Why is it when someone makes a movie that even remotely puts jews in a bad position(which this movie hasn't even come out yet) the media goes batshit crazy??? I've never seen any media complaining about race mixing movies or white males getting belittled and degraded in movies and shows(which are too many to count) why is this?
Why is it when someone makes a movie that even remotely puts jews in a bad position(which this movie hasn't even come...
Other urls found in this thread:
I see their point of view honestly. The fact that the most famous anti-semite in hollywood decided to make a movie called "Rothschild" is like an Onion headline and it made me lel
Why are you incels so obsessed with jews?
based mel
Why are the K*kes so threatened by Mel?
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Has a retarded son
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie written and directed by a JEW. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
When will he make a movie about tranny nazis?
cope harder kike
Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?
Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people
Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oy vey!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes
It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.
Don't believe your story desu
You know why this is
We ALL know why this is
Have HRT
interesting fantasy, jew
don't have sex
what constitutes a "huge backlash"?
>It's a JIDF containment thread
based /pol/
cope tranny
there isn't any. People on twitter posting shit mainly. It's just incels making shit up to be offended.
it's over exaggerated but there is some truth in it especially since the USA is basically bank rolling israel
imagine almost having your race exterminated by trannies, lol what a weak and pathetic people the jews are.
1% of Israel's GDP is from US aid. How is that "bankrolling"?
>drink milk because it "triggers libtards"
I bet they don't even spike it with synthemesc the cowards
>Why is it when someone makes a movie that even remotely puts jews in a bad position(which this movie hasn't even come out yet) the media goes batshit crazy??? I've never seen any media complaining about race mixing movies or white males getting belittled and degraded in movies and shows(which are too many to count) why is this?
check out the JIDF censorship in this thread
you can literally call for white genocide and say "it's a good thing"
but to simply point out that a jew is a jew is a hate crime, we are living in clown world
i'm amazed how strong gibson is to endure this long
But the holocaust never happened I thought....
I wish it did
Nope. Holohoax never happened. German trannies got btfo by jewish bolsheviks
PROVE to me the holocaust is real or gtfo
If you had sex you'd be less angsty about Jews
I just saw a dude outside a frat house last week pounding beers in a dress while his pals laughed and they all played some kind of ball game.
Do you think he was a homo?
If you do, then unfortunately YOU are the homo, that's just normal male bonding.
you're a busy little beaver huh
>i post it
>theyre obsessed!
you wish you were a woman too
neither will happen tho
That's not true. If you found love you wouldn't be so nihilistic
>/pol/ fags think it's "normal" to dress in drag and have gay sex with each other
lmao you really are just a bunch of pillowbiters
cool it with the gay porn bud
>Be butthurt about jews
>get told repeatedly to "have sex"
>Think they're JIDF trying to trick me
>Can't stop thinking about jews 24/7
>The seething rage and obsession is affecting my physical health
>Doctor tells me to go out more
>had sex finally
>stopped being butthurt about jews.
>lack of butthurt reduced my autism and allowed me to make friends
>social connections from friends helped me get a job
>got enough money for gym membership and am not a fatass anymore
>Met a coworker and am now starting a family
I know people won't believe me, but it really works. Just try it!
Confirmed single digit body count
He just had his niece shit on him bruh
>angry incel noises
You think it's one bored Jew that posts all this shit, or a discord group?
Except you really have to kind of wonder how exactly this narrative works:
>Um excuse me, Jews don't control the media and banks that is clearly an anti-Semetic and racist conspiracy theory that only crazy people say!
>Also there really is a wealthy Jewish media & banking dynasty called the Rothschild family that this movie is skirting dangerously close to portraying and we can't have that.
It's literally saying a thing is a conspiracy, but also don't make jokes or scripts that are kinda similar to it because there are real people that actually do exactly what the conspiracy suggests and you can't talk about it at all.
whoa buddy, cool it with antisemitism okay bud?
Rothchilds are a boogeyman for those who don't lose their virginity before the age of 18. Are very anti-climatic once you actually read into them beyond "x comically absurd thing /pol/ told me they did"
This is the worst board on the entire site, and that's counting /trash/
cant quell the mel
What do you think about the Sassoons?
Its the only religion centered around a race... or bloodline rather, so even to just be against the religion means antisemitism. Israel is their ethnostate. The religion is about separating themselves from the rest of humanity, as they think they are gods chosen people, this instills an us against them mentality. It lets the most evil of them hide behind the good jews and the victimization of the jews in the past as well as lets them justify exploitation and subjugation of the masses. Of the one percent of America; those elite rich folks, 90% of them are jews, yet jews only make up 2% of the poplulation. All organized religion needs to be forgotten.
Doesn't explain why incels specifically screech about them 24/7
That may be true, it may not. I'm gonna guess you'll say that George Soros isn't a real person and is just a made-up Nazi fiction too but whatever.
My real question is, if so, why is the media so mad about criticizing them in a movie? Why are they beyond criticism, or even looking at?
>Mel Gibson is a virgin
The brain of Discord trannies, everyone.
You get your had sex card revoked after your wife cucks you for a black guy, which happened to Gibson
He even has a half-black son.
I'm tired of Jews.
My only hope now is that they go full "scorpion and frog".
they created the Illuminati, Communism and Israel
and your virginity
>Rothchilds are a boogeyman
Imagine being this stupid
If this isn't nominated for an Oscar in any way this will just prove Gibson is telling the truth. Screen shot this post.
>Rich guy concerned about economics
>"It's chilling"
Weird how 1 family is apparently behind everything that has ever happened for 2,000 years and yet there's not 1 reliable document or testimony that demonstrates any of it. Just conspiracy theory youtube vids and the ravings of the most socially despised and maladjusted groups.
>Your life experiences magically disappear because some delusional tranny says they do under its arbitrary reasons
Fucking kek. Also nice fan fiction about an imaginary half black son.
That first tweet has a point, though.
go to bed mel, it's not the jews fault your wife cucked you
His last name is literally Gib-Son. His cuckoldry is written in the stars
Its not like Soros is openly spending billions to change values in the west to weaken every part of society and getting away with it?
>why do people not want to conspiratards portraying them as comicbook tier supervillains on big screen
Really makes you think.
Soros isn't a rothchild, and he's hated in Israel and funds anti-Israeli groups. So...
>person spends money on causes he thinks are important
cool. Weird how 1 family is apparently behind everything that has ever happened for 2,000 years and yet there's not 1 reliable document or testimony that demonstrates any of it. Just conspiracy theory youtube vids and the ravings of the most socially despised and maladjusted groups.
Incels don't have a mainstream media platform, Jews who whine about being victimized do.
>What is the balfour declaration?
Im sure hes very emotinally invested in financing small extremist groups after he got much of his fortune by fucking up economies without care?
So because Incels can't get real jobs they're bitchy about Jews? I still don't get it.
How is this documentation/testimony that the Rothchilds are behind even 10% of what incels claim they are?
Incels/pol/whatever are jealous of Jews. They're everything they wish to be. They work together as a group, have achieved world domination, enslave lesser/dumber races, have a flourishing militaristic ethnostate, etc.
Meanwhile they drown themselves in corn syrup in opioids.
Therein lies the incel angst with jews
Seems to mostly be screeching incels.
>why is it that Jews don't want attention drawn to their abnormally high positions in media, journalism, and banking?
I wonder how many new "social issues" they have created solely just to hide that fact.
Literally and unironically kill yourself.
Then what's wrong with making a comedy about them?
Looks promising, but will it top the original?
#1 R rated movie of all time, brah.
I showed some of my coworkers the "who controls your mind 2013" infographic and they were like "damn." Feels good to be nonwhite and not have Nazi screamed at me for dropping red pills.
They're not responsible for your virginity if that's what you're going on about again
>b-but they accomplish those things through hard work and not shady tactics like nepotism!
>however every single u.s. president being male is a sign of injustice, sweaty
Seems like a weird thing to make a comedy over and will probably just a soapbox for conspiracy nonsense. But w/e we have free speech still
They literally have white people and black people at each other's throats just to hide the fact that the reason both communities are screwed over is the tribe
You sound like a black talking about whites. weird.
my dad works at nintendo
hello berg-chan.
>/pol/ is shilling for niggers now
lmao I knew you loved the BBC.
the only part of this I believed is you not being white.
If you want to know who rules over you...
ooga booga where muh gibs
Imagine stereotyping a race as being your supermen masters. You cucks really are self-hating.
I never post on /pol/ you fat retard.
I see the nose is triggered.
Was this more nazi pro-homosexual propaganda? I know most nazi's were gay so I'm suspicious of what they make
go cry for more affirmative action to compensate for that low IQ.
No one gets butthurt about Oliver Stone's promotion of silly conspiracy theories in JFK. What's the difference?
whatever you say elijah.
It produced significant controversy you're just a dumb zoomer
why can't you get a real job instead of demanding gibs from jews?
nobody seems that mad over this either beyond some tweets. It's mostly incels screeching faux outrage over fake outrage over this it seems.
Oy, enough with the anti antisemitism already.
Hi ESL Israeli piece of shit.
do you want affirmative action or something to compete with Jews?
>getting this defensive over nazi's being fags
don't you have some bloody baby dicks to suck?
Wut? I just asked why you can't get a job instead of demanding money from jews. Stop projecting your pedo fantasies onto me sicko
it's not the jews fault you can't get a real job. It's because of your double digit IQ and degenerate obese lifestyle
>the ezekiel COPE
No, I wouldn't mind an end to nepotism though.
Nobody cares today. And despite criticism of the movie, I don't believe anyone ever made the case that the JFK assassination should be off limits for film.
didn't you /pol/ pedos already spam this shit before and jannies deleted it?
Not everyone is into this fetish man. Get a grip. Now don't go and blame the Jews for your degeneracy again
>muh nepotism! It has nothing to do with IQ and culture! DEY CHEATIN!
literally what niggers say about whites. rly makes me think.
>twitter isn't used by major news networks
>twitter hasn't caused anyone to lose their job and social standing.
most /pol/ posters are pedos and when you point this out they start screaming about jews. It's truly bizarre.
>just ignore how corrupt the rothschilds are, have underage sex instead
Makes sense
Why do you scream about jews when people call out your pedophilia?
If you had sex you'd lose your angst about jews, yeah
And it isn't underaged sex if you're the same age. You're such a warped pedo you don't understand the concept of normal consensual sex between teenagers. Yikes!
Jews do control Hollywood, it's just the ones in charge don't really care what Mel said 15 years ago
Gross jew-obsessed pedo
This user was absolutely right
Imagine losing a debate to a jew and getting so buttmad you write up this essay about how it doesn't count because he was mean or w/e
Jonah Hill was working as a server at a restaurant when Steven Spielberg met him. What do you think made Senior Spieldbergo give him a second thought?
Seriously dude every Jew in the United States gets a free trip to Israel. Name me another ethnic group that gets free trips across the globe for every member.
You are obviously a virgin, virgins think getting laid means your life changes
it's not the jews fault you're a tranny we've been over this already
Niggers do the same thing, except with whites.
Racism doesn't exist anymore.
I wasn't aware I was in a debate, seeing that I only posted once.
Lots of actors are discovered as nobody's. But here it's a nefarious conspiracy. Weird!
Dragged Across Concrete was great. You should all watch it.
>you're the pedo, not the ones sucking baby dicks
lmao, copeberg.
I mean it is literally an IQ issue
sorry that math is triggering man.
Why are you pedos so obsessed with jews? I don't get it? Do you think this jewish guy that supposedly did this justifies your behavior?
Kikes on sucide watch
Thank you based Mel
>thread completely derailed
Another job well done by the JIDF
How much gay sex is in this? I know the nazi's were fairys but am not into that sort of thing
dilate tranny
Shut up and have sex, you dick-splicing niggerfaggot kike
It’s a major step of maturity, which is why you incels are so emotionally stunted
He's not even the producer or director, or writer
He's just an actor.
Hitler had pedo sex. What's the problem? I thought you creatures liked it
Jews usually go rabid when you call them out. Projection is how they deflect. There are several examples here.
Call them Jews and they get even more angry lol
lmao try again.
keep going, berg-chan.
>How has no one ever taken down this group that has never been taken down if it's been around for so long precisely because they've grown powerful to evade being taken down?
The very name Rothschild is anti-Semitic and inappropriate for a dark comedy. The Rothschilds don't even exist anymore.
A guy I know looks Jewish but isn't. When he first started working his new job, the Jews that worked there approached him to join their outings and such. He let them know where he was from and that he was not a jew, and they never talked to him about it again. That was our one chance to infiltrate their cabal.
don't forget this is who you're arguing with:
>tfw kikes get more triggered if they're pointed out than poos do if you make a poo in loo joke
For 50 cents a post, I would shill anything they wanted and retire in a few years.
The Rothschilds are the sole financiers and designers of the Supreme Court of Israel, Dorothy Rothschild to be specific, which has a giant pyramid with all-seeing-eyes on each side. Why? In 1962 Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion said that this Supreme Court, which hadn't been built, would come to control Global Law.
The Rothschilds own Genie Energy with Rupert Murdoch and Dick Cheney, which has exclusive oil contracts in the Golan Heights which is Syrian land but now literally called "Trumpville."