Is Room any good? All I know is Brie won the Oscar for it

Is Room any good? All I know is Brie won the Oscar for it.

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Now do her feet

White women are so fucking cute.


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I think its worth seeing.

Room and Short Term 12 are her best movies

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Unironically yes. I almost done cried.

It's an okay movie. Entertaining enough to catch your attention. The boy character is enraging tho.

I'd smash

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She's a cunt, but yes, it's good

Legit thought it was a girl and she just told the guy it's a boy so he wouldn't bang her too.

Word. She may be a cunt, but those movies are great and she cemented her status as the best actress under 40 with them.

>people form waifuist obsessions with middling attractive actresses in direct response to their being bashed here
can someone explain this phenomenon? i don't understand waifuism in general but i find this particularly strange

Any more good webms?
I hate this bitch but I would hate fuck the shit out of her.

seconded Short Term 12 was fucking great

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would smash my face into those boobies and then kiss and rub her feet while we watch Captain Marvel together for 117th time

Yes, Room is good, just don't pay for it.

Have you seen her feets?

Room is very good but not because of Brie.
The boy was much more interesting.

Yes. I also had sex last night.

Mommy Brie.

>he finds the boy more interesting than the woman
This does not surprise me in the least.


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>ywn have qt bimbo half-french gf
Why even?

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>be woman
>don't want to be sexualised
>proceed to get a boob job and wear revealing clothing

That shit's for show.

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Wtf I love basic white bitches now

It was the second best movie of 2015 imo.

hate fuck is best fuck

It's good for a one-time watch but nothing I'll see
multiple times.

where's AOC?

Stuck up men hating bitches being whores is hot af.

Room was such an incredibly stupid movie filled with incredibly stupid people. It's hard deciding who was dumber, the mom, the kid or the kidnapper. Probably the mom because her dumbass got kidnapped.

In the House of Representatives. What have you achieved, user?

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>It's hard deciding who was dumber, the mom, the kid or the kidnapper
Tell you who was dumber. The moron on Yea Forums who can't suspend his disbelief for a fucking piece of fictional celluloid.

You should've just told him to have sex. Even the dumb kidnapper got some.

And I'll tell you to suck my dick.

Kys, but also checked.

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>mfw i can't masturbate to this because i know the guy is chris kattan and she's making these faces at him

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Yup, pretty much. Which is why her casting was so strange for CM. Then she became insufferable, so it was lose her in good movies, lose a capeshit movie to a miscast lead, and then lose her as a person when she acted like a victim.

If you were a cannibal, would you eat her? Be honest.

While I don't despise her, I sometimes wonder if everyone, including her, would've been happier if she just stuck to under the radar indie kinos.

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It was pretty good. I didn't think she deserved an Oscar for it. William H Macy dindu nuffin in this movie too.

Watching her get raped is surprisingly unsatisfying actually

WTF I like her now