A video game depicts how a character can go mad in a more believable and better way then a 8 series long TV show

A video game depicts how a character can go mad in a more believable and better way then a 8 series long TV show.

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Dutch literally did nothing wrong. He was right all along.

>video game
more like walking simulator
from a storytelling perspective, it was good. from a video games, it was awful

Good tv shows will come user have some goddamn faith

You have faith son

It helps that there isn't as much propaganda pushing in vidya (yet)

>m-muh jews!!

have sex


Dany, ya gotta have faith. Just one more city razed to the ground and we'll be farming lemons in Bravos.

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based jannie

Didn't mention anything about Jews. You seem obsessed with /pol/

sorry faggot but rdr2's story was fucking retarded

you are a fucking idiot

He didn't say anything about /pol/, now you're both putting words in each others' mouths

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somebody call him when the RDR movie gets made

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Not really. I like RDR2 but Dutch's "descent into madness" wasn't well-handled at all. He's not even really that crazy at any point in the story and the pacing in that game is fucked.

Gahd dang it Dutch, you dun been listnin' t' that there Micah again, you and I both knows there ain't no lemons grows in Braavos

I agree with this unironically

Rockstar's great in world building and characters but the main storyline is always pure shite.

don't know why people cream over the rdr2 storyline, it was repetitive and Dutch wasn't a well written character, Arthur was better but him being sick for half the game was boring

it's almost the same arc, brainlet. plus Dany was always mad

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What's the surprise? There's lots of well written games out there.
Pic related surpasses every star wars film by a long shot and was written by a dude that doesn't even like star wars.

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Brainlet detected. He's completely crazy by the end, it's just handled in a subtle and realistic way.

yeah,this wasn't a videogame

boring shooting galeries and horse ridding
fuck Rockstar desu,shit is lame

>wanting revenge on the people who destroyed your family and tried to kill you is insane
I can smell the soi in this post

For the most part there absolutely is.

the story killed the franchise for me

it was that bad

Dutch had always been mad though.

Awful bait

It didn't though.
He had absolutely no reason to trust Micah over anyone.

>dutch and gang tolerant and liberal
>even bill and micah are implied gay
wtf this isnt realistic for the wild west at all

He was acting without thinking and ignoring the consequences.
>Let's not think about what went wrong there, right now let's focus on getting some money
repeat and repeat and repeat


Movies don't have 50 hours to develop their characters.
But I agree with the overall implied point.

He lied to everyone to have them tag along. He sold an illusion to feed his ego.

dutch was crazy from the start. the game didnt depict him going crazy at all. Also shit game and shit story

>a more believable and better way
Will the roastie seething ever end? I haven't seen anything like this since the 2016 election. D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>mentally unstable
>can't lead properly without male advisors telling her what to do
>hates her own race
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>wants to flood the west with immigrants
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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>Arthur literally went behind his back and against his orders on the Indians question, which was meant to get the cops off their ass
>he had no reason for doubt

Awful taste

>muh Tahiti
>just one more score Arthur we need mo money fo dem programs

He was an idiot and he was getting everyone killed by taking bad advice from a rat. Other than that yeah, nothing wrong


>He was an idiot
he wasn't. How can you be so fucking stupid? Dutch was an extremely narcissistic person that had a god complex. Everything he does throughout both games is meant to get people to worship and keep worshipping him. There was never any "Tahiti" dream. There was never need for money (Dutch literally had millions stashed away hidden from the gang). It was all just an excuse to keep everyone together following him.
That's not to say that he had a malicious intent, or that he meant the gang harm, that's just how he was. He craved the attention.

Why can't someone have the balls to make an NC-17 Blood Meridian kino adaptation?

Videogames are still lacking in the Mafia kino department, so it evens out.

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>bill and micah are implied gay
Gonna need some evidence senpai

Scarface video game. Vice City.

Godfather Part 2 even

Fuck off Micah

Bill is, not Micah

Bill was expelled from the army for "degeenrate behavior" or some shit like that. It's only speculation, it's never confirmed that he was actually buttfucking.
Idk about Micah. Never saw any hints of that.

You didn't pay attention, Dutch was always mad. Arthur and especially Hosea. When Hosea died Michah got to pull all the strings Dutch had

>Arthur and especially Hosea calmed him down*.

D&D bait and switched SJWs and showed them to be the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>can't lead without male advisors telling her what to do
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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If you don't think Dany has progressivley been becoming the bad guy since season 1 you are an brainlet. She literally kills everyone she has met. She overthrew a city and then abandoned it, after she crucified the nobles. She is in control of slave army, she gives her slaves the false idea of freedom. She has always been bad.

He was a semi-conscious, delusional opportunist. He sweet-talked people to join his gang in some idealistic project to live "free".
He was a true idealist, to such a degree that he managed to fool himself, of his utopic visions, as well.

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>Spend half the game dying of TB
Fuck you and fuck this overrated trash game

You just didn't get it, it's ok user.

>Having to drive a wagon full of whores to a feminist voter rally
Ho boy, so much fun!

why didnt they ever try to make money by doing something that didnt involve murdering 500 people every time they walked into a town?

>taking orders from the strong empowered female bounty hunter that never existed in any point in the history of the old west

>get to feed them to a crocodile later

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honestly it should have been john who was the rat all along
in rdr 1 he is quoted as leaving the gang because they abandoned him. i honestly thought they were gonna have a reveal or something at the end that would show them catching john and convincing him to roll on dutch to save his family.
would fit as to why he wasnt hanged immediately after being caught, and how he was able to just 'slip away' after falling from the train

The writing was also pretty shit in rdr2 but the fan Bois jerk it off as some sort of master piece

antagonizing a protagonist is the worst thing you can do. especially a previously established one. also john heavily hints that he never had any deals with the feds in RDR1 so it'd be practically impossible.

No, but your standard choice of execution being fire is pretty insane

>he thinks Dutch was a conman
the story went straight over your head

you mean except for the one where he has to hunt down the remaining members of the gang to see his family again?

he was, whether he was aware of it or doing it on purpose is a different story. I don't think he was.

what does that have to do with anything? Bill, Javier and Dutch were already antagonized in RDR1.

>We're under attack?

If you insist

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>he was, whether he was aware of it or doing it
Stop talking bullshit. A conman tricks people with fraudulent intent. Dutch was an idealist who believed in his ideas. That's why he went mad when confronted with the fact that his goals were unattainable.

>he went mad when confronted with the fact that his goals were unattainable
he was already losing it before chapter 5, retard. and chapter 6 reveals that no, he didn't lose it after the lost island episode, he had been hiding tons of shit from the gang all along.

youre not making sense
how would he never have had a deal with the feds if that is literally what the plot and opening scene of rdr 1 is?
the series is about the spirit of the wild west dying, if you ever look up how when a group of outlaws, gangsters, or drug dealers start going down, they always preach this "rather die then snitch" mentality, but when they actually do get arrested that shit goes straight out the window and they all become rats to save themselves

is it an antagonist move to want to save your family rather than some maniac bank robbers?

RDR2 Dutch shows us how the idealization of a free West, without laws and therefore pure, clashing with the continuous technological and social progress brings a person initially charismatic and sincerely attached to the members of his band to a slow mental degradation, and how, after a continuous series of failed robberies, he does not want to accept that the world for which he has always fought and in which he believed has always been the fruit of the imagination, fueled by books and the romantic idea of the wild west.

Also, MANGOES lol

His mental state was already declining before the start of the game, retard, which was made evident by the fact that he shot a girl's brains out during the blackwater massacre.

Thing bout Dutch is he’s always got a plan

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we're talking about different things.

John is very antagonistic towards the Bureau of Investigation in RDR1 because he never dealt with them in the past and he hates them, and blames them for the downfall of the gang (his family) too. He never mentions throughout the game meeting any of them before (despite Edgar Ross being part of the same unit that hunts them down in RDR2). That's why it'd make no sense to have John be the rat and then have him behave the way he does in RDR1.

wow, thanks for reinforcing my point!

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You were the one claiming he was a conman, dipshit.

I see you're chaning the topic. But no, you labeled him and then called me a retard for calling him a conman, which I never did. Keep up.

doesnt matter how much he hates them, they had him by the balls multiple times in rdr2 where they could have forced him to choose between his family and the gang.
I really think some writer at rockstar was trying to make this the case, but like you say i dont think the general public would be very receptive to john being the rat because hes supposed to be the good guy

theres simply too much there to discount though, he is the exact person that the feds would be targeting to flip on the rest of the gang
>only one in the gang that has a family, so he is the most vulnerable by far
>gets captured during a robbery
>already established in rdr 1 that something happened and he is working with the feds whether he wants to or not

micah being the rat was just rock playing it safe, only reason for it to be him is so that you hate him even more, because hes a bad guy and a coward

>doesnt matter how much he hates them, they had him by the balls multiple times in rdr2 where they could have forced him to choose between his family and the gang.
yes, but what I was saying is that they'd have to retcon parts of RDR1 because multiple conversations in that game would not make sense if John was the rat.

I think they meant to leave it up in the air who the rat is, because it's not actually very crystal clear who it was. We know Micah was collaborating with the feds, but there are heists that go wrong and some other parts that hint that maybe there was a second rat.

Ultimately I agree with you that I think they were setting it up for either John or Abigail to be the rat but decided against it sometime in development precisely because of potential backlash, and opted instead to leave it up in the air and provide hints here and there.


name a better shootout song

Yea Forumsump
