Do you think the multiverse part is a red herring?

Do you think the multiverse part is a red herring?

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The multiverse thing is just a way to justify black characters becoming mainline canon characters

Yes. I think Jake has created these villains as magical illusions and it's his illusions destroying the cities.

I'm not sure. You don't see any multi verse stuff in the trailer and the villain is Mysterio but then all that makes it too obvious so maybe that in itself is the double bluff.

If not bring back Tugboat


wasn´t the right guy a imposter who has no powers at all in the comics?

>implying Disney has any idea that fans of their Marvel franchise know who mysterio is and what he can do

I still wish that he'd been the Spider-Man in Civil War. Give him the one leg thing from Spider-Girl, so Tony can offer him something as a way to get back in the game. Then you can either introduce Miles, Mayday or both.

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Literally added last minute as Disney saw Spider-verse got some buzz. It has no bearing on the plot and is purely reshoots and added ADR in some cases.

Source: I did the ADR

Would have been perfect

Yes without a doubt and it’s crazy how people/shills who claim who claim to be fans unironically think there’s a multiverse and not just Mysterio creating a narrative for himself.

>toby miguire comes from the mutliverse and calls fury a nigher

Raimiposting would redeem this movie.

mysterio is so full of shit the only twist would be he's telling the truth

I don't give a shit.
Fuck marvel, fuck Disney, fuck capeshit, fuck you and fuck jannies.

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They would have revealed it with some kind of visual if it wasn't

The multiverse was already confirmed by Doctor Strange. He is bullshitting the part of him coming from it.

>You see Peter, in my universe the ages were flipped. You were the much older one, while Carol Danvers was but a young Middle School girl, tits barely developed yet.
>I'm in High School, sir.
>Say that again without your voice cracking. Still some things don't change, given what Fury told me. She initiated it. Pinned my Peter down and rode that pelvic web shooter like a cat in heat. She kept going until his whole groin fractured. Had to be hospitalized. Horny lolis, am I right, Peter? Only thing better is a whole baker's dozen of thirsty milfs. You're a lucky kid, Pete.

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Any other info on this movie you could share?

It is bait but in the post credits there will be a scene confirming multiverse