
Don't come to King's Landing edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


>planet = Planetos
>West = Westeros
>East = Essos
>South = Sothoryos
>thousand islands = Thousand Islands
>rock with a castle on it = Castley Rock
>swords for sale = sellswords
>Sir = Ser
>dragon = Drogon
>scruffy canid = Shaggydog
>monotheistic god = R'hllor (Ruler)

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I looked for you in my personally customized sex dungeon.
But you were not there.

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Carice Van Houten is fucking Material wife

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>scruffy canid = Shaggydog

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Post em

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Holy fuck, it's almost like modern words came from some derivative of itself in the past...

Shaggydog was named by a 5 year old

First for Jon Snow the new Night King. He doesn't take the black, he becomes the true NK

Such wit and finesse. Tell me more of this wordsmiths creation.


>died for the fatass’ avatar

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the purest love

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*ends the 300 year old targaryen dynasty for some pussy

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How will they name their children?

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>Robb's army kills and rapes civilians
>Nobody cares
>Dany's army kills and rapes civilians

>Sandsnakes = A-tier
>Whore = S-tier
>Sansa/Cersei = B-tier
Shit tiers my guy

where's my Emillia?

Surely the finale will leak. I really want to know if those leaks are all true. So many signs against them but all the others are true. Where is the leaked episode bros?

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>You are at a tourney
>You see this qt across the feasting hall
How do you approach her, what do you say?

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>eh, whatever. My youngest daughter will take care of it.

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What is the real ending for our boy after he kills Dany, bros?
>he dies
>he becomes the 1000th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch
>he becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms

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imagine how bad sex with dany must be for jon to reject her like that

>the man that weighs a tonne = the mountain

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>West of Westeros
>land with plenty of rivers
>land with plenty of storms
>land most known for agriculture
>mountainous land
>North of Westeros
>part of westeros beyond the Wall
>Beyond the Wall

Hello my fine dornish slut, how many children do you want

I say nothing because I'm from the summer isles and am too spooked to talk to someone so pale

Robb's army never raped and killed any civilian


He survived, right?

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I miss rickon and shaggydog

>M-My lady M-m.. May I have this d-dance? W-with you?

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>man who looks ugly = the hound

I saw Emilia Clarke at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence", and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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> j o n im begging you please dont fuck Sansa all i want is you please

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>lancel can you please shut the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR

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Yes, they did. Not just in the books either, they talk about it in the show during the Brotherhood without Banners episodes and when Brienne/Jamie encounter some Stark soldiers.

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Post tiers

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Nigga literally just wait a few days and it will all be over.

why were the people of kings landing cheering
why would they give a shit

Nah more like
>dude with dog sigil = the Hound
>young guy with wolf sigil = the young wolf

Dany has an incel mindset, she thinks that she is entitled to things.
This is why she goes full ER.

What is the Nights Watch going to be watching for?

she's so hot

god, that fucking armor looks so bad

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Why are Targs such extremists? They either go batshit (Aerys, Dany) or completely abstain from everything else (Aemon, Jon)


I fumble like an awkward shit and hope I have a Chad oniisan to wingman for me.

They would be Boltons then not Starks
Pay attention retard

wanna see my sword? it's real high tech

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I have already won.

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>our boy
Jon has been useless for the past couple seasons, but honestly I don't give a shit about any of the characters left.


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Literally nothing better to do in their sad pathetic lives than hero worship. It's a metaphor for capeshit fans.

never ever

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why is jon so gay?

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There always must be a Night King


Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here `?

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>Here's to the young wolf... AWOOOO

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>Jon and Dany are having a back and forth about what she did while inside the Throne Room.
>After several minutes he kneels pledges himself to her, again.
>Dany tells him Sansa has caused many problems and that her and Drogon are headed North to leave it in ashes, he is to come with her to prove himself loyal.
>Looking shocked, Jon pulls his sword.
>Jon kills Dany by stabbing her through the heart, she instantly ignites on fire. He says "I love you, and I'm sorry".
>He pulls his sword from her, it is in flames.
>Dothraki kneel, Unsullied drop their weapons.
>Greyworm runs towards him and Drogon burns him.
>He drops his sword and the fire goes out.
>He sits / falls onto the throne in shock as what he has done. He is holding back tears.
>People come walking into what is left of the throne room, even Howland Reed is there, along with Yara, Sam and many more from a few Northern Houses and new Prince of Dorne
>Bran with his Three Eyed Raven eyes, still at Winterfull, comes out of his trace and looks at Sansa to say "It is done".
>Drogon walks behind the Throne chair and screams.
>Everyone inside the Throne room all kneel. Followed by what's left of the civilians and armies outside.
there are two more scenes after this but this is all i know. this scene is 14 minutes and some change. there is a time jump and a bit of rebuilding that took place in three locations, i don't know what those are. I guess Kings Landing, Nights Watch or the wall and Winterfell I assume. I do know they wanted a shot of Kings Landing after rebuild but it was after the set was destroyed but there may be a cgi shot, not sure about that either. the leaks that are floating around are laughable and people are freaking out about it. should know better.

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>mfw Dany goes from fan service YAS KWEEN SLAY to uber hitler in one episode

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>guy who killed a king = Kingslayer
>islands with a lot of iron = the Iron Islands
>emo man with a fish sigil = the Blackfish

Don't stick your dick in crazy

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Well, at least they don't have two families to choose names from.

My negro.
Cersei is, at least, A tho

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Fuck all y'all who EVER talked shit about my gf Sansa. She and Varys was the only ones with brains enough to know not to trust that fucking psycho and her dragons. They were the heroes Westeros needed, not bitch Dany and her cuck Jon

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>resurrected from the dead to do jack all

I want to hatefuck the mad queen and save King's Landing

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>Bran: It is time, Daenerys. Execute Order 66.

And this is great. I love to see all those danyfags crying.


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the rape

>Stark's words are "Winter Is Coming"
>Guy comes around looking scared af and talking about white walkers
>No one believes him
What the fuck is wrong with Ned?

Kinda glad, they would fuck it up & never find an actor big enough. Shit, look what they did to Arthur Dayne.

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>all y’all
You sound black but you’re completely correct. This post cured my racism


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Watching these scenes from season 1 makes me nostalgic

why is jon such a faggot?

To stab his nissanissa dany with longclaw

> Open the video
> THE WHOOOOOOOREE is pregnant

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Say nothing cause your too shy, but secretly wish she'd take you into one of the back rooms and have her way with you

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She literally wears scale armor with little metal spikes on her shoulder blades. I think she's evil bro.

You forgot the part that Jon refuses the throne and Stannis enter the room

>It's not Maser, it's Maester
>It's not Black fire, it's Blackfyre
>It's not Red wine, it's Redwyne
>it's not Circe, it's Cersei
>it's not Edward, it's Eddard
>It's not Peter, it's Petyr
>It's not Cathrine, it's Catelyn
>it's not Lisa, it's Lysa
>It's not John, it's Jon
>It's not Jamie, it's Jaime
>It's not Jeffrey, it's Joffrey
>It's not Thomas, it's Tommen
>Its not Marcella, it's Myrcella
>It's not York and Lancaster, it's Stark and Lannister
>House Ketleblack's sigil
>A fucking black kettle
>House Blackbar's sigil
>A fucking Black Bar
>cities of the far east are ripped off Lovecraft and Campbell
And many many other examples


and just like the germans, dany uses foreigners for her dirty work

>Guy who has dog-like loyalty is named the hound
>wears a dog helmet to reinforce what his role is

Wanna make a nickname for someone? just look at their house sigil
"Young wolf"
"White Wolf"
"Golden Lion"
"Sand snakes"
"Red Viper"
"Last dragon"

I want to lovefuck the mad queen and watch her burn King's Landing

>tfw Sansa was raped and abused into a Strong Wimminz

Genius writing

>whole realm burns because jon is a gay faggot

Bravo Jon

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>States that are united = United States
>Kingdom that is united = United Kingdom
>Body of water between England and the mainland = English channel
>Middle of the country = Midwest
>Place where Indians live = Indiana

>B-b-brandon can you g-go talk to her for me
Was it autism?

at least A tier

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>King's Landing is defenceless against our assault your grace. The city is in ruins.
>Resume the bombardment Drogon. Wipe this pathetic city from the face of Westeros.

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>Kingslayer (Balon)
>Kinslayer (also Balon)
>Forestslayer (every tree on the Iron Islands to build 1000 ships in 2 weeks)
>Snakeslayer (Obara and Nymeria)
>Queenlayer (Cersei)
>Fleetslayer (Dany's x3)
>Dragonslayer (Rhaegal)
>Kingslayerslayer (Jaime)

Can anyone come close to this record?

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its arya, jons too much of pussy to follow through with it

even the lighting and costumes were better back then. what the fuck happened?

At least Matell/Sand was a bit original there's no snake in their sigil

Based DnD subverted modern culture itself. Learn from this Rian you fucking hack


sandsnakes to C.
Sansa to S.
Gilly pre-Season 8 & Meera to A.
Osha B.
And I'll agree with this.

Have you met my friend Eddard over here? He's a bit shy. By the way did you know he wants ten children that definitely DO NOT look like goblins?

Mark Addy and Sean Bean are fantastic actors

Also Why the fuck are they so obsessed with killing dany? Wouldn't killing viserys just put an end to it? They have no reason to believe dany would want to lead an army to invade westeros

>the destruction of King's Landing would've been avoided if Jon had just given her the dick that night

god knows how much i want punch this whore in the face

>Anglos in charge of naming things
Just a bad idea overall desu


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Season 1 is so goddamn iconic and quotable

I'm doing the dishes not thinking about anything and suddenly I'll start shouting out Bobby B lines


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is this what they call a clap back? is she gonna give him the clap now?


simple as

is dany breeding her army how does she get all those respawns?

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No fuckin way, she's ovulating

are the books worth reading even if you've already seen the show?

Where the FUCK is Myranda

>One shot of the dragon in KL
Wow you really did it D&D.

robs mistress isn't S tier

Not unless you're a homosexual

Viserys alone has no army or real power. Dany’s pregnancy and marriage to Drogo is the real danger

>implying she can or even wants to get pregnant

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This would be a lot more convincing if a) it wasn't painfully blatant that the writing is essentially gaslighting Dany into insanity thanks to all her problems coming from not being able to nuke Cersei in S7 due to popular actress immunity plus Euron plot armor and b) Sansa wasn't a massive cunt immediately after Dany sacrificed half her army and a dragon to save Sansa's home. Seriously, did Sansa even say "thank you"? I don't remember it.

It's a shame Darth Dany won't get to roast that cunt

REEEEEE the link they gave me to do this didn't have all the portraits, maybe they've added it by now

wildling pussy for jon to fuck

I think they made it pretty clear that Bobby hated and wanted to kill all the targshits.

of course its justifiable


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Yes. Don't believe the faggots who say mad Dany is Martin's endgame.


global warming researches

Fuck no
not even memeing

nah we gotta repopulate westeros

>one city in a huge country
>whole realm
to be fair this show has cared about like 3 different locations and houses for the last 4 seasons

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>I didn’t see her say thank you to my waifu so she deserves death
You sound stable

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gods the dialogue was strong then.

Does anyone have that pic of Darkstar with the caption 'Whatever'?

So in the last episode will they resolve who is exactly in charge of half the kingdoms?

>Riverlands-??? (Edmure free? still in prison?)
>Reach-??? (I guess they're going to honor Bronn-Tyrion's deal for literally no reason)
>Dorne-New Prince named ???

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just read this part in aGoT, its literally word for word off the page

I hope Jon realizes that when she wants to fuck, he better fuck.

What does Reach have to do with agriculture

>ummmm actually Martin was just telling two heroes stories parallel to each other all along
Imagine actually thinking that. Imagine ignoring the pottery staring you in the face

No, books are even worse

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But that's what would make me read the books.


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>>It's not Black fire, it's Blackfyre
>>It's not Red wine, it's Redwyne

In medieval times there was no correct spelling of words. They were spelled however the person wanted. Sometimes words are spelled multiple ways in a single letter.

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This shit is so deep bros

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>ywn hate/love fuck the mad queen and save/burn KL with her

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This is bait but you still got me to reply so good on you

>Roberts grandmother is a targaryen

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Reminder that, at the end, the Lannisters were the the ones that tried to protect people

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fuck no, I mean do you want to be blue-balled by reading half a story that will likely never be completed


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If you don't mind the fact that we probably won't see the end then yes.

So do we have a checklist of shit that needs to be covered in the 80 minutes we have left?

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With the benefit of hindsight? Yeah, kill that bitch. I think they could beat the NK even without her.
But as of 298 AC? Ned.

imagine how much hotter she would be here if they gave her purple eyes holy fuck

>he admits it was only supposed to be 3 books
i fucking told you guys the books were supposed to end after storm of swords.

>Bobbyposting warned us all along
Holly Shit

Which side of bipolar Dany is better, depressed Dany who begs Jon for cock or Mad queen Dany who takes Jon’s cock whether he consents or not?

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>can't even be arsed to give the 7 Kingdoms actual names other than their general terrain and geographic features
eg. The Riverlands has rivers in it, brilliance

This is what fucks me
The show used to be good enough that when it took liberties, it turned out amazing
This, or how they changed up Cersei in the early seasons.

"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water."

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oh wait, that was a problem of translation where they use a synonym of field in my language apparently
anyway you can change it with
>the biggest realm
>the reach

i don't consider anyone living in Westeros a person

I actually haven't liked Dany at all until this episode. It's just painful to see Sansa get talked up as this god-tier genius when Dany has essentially been fucked over massively by the lack of adequate buildup.

No doubt in the books she'll be right not to trust Dany, but in the show Dany went from "excessively zealous in executing surrendered foes" to "Literally Hitler" in one episode thanks to getting BTFO by Euron plot armor. It's just embarrassing.

The wildlings will repair the walls to keep the normie southerners and their stupid rules out.

dothraki dany is hot

Why are you posting these pages like they are new? They are useless without the redacted part. It is still very much redacted when after all these years people can't figure it out

>Missandei anything but D
>Osha not at least A
>Ygritte not S
fuck off

>lick my soles RIGHT NOW or I'll fucking burn King's Landing to the ground, Jon
Can't really blame him for not doing it desu, that's a lot to ask of Jon in that scene, they look kinda dirty

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>are the books worth reading even if you've already seen the show?

The show is fanfiction

>that shot of the Lannister soldier trying to get civilians to safety while the Stark soldiers rape and kill women and children

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Oh come on, GURM slaps a Y in there somewhere and thinks he's done

a conundrum for the ages

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Thank you based Barristan for telling the truth

Burn them all Mommy!

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-Dany get stab
-Dothraki get deport
-Wheel get broke
-Expectation get subvert

>1 Crazy Targ > an entire army
>Based Bobby > 1 Crazy Targ
>AYYBOAR > Bobbert
>therefore: boar > an entire army
We were so busy with the zombies we forgot the real threat in our own bloody forest!

She was supposedly one of the most beautiful women in the seven kingdoms and he was an awkward second born shit from the Northern hicks.
>you will never set up Ned and Ashara and get periodic ravens about their happy marriage throughout the years

Why did she kill thousands of children lmao?

>So do we have a checklist of shit that needs to be covered in the 80 minutes we have left?

The Reach and the Riverlands is a definite one

>people of KL worshipping their new king
>dont torch us dragonqueen, we on ur side now
Glad she torched them. Dany could die for all I care but Im glad she torched them.

condoms not required

He killed thousands to save millions.

>Jon and Arya was originally endgame
This bit always fucks with me

her script from the higher ups said so


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>-Dany get stab

It's not happening user

The seed is strong, Targ fucking shits blood got lost in the first generation already

Why would someone say that. Don't they she's just an actress playing a character?

Because she could

please darkstarposters help me out


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the only bad Dany is the smug retard Dany

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>Japan surrenders
>Americans nuke it twice anyway because they need to show off their power

Wow clap clap clap revenge for Pearl Harbor 10/10

>Kings Landing surrenders
>Danny burns it anyway because she needs to show off her power


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for real, what the fuck. she's no melisandre but she looks like she could suck your soul out through you dick

Guys, which character do you really miss?

Rodrick Cassel was so based, telling cuck Theon he had less honour than a backalley whore.

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The only original name he came up with was Dorne I think

I am prepared to drink your salty tears

Kits optimism: Gone.

Now I want to marry her

>no one in this show wears anything except fucking black anymore
Does this bother anyone else half as much as it does me?

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Castley Rock got me

you not Stannis

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Because nobody likes her so she has to "rule through fear"

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She remembered the bells from when her mother was pregnant with her during the Sack of King's Landing, and it set her off
Amazing how a fetus could remember that, but hey, this is a world with flying lizards, zombies, and teleporting goblins

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Visenya, Ashara, Daena are S tier
Shiera Seastar is A tier

The actor who played Barristan selmy is quite literally /ourguy/
>Read all of the books
>Questioned D&D's ability to write when he heard he was getting killed off
>Exposed GRRM
Of course the actor who reads the books is playing the character who gets most raped by the show

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>England - Land of the Anglo
Damn the british can't even make a cool name for their country.

>>Japan surrenders
Why do you keep posting this?

>Japan surrendered before nukes
sure schlomo

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dnd wanted Red Memedding 2.0

she’s torn and poked holes in every one of them upon meeting Eddard

>Guys, which character do you really miss?

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the costumes in the first 4 seasons were really good. the costumes started looking awful somewhere around s6

Blame Matrix

me too limmy

why would dany light them on fire before crushing them with buildings?

>>House Ketleblack's sigil
>>A fucking black kettle
>>House Blackbar's sigil
>>A fucking Black Bar

Those are called "canting arms" and are intentional puns. It was done in medieval times and still to this day.


Leave the feasting hall and pretend it didn't see her. That's how I cope with the pain of my own ineptitude.

I’m pissed that there aren’t any knights in gleaming armor with banners and pennants anywhere.

yes, they weren't from our edgelord era so why would they look like they are

>Shiera Seastar is A tier
if you wanna get cucked I guess

>Cersei used to have long hair and wear red

I don't even know what the fuck Sansa is wearing at this point.


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>japan surrendered before the nukes drop
this better be a shit post otherwise you're the the 3rd dumbest user ive had the misfortune of meeting

>wanting your soul to be sucked out by a filthy semen demon

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Same for Loras and Euron. The guys who cared most got fucked over hardest

I'm glad my girl died with dignity and didn't get involved in this mess...

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What are the leaks? Bran being NK?

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Well, the guy tasked with designing the costumes was literally mauled to death by a Lion during a Safari.

No. Really.

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Most raped. That's debatable. I would say Stannis got it the worst because Dumb and Dumber didn't like him. He went from a harsh but fair man who just wanted to rule, as was his right

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oi m8 u got a loicense fo tha' knoife

but the autists have a pretty good guess and it's literally nothing

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>Land of the Anglo
>it's actually land of brits

You're never going to get an Ashara gf irl like that user! Trust me, just going up to a girl is confident and not done often these days, girls like that. Even if you stutter a little, you're showing great initiative

Was this the worst written character ever?

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It’s her fault Arya killed the NK in the stupidest tweest of the show

Why not move the capital to based Oldtown? Make it a center of learning and enlightenment in the shadow of the Citadel? Replace all members of the small council with Maesters. Give House Hightower the Reach.


I can't wait until someone tells this guy how locations in real life are named...

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Why would you stab a man before throwing him off a building?

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>but in the show Dany went from "excessively zealous in executing surrendered foes" to "Literally Hitler" in one episode
She burned people alive, she has seen her brothers head melt before her eyes. Kept threatening about taking everything with ''fire and blood'' and talked about burning cities in earlier seasons. She never seemed to hate executing anybody like it was shown multiple times with the Starks. She already led thousands to their deaths before this episode, without showing any sign of remorse. She has always been crazy

dude playing Euron must've been so hyped to play a megalomaniac viking wizard trying to become a god, and then he got evil Jack Sparrow

>He wasn't laughing throughout the entire firebombing

I've never liked Dany more than last Sunday.

If Dany wanted the love of the people why didn't she try...visiting any of the people? Her time in Westeros has been 90% sitting in Dragonstone and 10% sitting in Winterfell. If she wanted to win the support of the people you kind of have to do something other than nothing (though even that worked, because she offscreen got the support of Dorne, and yet was completely unfazed or happy about it).

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they didnt fry so good


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I wish I grew up in medieval times bros. I wish I could carry around a sword and train, fuck whores and marry a relative. Such a shame. I'm stuck in 2019 and shit.

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This image fills me with joy


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Beneath the gold, the bitter cuck
But I'm not Aegor so.

Night Watchmen aren't supposed to leave their post ever, unless they carry an official dispense by the Lord Commander. The sentence for desertion is death.
Ned is a stickler for the law.

It bothers me in the case of Cersei. I miss her red dress and her long, golden hair.
On the other hand, I think Dany looks fantastic in black.

The costume/setting design of the show went to shit after season 4, maybe earlier.

She was wearing red this season though

>*borrows money from you and doesn’t give it back*

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With all the Dany talk going on, I would just like to devote one thread to the GOAT. What a terrific sendoff for Euron. He basically teleports in from outer space after exploding five miles from the coast, mumbles something incoherent, then picks a fight with a main character under the justification, basically, of "The show's about to end and I want to kill another named character before it does, c'mere".

He then has a drunken stiletto-V-Longsword battle with a suicidal man after swimming those five miles to the shore without even being winded, in which there is an intermission as one combatant has a fatal stab wound and the other has a broken nose and crushed windpipe.

This battle somehow ends with both men hilariously mangled but still very conscious, and Euron literally stares directly into the camera, at the audience, and laughs with us about how he just did something bizarre and meta.

Euron was the most surreal character I have had the pleasure of following. He died as he lived, fucking with the plot of this shitty show.
See you, Space Pirate.

does not even begin to make sense, in or out of context. Some words may be right but most are guesses that I don't even know how people came up with that clearly are not right

So was this a fake scene?

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>She burned people alive

Ned Stark chopped off someone's head, guess we need to be on tenterhooks over whether he's going to break out the guillotines!

Look, we all know it's going to work great in the books, and I love the idea of Dany as the last villain, but let's not pretend like the show earned it.

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After they fall down onto longclaw and we get a taste of salt and a nip of queen mamas blood.

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He’s not being openly pissed like Selmy but every time someone asks him about his book character the sadness is right fucking there. F


yeah but why burn whole city tho? innocent people? i don't get it

I would spend my time calling out free thinkers as heretics while diddling little grills on the side desu

I feel the same about Tywin, he could not have died at a better moment.

Like a good liberal, she only pretends to like the people while nuking them from afar.

>hehe, look at her go Ned. She's burning the women and children now."uhhh Rubart we kant kill her. She jast a lil girl." Bet you feel pretty fucking dumb now eh? Ned, I tell you, if I could go back and do one thing I'd go back and give Stannis a speedboat so he could get to dragonstone in time to waste that genetic abomination. The way I see it Ned the screams of every one of those children is on your conscience. Now, LANCEL MORE WINE!

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I didn't think I'd ever see a more contrived villain than Ramsay, but wow did they prove me wrong.

The guy in charge of costumes was mauled to death by a Lion.



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*dams a river in your path*

>Like a good liberal,

>this absolute feudal absolute monarchy who exists before the concept of liberalism or conservatism is a liberal

le edgy pirate
God I hope Vicky finally mans the fuck up and mauls him to death like he should've done

Well she might be insane if the books are anything to go by, or if we allow medieval morality she wasn't in the wrong.

Tyrone will get the westerlands

Based Bobby B

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>Lancel cursed to an afterlife of fetching Robert an infinite supply of wine

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>no daenerys

I legit started laughing when Euron gave his "justification" to kill Jaime. I think the writers just gave up thinking of ways to kill him and just said "fuck it let's just let them fight."

>you're blood related to this woman
>she gives you that look
>would you?

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>Lands aren't in the nether

have sex


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I'd fuck her bloody.

>>emo man with a fish sigil = the Blackfish
Blackfish was so based even his piss was strong enough to save his life. D&D decided to throw sense away and kill him with 2 or 3 lannister shits. Should have stopped watching then.

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>Guards of the king = kingsguard
>Throne made of iron = iron throne
>oldest city = oldtown
wow bravo

I thought it was a woman who did them originally, and that she left after season 3. But thinking about it maybe it was the setting designer.

put Punished Emilia on S rank

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Ramsay was probably worse, but it's VERY close.

Remember when GoT's villains experienced actual setbacks along with the heroes which made their struggles seem real, and didn't have everything magically go their way *every single episode* until the appointed hour of their defeat arrived?

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I'm starting to laugh out loud at these Bobby memes, bros. Is this the first stage of madness?

In a heartbeat.

But we love her even more u soiboy cuck.

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>The whole time Euron is ranting Jaime has this expression of "what the fuck are you talking about, you absolute retard"

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the thicc danny that steps on your cock

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>durr I want to break the wheel

dye her eyebrows too

It's not like she's my mom or sister
I gladly would

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Clegenbowl would have been great if there was any meaning or purpose to their fight.

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Truly a fire that will burn forever

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They didnt have trains in medieval times

based gay grandpa

>City where the King Lives=King's Landing
>City where the Lannisters have ships=Lannisport

I can fucking HEAR IT goddamn you

I would like to see myself as a blade smith. If I could go back in time with the knowledge I know how about weapon making I would do it.

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>Castamere began as a mine like Casterly Rock. After building curtain walls to guard the entrance with two stout towers, the Reynes constructed keeps and halls. As the gold and silver dried up, the mine below was widened and converted into halls, galleries, bedchambers, and a vast underground ballroom. While the surface fortifications resembled those of a minor lord or landed knight, nine-tenths of the castle was subterranean.
Castamere sounds so fucking cool.

>Forever young.

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meeras not even on that chart

Rate my fanfiction
Already said, i liked the episode but there are a lot of problems
Jaime was dumb, got caught because the golden hand, when he arrived to winterfell undetected, now in king's landing his home got caught?
Then he didnt care about the citizen, and tought cersei had a chance when he in the first person saw how deadly dragon are when Droghon wiped out the turly and the lannister
Cersei was out of character all the time, i understand she was in denial mode but it was her last appearance, have her surrender and order to ring the bell once Dany started burning king's landing. Now you have subverted the expectation, The bad queen understanding she lost surrender to spar the city. The good queen instead ignores the bell and continue to burn the city.
I have issue with Dany turning bad so suddenly too. Instead of her being depressed in her room and then becoming the god of war, make her throwing tantrum, she will burn the city and not only Cersei if she don't surrender and she won't hear Tyrion/Varys/Jon reasons. So Varys have a reason to start plotting against her, jaime one to go to kings landing (saving Cersei his unborn son), Cersei one to not surrender immediately after losing her forces (since she is doomed anyway) . You can even understand Dany's point she is angry, then the battle start.
She wreck everything, unsullied ,dothraki and northern enter the city. Lannister fight against them and use civilian as shield like cersei planned so Dany can't burn them all. May be have greyworm stabbed by some random citizen he was trying to protect. She snaps and start killing everyone lannister or citizen.
Fuck even better!
Jaime beg Cersei to surrender after seeing the city burns. and subverting the expectation she orders to ring the bell.

such a perfect scene

People falling for this marketing is fucking amazing.
Muh youtuber made a tier list lmao me too

Who drew this

Never read fantasy books until their saga is finished, trust me.

i wonder how different it would be if drogo lived

If the show were still good I’d be mad but at this point I don’t even care. Based Euron fuck dragons

That vision doesn't count because that was old KL

Yeah, it was literally just a meme spawned from season 4 that somehow lasted until it found its way onto the show, it made no sense whatsoever and wasn't even alluded to

i don't even watch youtube you stupid faggot

>No Jojen Reed
Cringe and crannogpilled.

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The purpose is that their was no plan or purpose. You absolute fucking brainlet. The hound literally says this to Arya you bloated swine. His need for revenge has consumed him and it will kill him. There is nothing left for the hound except to meet his fate head on and beat the shit out of it.

Sure thing bud

>Dragon named Dracarys

I don't get it
She was even sterile now, what's wrong? it's not like they will have incest's baby
Not even fucking his aunt since he didnt even know her and already banged her

Fuck the people of Essos and Bravos and fuck cleaning maidens.


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>different it would be if drogo lived
Honestly, you'd probably end up with the same result just with more raping and pillaging and less preachy bullshit.

Dinklage rolling his eyes at the end was masterful.

Why did Alexander the Great massacre people lmao? Couldn't he just use democratic election that silly willy??

You can't dispute a single one of these.

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Tier lists have been a thing for ever you tryhard newfaggot

So we can assume ALL of this would had been avoided if Bobby sent more assassins to take out danny?

she's not a cleaning maiden stfu

Sure thing bud.
Like and subscribe.

so many danyfags on Yea Forums these days
holy fuck

>Ned was the main villain all along

Osha and Cersei are top tier

"Yes" is a braindead answer. "No" was the whole point, she deliberately murdered the civilians BECAUSE it was unjustified and thus would instill fear.

Its one of those things that makes sense if you read the books, but otherwise is out of place in the show

>where do you work out, bro?
>stark soldier: the library

>bloodthirsty Varys was out to get Dany from the start
>based Ned "you want to kill a little girl because the spider heard a rumor"
Fuck the spider.

Clegenbowl really should had been half the episode


To save billions

she never wanted love, she is a cutthroat bitch that lusts for power. She believes she is the chosen one because she has three (1) dragon(s). She doesn't give a shit about plebs or liberating slaves. All she wants is the throne.

Never should have let her escape to Pentos. Should have had a cadre of knights oathbound to find and kill Viserays and Dany wherever they may be.


Plot lines being solved over 6 episodes is retarded, considering the pacing of the first 5 seasons

Based Bobby B deserves more than C

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legit based

Her main reason for freeing the slaves at slaver's bay was to put up the facade of being a strong leader with her own city to rule and she fucked that up resorting to murder by dragon as a solution.
People who saw Daenerys as some sort of savior or hero in this show are truly delusional.