Why can't serialized western animation reach this level of kino?

Why can't serialized western animation reach this level of kino?
It feels like we're not even trying.

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>oh by the way we're the two villains who have been ruining your life for years and have just been pretending to care about you in order to subvert your organisation and we actually couldn't give a fuck about any of you

This scene actually angered me. Then I rewatched the episodes where they're fighting for their lives in the castle and knowing these two were the enemy all along just made me even angrier,

I fucking hate this show. I imagine this is how normies felt watching Dany decide to nuke all the peasants in Game of Thrones.


t. woman

They know who the fucking beast titan is and say nothing, then when they kidnap Eren they don't even try to show any remorse.

I fucking hate them


yeah nah it was kino of the highest grade

I watched this scene on YouTube and it really wasn't that great. Don't know why this meme is pushed here.

Literally stupid.

it was pretty for anime standards

gotta say I groaned extra loud when Bertholdt went on and on about muh cruel world, when can nips stop with that

People who say kino are genuinely retarded and I can never take anything they say seriously

>tfw grim reminder 2.0 next year

this post wasn't very kino bro

Serious answer

It's because anime takes itself very seriously which leads to hilariously bad (most often), or really good scenes. Western shows that aren't grounded to reality very rarely dare do that, they tone it down or play it as sort of a joke. Japs also absolutely LOVE melodramatic scenes which sometimes works other times doesn't. When something trivial happens and the show treats it like it's the end of the world with its music and cuts and everything you can't help but think it's retarded, but going balls to the walls with a scene like this just makes it perfect

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Step aside


You have no fucking idea what Reiner went through you fucking retard

what's this?

boku no titan

Why is it only one person spamming these threads?
Why doesn't he even post on Yea Forums?
Why doesn't he make this thread on Yea Forums?
Why does he only have a post history on Yea Forums and /vg/?

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who cares, hes absolutely based

Autism, it's always autism. When you spend enough time here you stop asking these questions and just accept that all kinds of bizarre autists live among us

western animation passed all eastern crap back in '99

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Whats a better word to use?

Great remark. The japanese really do have a fondness for melodrama. I really like how some series like Jojo seem to have a self-awareness of that cultural trait and use the hyperbole as its main trait for comedy and style


>Reiner v Eren, Part 5 or who the fuck is still keeping count

Wonder what bullshit way Reiner will use to cheat death YET AGAIN

this, best example here in the west would be the constant quips even in supposed 'end of the world' moments that never seem to fucking stop
western culture today is very decadent, ironic, self aware and eager to decontstruct everything - the only thing taken seriously are clown world tier sjw garbage
meanwhile japs still go about muh honor, muh valor, muh last stand and its either 100% cheese or a geniunlely badass moment

Who's more based, Eren or Reiner?

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Eren obviously, holy shit I hope they make that scene justice in the anime

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AoT is the plebbiest shit.

have you seen Endgame yet

why didn't the poster counter go up with his post? is the spammer OP protected by the guy that needs to lose his powers behind it?

sounds like eminem in 8 mile

This time Reiner will BTFO shitren

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france is still in on the 2d animation thing

pic unrelated

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>Who is this based fellow who relentlessly continues to make anime threads on Yea Forums?

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Well the west still has samurai Jack and genndy wars, some of their moments are brilliant

Where is this from

it is. but it's surprisingly easy to watch. it tries so, so hard to be deep but it's just pathetic. all the constant tropes and anime cliches have me cringing half the time but just when I want to turn it off, something interesting happens.

there's 8 seasons of adventure time. get to it, OP

it doesn't really get good until season 4 but you can see the seeds of what it would become early on

Reiner completely lost his mind while Annie and Bertholdt just followed his direct leadership whenever he snapped back to his brainwashed self. He's not even a villain as his motives aren't evil from his one sided brainwashed view.
SnK is unironically the best thing to come out of Japan, the author is read on Spengler or Schmitt. Morons like Joey anime man don't get it, they'd rather watch some yuri.

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Why does anime have to tell so much? Drives me nuts watching this shit

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>i need shit explained to me constantly

this show sucks

2D animation is literally dead in the US

Pixar’s capital is the only investment we have but apparently there’s only enough of it to make 1 cutesy movie a year.

This. It's fucking irritating.

I love that the plot turned out to be “Eldians are objectively racial superior, their existence was compromised by race traitors, and the enemy is a multicultural band of rabble called “Marley”.

So the resolution is “yes we Eldians are racially superior, but we shouldn’t be racist also war is bad”

Also in case you hadn’t noticed, the Eldians aren’t white or “german”, they’re historically-materially Japanese with slapped on german aesthetics, like Zeon from Gundam.

Imteresting primer on what the Japanese actually think about race.

why would they rat out their higher ranking officer when they're in cognito?

>Western shows that aren't grounded to reality very rarely dare do that, they tone it down or play it as sort of a joke.

We got a piece of that just this month in the newest chapter

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fuck, I meant to quote
>Japs also absolutely LOVE melodramatic scenes which sometimes works other times doesn't.

oh well got me trips

Apparently they're rebooting The Last Airbender

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Where do they get the mass to instantly create a 15-50 meter giant around them?
>i-it comes from the clouds! that's why there's lightning and stuff
Wrong, the rices have been turning into titans in an underground cave for a century.
Beartoto's transformation in shiggydiggy was so powerful, that it caused an explosion powerful enough to vaporize houses all around him and set a portion of the city on fire. Bearing this in mind, why didn't his season 2 transformation wipe out the entire survey core on the wall?
>he transformed slowly so the people they were trying to kidnap wouldn't die! and he only spawned half a titan, r-remember
Wrong again. If that was the case, then how do you explain everyone surviving his transformation at trost with only one soldier passing out from the blast? He spawned the titan in the blink of an eye and they were all right in front of him.
How did annie travel 130 km in secret, follow the scouts throughout their entire mission, make it back over the wall, then travel another 130+ km back in time to show up for work the next day?
Why doesn't the game have mouse support?
Why are weebs so gullible they just accept this shit?

Aren't they supposed to be super light?

Dude everyone likes melodrama. We Americans are just the ones that don't like to admit it

>Where do they get the mass to instantly create a 15-50 meter giant around them?

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People overestimate this. I think they're supposed to be just a little bit lighter that they should be for their size. Which is probably only because they lack organs and their physiology is different. And I think it's just the author's way of getting around Square-cube law.
They get lighter as they evaporate. So when they die or when individual parts are severed. They're still heavy enough to crush houses under their weight. If bertold's titan was only as massive as bertold himself, he'd never have enough power to kick one of the gates in. Same with Reiner charging through the other gate etc
Also, the person doesn't turn into a titan themselves. The titan forms AROUND the human. So they're getting a shit ton of mass from somewhere and the chink won't tell us how.

that's real dumb

author wants cash
mainstram is brainlet

Are you really going to post the same thread over and over again, with the same image, probably yielding replies from the same people repeatedly? I don’t mean to be cruel, but I hope you wake up and fucking find some other hobby rather than feeling the need to post the same thread verbatim repeatedly. The fact that you probably debate within the same thread each time makes me cringe even harder than the fact that you recycle the same thing over and over again. And it’s not just you, I realize now that this is a common theme throughout the board. It’s slightly disturbing and honestly I’m a little thankful because it dissuades my interest in coming here for discussion.

aaaaaand stay out

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Live action m8

>Dude giants are wiping out humanity
>Shall we defeat them with these cool steampunk web shooters?
>No, lets go with the young boy who has a special power to defeat them trope
Literally the most generic trash. Fucking KYS if you think this shit is Kino.

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he really is the chosen one with the special family, ain't he

See It's one of the few smart things about the show and the fans have memed it into "dude you can just smack them and they fall over lmao" because weebs can't stand having a good thing. It actually cleverly gets around the square-cube law so the artists can focus on just making them creepy for example. Admittedly I might just be giving the author too much credit because I like the idea.

Shingeki is not kino OP. It´s entry level pleb tier... or it will be soon after they survive Eren´s brother attack, Armin eats Bert and they discorver that humanity inside the walls is actually a poor metaphor of WWII.

>looking for actual effort in western animation tv
Lad, that ship has long sailed.

The worst part is they're self-hating race traitors fighting Eldians instead of siding with them against the true enemy

Fuck I hate Eldian race traitors. Eren has it right.

OP is a shill/bot

Gendy will change all that


JoJo is intentionally silly tho. Araki is the most americanized shonen author down to his style over substance insistence and use of progressive politics in his works

Here's a fun game:
Try to name one notable Japanese author in history, modern or otherwise.
They, as a species, are fundamentally incapable of writing stories that don't just rehash their country's boring mythos, and worse still they can't inject emotion and characterization into it for some ambiguous reason.
Imagine a country with more Zack Snyder's per capita than Zack Snyder's house.
At least they can make video games, I suppose.

>That scene where Eren just casually kills a bunch of little kids
So is he the goodguy or not?! This shit got dark.

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The AoT author himself said that despite using Nazi ghetto imagery for Eldians, it's all based on ethnic Koreans, Okinawans, and Taiwanese in Japanese service during WWII.

looks like a Gorillaz music video desu, except significantly flatter, especially with the colors.
Why is the blood that shade? Looks real fuckin' ugly.

Um, I don't think having everyone being a potential bomb is racially superior.

he was a good friend

>name one Japanese author
Natsume Soseki


imagine being this braindead

Authors that sparingly or outright don't inject nip sensibilities and culture into their works are the only ones worth reading. So that's Araki, Togashi, Miura, and even this goofball Isayama

Manga is better, its always better

It's very annoying. But keep in mind this is made for japanese children and the most braindead race of all: otaku.

I haven't been paying attention to this since the timeskip. Have they thawed Annie out of carbonite yet?

Whats the football player anime?

it's made to sell, it's an advertisement not a viewing experience like film

Eye shield 21, haven't seen the anime but manga is actually really good

>JoJo is intentionally silly tho.

haha oh no you don't actually think this, right? Araki was being serious the whole time.

as story maybe. the art for ADVANCING GIANTS! is still as rough as a badger's arse

I don't know how you can navigate this shithole without accepting this.

it has its moments

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Have sex and post tits or gtfo

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I'm not sure user, I don't have a good answer to that question

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>I watch weebshit all day every day and that's why this show is bad
Get fucked nigger AoT is BASED and FREEDOMPILLED no wonder it goes over your head

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>use of progressive politics

>So is he the goodguy or not?!
No. He's the best boy.

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>So is he the goodguy?
what gave you that impression?

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Either a retarded AOfag or a woman. Both are terrible options either way.

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Reiner loves the people inside the walls, or at least part of him does. Fucker's a mess

JoJo Part 6 has:

>Female protagonists
>Implied lesbian relationships
>flat-out condemnation of the KKK/lynchings of black people
>KKK as villains
>Racially mixed families

I haven't seen that show or any anime. I only know AoT because it's based.

Based Eren. He just wanted to remind them.

Why AoT is based?

>female lead in a boys magazine

Based protagonist

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He is FREE

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sekai WO

>pic related this weekend


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No, the quips are a holdover from our Anglo-Saxon roots. British humor (humour, I suppose) is famous even during the worst of times. We're just not a melodramatic people and it doesn't have anything to do with decadence.

Western animation is actual timeless art.
True "kino".

It can't be that way to you because you're a Japanese faggot retard.

The new series is airing now, it's a shillbot

>set in USA
he was just trying to make the setting believable

Unironically Eren, even if Reiner is being the more logical one.

>Fighting for the Eldians being oppressed in Marley since if the Eldians stop being useful, then Marley has no reason to keep them around
>Fighting to save the world from Eldia's menace
>Fighting to be a hero to make his mother proud
>Fighting to save his kids who are stuck in the devil's island of Paradis
>However, his true desire is his own death out of guilt

>Is willing to screw over the rest of the world, even his own island, for his own ends
>Is actually willing to fight everybody he makes an enemy out of
>All of this out of a genuine desire to live and be free

There's just something sad about Reiner doing all he does for all those people when he fucking hates what he does deep down and even if Marley wins, he doesn't really gain anything considering their oppression of Eldians will most likely just continue since all of the world hates Eldians thanks to Marley. Meanwhile, Eren just does what he fucking wants.

Are they doing the simulcast sub/dub, or do I have to wait for dub? I like to watch them both back to back because I don't trust the (((translators))).

East asian cultures never particularly held non-fiction and drama in high regard. They were all about poetry and philosophical works of literature.

You know what I want to see. a Titan who can channel the transformation energy to stay human but shoot massive lightning bolts instead

My body is ready, AoT is what I look forward to on Sundays now that GoT is complete garbage

The warriors are just going along with Magath and Tybur's plan to be seen as good Eldians by destroying Paradisians and using Eren to kill most of Marley's anti-Eldians high command. Tybur's speech praising Fritz and blaming his clan is received pretty positively anyways

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