What was the exact moment you started to hate Game of Thrones?
For me, it was "hold the door"
What was the exact moment you started to hate Game of Thrones?
For me, it was "hold the door"
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Stannis’ introduction
>no mention of proudwing or how the death of his parents made him lose faith
The fact that they never adapted such a pivotal moment for his character made realize this show was finished
varys and tyrion becoming boring assholes with no opposition
When Hodor died, now we will never see his huge meatpole again
What has six legs and goes "Ho-dee-do, ho-dee-do, ho-dee-do"?
Three niggers running for an elevator.
I've had a generalized feeling of disappointment since season 6, but the "I don't care about innocents" line from Jaime made me lose my shit. It is the clearest, most blatant proof that D&D don't care.
Barristans death was when I started to dislike it. Stannis burning his daughter is where I flat out hated it.
The way they killed off Stannis. I was pretty content until then. It wasn't that he died but how he died, fighting off against a horde of northern cavalry after a supply raid by Ramsay
cant pinpoint it to one scene, but day i started hating got is when first 7 episodes of season 5 leaked all at the same time. ever since then i hate it. especially arya
Ramsey duel wielding shirtless against Yara like some fucking anime villain
Shadow baby killing Renly. It made me realise that they can throw political planning and strategy out of the window and just rely on magic and supernatural beings to win wars.
He's named hodor because he held the door? That's real? Someone actually wrote that?
The fact that they screwed us on a proper Qarth storyline and then gave us the scantest taste of Valyria, i.e. cool mysterious Eastern shit that I'm dying to see explored in the story, was my last straw. Dorne's botched introduction, the boring north shit, and a general lack of great character moments (plus being asked repeatedly to give a shit about the sons of the harpy) greatly led up to that decision.
I still like it. Call me whatever you want but I don't visit facebook, twitter or reddit and I don't care about other people's opinios or "being part of a crowd". I never read the books, had to google what an Azor Ahai was, didn't know anything about anything and didn't watch faggot basedboy theories on youtube. I watched the winterfell thing on my bigscreen in 4k with the lights turned off. I laughed at the horrible sandsnake thing. I enjoyed all the weddings. I was laughing when danny, who I thought was a cunt all along, went full retard. I simply don't care, turn my brain off and enjoy what can be enjoyed. I watched dexter and didn't sperg out, I didn't care about the sopranos ending and I won't give a shit about this ending.
All of it pales in comparison to the ending of the second season of skins. And I stopped being a whining little child and grew the fuck up.
she was contagious leper
Season 5
Bro, tell me about it. Bad Poosy tier.
>unnecessarily create a time travel paradox
>Make no mention of this afterwards
What a bunch of retarded nonsense this scene was
What’s worse is that GRRM was responsible for this shit, I thought he was better than this
You are delusional comrade.
Season 4 when I realized they didn't care about logistics or set up anymore and everything that happened was just generic action schlock that would be more at home on the cw. Just boring "hella epic" moments every couple of episodes for normalfags to tweet about.
>I'll eat ya momma
>and ya poppa!
I think that was the EXACT moment I realized I was supposed to just turn my brain off and clap when they played happy music, pretend to be sad when they played sappy music and boo when they played scary music. More than half the show is legit bad
if you kept watching after season 4 you are a braindead and have no taste
everything post mountain vs viper has just been bad
Here is your you...hold the door was greatest
when they deviated from the books since S2
but Stannis was perhaps the last straw
As early as when they made Tyrion kill his father because he called Shae a whore. You know the actual whore who just betrayed him yet he still loves her. They completely dropped the Tysha plotline because the normies probably forgot about it.
The scene when one of the snek women stabbed a guy throw the face, it gave me hercules/xena vibes in a bad way
When Uncle Benjen saves Jon. So Danny comes and saves them with her Dragon Ex Machina even though she's like a thousand miles away from the Wall, and then Jon Snow falls behind and gets saved yet again from the maws of death. The writing was on the wall for a while but that's when I realized this wasn't the same show that killed Ned Stark for making a tiny political misstep.
this. But for me it wasn't the death of stannis' daughter, but his dumb attack on winterfell.
I don't even watch the show but apparently Bran warged into his past self while in the present someone was yelling at him to hold the door back against some bad guys (who he dies to eventually) and the young Hodor (idr his name before then) got his mind all screwed up by Bran and kept repeating "hold the door" until all he could say anymore was "hodor"
When they introduced Yara, and explained she was Theon's sister. Except her name is Asha but they thought the audience was retarded and they were going to confuse it with Osha so they changed it.
That and all the unnecessary sex scenes and making Rose important made me hate the show. Also simplifying the Blackwater battle and never explaining Stannis lost because Tywin manipulated the retards with Loras dressed with Renly's armor and moving like him which got their banners switch sides, losing half of the remaining forces.
>It's Renly!! He came back!!
Let's not forget the lack of chain and pot preparations to man the catapults which was awesome. And no turtle in Castle Black with Giants NOT wielding tree trunks as baseball bats. Also no straw mans to trick them into thinking there were more inside the castle then what they really were
It was a shit show from the start
The fight with the sandsnakes and Jamie and Bronn. It was Star trek level bad. That and the ghost coming out yet wans pussy to kill the soft lad
This except Hardhome made me really turn on the show. Wights turned into world war Z zombies, which was incredibly lame.
Sand pussies or whatever they're called. Stopped watching after them
> Hodor hold the door.
Tysha was never mentioned in the show so they didn't forgot her, they never knew her.
Season 4
Daily reminder that hodor has a giant cock.
>What was the exact moment you started to hate Game of Thrones?
When Danny scorched innocent people in King's landing.
Why didn't Melly just use a shadow baby to kill Ramsay?
I think this really disappointed me when it happened.
Felt like it was the first magic event having a real impact, when everything felt more like only legends until that.
This is clearly from GURM
His name should be Hoddik
And somehow you are proud of having no taste and no personality.
Don't you mean Suqmadiq
it was prosthetic.
It had consequences and Stannis felt remorse about it ever since. He knows he killed his brother in a cheap way and refused to defeat the Lannisters using magic and in the end, it was what defeated him at Blackwater.
Those couple (or was it a single one) of episodes where all of these things happen in a succession of an hour or so
>Ramsay sacks Stannis' encampment with 19 people
>weather gets super super cold all of the sudden
>Stannis burns Shireen
>his wife hangs himself
>Melissandre promptly fucks off
>his men fuck off as well
It was ridiculous to see most of these things happen one after the other in a single scene, felt like something out of a sitcom. I still can't believe it wasn't meant to be humorous.
Can't really remember. It was just a steady decline.
Around season 4 or so is when I stopped being really into it and from there I just steadily lost interest. I think it was season 6(?), the one where Tyrion and Sir Cuckold went around on a boat and fought in some arena and shit where I couldn't even be bothered watching each episode as they came out and was always like three episodes behind because I had to force myself to watch it.
>What was the exact moment you started to hate Game of Thrones?
seethe more, roastie
"smell my odor"
I never watched YouTube analysis before season 6. I just enjoyed the show, but it started to feel off and I wanted to know if I am the only one thinking like that.
So while I watched those vids, my dislike for the show started earlier.
Dany race mixing
>"You want the good girl but you need the bad pussy"
And then randomly and pointlessly murdering both Marcella and Trystane (?) and Doran instead of doing anything interesting with the characters.
She is mentioned in the scene where Tyrion, Shae and Bronn are playing the drinking game.
I felt the same way, but the show was still watchable. Jon coming back and Stannis burning his daughter is when all fell apart for me.
Feels bad when proven battle commander Stannis Baratheon fails to have basic pickets set up whilst miles deep in enemy territory.
Bravo D&D, this was way better than just showing him get slowly picked down and weakened by harassing Northerners for an episode or two and THEN losing.
Each time she uses the shadow baby it takes a piece of the person's soul, plus it can presumably only be used with kings and probably only with willing kings. Also it likely has a range effect since she waited until they were in the Stormlands to use it in show (and, in the book, she has to go under Storm's End before using it on the Castellan).
There were some signs of the show becoming garbage, but I think you're right, this scene was astonishingly bad
As a translator, I'm curious to see how this shit will be dubbed, especially since they probably told no one from day 1, and Hodor is named Hodor in every language.
In my language they subtitled it as
>Walk and hold the door tightly
I always kind of hated it, but Ned Stark, Petyr Baelish, Tywin Lannister and Stannis Baratheon got me through all the shit. Being able to fast forward every Jon Snow and Dany scene helped.
I guess the show died for me when they killed off the last good character by butchering his character with their dogshit writing then let the goblin and Sansa outsmart him.
Osha had plenty of fun with him.
Yara and Ramsey's Dog War
Where Yara got the meanest killers on the isles together on like 3 tiny boats, sailed from the Iron Islands presumably making port in Lannisport, The Arbor, Sunspear, Tarth, King's Landing, Gull town, and finally White Harbor as they sailed around the entirety of Westeros in a couple of Dinghies and then picking up those Dinghies carrying them on their backs as they treked 300 miles overland to attack the Dreadfort only to come up against a shirtless ramsey and a couple dogs getting spooked and turning around and doing the entire voyage in reverse in shame.
That was the moment when I was like "Oh, this show is fucking stupid and makes no sense"
This, after seeing Stannis going Noob Saibot on Renly my expectations dropped. Fun show but couldn't take it serious anymore.
First time the teleportation got to be too much
20 good men was the straw that broke the camel back, it's somehow managed to get worse over time
Read the books and spammed the series shortly after S4 ended. Was so excited waiting a year for the show to go past the books. Was literally flabberghasted by the night/day drop off in quality from the start of S5, but didn't really hate it till Long Night. I like it again since 05 though.
Sending all the coolest characters on a cool adventure north of the wall and it's fucking boring and stupid as shit
Some of the most kino shots tho
when they didn't let the whip girl do it
>They completely dropped the Tysha plotline because the normies probably forgot about it.
They changed it for the worse because normies would have thrown a fit if they found out Tywin had a innocent, pure and loving woman gangraped, and that Jaime was 100% in on it.
Its exactly what an American Tolkien would write tho
when they established killing a white walker kills all his minions
>Our Dad Died!
>I know, Let's murder all the people he loved and cared about while going against his beliefs about not attacking the innocent!
im black and my pp is very tiny...where is my bbc
When this dude actually was revived after dying
I just realized that was the same moment for me. Fuck and when you keep thinking about it more the past 6 seasons just get worse and worse
Started to get bored at season 6 until the last two episodes but season 7 was when I realised the show was over
their treatment of Stannis, and escalating lack of building up to dramatic plot points after.
What kind of show would we have gotten if he had stayed dead?
Season 5 episode 1
I don't think bringing him back was the wrong move. But they should have been more GRRM in how they executed it. In the books, resurrections always have negative side effects. Cat gets resurrected long time after her death, and she is no longer who she used to be at all. Beric gets brought back instantly after each death, but even he loses a lot of his former personality, making who he was before his first death, a completely different guy from the current him. So yeah, if Jon comes back in the books, I hope he comes back wrong. Maybe less heroic and more cold and heartless? Something that opposes who he was before his death. The show fucked up, when they brought back the same goody two shoes and nothing knowing kit that we have known for all those seasons.
Seeing how they handled the Littlefinger and Stannis characters were the first signs that made me worry about the direction the show would take, especially after it would pass the books(I always knew it would). Barristan's death is where my worries were confirmed. The Dorne plotline(basically anything involving the sand sneks) is where I realized just how truly awful things would get, and I started to get genuinely angry at how butchered the source material would be. By the time Stannis was dead, so was the show to me. Thinking back, it's amazing just how shit season 5 was. The show had its bad and mishandled moments in previous seasons, but 5 was just a straight drop in terms of quality.
When those dudes get killed by the whites in episode 1