Mr. Disney... I don't feel so hot
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Looks like something out a cheap TV series.
Looks like a Bollywood film
Why does this look like a cheapo bollywood movie from Poundland?
Black man as an Arab slave. How progressive.
why does jasmine have a friend that looks related to jaffar who is encouraging her to hook up with aladdin?
Palette cleanser
It’s a shame Will Smith didn’t hang accidentally hang himself during that scene like his predecessor.
cool your charge, edgelord
Did they have Africans in the Middle East back then?
Fuck you, Will
>Sunday sallam joke ruined for muslim fanservice
>singing about mammals while the ostriches run by
>dialing down the tempo for no particular reason except that the fresh prince is too old to do it right
>the singing at fucking all
There were asians though and they’ve been replaced by niggers
even wh*tes are over represented compared to the real genetic make up
Thanks friend.
They mostly look like Indians. Just thought it was funny seeing so many Kangz.
even the broadway show with a nigger rapping genie maintained the sunday joke
hilarious that they went out of their way to rewrite it
i bet they remove the classic monkey line too
History will not look kindly upon these disney remakes
Fuck, no.
Whites, Arabs, and Asians only during Medieval Middle East.
honestly, whats the joke in "Sunday Salaam"? Its literally just fixing an error as the original writers assumed Sunday was the day of rest for muslims. I hate islam but this is literally the most petty thing to whine about.
Such a joy to watch after all these years. Brings a smile
Let's be honest, a Bollywood studio with a Disney budget would have made a much better job of it than this
>No crazy shit happening
>Genie isn't zipping around the place whispering in the ears of everyone else to make it seem like Ali is some hotshot that everyone else knows.
>No giant over the top visuals while subtly making Ali more impressive with touchups
>No acts to get the people on his side so you get why they're cheering him on
I mean we knew it was going to suck but you'd have to try not to let Smith pretend to be someone else.
history doesn't matter, it's just about recycling the same shit for every new generation that doesn't know any better
I've always wanted the Sultan to fuck me bad
>Its literally just fixing an error as the original writers assumed Sunday was the day of rest for muslims
It's not an error, it's a joke.
I'n not going to see this movie, just because Jasmine doesn't show her middrif
It's a play on the idea that you put on your "Sunday best" for a special occasion, which while yes, being derived from a Christian holy day was only in reference to the degree to which one displays their formality. It's only a joke because "Sunday salaam" doesn't actually mesh with the notion of "Sunday best" because the people that typically do salaams don't recognize Sunday as anything at all. It's a continuation of the perpetual bombardment of modern anachronisms from Genie, and now you've ruined it by making me explain it.
A salaam is a greeting, often of reverence, in Arabic cultures. A "Sunday Salaam" calls to mind one's "Sunday best", referring to church clothes. If "Sunday Salaam" was chosen to mean that Sunday is their specific day of reverence, that would mean that Agrabah is a Christian nation, as Islam's Sabbath day is Friday, and Judaism's Sabbath day is Saturday. The spread of Islam took place between 622 and 900 AD, and this is clearly not a modern day, secular country that these people are living in.
I can only conclude that after the events of the Aladdin movies/TV show, either Muhammad himself, or the Rashidun/Umayyad caliphate, will roll into Agrabah and convert it to Islam, either peacefully, or by force. And considering the movie showed us that this is a world in which cars, and Disneyworld, will exist at some point, implying it is indeed our world, and our world has no record of a nation called Agrabah existing, the odds of peaceful conversion are pretty low for them.
normies will eat it up like capeshit
you are a literal brainlet
dumbo didn't do so well
I'm even willing to suspend my belief that it doesn't get better since it's literally just the first minute or so of the act, but there's so much wrong with that minute I have very low expectations.
it looks so fucking slow and boring.
The trailer I saw during Endgame seemed okay. Though the only thing I can remember about it was berserker Iago.
just compare what happens in the same first minute of the animated one
The first time I watched it I cringed
Liked it the second time though. It has a happy, lighthearted vibe, the colours they used are super appealing and well coordinated.
Yes. Not many and they were almost all slaves, but yes.
t. gay
And even that can be written off as "there's only so much you can do in live action and they can't blow their CGI budget wad too early", but again... Basically no expectations. It's going to suck for anyone who's seen the original.
they'll watch it just to see will smith as genie and just so they can talk about it with friends
>the first time I watched it I remembered it'd been done before
>the second time I pretended I was single-digit zoomer trash watching it for the first time
not really. Bollywood films have interesting camera angles and very This just felt so flat and static.
>since it's literally just the first minute or so of the act,
But that minute has all the big visuals and Genie convincing the crowd of Prince Ali's fame, the only parts left are showing off his stuff. Even if its just the first minute it's missing the crucial element of Genie turning into crowd members while he sings about Ali and in the live action he just SAYS "Strong as ten normal men definitely" instead of you know, showing it off with a little touch of magic help. Wouldn't even have been that hard to have someone drop down from the gate behind him with a little Genie push and then have the actor 'lift' those ten guys without a problem.
They fucked up everything.
>I'n not going to see this movie, just because Jasmine doesn't show her middrif
Same. Jasmine was best girl and they ruined her.
>there's only so much you can do in live action
Then they should not have done the live action version in the first place.
Dude, classic Disney Renaissance is like a shot of fucking heroin compared to all this live-action reboot shit.
I can actually feel my soul regenerating.
It looks like garbage.
Okay, I fibbed a little.
Nearly no blacks.
But, this:
The few that were there were eunuch slaves.
>And even that can be written off as "there's only so much you can do in live action and they can't blow their CGI budget wad too early"
No it can't, you can just have Genie vanish with some staging and a guy/kid appear with Will Smiths' voice during the bragging scene, you literally do not need CGI period for those parts and it would cost as much as him standing there in the middle and singing it. You don't even have to have Willy dress up, just have an actor with blue tinted eyes or something sing in Wills voice and people will get it.
Disney Renaissance was when color and beauty were not yet considered evil. Modern Disney has embraced slave morality. Strength and color and passion are no longer virtues to them. They have gone from a celebration of the universal spirit to a cynical, trite, condemnation of it garbed in the flayed skins of the works of their more talented predecessors.
>Boy, genuflect
lmao what
Jeb Bush energy. Very sad.
>slower than original
>somehow even gayer than the original, not inn a good way
>lifeless, soulles, awkward
>like a rich preppu high school play with lots of production value and the popular kids in starring roles, but there's no spirit, no drive, no real vision
>muted and washed out colors (to be expected on digshital)
Why do they have to keep ruining their own most beloved movies of all time.
Just imagine how bad they butchered Friend Like Me...
>mfw I tried to give live action disney schlock the benefit of the doubt
Play it in 1.25x speed
Who's the cutie? Jasmine's sister? slave?
To each their own I guess. I'm not looking forward to the film and will probably never watch a live action Disney movie, but I can see that this clip has merit. Anyone ITT that says it's straight trash probably doesn't actually know what makes a scene technically good or competent.
all these adult chantards getting uppity about a kids movie
when normies open their eyes to jew influence, we can start having kino again
poo in loo
This is better than the animated film why?
Ethiopians, Sudanese, Malians, Mauritanians and Somalis have been in the middle East since pre antiquity...
>you can just have Genie vanish with some staging and a guy/kid appear with Will Smiths' voice during the bragging scene,
>A random user immediately fixed the issue without a single cent spent on budget and the only thing required is asking a dancer to move in front of Will for a sec and for another actor to appear in the crowd
Fuck you
Nasim Pedrad
let her be jaffar's sex slave, please
Probably the evil European princess that came with her brother to colonize the place. Yes this is an actual plot point in the remake. Disney realized that their target audience wouldn't want to watch something with no white people in it, but would also be offended if the white people were good.
this is literally, literally the definition of soulless
Not a lot of magic on this, compared to the original.
Recent evidence is casting doubt that the flow of migration went that way last I heard. The Urheimat of the Afro-asiatic languages is now thought to be in Assyria IIRC.
based and inshallah my brother
>Anyone ITT that says it's straight trash probably doesn't actually know what makes a scene technically good or competent.
It is straight trash because it's repeating a scene, but worse. Imagine 1-1 repeating the "I am your father" scene with an obvious CGI setting, the actor sounds wooden, and instead of going "NOOOOOO!" he just jumps and we never see his reaction. 1, why the fuck are you repeating this scene anyway, 2, if you're going to copy it, why are you copying it WORSE? You have the baseline of how to do this good! You know what needs to be done! Just don't fuck it up, that's all it takes!
Not only is it bad because its bereft of creativity, and its just plain a bad recreation of something 20 years old.
this makes me smile
this makes me feel like throwing up
>tranny genie
I don't like alternative lyrics
top notch production value
isn’t jasmine supposed to be a friendless shut in virgin put off by aladdin’s spectacle? why is she friends with a roast?
I still love that game.
Because delicate wall dressing tower princesses aren't PC.
How the FUCK does Robin Williams sing better than Will Smith. Will Smith literally had a career as a singer(rapper).
Elephants better be real elephants and not CGI, if Bollywood films can afford elephants so can a Disney movie.
Don't tell /vr/ they'll call you a pleb for not preferring the SNES version
Except elephants are indigenous to India and it would cost a fuckton to get one that doesn't look like it's been psychologically abused for a disney movie.
>how the fuck does a classic actor sing better than some nigger mumbling discorded sentences
how indeed
Where's all the magic?
>how can he not sing
>career as rapper
There's your problem.
Robin Williams was a Julliard trained performer. Will Smiff has always been a meme, "white people safe" rappist.
those people just seem like terrible actors
they're even worse in the actual scene
This is based. It's actually twice as good. Much more fun, lively, and energetic in x1.25.
Still shit, though.
Why does she look like brown Maggie Gyllenhal?
This looks like a porn parody. Why can't Hollywood make good musicals anymore?
>Killed seventy Turks
What? Just no, when the story was written Turks were living somewhere in Siberia and nobody hadn't heard from them.
sad that literal drawings have more soul than real people
>psychologically abused for a disney movie.
So, they'll psychology abuse the audience with this shit but not some pachyderms?
I hate it bros, i'm Arab and these Jews are just shitting on my culture
I'm just saying, it's probably more expensive than CGI.
>Film Prince Ali sequance in India
Problem solved.
Why is it so fucking slow? What is this garbage, I sped it up to 1.25x and it sounds fucking miles better
>those dislikes
not even normies like it, there's still hope in the world
They could if they loved you
With live action you can't fully recreate what make the animated scene good, but recreating it isn't pointless either. There's so much exaggeration in animation, live action can't compete there. So the live action version needs to be good on different terms, and play to its own strengths. What you're doing is lambasting the live action version for lacking the animated one's strengths, while completely ignoring the strengths of the newer version.
I keked, I cringed, and keked some more.
Will should really stick to rapping. He's not a very impressive singer.
This looks so cheap and fake...
Stop asking disney to burn barrels of trash on good ideas, it's not going to happen.
So Gen-X took over basically
Gettin' Genie wid it!
>Arab Culture
>Not Persian culture
>doesn't even know the original Aladdin was Chinese in the story
Get fucked, Ahmed.
>strengths of the newer version.
Such as?
I liked the SNES version too.
its all so tiresome
name ONE strength about the newer version then
>genie not breaking time showing things that shouldn't exist yet
what's the point
Not this time I don’t think. The trailer got mostly negative reactions and most normies I know think it looks bad. And they thought Beauty and the Beast was great. They’ll eat up Lion King though.
That’s literally the look it’s going for lol
You had me up to "strengths".
now you see why anime is the superior form of visual medium
Also, if it wasn't for Jews, we wouldn't have the original Disney-animated classic Aladdin, nor any of the original Disney Renaissance movies. Directors, producers, artists, animators, composers, voice actors, littered with Jews.
Nothing to do with being ((JEWISH)) and has everything to do with ((Zionist Cultural Marxist Globalist Plutocratic Oligarchic Capitalist Corporatists)), and these people are both Jew and Gentile. It's just the disease of modern Hollywood today.
>Mommy, why is genie so slow and tired?
>not blue
>With live action you can't fully recreate what make the animated scene good, but recreating it isn't pointless either.
>You can't make it good but you should still copy it
The fuck
>So the live action version needs to be good on different terms, and play to its own strengths
Okay, so play to the fact that everything is real and the trickery can be more grounded and subtle. Animation has limits to how a crowd can react when a character interacts with them, live action does not. Rather than play up this strength to show a ripple effect of the descriptions in the song or the displays of strength that can be present, they chose to focus entirely on a character standing in the middle of the scene and singing. They're ignoring the one strength they have, that their moving people don't have to be constrained to small sizes in order for them to react, in favor of fucking nothing.
>What you're doing is lambasting the live action version for lacking the animated one's strengths,
Yes, because its not just ignoring the more basic stuff like music or movement, its missing the basic strengths universe in all mediums and most importantly it misses the point of that scene. Genie in this scene is hyping up Prince Ali to be this bigger than life being, but rather than focus on the common folk hearing of them from Genie or "Not-Genie" in the crowd and they come to grow and be excited, we just get Will Smith standing there, singing, and one shot of someone on a balcony kinda grooving to the song.
This version lacks not only the animated versions strengths, it lacks the basic strengths displayed by that version that would have been simplicity itself to recreate and shows a failure on the director, the choreographer, and just everyone involved for missing such basic things even a child who looks suspiciously like Will Smith could have told them.
>The trailer got mostly negative reactions
from who? i see mostly positive
They cast this younger guy as Jafar because there's going to be a feminist fueled sub story between Jasmine, and Jafar for control, and power of Agrabah. The Sultan is going to want to marry her off so Agrabah can have a new male leader, but new feminist Jasmine is going to be all about "Fuck that, I wanna rule Agrabah by my self because I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man"
Jasmine trying to take power from a man that's her equal aka a male more her own age is a more powerful feminist statement than if she was trying to take control of Agrabah from some older creepy male villain. This is the real reason we are getting a young hunky Jafar instead of a more sinister, movie accurate looking Jafar.
>It's just a live-action 1:1 remake of the original
What's the fucking point? Is there anything original at all?
>Jafar looks younger and more handsome than Aladdin
He's supposed to be a sleezy oldfuck. Not a chad wtf
Dalia, Jasmine's handmaiden.
Apparently she ends up with the Genie.
Yeah, what the fuck, I was waiting at least a bit of magic, I honestly thought they would shove some 200x/201x references, like genie on his smarthphone, rapping, even Fortnite dances.
I mean those are bad examples, but anything that would make the movie have a soul.
why they both white
the one time its actually appropriate to brown things up and they cast white people
>asking for originality in the live-action reboot
Yeah, sure! Big heapings of brand new SJW cultural marxist radical feminist propaganda!
>"Fuck that, I wanna rule Agrabah by my self because I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man"
pretty sure she would have gotten stoned for a statement like this, but fuck historical context right
>even the few things we were expecting to be enjoyably shitty and cheesy aren't there
Jafar looks a like a fucking 30 year old pussy who was cast to give woman wet over a hunky bad guy, 50 shades of gray style. The actor they got for him looks really bland, and unintimidating. OG Jafar was iconic, this dude just looks like a background extra, and has the voice to match.
>cheap is the look they want
yeah thats smart
that looks like trite, soulless direct-to-dvd trash.
at least Uwe Boll would have made it edgy.
The colours are a lot better.
Smoother/more interesting camera movements/panning.
Because it's live action you can have a lot more intricate detail in the shots, and do more with characters' wardrobes. This also means the shot composition is more elaborate, at least when it comes to detail. For 2D animation everything is made as simple as humanly possible to make it easier to animate/for the audience to read.
The animated version has a lot of jarring visual errors (a.k.a. shitty drawings/perspective) if you have an eye for it. The smiling elephant and establishing shot of the desert village are good examples. Naturally the live action version won't have that by default (same thing with 3D animation, which is why people tend to say it 'it looks better').
Those are the four that stick out most to me, if I put time into it I'd probably be able to find other things as well. Honestly I'm surprised you people can't figure out a single thing that's better.
>she ends up with the Genie
Wow in 32 why would i give a shit one way or another about a kids movie?
again, see:
It's not ((JEWS)) necessarily that are the issue here, just the most extremist Jewish, namely ZIONIST ideology, a mentality that is shared by certain powerful Jews and gentiles alike.
Again, the Disney Renaissance wouldn't have been possible without Jews. But they were edeljudes, not the shit we have today,
so is his parrot gonna talk in this remake or is disney too lazy for that?
redpillme on edeljudes
Man you had to dig hard to come up with that shit, lol
this sucks too!
The colours are a lot better.
LOL. Fucking most wrong thing I've heard all year.
>Smoother/more interesting camera movements/panning.
>a physical camera is moother than fucking animated imaginary camera
>Because it's live action you can have a lot more intricate detail in the shots, and do more with characters' wardrobes. This also means the shot composition is more elaborate, at least when it comes to detail. For 2D animation everything is made as simple as humanly possible to make it easier to animate/for the audience to read.
This is so wrong I don't even know where to being Also, you're confusing "simple" with "efficient" and "iconic". Don't you DARE suggest that this steaming pile of camel shit compares one iota in production value to all the hard work that went into making the original animated Aladdin.
>The animated version has a lot of jarring visual errors (a.k.a. shitty drawings/perspective) if you have an eye for it.
The charm makes it magical, cartoony, and memorable, the FEW times there are 'mistakes' like that.
>The smiling elephant and establishing shot of the desert village are good examples. Naturally the live action version won't have that by default (same thing with 3D animation, which is why people tend to say it 'it looks better').
The CGI looks abominable. It's all uncanny valley. Fuck off.
My laughter can be heard all thew way from fucking Agrabah.
>The colours are a lot better.
the colors look like bland shit
now don't tell me the original is too colorful, it's made for literal children.
>Smoother/more interesting camera movements/panning.
there's nothing interesting going on in that scene
>Because it's live action you can have a lot more intricate detail in the shots
great, a lot of shit going on at the same time and you don't know where to concentrate
>The only white guy in the movie is a corny arrogant loser that tries to win Jasmines hand, but gets rejected by her hard.
What did nu-Disney mean by this?
Robin carries this movie so hard it's impossible to imagine the live action sell out shit being decent.
>historical context
This. Gaston and Scar's casting have been equally disappointing. Why do they do this?
La La Land is okay
>Arabs aren't white
Ha ho kay
even fairy tales can be set in a specific time? how is that hard to understand?
imagine actually paying for this
Why does everyone pretend like this is bad, but the other live action films werent equally laughable?
so mary poppins bombed
that whinnie the pooh thing bombed
i think there were like 2 others that bombed
how do they keep greenlighting this
imagine having children
Can this Jafar even sing Humiliate the Boy?
And just to top it all off we aren't even getting a sexy midriff revealing Jasmine.
>More adult live action version
>can't show Jasmines midriff
>Belly dance, also referred to as Arabic dance (Arabic: رقص شرقي, translit. Raqs sharqi, literally: "oriental dancing"), is an Arabic expressive dance
>Disney's new Jasmine on the left
>cover up Aladdin's chest with a gay shirt
The fucking early 90s cartoon was allowed to be more edgy than the more "adult" live action remake.
That Jafar lookin like a full course meal. Aladdin is cute too.
>we aren't even getting a sexy midriff revealing Jasmine
it's so dry and soulless
where is the magic? isnt that disney's brand?
Will 'Low energy, no vibrato' Smith.
Arabs were literally the first people to use Sub-Saharans as slaves.
And blacks in eastern africa have arab mixed dna in them
I don't pretend that. I think they're all shit, some even more shit than others.
>Disney fantasy adventure.
>Takes place in a fictional city called Agrabah
>Arabs were literally the first people to use Sub-Saharans as slaves.
Besides other Sub-Saharans, of course.
>Not Gilbert
Fuck that.
You're wrong, though.
Literally Jews that dont 'act like Jews', the negative caricature and stereotypes associated with Jewry. Jews that happen to be ethnic Jews, and may even practice some family and spiritual traditions etc., but don't believe in extremist Jewish/Zionist ideology. They aren't for the current fascist Israel state, they don't have any larger plot for power or world domination, they don't think Jews are better than everybody else, etc. I could list thousands of such people. Here's only a few: Jesus Christ, Bob Dylan, Stan Lee, Alan Menken, Rod Serling, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Albert Einstein, Baruch de Spinoza, Niels Bohr, Levi Strauss, George Gershwin, Jonas Salk, Groucho Marx, Stephen Spielberg, Harry Houdini, Howard Stern, Geddy Lee, Noam Chomsky, Mel Brooks, Paul Simon, Joey Ramone, Randy Newman, Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, all edeljudes. And those are only to name a few.
Hell, Gilbert Gottfried, the original voice of Iago. Jew.
Also, I'm against nationalist/Zionist Jews AND George Soros, so bite me.
Holy shit they didn't even try. This is just sad. Here's the original to wash the bad taste out.
these are the kinds of posts I come to this website for
>James Earl Jones gets to come back as Mufasa in the live action Lion King even though he his voice sounds old and weak now.
>Gilbert Gottfried wanted to come back and do live action Iago.
nu-Disney tells Gilbert to get lost, and replaces him. How does this make you feel?
>caring about accuracy to the story
It's like people have never read 1001 Arabian Nights and don't know that in the original the story is eluded to take place in china and not the middle east at all.
Based hivemind. Someone else posted earlier:
I already made this point here:
this post added 900 rpm to nietzsches corpse's yaw, pitch and roll
Did they cut the line about Ali having slaves, servants, and flunkies?
Makes me wish this movie bombs badly and deters Disney from fucking up their classics any further.
how the fuck does a corpse yaw or pitch
The worst part imo is this casting fucks up one of my favorite jokes where the Sultan snaps out of Jafar's trance to tell him he's too old to marry Jasmine.
part of the skull
it's dark down there
This image makes me angery
You're freaking out over a debate about a children's movie. Have some chill dude.
> having worse drawings make a film better because it gives it charm!
lol. I bet you have really great taste in animation user.
> the colors look like bland shit
> now don't tell me the original is too colorful, it's made for literal children.
The colours aren't as saturated, but they're not bland either. The animated film largely uses complementary colours (blue and orange). I say the film does a better job because it has more variation in its colours without them really conflicting, so it looks better from what I can tell.
> there's nothing interesting going on in that scene
To each their own. I think the camera movement is better in the live action version because its movement is 3 dimensional, or will move in 3 dimensions. For 2D animation it tends to be more flat, (it will move in one dimension) which is typically a negative of the medium imo. But if you prefer flatter camera movement then whatever.
> great, a lot of shit going on at the same time and you don't know where to concentrate
But you did. Chances are you understood the scene perfectly well. Lots of detail != impossible to understand; in fact that's an indication of skill, that they can have a lot going on but can still control where your eye lands based off where they place the subject of interest. If you watch the scene again you'll probably notice that your eye immediately goes to where it should. If it was actually poorly done that wouldn't be happening.
>Elephants better be real elephants and not CGI,
>Arabs were literally the first people to use Sub-Saharans as slaves.
other black were the first one, fag
and egyptian, berbers etc. did it before arabs
ancient egyptian had nubian slaves since 5000 years
soul, kino, etc.
Is it just me or does the main character look like Beni?
>You're freaking out over a debate about a children's movie.
>one of the greatest movies of all time, for the whole family, for all ages, for people past, present, and future. A timeless masterpiece
>Children's movie.
Dropped. Don't need to read your long essay of further perpetual bullshit.
Seriously, go die.
It helps that it doesn't just sound like Will Smith yelling shit out, I really hate Iger-era Disney.
The fuck is wrong with you dude? Jesus.
Quick show of hands, who thinks this guy is an asshole and has been wrong about everything he's said?
you both sound like a actual crazy discord trannys
also an obvious redditor
Why isn't he blue?
Is blueface now considered racist?
pretty lousy, thanks for asking
As slaves yes
Its an Iranian story about a Chinese guy....There is zero Arab about Aladdin
>nu-Disney tells Gilbert to get lost, and replaces him. How does this make you feel?
>make him blue
"This looks like shit!"
>take away blue
"No, don't take it away! We want blue, but you did it shit. Make it GOOD blue."
>I just don't know what the public wants. Meh, they're never happy. I'm keeping it like this, and we've already burned too much money trying to change it around
Man, is that all black people have ever been good for?
The public wants them to fuck off with this shitty remake.
I'm pretty sure Disney only made the og Genie blue to avoid getting acussed for racism.
>mfw Will Smith actually went "whoo!"
If there ever was a great opportunity and need for CGI, the djinni is it.
The djinni has to be CGI. bloated, smokelike, no feet, like an upside down McSundae.
More like this, exactly. I just meant that even the little things we expect from them that are no-brainers (whether or not the movie as a whole is actually decent) they still manage to fuck up.
It's an Iranian story about a Chinese guy transported far away to what is likely berber North Africa.
No, djinn are red or blue in the original mythology.
The company died with Roy Disney back in 2009 which meant the Disney family no longer had a real advocate on the board (also the same year Disney bought out Marvel).
Based Prince Ali slaughtered the galloping mongol hordes. Saved us all from KARA BOGA. Live action would submit his asshole.
these live action remakes are like the FIFA video games, why spend money at all when you have this level of automatic purchase / brand recognition? every basic bitch is gonna ask her bf to take her to this shit on the name alone. Free money
>everyone afraid of this being racist when the original story was already 'racist' and included cultural tropes and stereotypes
>dumb SJWs can't comprehend that, yes, sand people can too appropriate other cultures and characters for their own 'colonized' and 'white-washed' stories, that it's not just white people who do this
Can't help but kek.
why is will smith acting so black
wasn't there a time he wasn't considered black cause he acted so white?
>movie where they can and should cast as many brown people as they want and nobody would care
>Cast lightest skined browns or outright whites/jews as leads
Is disney just incompetent?
No, this is accurate. I mean, they weren't THAT dark/brown in the original animated movie. The color of the cast is the least of this movie's many problems.
Blatantly false, its an Iranian story about a Chinese dude, turks from the western steppe raided the area since antiquity
Pretty sad considering that Hollywood has produced the best musicals on flim.
Based and history-pilled.
SJWs tend to think of north Africans as " white" anyway.
Walt thought his nephew was a moron.
It varies but they're often darker in the animated movie than their real life counterparts would be. Which is fine. Jasmine should be sexy milk chocolate
I just realized they're going to replace all the Aladdin performers in the parks with these shitty costumes
>having to do with NA at all
It's either the Middle East or China, can't be anywhere else.
Don't give me that 'shared culture', 'Arab World', "Islamic World' shit. Agrabah, as seen in the original animated movie, has characteristics of Persia, Turkey, Arabia, and India, but not North Africa.
>I mean, they weren't THAT dark/brown in the original animated movie. The color of the cast is the least of this movie's many problems.
Sure, I'm not going to complain about the cast's color, it just strikes me as odd that with how much they love to force diversity into their films, they don't take full advantage of the one time they can do that with little to no upset.
lol that girl is Iranian...white my ass
Nice try Bob
It’s whats gonna get their target demographic (which you’re not a part of).
Literal magic negro.
>Iranian...white my ass
iranians are white
Why didn't they just do a scene for scene version of this like the upcoming Lion King????
Right, because they don't actually give a shit. It's all meme'ing, whatever they think is the hot ticket right now and will make them their money, get them, to reach their goal. For whatever reason, they think the hot-selling thing is everything SJW, PC, cultural marxist, WOKE, radical feminist, etc. They don't practice what they preach beyond appearances. Superficial lip service and virtue-signaling, like most male feminists.
>Talk talk talk, girl power!, you're gonna bone me now, right?
Didnt enforce trash bags as only outfits until it degenerated into what it now is.
Will Smith only dates white chicks in movies.
lmao no, no they aren't. I am Iranian and I have been to Iran. Iranians are not white no matter how badly diaspora fags wish they were. Its ok not to be a vhite boi
*Iranians were white
Fix'd. Just like Indians WERE white, a long time ago.
Iranians started losing their fair, pointed, Aryan features as soon as the darker, olive-complexion Greeks started conquering and mixing with them in the 4th Century B.C. Once the Arabs conquered and started breeding with them in the 7th Century AD, it all went down hill in terms of white racial purity. Then came the Mongols in the 13th Century. And then the Turks a few centuries later. There are a FEW Persians today who have kept most of their white genes, could legitimately pass as European, even have pale skin and light hair and green or blue eyes, but they're far and few in between.
t. Persian
So are we all in agreement?
Don't forget Latina
>>make him blue
>"This looks like shit!"
The problem wasn't that he was blue, it was that it was literally just a blue Will Smith. Taking away the blue is moving even further in the wrong direction.
Right. Exactly. Literally what the rest of my post says.
Reading comprehension has never been your strong suit, huh?
Mine neither.
>you will live to see The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules and Tarzan be given the same treatment as this
I would even argue that there are few Persians who can pass as white. Hell, fucking Ahmadi is a Persian. You need to go into the really insular Iranian ethnic groups like Gilakis. Look at Khamenei, he looks like a white old man if you take him out of his religious garb and he is Azeri. Persians are just too mixed at this point.
Fuck you, they WERE white though, and many of them still are white.
>I am Iranian and I have been to Iran
Bullshit, speak some Farsi to me, fuck boy.
Bet you don't even know that the only reason we say "Fars" and "Farsi" today is because they used to be "Pars" and "Parsi" but the Arabs didn't have a P in their alphabet at the time and changed all the Ps to Fs and Bs.
Pretty much. Only far gone Disneyfags pretend to be excited for this mess.
No shit everyone knows that you stupid asshole, nice Iranian history 101 you're throwing out there champ.. Come back at me when you have posted on Iranica chan almost 10 years ago you underage Los Angeles diaspora kooni faggot
>Look at Khamenei
Khamenei is not Persian
Read the rest of the post before you reply jfc
>tfw the TRUE Disneyfags/lovers of Disney would be shouting out against this shit, demanding better and new and original movies, and profess the excellency of classic Walt films until his death and the Disney Renaissance films.
Same with TRUE Star Warsfags who should in one hand hold the original trilogy up to its deserved exaltation while in the other hand tear down anything Star Wars major motion-picture related (not the good novels, video games, TV shows, etc.) since 1999 as trash.
I just don't get it. We're the ones they should be listening to, but Disney spits on us.
Motherfucker, the creator of Iranica-chan extended mod privileges to me before it went belly up, lol, You have no idea who you're even talking to.
Also, I'm 24 and have lived in Wash DC all my life. Fuck L.A. I don't give a shit if half my family lives there.
based retard who doesn't filter tripfags
Kurds too. Kurds are very white.
Still, I see some white Persians on occasion. But, MOST whom I've seen aren't too distinguishable from Egyptians, Saudis, Indians, Pakistanis, Turks, etc.
Well, to be fair, a lot of them look like 'dark whites' to me: Greeks, Southern Italians, Jews, etc.
>the absolute state of broadway
the fucking hat
I had never seen this in English, it sounds exactly the same as in my native language
turks are very mixed
some look white
some look brown
and some look mongol
probably to do with a large ammount of that land previously being european
Because Robin Williams was used to putting energy into his performances, Will Smith usually has played the calm/cool character that doesn't really put energy into anything.
Smith's casting was really weird.
this is some shit fucking acting dude.
>implying im not Rebirth
Hello, Saman
the magic has died
cool black guy gives cool advice to some brown fucking loser.
the movie.
This is so shitty, it hurts. The original Aladdin isn't just one of my favorite "Disney" movies or "animated" movies of all time. It's one of my favorite movies of all time period. How the fuck can these fucking humans act less human than ink on cells?
is this word for word shot for shot movie?
$50 green screen
>when it comes to exotic type mammals
terribly noticeable autotune at that point. they done fucked up this casting
Not Saman.
I basically didn't stay too long. Got pissed that our ideas for an Iranian nationalist-democratic-socialist popular uprising never spread too far and most (all) the mods were faggots.
It helps a lot, but it's still off.
geez what a minger
Disney does an amazing job at rewriting lyrics for dubs
But she never was that! She handled her own in all of the movies and the TV show!
>used to do an amazing job
They used to be amazing at everything. Used to be.
Just like Persia used to be white. Disney is as amazing now as Persia is white now. Perfect analogy for this occasion.
We know, user. We know. They don't.
Me the whole time watching this
Oh damn. I knew Saman lived in DC. Hard not to since he constantly went around self-doxxing
>their classic films are original
Wow, this conveys better exactly how I felt about this whole thing than I could ever out into my own words. Based.
At least he wasn't Chucuck
what was the final consensus on live action Dumbo? it make it money back? How did they deal with the crow scene from the animated version?
I hope they speed it up
Could never get past the 3rd level.
>when it comes to exotic type mammals
>not mammoos
I know mammoos isn't a word, but it still bothers me
>but you're so old
>FUUUUUUU!!! The princess Will MARRY ME!
How about new songs, better choregraphy and camera work? This looks sterile. Will Smith is literally soulless.
>Will Smith is literally soulless.
what did xeno do to him ;_;
This song and scene still gives me chills and shivers, I swear.
Nothing Disney produces today can come close.
I like to think that the average person on this board is more capable of making competent remakes than anybody in Hollywood. How do they fuck things up so consistently?
How many koreans died making this movie?
Do not mourn the infidels, lest you end up raped, stoned, and beheaded...not necessarily in that order.
The Sultan literally says "Allah forbid you have any daughters" to Raja. They're Muslim. Well, I don't mean to say that Aladdin or Jasmine or Abu are devout Muslims personally, though the Sultan certainly seems to be with caring enough to bring up Allah. However, the canon in Aladdin is that Islam exists and is the main religion of Agrabah, that or some similar Islam-esque orientalist religion whose god also happens to be called "Allah".
Tarzan seems doubtful, it's not really uniquely Disney enough and isn't a musical. Other two seem likely though
Oh I see, NOW we want the SPECIFIC FUCKING TIME & HISTORICAL CONTEXT 100% on point.
I wish this movie never existed.