear TWD turned out to be a massive trainwreck too? I switched to the graphic novel after season 4 and never bothered with the show anymore.

>It wasn't a disaster.
Yes it was.

>Out of nowhere
Dany going nuts was very heavily foreshadowed throughout the entire series. Anybody who didn't see it coming only has themselves to blame.

>she got paid 5 dollars for writing that clickbait

Good point. Now i want to see a ww2 movie where they have black ss at camps and Eva pressures Adolf imto war and genocide.
Every women of general are shown as strong, having full rights and are the ones that pushedfor the war to get more wealth.
I wonder if someone would complain about historic accurancy?

based and redpilled

How about you make your own fantasy?
Rowling and Cornelia Funke are successfull. So why complain and not writing one dor yourself?

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GoT is a fantasy show

>character stops being patronized with "yaas queen" bullshit and starts being treated like an actual character
>holes lose their mind and call it sexist

They really don't want equality or respect, do they? It's scary many feminists truly just want flattery; to be an ignorant princess with no responsibility.

That according to author is loosely laid upon medieval Europe

Oh, so the patriarchy is all bullshit then, heard it here first, I'd like my fuckin job back now thanks

Then we have a different definition of disaster.

there is no book for the ending yet you fat whore

I know this is bait but women did fuck all except nag and their men fell for it. For thousands of years a nagging woman was given a backhand and that would shut her up. The first generation of numales listened instead and decided giving them voting rights would shut them up.

In a historic context. Means it takes the feudal structure and morality.

>Medieval fantasy shouldn't adopt political elements from medieval times

Latest ratings for the recent episode for GoT was 12.5, the highest for the network and the series. It's a success. And that's all that matters to HBO and D&D.

>Woman gets told she can't be leader because she is woman
>She responds by burning everything down
Isn't that basically feminism, though? Why would feminists be upset by that, isn't that more or less exactly what they advocate?

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women deal in absolutes, they don't understand nuance. it's why arguments eventually degrade to "you can't have my pussy", its just childlike reasoning, I threaten to take something away so I win the argument.

This shows up in their taste in characters though which is why they only like mary sues who can never be defeated, they don't actually appreciate a struggle or flaw.

Women are fascinating creatures

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This. Unless there is an in-world reason for otherwise, then we need to treat it as it works in the real world.

It's more an accident that it happened. Their intention was more likley to show waht a strong woman Dany has become and that she need no man to tell her what to do and just does as she pleases. Being the hacks that DD are, it backfired spectaculary.

Give us female propaganda or we riot.

um there is a whole genre of literature called grimdark that does just this and Game of Thrones made it popular.

>women deal in absolutes, they don't understand nuance
Thats correct. Sad but true. Thats why your average women dont like fiction or are lesser seen in science becasue there is only yes and no, on and off, 0 and 1.

Episode 3 ratings were 17, lying fruit.

GRRM most likley intends to have dany snap at some point. SoS and DoD both hint in that direction more and more so he might've told DD about it. What they did in the show tough was skip all the important shit that would make her snap and have her doing it in 3 episodes instead the alst 3 seasons.

And just because it would be too boring and psychological for your average viewer.

>most normies like it still. It's just a vocal minority on the internet raising hell. Most people at work and shit say they love it.
>They still watch it.
>Doubtful. Most of them just want to be in on the party but it's too long to marathon in a week usually.
>He started "distancing" himself when they tried to make him finish his books and do some work. If he actually changes the story he's trying to tell to appease his show fans he actually has zero artistic credibility. But then again he sold his work for money so...
>People are pussies
>Yeah that's why it's called leaks
>Yes that's why it's called grimdark. It's not lotrs
>Is it the worst because it pisses people off? that's dumb. I admit the technical side of things and the nuance of writing has dropped but what we have is a bunch of people mad that their fan theories and wishes aren't coming true. Sprinkled with retarded SJW politics.
>I'm enjoying the fuck out of it.

I think they are doing an OK job for a half finished piece of work. GRRM is a half decent writer (who needs an editor) but he always set out to tell this story. If you had a rough outline and were sick of working on the same shit for 10 years - you'd rush it too.

D&D's biggest sin is being sloppy and not giving a fuck after a decade of hard work. That's on them.

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>Princess Weekes
I'm so sick of retards posting the random thoughts of idiots while pretending they've some widely held view.

This is akin to taking some user's ramblings on Yea Forums and posting it to any forum for discussion. The only difference here is that the blog posts posted here have an author, title, and a semblance of credibility. These blogs are none of these things, so stop posting that garbage.

>goes on /pol/
>random posts from twitter users posted everywhere

why don't jannies do their job? for free?

>character does a heel turn

Thank you user, I've been looking for that still. Makes my dick do curls.

>The perils of identifying with a fictional character in a story that has not been completed.

post screenshots of seething normies

What will be next? Banning history books because they say that sexist and racist things happened?

So does /pol/fags just follow retards like her to get their own retards to outrage in an endless sperging of impotent rage? I don't know which side is more pathetic.

The recent episodes have proven that females are really the incels.


Holy shit. Unironically have sex.

women are the niggers of the gender

I don’t know user, this sort of stuff makes me think the world used to have the right idea

The author of this article is saying that movies should only be made with specific plots with specific out comes in order to be politically responsible.
A lot like what the Chinese government tells their film industry.

>"This concerns the passes we give"
>we have the power to shut you down

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I wonder if any of women read a history book on past Queens to see just how much more JUST they were from Kings.

No, they will be rewritten that women did everything in the background but men got the congratulation.
Columbus fouund america? No, there was miranda she told columbus from america. Got the founding from teh queen and steered the ships to america while columbus was drunk under deck!

>Normies hate it now for being "sexist, racist, and misogynistic"
Don't let them gaslight you into thinking that they're normies and that they represent any sort of majority. True normies don't even think about this stuff let alone have any strong feelings about it.

if you find a girl who reads medieval fantasy and history send her my way

Jon beheading here will be a based ending, what are you on about?

I like Saint Olga of Kiev myself, now there is a monarch that did not fuck around when it came to ensuring her son made it to adulthood


A bunch of people seething over a TV show that they streamed or pirated as 149 megabyte x265 rips.

and audiobooks they pirated

on a Laotian fly fishing picture website

>300,000 years of human behavior shouldn't be reflected at all in the writing of fictional characters

Thinking about her taking horse cock?

The Dany casuals are far from normies. I've been to watch parties and they're mostly dyed hair activist types. They literally have their faces in their phones the whole time, pretty much just listening to the episodes and getting mad when something not feminist happens.
Rejoice tho. They finally feel what book fans felt when D&D killed off Doran Martell and Stannis Baratheon. The Dany casuals just thought it was funny.
They didn't understand the story then and they still don't understand it.
>omg Dany just went mad out of nowhere like it's got nothing to do with the tragedy of her family and life experiences
>not like she randomly decided to burn her daughter and lose a battle despite being the most seasoned war commander in Westeros

If the horse cock is my cock and she's cooing to calm it down as she gently pets it, then yes.

Almost every male character in this shitshow is a bad person, but NOW they think it's sexist because it happened to a woman

>"lets ignore real life events that occurred centuries ago because it makes us feel bad"

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fucking A+ bruv

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>Not understanding the authors intent
As retarded as the writer

>Really makes me think that all women are children.

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Remember when everything wasn't sexist and racist?

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even worse, it's fiction

Roasties and tranny-roasties absolutely

This is the lazy writing

>SJWs would be even more upset
Not if they don't read the books, which they won't.

This tbqh.
What a twisted irrational response, I do hope you are not enrolled to vote.

>Their intention was more likley to show waht a strong woman Dany has become

Yes. By slaughtering thousands of innocent children. I'm sure that's what they were going for.

Fucking mongoloid.

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The real problem is that e5 all of a sudden became very anti-immigrant whereas before the immigrants had actively contributed to saving the world
it's bad writing (and thoughtlessness about the depiction of non-white characters because the writers are stupid)

What racism is there even in GoT? The Northerners react that way to any non northerner since they barely ever see any non northern humans in their entire life.

wtf, she literally became yaas queeen slaaay. what more do these roasts want.

>only yes and no, on and off, 0 and 1
They aren't showing up much more in computing fields either. Must be sexist employers, educators, parents, friends, and everyone else expecting them to operate at a higher level. They all turn 16 and think "I made it. I cook, clean the house, drive a car, and discretely buy hygiene products. Time to check off being an adult from the list and start trying to train men."

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Do you go out of your way to find shit like this to put on Yea Forums so you can bitch? Because a quick google search showed me that bitch cannot have a massive following. So you’re either trying to find this shit on purpose or you’re a massive faggot.

You forgot
>treats her pets as her children

Have sex.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that dude just admitted that patriarchy is a lie.

>how shitty the world used to be
Why not just watch a documentary on Africa then?

>worst episode

most viewed ever of any HBO show... lol how will they ever recover

Attached: Game-of-Thrones-Ratings-by-Season-by-804-1.png (1306x953, 132K)

Frank Miller was accused of being a nazi misogynist 21 years ago just for having written 300, this is absolutely nothing new and it has in fact been going on since the 80s, it is just being parroted by more people now

>>everything that got leaked turned out to be 100% true
Yea Forums told me more than once that Cersei wasn't really pregnant.

In that case there should be even more freedom, in which case characters can be even more racist etc.

of sex

she looks like that anorexic bitch from stranger things here

This guy know the camera was facing him right?

I don't think that's a guy, user

D&D made them choke on the biggest redpill in television history. I couldn´t be happier

>Historical accuracy

men are stronger than women.
women get given things for free by men.
women go legit crazy when they dont get their way.

that's not historical accuracy. thats just accuracy. these things are all still true.


fucking state of these people

i wish they would just lay out exactly what it is they wan't and stop moving the goal posts so that all these culture wars could end

>Fortnite is one of the best games because it has one of highest concurrent player base
I bet you actually play Fortnite

you have done nothing, incel

Correct, it was our forefathers weary from war being nagged by cunts that gave it up.

i didnt say anything about the quality. HBO doesnt care so long as people are watching and paying for subs and buying merchandise. i have never played a second of fortnite, i dont even own a console gaming device but i see you have mastered the art of the greentext. you going to post that frog making the funny face next?

go back normie

Incels should also lose the right to vote

This is a based fucking board. Much better compared to the shithole that is Yea Forums.

>the perils of reality

Every time I start feeling angry, I look at birthdates by political leanings and remind myself that white liberals are rapidly going extinct.

Jews. Their names might start with gold and green, but underneath they’ve always been red.

Men literally voted for it, cat lady.

It's important that historical fiction shows history as it was so that we can learn from it. Glossing over its injustices dismissed the progress our society has made since. Fantasy loosely inspired by real history doesn't really have to. It can differ from it in whichever way the author wants it to. That's the beauty of fantasy

The books portray every single woman except Arya as a dumb over emotional bitch. Arya is only cool because she acts male.

It’s about as feminist as The Chronicles of Gor.

>Fantasy loosely inspired by real history doesn't really have to. It can differ from it in whichever way the author wants it to. That's the beauty of fantasy
Leftists refuse to grasp this concept. Fantasy as we recognize it, is simply a vehicle to comment on reality. Fantasy has to represent/reflect reality, while the characters represent real life demographics.

They literally are. That's why cunny is forbidden. Cunnies have the mental capacity of an adult women with a more healthy body.

Attached: age of consent redpill.png (1268x1645, 622K)

>shitime poster
>has poor taste
Like pottery

>I don’t know
You could have shortened it down to this.

Judging by birth rates by political opinion, this would basically mean that spics, niggers, female Democrats and allRepublicans are the only people allowed to vote.

I’m okay with this. It would basically hand the country to the Right. There are probably more Amish in the country than there are white liberals who have seen pussy.

haha you tell em' frog boy

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tankies invented the whole lexicon of proto-cultural-marxism.

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Trots, talkies are Stalinists, they’re basically Alt-Right except they call Jews “porky” instead of Jews.

The Trotskyites are the subversive types, Tankies are honest, I actually kind of like them.

>character/film does something you don't like
>"lazy writing"
Every time.

formerly allowed

>Best episode since season 1
>Judging the quality of an episode on the amount of outrage it creates
I agree it's hilarious, but the episode was 'decent' at best. The writing is still retarded. Best episode this season probably, but that's saying very little with how low the bar was.

learning new things everyday

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Imagine being so dumb you don't realize that people just married young and waited until puberty for sex. Yeah, they still fucked young, but seven year olds weren't getting rawdogged on the reg. Age of consent laws stopped little girls from getting locked into inescapable marriages in their childhood.

Damn, well better stop making movies about slavery and how hard it was for Mutambo

DoD ends with Daenerys surrounded by a khalasar after falling from Drogon, right? I'm curious how GRRM will handle that. Probably going to show more of her manipulative and vindictive side

We need to go back and re write LOTR.
Elves are the evil ones because they believe in borders.
Orcs are asexual and a discriminated minority
Sauron is actually a nice guy who supports Orcs right to exist and is for trans rights
All the human kings are black and gay or re written as Queens

forgot to post this with >youtube.com/watch?v=3se4fZfWOMU

What? Historical accuracy in a fantasy? What?

America and elections is something I never understand
>The person who invests the most money in the campaign has won for the last 20+ years
>You lose votes if you don't visit a state
>2 party system
>The sheer media circus around it, including the amount of emotions
I agree voting is very important, but if my vote didn't 'win' the elections, I wouldn't care that much. I (and most fellow country men) also actively avoid parties who make an entire media circus around their campaign. Ofcourse a bit of advertisement is expected, but nothing over the top.

Not saying it's a bad thing, just that I don't understand it and probably never will.

I really liked Dany's theme song

That on the right is the face of brainwashing.