Why he didnt make half of the population incels?

why he didnt make half of the population incels?

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he did

Would have been smarter to have him turn all incels into resources

Why didn't thanos just have sex______ ____ ________________ _____________________________ _______ __________ .

why didn't he just turn everyone into futas

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>half the population shoots up the other half's school
>incels die out because they don't have sex
>you now have zero population
yeah good plan dude

Who says he didn't? Fortnite stayed popular after the snap.

Would the futas still have vaginas? How would babby be formed if everyone has a dong?

why you didn't learn english tourist?

Speaking of sex, what about anyone who was having sex during the snap? Would any girls who got creampied and get snapped have their zygote snapped with them? Will they survive somehow outside their snapped mothers' bodies?

Can someone please tell me why there is a group of people on this site that cases so much about other people having sex? Like, who is it and why do they care so much?

Can you please tell me why you won't have sex?

Can you please tell us why we should?

It implies that incels and femcels eventually find each other and have sex, turning into normal functioning members of society

But I did on Sunday.

>actually using your brain for thought and thinking and shit and not for purely sensing pusy pheromones
Have sex.

Why do you put sex on such a pedestal?

I touched today the subject of Thano's snap with friends. They got to the conclusion that if he erased 50% of existence, he would have a 50/50 chance of have done right.

I played the contrarian faggot and told them that the problems in the universe would still be at bay, just in a smaller scale (50%)

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>Would the futas still have vaginas?
Of course. No vagina would make them shemales.

>It implies that incels and femcels eventually find each other and have sex
Doesn't factor hypergamy into considered.

Your double trips are impressive. That's as good as this post gets.