Another GOT thread gone

Another GOT thread gone

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A GOT thread died for this...




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Thank god. Fuck GoT and fuck jannies.

and especially fuck niggers


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based NIGposters

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When I was a kid, my afternoons were often spent shooting the larger pigeons in the fields with a rusty air rifle so old that when my father got it when he was a kid, it was already a hand-me-down. I walked around with a backpack, plastic bag, and a multitool which was enough to field dress them and chuck them in the plastic bag and into my backpack. Would bring them home to mom, who would cook them alongside plain polenta. Cornmeal, water, salt. If tomatoes were in season or we had a can of them lying around, we were able to thank the plants in the backyard for providing a braising liquid for the birds and sauce for the polenta. I also took pot shots at hares when I saw one jolt across the field away from me, and because of that a handful of times I've had a roasted rabbit. We had a cast for pellets and dad would always get old waste lead pipe to melt down in a tin can over the stove. I started casting them myself at about 8. I would lubricate the air rifle with heavily used cooking oil that was about to be tossed. She finally broke on me when I was a big boy now in the city and in a better financial situation, wanted to check how the action after reassembly and just as I'm done compressing air the piston ruptured wide open and the break-action lever that does the actual compressing bent itself out of shape, only thing I could have salvaged of her would have been the tube receiver and the stock. Barrel was already so worn to shit only I really knew how to hit anything with all it's continuously slightly shifting odd tendencies. Wish I could say the stock wood was beautiful walnut and I kept it or something but it was beaten-to-shit Wood-brand Wood, it did have character at the very least.

TL;DR If you're eating meat and you didn't have to go look for it in the woods, that's not poverty. Or you grew up in the middle of a city, which is fine I guess.