/RBMK/ Chernobyl - Cherno-Chan edition

user.. You would like to penetrate my lower biological shield with your control rod wouldn't you?


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Other urls found in this thread:


So what was the most kino scene of the show thus far?

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>comparing plutonium to uranium
its unfair to core-chan tbf







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legasov and stjerbina are based together

spin off when?

Is that supposed to be the core?

The reactor scene

“I’ll do it myself”

Ending of episode 2

how are we on the core situation?

I’d say in less than five years.

Can't wait for her to take over more scenes she doesn't belong in.

I loved the evacuation scene, so I made a webm of it

>tfw all the pets are kill

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just imagine a world where we could have quality tv and film
imagine a world where the opinions and wants of the dark skinned or female would just be completely ignored in order to focus on producing works of actual quality.
imagine a world we got more shows and movies like this. without having to pander to stacey or jose or jamal. instead of tyler perrys how to train your dragon starring beyonce and rebel wilson.
we could have a world where things like this get made. a meritocracy that would give us an endless supply of kino.

>That evac scene

Wew lads..

w-what if core chan and demon chan had a baby?

Will they wait until the next episode to discover the zombies

core's exposed, chef

core is fine, comrade

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Hiroshima was worse than Chernobyl.

I'm sure Russians understand what evidence is, right?

>either you have valid ciritcisms of that source, or you shut the fuck up
lmao, the source has to be proven before it's believed. what did Sagan say? big proofs require big evidences?

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i personally like her

Is Jessie Buckley the perfect side mouth talking woman?


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Watching episode one again before watching the second around 8pm

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>she's going to be caged up soon
>full sensor deprivation bondage for at least 10,000 years

I really liked the scene in E1 where Dyatlov first leaves the control room and goes to the hallway with broken windows and looks down upon the graphite pieces lying on the roof. That denial and suspicion setting in was very well acted i think

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Shut the fuck up.

Go to the roof and check user


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never happened irl

That literally didn't happen IRL.

he actually looked twice
>is that graphite? nah
minutes later
>is that really graphite? naaaah

Sounds like you're a little bitch

Imagine having sex.

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>is that graphite? if it is that means I'll be sent to a gulag, or will die from the radiation
>nah it can't be graphite, because that would be very bad for me

I don’t hate her because she’s a woman, I hate her because she’s a fictional character inserted into a cast of real individuals for no reason.

OH reactor of the plant what is your wisdom?

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This is the best scene in the show so far imo

Formin, Bryukhanov, how bad is it?

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That this person didnt exist, or that spectators outside didnt receive radiation burns?

Shut up faggot


Absolute kino. Beautifully shot and eerie as hell.

For the good of the race
Kill yourself

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Is he ok?

remember when user was good?

the bridge didn't exist

Not good but not terrible either

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what ever happened to these guys?

Do you think they'll start shooting the dogs next week?

no that would be awful I want more strong fictional women in my history shows. Doesn't matter how fake it must be we must somehow make women and niggers look competent

This show is horribly written. They still haven’t showed the core. Why would they crash a helicopter into the fire to try to put out the fire? Is the rest of this show just about finding the core?

sure thing mr goldberg
>people who dont understand dat we need to raise taxes so we can throw another 50 million dollars into detroits school system to raise test scores are racist

or I just think we could put that money to better use is all

>give Slotin a 1,000 rad dose in a fraction of a second
Cherno-Chan is a bitch

oh, is she? okay, now I get it

I’ll do it myself and the flashlights breaking from radiation

*bangs hands on table* NO

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why did he switch glasses? upside down vs rightside up?

>if you only knew how bad things really are

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Amazingly yes even though he was standing next to one of the most radioactive objects on earth

Ukrainian guy is in the thread. I will explain all shit. The core made bada boom cuz gay team were making some gay tests with it and GREAT USSR designer fucked it with it(if u have a question i will explain). Heli in 2 episode really fall down but it was on 2nd October 86. About those 3 mens , one of them has died, other 2 is still alive. All firemens who were hospitalized died in Moscow probably it was some radiation tests, cuz cold war and other shit. Those who were hospitalized in Kiev lived longer. Sorry for my bad English language.

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>Protagonists potential enemy becomes an ally
I love this fucking trope

>watching bbc docu on roman brittania
>every single roman is a ugandan
>every single roman wife is pakistani
>barbarians are the only white people in the entire show

There were no spectators on the bridge. It was cordoned by coppers.

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Yes I think next up is fixing the sluice, liquidators and cleanup.

so what happened to the three guys at the end? did they exist irl?

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Dyatlov's walk of denial
Reactor scene
Evacuation scene

the balls to do this in front of all the party officials plus Gorbachev. I wonder if this is how it played out IRL

they showed the core what the fuck are you talking about user

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So why do you target the poorest, most insignificant people when you could target the hyper rich and influential people?
instead of 50 million taken from food stamps and education, aim for, idk, 50 billion from a couple dozen CEO's quarterly bonus?

What was the poem that was coming from the radio at the very beginning of the episode?

They did. They make it out unharmed.

>here's tyour source bro
>n-no it doesn't count, not only do you have to give a source you also have to break it down for me because I won't check it myself
What are your valid criticisms against that source again?

They got medals and vacation condos in Sochi

Yes 2 are alive

They basically melted. One of the dudes made it back to the control room, then vomited as ignorant dude told the others to take him away.

whats that black bag hanging from the chest supposed to be?

Thanks Ukrainian guy

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yes, they live, lots of people thought they didn't but I imagine they were confusing them with these guys who did a kind of similar thing wading through the water and they died.

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We’ve begun an inquiry into the shitposting. We’ve identified the tripfags whom we believe to be responsible.

how do they do vomiting in tv shows?
it looks like theres some kind of tube in his mouth in this picture

No I get it, if it's in a book it must be true. No further evidence required.

It was an exposed core same as the two dudes who stood over the exposed Chernobyl core. They said they were in there for less then a minute and died days later. They got hit with something like 40 Sieverts so probably just as bad.

they'll live

they showed the core in episode 1. there's a webm in this thread.

Yeah, they did exists IRL, their flashlights really turned off BUT, 2 of them are still alive and one of them died several years later from a heart failure. Maybe, maybe not from radiation poisoning

Gorbachev's rule was the so-called "thaw", so most people weren't worried about ending up in the gulag anymore. Talking back to him could destroy your career, but that's about it.

Fo you stock iodine pills?

i would rock my soul in her bosom of Abraham

lmao the absolute hypocrisy
>n-no shut up I can't prove this source is wrong but it must be, you have to prove this source is right
Nope, it's your turn to work now.

Not any one scene but Scherbina's development throughout the episode.

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Simonov. Remember Alyosha?
It is on Russian actually.

We should burn books, amirite?

these bois didnt have shit for protection though.

>After that, Yuvchenko and three others went to the control room to see the damage from the upper level:

>What happened when you got back to the reactor hall?

>We climbed up to a ledge but there was very little room. Because I had come up the stairs last I stayed behind propping open the door. They took the torch from me and went in. I stood there listening to their reaction to what they saw, which looked like a volcano crater. They said there was nothing they could do, they had to get out.

>What happened to those three?

>All three of them died very soon afterwards. That wall and the door basically saved my life. I received quite a high dose propping open the door. We had done everything we could. That was the worst feeling: that there was nothing else we could do.

I don't like that actress

every woman I've known that looks like her is sort of a bitch

Also instead of taking on the actual Women scientists that worked on the reactor for the role, they made up some random character who wouldn't even have access to 1/10th the information she would IRL

Kind of insulting DESU

The elephant's foot is still slowly melts the concrete bottom, which means that it is quite possible that it will slide down and reach the groundwater. What are the possible consequences?


most badass comrade of the series

Did the pripryat people get fucked tho

it was in Russian btw (the subs said it was in Ukrainian)

>The bubbler pool could be drained by opening its sluice gates. However, the valves controlling it were underwater, located in a flooded corridor in the basement. So volunteers in wetsuits and respirators (for protection against radioactive aerosols) and equipped with dosimeters, entered the knee-deep radioactive water and managed to open the valves.[86][87] These were the engineers Alexei Ananenko and Valeri Bezpalov (who knew where the valves were), accompanied by the shift supervisor Boris Baranov.[88][89][90] Upon succeeding and emerging from the water, according to many English language news articles, books and the prominent BBC docudrama Surviving Disaster – Chernobyl Nuclear, the three knew it was a suicide-mission and began suffering from radiation sickness and died soon after.[91] Some sources also incorrectly claimed that they died there in the plant.[90] However, research by Andrew Leatherbarrow, author of the 2016 book Chernobyl 01:23:40,[86] determined that the frequently recounted story is a gross exaggeration. Alexei Ananenko continues to work in the nuclear energy industry, and rebuffs the growth of the Chernobyl media sensationalism surrounding him.[92] While Valeri Bezpalov was found to still be alive by Leatherbarrow, the 65-year-old Baranov had lived until 2005 and had died of heart failure.

>I can't prove the source is wrong
Prove to me it's right first.


That's not the point. The point is, you have been given a source. Whether you believe it or not is up to you but if you choose to invalidate that source, you have to give valid reasons to do so.

user, the radiation melted the fucking tail off.

Rocky Flats, USA, x100.

Improvised. When actor forgets that rbmk reactors cant explode he asserts the dominance ending the argument and gets karried out by komrades

Rooftop scene watching the helicopter going into the cloud of radiation

>Prove to me it's right first.
Why? You have your source, now if you want to contradict the info it gives you have everything at your disposal to do so.

I'm not invaliding it you retard, I want evidence this is a source to be trusted. It's exactly the point.

Is this western propaganda too?

Core does not explode filthy Tartar. I can’t wait until Novorossyia engulfs your entire peasant kingdom in flames.

It's pretty great to have this series to look forward to for a few Tuesdays after the GoT shitshow.

>Why should I have to prove claims?
i unno

exactly, most of the plat workers who died were people who were there on the first night because they had no protection.

by the time they send the other 3 dudes down there they at least have respirators and somewhat protective clothing. It was still risky what they agreed to do but they do end up surviving.


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Lmao youre on par with nigger muslims who rape christians
>boko haram
>books are heretical
Gas yourself

They all lived. It turns out 15,000 roentgen isn't actually that bad, because only like 30 fucking people died and maybe a couple hundred died of cancer in the next two decades.

Who wrote this article and when? Can you provide evidence?

Not really, it's cooled down enough such that the risk of that happening anymore is negligible.


footage of the helicopter going down.

i like him as a foil to scientist man.
direct, goal-oriented and cunning, but ignorant.

The core.

>Why would they crash a helicopter into the fire to try to put out the fire?
Its like your are watching the show through tunnel vision glasses and noise speakers, grasping to understand whats going on

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>tell me if I can trust it!!
kek what a brainlet

>evidence this is a source to be trusted
This does not exist. You can only prove a source is unreliable, not the opposite. A source can ALWAYS be challenged, whatever it is and however accepted it is in academia or elesewhere. But if you want to invalidate it, it's YOUR job, not ours.

yeah. thats fine.
Im just saying dont waste the money on producing tyrones screenplay about da racist police and the secret twist is that the drug dealer from da hood is the real hero that cares about people.

I mean spend the money on some shoestring reality tv series, have some kardashian leak a sex tape of her getting pissed on by a chimp, and allow EBT cards to purchase malt liqour and blunt wraps, maybe a keg of bud light monthly allowance for hispanics.
bam. you now have the dark skinned or female >100 IQ that makes up 70% of the states population happy and subdued for another century.

then spend the majority of the money on private police forces to produce kino starring and written by whites and funding private police forces to protect the gated communities surrounded by brazil tier poverty ridden criminal mulatto slave race the jews are engineering to inherit the earth.

sit back and enjoy the ride.

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>Lava making an explosion of 4 MEGATONS

Did this actually fucking almost happen?

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>The molten mass still posed a threat if it melted down to groundwater below the reactor building. This is the so-called "China Syndrome". At first, workers tried freezing the ground beneath the reactor by injecting it with liquid nitrogen. Then, they filled the reactor room with concrete.

>In the "China Syndrome", the core components of a nuclear reactor melt down, burning through the containment vessel and the building housing the reactor, then they burn through the Earth's crust and body until reaching the opposite side of the planet, which in the U.S. is colloquially referred to as China.

>In reality, a core couldn't penetrate the several-kilometer thickness of the Earth's crust, and it certainly couldn't travel back upwards against the pull of gravity. Also, China is not the antipode of any landmass in North America.


But there Ananenko says it was just a regular walk.


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no, it hit the crane

thanks for sharing

Where's your fucking evidence? Show me their graves or even obituaries in the newspaper.

How do you prove a claim? With a source. You have it, read it and criticize it if you so wish, high school drop out

Not an argument pleb

>evidence doesn't exist
my sides

I just KNOW I need to play STALKER again

kino game for a kino show

Yes but they were in fact women.

No, It never happened since the molten core never reached the pool-bubbler.

>only 30
>plus a couple hundred
>not that bad
you're right user, fuck those 400 or so people

Show me them being alive post 1986


no it hit the wire stupid.

But the radiation probably messed with the electronics causing malfunction on controls. or maybe it was vodka idk

What do you think? They had to abandon their posessions, leave the city and never go back.

Fuck Yea Forums and fuck 4channel

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But IF that happened..

Could it of actually exploded like that?


thats my chernobylfu



Bryukhanov and Dyatlov's flats nowadays.

>greentexting out of context quotes
It's like you miss the point on purpose or something.

>muh entire continent will die
>it's only like 400 people at most
yeah fuck alarmists

Realistically speaking, if (you) knew that (you) had just taken a fatal dose of radiation, would (you) just get someone to shoot (you) in the head ASAP or would (you) take the slow death through radiation poisoning?

i did
with poop on my bedroom wall

>You know, I believe that the Russia we fight for
>Is not the dull town where I lived at a loss
>But those country tracks that our ancestors followed,
>The graves where they lie, with the old Russian cross.

>I feel that for me, it was countryside Russia
>That first made me feel I must truly belong
>To the tedious miles between village and village,
>The tears of the widow, the women's sad song.

>By old Russian practice, mere fire and destruction
>Are all we abandon behind us in war.
>We see alongside us the deaths of our comrades,
>By old Russian practice, the breast to the fore.

>Alyosha, till now we've been spared by the bullets.
>But when (for the third time) my life seemed to end,
>I yet still felt proud of the dearest of countries,
>The great bitter land I was born to defend.

The poem by Konstantin Simonov at the start of the episode

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But muh (((six million trillion))) bullets


They lived so we're going to see these based lads make it out

D-did they survive?

It's like you still can't prove this British 18 year old legitimate soiboy is actually correct. You're hanging onto this with dear life.

Wew laddie, the mind virus hit you hard, didn't it.
I recommend you vacate the basement you inhabit, go outside, and burn your modem.
The lack of vitamin D has fucked you up immensely. Seek help, faggot.


Well that's anti-climactic

Shcherbina at Chernobyl, just look at his fucking face

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The first explosion was cuz of steam pressure, the second one was cuz xenon gas turned in to hydrogen. ANd about Novohuesosya, they are sucking cock, cuz I'm from Donetsk, u commi-rustard.

>tfw die as virgin never got to fuck sweet natasha

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>molten core
>core exploded

Please get your story straight anti-RBMK shill.

>it's another dishonest retard who can't read is too lazy to pick up a book and wants to be spoonfed everything
I sure can't wait to read your 50.000 pages thesis in which you put the entirety of the books you used for your research to prove they're reliable

I want a good game about Chernobyl

>entire continent will get fucked up if we don't act
>we act so that the continent won't get fucked up
Why do people still shill for a nation that's been dead since before they were born?


Radioactive water came up to their knees in places.

How would the people who were part of this incident feel if they knew we were just focusing on a fictional women instead of discussing their heroic acts?

i would assume this is where dyatlov got his nearly deadly radioactive dose, those guys must have been walking radioactive material at that point

>tfw you will never be this proud to defend the shithole that you live in

guy wrote this in '41 by the way, as he was fighting the nazis

user.. i will penetrate the concrete slab soon.. you are next..

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are you suggesting more people wouldn't have died if they did nothing? also
>entire continent didn't die
>therefore it wasn't a big deal
that's a pretty stupid way of looking at things

What do you wnat? A full copypasta of the chapters in question? There's no need for that, because you have the source, so you can read it yourself.

>it's a disinfo shill who can't prove the source is reliable or even interviewed the alleged survivors

stop this alarmism or i will have one of my guards throw you off the helicopter

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still waiting on those proofs, laddie

Molten lava created from dumping sand and boron on it*


You have any more of this recounting stuff from this guy or others who survived like Dyatlov?

Still waiting for you to read the book.

One of the Chernobyl reactor (one of the last) being assembled.

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Still waiting for you to prove these true facts.

What was his fucking problem?

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He's fucking based you absolute S*y faggot

I meant radiation-wise


brb, about to give myself nightmares

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The article is written by Yuri Andreev, one of the liquidators who is the head of souzchernobyl. He talked to Ananenko in 2011.


still waiting

This was actually the reactor 4 being assembled.

Pic related is block 4 being built

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shame they didn't include this scene in ep2, or the continuation of it
>hundreds of white old men
>lets make that amalgamation into one single sassy white girl

do you think one black person. or mexican. or puerto rican. or female. or anything other than above average white males are able to enjoy such kino?

honest question.
I think when you reach this level of quality and you dont throw in POC or women token roles where they get to be the smartest people in the room standing up to the white patriarchy, they just tune it out. it loses all interest for them.

like do you think a woman or POC has ever sat through the kino that is ken burns civil war?
no. not in a million years.
not if they were fucking college professors who had to teach about the role of racism and sexism on the civil war for their womens/african american studies degree.
just no fucking way those animals interfere with the great story telling we see from time to time.
all Im saying is we are better off for it. enjoy it while it lasts anons. soon this will be extinct outside of japan.

When do we see the BASED liquidators?

did you even watch the show? lol

>the free encyclopedia

>"There was a heavy thud," he says. "A couple of seconds later, I felt a wave come through the room. The thick concrete walls were bent like rubber. I thought war had broken out. We started to look for Khodemchuk (his colleague) but he had been by the pumps and had been vaporised. Steam wrapped around everything; it was dark and there was a horrible hissing noise. There was no ceiling, only sky; a sky full of stars." A stream of ionising radiation was shooting starwards, like a laser beam. "I remember thinking how beautiful it was."

Why didn’t the doctor of a nearby hospital know that having iodine would help for radiation?

b-b-but comrade Shcherbina only right wing fascists throw people out of helicopters!

Because he wasn't a woman

It would never happen. The whole idea about the lava reaching pool-bubbler was just Ryzhkov's delusion. Tere are several meters of concrete above the pool.

Yuvchenko went with a party of men to recce the damaged reactor hall. He stayed outside, propping the heavy reactor hall door open with his shoulder. The three men who went in all died within two weeks. "You don't feel anything at the time," he explains. "We had no idea there was so much radiation. We met a guy with a doseometer and the needle was just off the dial. But even then, we were still only thinking 'Rats, this means the end of our careers in the nuclear industry. We all thought, 'We've been exposed now, this has happened on our watch' and set about doing what we could. After about an hour, I started to vomit uncontrollably. My throat was very sore."

only something like 25k died in ukraine and 10k in rest of the world
pripyat had more people

Stop feeding the retard.

You lads listen to the podcasts? It's super comfy lads


>their posessions
no comrade, all their possessions belong to The People

RMBK reactors cant explode. Aaand he was an old fuck that didnt know about that effect

where do you guys stream/dl this show?


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10/10 debate
>I want proof
>sure here's source
>sure, here's source
>sure, here's source
fuck off

I getting tired of this. Post proofs right now or I'll have to report this conduct to the higher ups in the commission.

If he stood as close as the picture has it, with that protective gear, he wouldn't be okay
I think that's just fucked up film making composite of 2 different pictures

What proofs, retard? You can just call Andreev or Ananenko, they are still alive.

subscribe to HBO

there's actually not much of a heroic act to see at all. the series simplified everything to few stereotypical memes like BAD COMMIE, GOOD SCIENTIST, STRONG WOMAN, STUPID BOSS and such. the actual process of fixing the situation was covered very badly and the only thing the producer cares about is LE PEOPLE ARGUING. so generic and boring. also the amount of stupid memes about le soviet people, le mysterious russian soul, le angry krb is completely off rails.

>start reading
>"There was a heavy turd,"
>think the elephants foot is a fictional turd
>laugh my ass off

No one died

another piece of garbage american propaganda

>here's the source
>alright can you prove it?
>uhhhhh... it's a BOOK retard

Only the ones that were directly at the site or contacted with the firefighters got high doses.

no I will not support the thankjews


How much of the fault actually was Dyatlov's and how much of it was his supervisors?

Oh cool, give me their phone numbers and I'll have a chat with them.

>Yuvchenko, now 42, recalls what happened that terrible night 18 years ago. He is a bear of a man, 6ft 5in tall, and a former Soviet champion rower. >You can't help but notice his left arm, which is half the size of his right and shiny with scar tissue. His wife, Natasha, sits nervously on the edge of her seat.
>By 6am, he could no longer walk. He was taken to the local hospital. Still he had no idea of the huge hit of radiation he'd received. "We were thinking we might have had 20, perhaps 50rem. But there was a man there who'd been involved in a nuclear accident in the submarine fleet, he said it was more serious than that. 'You don't vomit at 50,' he said."

>At the hospital, they worked out (through measuring the fall in his white blood-cell count) that he'd received 410rem - or as it's now since been styled, 4.1Sv (one sievert is equal to 100rem) - a measure of the absorbed dose of radiation per kilogram of body weight. Four sieverts is lethal for half of those affected.

There are websites that stream hbo 24/7 not hard to find la


>Only 35k people died

Wikipedia is a public site with no official backup. Its menaged by public and for all we know they could fill every page with ascii dicks.
Show me a real proof by some fucking doctor or whatever the fuck. Show me something "official"

Saving it for tomorrow morning for when I make some breakfast

but yeah its comfy as fuck

There is contact information on the souzchernobyl website. Just call them.

This post is retarded beyond belief. Don't you understand that this show is fiction? The fact that it's inspired in a real tragedy doesn't make it real, user.

Aha, now show me the actual scientist names involved in said project
Secondary education is intellectually dishonest way to measure number of physics and nuclear scientists/engineers, since 2ndary education is tertiary education and third degree has engineers and scientists

>be me
>read post
>disagree with it
your reply?

guys chernobyl literally never even existed. how do we "know" this? because of books whose contents can not be confirmed.

>We'll be dead in 5 years

Was he speaking hyperbole or if they remained in the city? Or was he saying "We've been around this shit unpretected so much already that you and I are fucked"?

Sorry for the brainlet question.

>Yuvchenko was then shipped off to Moscow. No one told Natasha where he was. A rule of thumb is that vomiting that starts within half an hour of irradiation indicates a fatal dose. Of those transported with him, five died. Those who died quickly were lucky. It is a truly horrible way to die, burnt from within and without.
>Yuvchenko recalls pulling back the sheets, and there being a cloud of black dust - his dead skin. A slime of gamma and beta-emitting nuclides had covered all surfaces in the plant after the explosion, and where his body had touched the door - his left shoulder, hip and calf - their deadly radiation had gnawed away at his flesh, causing the death of tissue deep in his arm. It became grossly swollen and his skin turned violet black.

only 35k is really small number considering how close by Pripyat was and how big of a incident it was

Oh cool, provide me with those phone numbers, and whiles you're at it: proof they survived.

>be you
>(pretend to) read a book
>"well, I ain't gonna question what the ink is telling me."

absolutely redpilled


>Russian study concluded 4,000 deaths

All the subtle signs of the people admiring the fire on the bridge getting fucked by the radiation

why are you convinced they died? there is no proof of their deaths.

stop feeding Putin's trolls

>His arm was to be in bandages for the next seven years. He was plagued by - and occasionally still has - outbreaks of skin ulceration. Microsurgery in Berlin, in which blood vessels were transferred from his leg to his irradiated arm, finally saw him on the road to recovery. His colleagues were not all as lucky. One who worked in the turbine hall and took 10Sv survived a bone-marrow transplant and blindness only to die after a few months.

>Yuvchenko spent a year in hospital and a further two in rehab. He attributes his survival to his treatment in Moscow - and those muscles. He doesn't know whether he is infertile - although this is highly likely - but in any case, was advised not to have another child because of the risk that they, or their children, would develop leukaemia. Chromosomal damage over 4Sv is severe. What of his prospects now, particularly of cancer?

>"The doctors told me that if you've survived this, you shouldn't worry about anything else." Every year, he has two weeks of check-ups. "I always think they might find something." But he has remained well, as has his wife and son, a tribute to the extraordinary repair properties of DNA.

based and chernopilled

Why are you convinced they died based on the word of one young UK boy?


call one of the regional organizations and ask for Andreev's phone.

This was comfy to read lads gj

Akimov was based, he tried to stop the test and tell Dyatlov that he was putting the reactor into an unsafe configuration. He triggered the emergency shut down when the power began to spike although it failed and he and Toptunov died going down into the water to keep it running into the open core.

A true hero.

>no one died
>even the soviets admit at least 31 died of radiation sickness
>UN suggests 4,000 deaths from cancer and radiation poisoning

Attached: DdQi2lX.png (800x1500, 876K)

Apologizing doesn't make me any less mad at you.

Nuclear brainlet here, would flying over a fissioning core litterally disentigrate a helicopter or was that just dramatic license?

>that helicopter scene


Give me his phone number and proof he's alive.

i assume you meant to say that they didn't die, because otherwise you just contradicted yourself and admitted i'm right

anyway, can you prove you aren't just a randomized collection of words in the magic moving picture box that i use to view anime titties? link your source

>Look, I know that getting your head cut off will kill you
>but how do we know that there was any casualties from the decap-a-thon


I don't really think anyone can answer that question until they're at that point.
When I did my volunteer year in hospital I had a patient who was a few days away from inevitable death, over 90, most of her organs were failing due to old age, she was in masssive pain and barely lucid. But constantly when I was taking care of her she we would scream on and on that she didn't want to die, with the last strength she had she'd grab on to your arm and look pleading into your eyes begging you to do the impossible and keep her from death. I also saw patients completely resigned with their death, sometimes even begging for it (something that hospital staff rarely talk about, even among themselves is that it's not always clear if it was the incurable defects or the depression of breathing due to the prescribed amount of opioids/opiates that led to death).
Death isn't really fathomable to the human experience and I call anyone a liar that disjunctively claims he'd go the one way or the other. One simply cannot know until one is there.

Can you prove to me they're alive?

he's saying they're done for because they are in chernobyl right when the shit is bad.

He was speaking literally, Shcherbina died 4 years later, and Legasov likely would've died somewhere around 5 years later but killed himself instead

Is that guy just fucking holding a piece of the radioactive core in his hand? Is he fucking stupid?

It hit the fucking crane cable you blind dipshit. The original video is spammed everywhere including your fat fucking face and they just recreated it in the movie jesus fucking christ.
Thats not even a proper fucking bait holy shit.

It was just dramatic exaggeration. The heli crash happened in October.

The radiation would fuck with the electronics but the problem was they clipped the crane wire

It hit a crane wire. (because it flew within the safety perimeter)

>by some fucking doctor or whatever the fuck
lol what? A death certificate? An id? offcial documents from a country I don't speak the laguage of and which nobody except the person concerned has access to?
Read the book and if you have valid criticisms against it, against its method and against the very existence of these people I'll happily read it
until then I'm done with this travesty. You have a source, you check it and criticize it

Only a minute fraction of the heroes have been shown on screen. Hint: it's not Legasov, Shcherbina, Bryukhanov, Fomin or Dyatlov. It's the poor fucks who had to climb on the roof to clean it, the firemen and builders.

>read the book
my sides

Prove you're alive and an actual person.

He was an old ass gynecologist who likely graduated med school before Hiroshima
I've seen dinosaur docs like him, and they are clueless about modern treatment algorithms, but I too find it slightly implausible that a doctor can't recognise a radiation burn at the height of the cold war. Did they not have Medical Conferences in the Soviet Union? Or were there actually doctors relying solely on their 40s education in the late 80s?

I live in italy and my parents told me they stopped eating vegetables and fruits because of the fallout

Attached: xeka7eezmavz.png (1191x829, 354K)

It hit a crane wire

>even the soviets admit at least 31 died of radiation sickness
with zero proof

>UN suggests

american propaganda

Prove to me he's alive and provide his phone number, or even a verified photo or video identifying him.

Yes I can, they talked to a britsh boi whose book was recommended to you, but you refuse to read it. boo fucking hoo.

They were random volunteer firemen, they had no fucking idea

Can I get the spurdo Kinoble picture?

Attached: 5765A0ED-3E1F-42ED-9ED0-01B6165AE9AA.png (648x767, 812K)

please stop pretending to be stupid

>they talked to a britsh boi

>Quick! People didn't like the last episode as much!! Bring in the lewd animes!!!

Here are their main address and phone numbers.

yuvchenko was the most based of all goddamn

nuclear energy is the safest and cleanest energy
stop parroting fake news

Stop responding to the proofs vatnik

Why is it funny? You can read, can you?
Then once you've done so, if the source was incorrect and the guys are actually dead, you can tell us all about it

Can you provide his main address and phone number please?

>Radioactive lava evaporates water so fast that it creates a nuclear explosion it will kill half the continent.

Wtf? Is evaporating water really that sick of an explosion? Why don't we make water bombs if they're worse than nuclear bombs?

i mean they went in wearing protective gear and run around in water, which shields radiation. they would easily be fine with a quick trip to the infirmary.

can you prove chernobyl even existed? they couldn't have died if there was no disaster.

Maybe you can tell me all about how they survived, and maybe even prove it.

>read the book
You have a single most known disaster in the entire world. It has been studied by doctors and proffesors and whatever physicis theorists fuck it and you tell me to read a book in a thread that will get purned within the next 30 minutes and covered with kinoposting? You have thousands of papers and documents detailing that shit and you supposedly decide the best course of action is telling me to read a book?

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It's in the book, read it ;)

Can you prove to me they survived, yes or no?

If this aint a larp, you are a genuinely insufferable faggot, and suicide is the only option for you

Prove you're an actual person first. Why would I prove anything to a bot.

3.6 roetgen isn't that big, right comrade?

Attached: theothercore.jpg (1230x750, 339K)

its so safe in fact, that even RBMK reactors designed in the 60's can't explode

Shit equipment. This is what Moscow does.

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If they are not alive how did Poroshenko give them medals? ukrinform.ru/rubric-society/2449795-prezident-vrucil-nagrady-geroamlikvidatoram-i-rabotnikam-caes.html

Ah. So they were already doomed at the moment he said this or was he just saying what would happen if they remained the coming days?

Are the contents of the book accurate? Did he provide the interview with the surviving diver?

what did they eat?

>thousands of papers and documents detailing that shi
Yeah I sure have access to death certificates and ukrainian civil registration, like just google it bro ;)

babies don't exist

They knew they would suceed so they just made some irl kino.

Prove to me that's him, I don't read slavrunes.

>all this upset because they put all their eggs into one basket, which they can't even prove exists
got it


Can radiation actually destroy electrical equipment?

I know EMP nukes exist but surely that's not the same, right?

yes, i did it earlier

I just did, you retard. Go to the link.
If you can't read Ukrainian, that's not my problem.

>Are the contents of the book accurate?
They are until proven otherwise, cross reference and do your job ;)

stop replying to the proofsfag
he is most likely a russian and not to be trusted

I was not impressed by the evacuation scene. It looked like they brought ~14 buses to evacuate 50,000 ppl, and it took 15 min. I wanted to see babies being ripped from cribs and belongings gathered and more workers and students seizing what they were doing.

the fuck is that on the left

>They are until proven otherwise
Do people like you really exist?



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to be fair blacks love The Wire.
and thats one of the best shows to ever air.
would they still love it if it didnt star black people dealing drugs? probably not.
but even BET does replay wire episodes.

I can't tell who's trolling who

>“Aleksandr Lelechenko, protecting the young electricians from going unnecessarily into the zone of high radiation, himself went into the electrolysis space three times in order to turn off the flow of hydrogen to the emergency generators. When we take into account that the electrolysis space was alongside the pile of debris, and fragments of fuel and reactor graphite were everywhere, and the radioactivity was between 5,000 and 15,000 roentgens per hour, one can get an idea of how highly moral and heroic this 50-year-old man was when he deliberately shielded young lives behind his own.
>And then, in radioactive water up to his knees, he studied the condition of the switchboxes, trying to supply voltage to the feedwater pumps. His total exposure dose was 2,500 rads, enough to kill him five times. But after he had received first aid at the medical station in Pripyat, Lelechenko rushed back to the Unit and worked there several more hours.”

canned goods, pasta, fish and meat? I mean it's just fruit and vegetables, you can avoid them for a few months

They might not have been doomed at that moment but they were going to be around it for weeks if not months which would doom them

The pilot either had too much vodka, or not enough.

exactly as Putin wants it

I know who I believe
Andrew Litterallywhobarrow

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Yes just google it bro. its 21st century you have internet you fat arse. You have public documents and works. If you wanted to prove a point instead of shitposting you would do some research.


>Can radiation actually destroy electrical equipment?


The evacuation went really smoothly IRL, they still didnt know the reactor had exploded and told them they'd only be gone temporarily, and the Soviets are brainwashed sheeple

Yes, do I really have to explain why research papers based on secondary sources are perfectly acceptable?
Because if they are indeed false, you can check the source and find out
So check the source and find out ;)

that's just tar

Radiation isn't real, idiots
uranium firing bullets? can't believe people would fall for that shit

if chernobyl actually happened and was as bad as they say, how come they didn't shut down the other 400 plants around the world?

Are you retarded? There are photos in the article. The myth that they died 10 days later was propagated by Pravda newspaper to which Ananenko gave interview in May 1986.


Shoot enough gamma particles at the electronics and eventually the silicon lattice will be disrupted enough for current to not flow properly

why would they

Why do you refuse to do it if it's so easy?
Don't speak Ukrainian? Can't be bothered to check primary sources yourself? :)

so it had to have 6 months of continuous exposure to damage the helicopter? that's not so dangerous

>unironically believes a claim must be disproven, and not proven first
I don't really know what else to say other than you're retarded.

Oh, proofs?

Lol speak English fag

No, the heli crash happened because the pilot did not notice the wire from the crane. It has nothing to do with radiation.

Each time this guy pops up all I can think of is the Just tryna ball with my bros guy

i already beat proofs-user here.

no need to discuss this any further, he already conceded the argument.

e n g l i s h
Stop cherrypicking faggot.

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Anyone else want to become one with Reactor-Chan?


Yeah but those faggots will believe anything, if you can make them believe in flat earth, you can do everything.

When are we gonna see some tits

So with all the nuclear physicists discussing this matter and no one thought their flashlights could break down?

yes, i proved it already.

Maybe not the absolute most kino scenes of this kinofest but can we take a moment to appreciate all the scenes involving helicopters?
I don't know what it is but they really filmed them in a way that was either super immersive and realistic (most of the on-board scenes) or extra kino (those shots from the ground through the forest's foliage). It probably helps that these are some of the biggest helicopters in the wolrd (Mi-6, Mi-8 and later Mi-26), giving a real sense of majesty, especially when they're flying in formation.

Attached: kinocopter.png (1368x696, 1M)



Prove it


>how do they do vomiting in tv shows

Attached: NYC.jpg (640x429, 92K)

The secretary of the fat bloke had a thick ass. Too bad she doesn't get much screen time.

i already did. next question

you do know if you super heat water you get hydrogen

Alright, last post for you because I'll literally get insane with this shit
A secondary source, like that book in question, is sufficient proof. A primary source for information is plain fact. In the case of proving if someone is alive or dead, what would be sufficient proof for you? A picture? A death certificate? An id? An interview in a book? The point is, all of these are acceptable by default. If you choose to doubt them, you have to prove that they are indeed fake.

is that even a real last name??

Demon Core. US scientists fucked around with it and had 2 accidents.

They were dealing with something that had never occurred on this planet before

oh yeah, the famous soviet ukrainian civil registration written in english

Not a scientist but I'm sure the explosion would be caused by the large amount of water. Making bombs with hundreds of tonnes worth of water isn't very useful as they could not be launched.