Game of Thrones finale predictions

What you got faggots?

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the finale has already been leaked what the fuck is the point of predictions

Daenerys will die next episode

freefolk foretold this

Jon Kills Dany, then he goes to live beyond the wall.
Brann becomes king


>Jon and Dany are having a back and forth about what she did while inside the Throne Room.
>After several minutes he kneels pledges himself to her, again.
>Dany tells him Sansa has caused many problems and that her and Drogon are headed North to leave it in ashes, he is to come with her to prove himself loyal.
>Looking shocked, Jon pulls his sword.
>Jon kills Dany by stabbing her through the heart, she instantly ignites on fire. He says "I love you, and I'm sorry".
>He pulls his sword from her, it is in flames.
>Dothraki kneel, Unsullied drop their weapons.
>Greyworm runs towards him and Drogon burns him.
>He drops his sword and the fire goes out.
>He sits / falls onto the throne in shock as what he has done. He is holding back tears.
>People come walking into what is left of the throne room, even Howland Reed is there, along with Yara, Sam and many more from a few Northern Houses and new Prince of Dorne
>Bran with his Three Eyed Raven eyes, still at Winterfull, comes out of his trace and looks at Sansa to say "It is done".
>Drogon walks behind the Throne chair and screams.
>Everyone inside the Throne room all kneel. Followed by what's left of the civilians and armies outside.
there are two more scenes after this but this is all i know. this scene is 14 minutes and some change. there is a time jump and a bit of rebuilding that took place in three locations, i don't know what those are. I guess Kings Landing, Nights Watch or the wall and Winterfell I assume. I do know they wanted a shot of Kings Landing after rebuild but it was after the set was destroyed but there may be a cgi shot, not sure about that either. the leaks that are floating around are laughable and people are freaking out about it. should know better.

I predict nobody will like it

arya kills dany and takes her face and jon kills arya wearing danys face

Cope harder. That's according to the leaks that have been correct so far.

jon goes and becomes king beyong the wall
sansa rules the north
arya finally dies
Dany dies
tyrion dies
Brown Ben Plumm is placed on the throne

jon kills dany and drogon flies off with her corpse

they havne't been 100%, i don't think bran will be king, doesn't really make since. The majority of the nation is the faith of the seven why would they support a holy man of the old gods as their king.

Seriiously? you haven't read the spoilers?

fucks sake you cunt
why didn't you let me be pleasantly surprised for ONE SINGLE MOMENT in the entire trainwreck that is season 8 then. fucks sake

They have been 100% right what the fuck are you talking about.

Keep coping.

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What predictions? The leaks have been out for weeks now and 100% accurate. Its over! 10 years have gone to shit in one damn season.

>doesn't really make since

lmaoing @ your life

Better Question:
Predict how feminists will react once Jon kills Dany & Bran, a white male, takes the throne.
How colossal will the meltdown be & will these SJWs accept D&D going forward with the new upcoming Disney Wars trilogy?

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Dany kills Jon and someone kills her, I don't know who.


why do you guys change this every week?

this is just sad my dude



>doesn't really make since

welcome to GoT

I don't believe this. They proved themselves incompetent enough for the other leak to be true.

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>Jon confronts Dany about burning of KL
>Dany appears to be unrepentant and claims it was necessary
>Jon pressures her to admit the enormity of her crimes
>She breaks down completely, admitting her tremendous guilt and begging Jon to kill her
>Jon does so and, although able to assume the throne as Aegon VI, goes north to join the wildlings
>Tyrion arranges for Sansa to rule the north and for Bran to be king in all but name of the remaining 6 kingdoms
>Your favourite meme characters all have a spot on the small council
Cap this. It fills in all the blanks of the remaining leaks, and allows D&D to redeem Dany a little and throw a bone to the YASS QUEEN SLAY degenerates.

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Jon kills Dany, as we all expect. But then Sansa says that's not good enough, and she has all Dany loyalists executed or exiled (Jon fucks off North). Sansa is left as Lady of Winterfell, and Bran takes up the title of Protector of the Realm. With a Stark sitting uncontested in both the North and the South, Westeros enjoys peace and prosperity for 1,000 years.

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Won't happen. She's gonna try to kill him leaving him with no choice or she will go the "suicide by Jon" route where she will provoke him like halfhand did probably with threats about burning Winterfell and Sansa. Greyworm will then charge Jon and be killed by Arya.

I know for a fact that Jon marries Sansa at the end.

How do you know that nigger

>and bronn
topkek this is so fucking retarded that is has to be true

>or she will go the "suicide by Jon" route where she will provoke him like halfhand did probably with threats about burning Winterfell and Sansa.
This is a good one, actually. I can imagine Jon stabbing her out of rage/desperation, and her just giving a sad smile and quiet 'sorry' in response.

I'm looking forward to the retard meltdown more than I am the conclusion of the series.

The Leaks were all true until now. The only part where we can expect some shit " explanation " is why Drogon, Greyworm, the Unsullied and Dothraki wont kill Jon on the spot after he kills the mad Queen.

They kinda forgot about Dany.

I’m call you out as a samefag

jon fake kills dany and they ride off into the sunset on the dragon


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you're obviously either retarded or trolling so I'm just gonna post this cute girl

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>The Hound stumbles out of the rubble covered in soot, Hot Pie shows up and says "thats gonna leave a mark!"

that the real iron throne was the friends they made along the

I want D&D to go full beyond Retard and show us as the last scene some futuristic Satellites over Planetos, making clear that all this is set in Martin " Thousand World " Universe.

Jonsafag delusions but at this point you can't blame them. Sansa is sexy as fuck and better than this trainwreck.

i am jons penis

keep in ming im 4"10"" and weigh 210 milligrams


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Dany sits on the iron throne, Jon starts arguing with her about what she did and suddenly...

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We didn't see Sansa in the last episode. This leads me to believe that she's going to be prominent in the the final episode.

Here's my prediction. Cersi and Jaime are really dead. At some point Jon will prove his Targaryan blood by resisting fire, probably from the dragon. Jon is going to be the one to kill Dany. Jon then exerts some sort of control over Drogon, bending him to his will. Jon is going to be king. Sansa (apparently a master manipulator now?) will marry him according to her plan and fully unite the north. The capital will be moved from the completely ruined King's Landing to Winterfell. Tyrion will be made the hand of the king. At some point someone (probably Sansa) will say "This game of thrones is over."

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Not only this, but imagine people actually electing a cripple as a king, in a knightly culture? A guy who can't go to war, can't have children... It's a sure way to have sucession wars after he die or even revolting lords once he is in power. And he is uncharismatic, without a big demesne.
It's as if there aren't minor lords in the tv series...

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arya kills dany and takes her face and jon fucks arya wearing danys face

Hey user, look here

>*winks at camera*
>*camera pans showing wargling bran nude on the throne*
>*pans further to show children of forest servicing brans unclothed penis*
>*shows salsa rape scene/arya fuck scene, side by side, one in each bran eye monitor*

I can see him replacing the empire with {{{democracy}}}

My predictions that don't conflict with the leaks, which could be fake but probably aren't:
>the Hound is alive because plot armor
>Arya kills greyworm
>nothing at all happens with Sansa
>After Jon kills Dany, the dothraki and unsullied battle the northmen, somehow retard northmen win
>Tyrion dead
>Stannis comes back as the new night king

I don't see them making Bran king. I remember the leaker said he wasn't sure about much after the razing of King's Landing.

Bran has made it clear that he's not going to be king. He has no interest in human politics and is likely going to fuck off somewhere.

The best argument for Bran taking the throne is that GRRM has said that he envisions Bran a lot like Paul Muadib Atredies from Dune, which might indicate that he expects Bran to become the godking, but I don't buy it. GRRM has borrowed a lot from Dune, but he's never outright stolen anything. Godking Bran is just too close for his style.

I also saw this in the last season, when Tyrion started talking of "other ways of politics", in a very forced way.
How would people of Westeros eat this democracy when their parameter is either patrician republics like Braavos and Pentos, filled with degeneracy and corruption, or the slaver republics of Essos.
And worse, in this republic of Westeros, where land is in the hand of a very small nobility, probably only lords would vote. Why would they exchange a very functional and stable monarchy for an oligarchic republic like that?

Tyrion dying contradicts the leaks. He's the one who convinces everyone to make Bran the king.

danny kills jon
arya kills danny
tyrion becomes king

In ep 4 Bran sings a different tune when asked about becoming a lord.
In season 7, he outright refused like you say, but in season 8 he merely says he doesn't want to, because he has no wants at all.
King Bran is happening.

Dany kills Jon and all remaining Starks. She sits in the Iron Throne. End.
1.She has a fucking wyvern.
2.She has a fucking wyvern.
3.She has a fucking wyvern.

what happens to bronn?

you mean a dragon?

Dumb and Dumber just kind of forgot about him.

>Arya jumps 30 feet across the room out of nowhere towards Dany
>Close up of Danys face as she turns around
>Cut to black
The end

Tyrion hires Bronn to kill Drogon. Bronn fails. Greyworm kills him. Dany goes to kill Tyrion. Sansa tells Jon and Arya to intervene. Arya kills Greyworm but it's brutal. Drogon breathes fire at Jon but he can't be burned. Dany goes to kill Jon but Drogon kills her instead. Sadface.

Bran foresaw all this and told Sansa, who becomes Queen. Bron is new meta-hand. Jon is King. But he's destroyed inside. Sam will look after him. Maybe Ghost cameos. Bittersweet. Starks rule all. Baratheon Bastard and Arya get back together, Arya wants a family now.

> Dany tries to have Jon executed
> "Dracarys"
> Drogo turns and burns the Unsullied and Dothraki
> "Dracarys! Dracarys! Dracarys!"
> Jon stabs her
> Drogon looks on, takes his face off revealing Arya Stark

didn't they shoot a bunch of different endings to confuse fans... this could be a decoy

>monkey from that smelly island off the coast of europe detected

lol there is literally 0 chance that fucking bran becomes king. you're being worked

>7 seasons of goodwill with progressives thrown out the window in 2/3 episodes
I can't wait for their Star Qars films. They're gonna make Last Jedi and Solo look like cinematic masterpieces.

Jon and Daenerys have a rough confrontation in which everything is put at stake, she doesn't listen to reason and is about to get him executed but out of fucking nowhere Black Trombo risen from the grave jumps out from the insides of the iron throne and smashes dany's face in becoming the legitimate king of westeros.

I'd dig that


thats part of the decoy dummy

> implying Littlefinger won't come out to take the throne
C'mon folks, they didn't build up is character so much for him to do nothing



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>Game of Thrones finale predictions
Like repeat of 2016 elections along with all the 'it was her turns'

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>Season 1:
>Always reading, stays one step ahead of his enemies.

>Season 8
>Scared shitless of blonde savage with a flying lizard
>Brings woman to Kings Landing
>Shocked by her being a savage

What the fuck happened?

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>What the fuck happened?
D&D, not even once

Why did both Jaime and Tyrion suddenly stop being blonde? Wasn’t it a plot point that Joffrey had blonde hair because of Jaime, rather than the dark Baratheon hair?

Literal redditors on suicide watch

hair dye is too expensive ):

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brienne is the new queenslayer, succeeding Jamie