Martin owned by facts and logic

Benny boy here liked sunday nights episode. I listened to his show. I suffered through an hour of his neo con garbage to get his got review. Hahahahahahahahahah. It just gets better every day.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's actually not wrong on this one.

>two centuries

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>I listened to his show

Post link.

Is this the guy that got triggered and ran away from that talk show a few days ago in a shit fit?

I believe he's just being hyperbolic.

i hate this guy but he's completely right here, AFFC and ADWD were unfocused snoozefests

Oh no is Benny having a fit again? Did he get upset at the books and storm off in a huff?

DwD was good

Hes actually not incorrect

I cannot stand this insufferable, kippah-wearing, nasally jew and his nails on a chalkboard voice.

why do you care what this filthy kike has to say?
sure GRRM is shitty and his books are a perversion of fantasy to the point that they're just medieval smut, but why do you put so much weight into what this little rat says?

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But what about Ben's tax policy?

Israel First

Tell me about it. But first let me introduce you to skill share

Game of Thrones: 10
Clash of Kings: 9
Storm of Swords: 10
Feast for Crows: 7
Dance with Dragons: 8

This guy is greasier than Joffrey's cunt

Ben was defending Arya's defeat of the Night King, so fuck him.

Feast is a slog on the first read but kino on the second.

I urge you to go to mondays episode skip trough 50 minute of his trash and listen to the 10 good minutes of got commentary he is basically rught about the whole episode. He shits on ep 3 then says this episode was good. And points out its flaws and says its mostly good. A broken clock is right twice a day.

This man can continue to try and interject himself into everything so he gains more attention and fans, but I still don't listen to him or know much about him other than that he has an opinion on everything and he is always right (In his opinion).

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based, those are exactly my ratings too

Holy fuck really gimmie links. Thats the only thing i like about this guy is that occasionally a clip will show up in my feed where hes talking about movies and he actually has somewhat good tastes. He introduced me to Zahler movies.

It was actually in defense of her training, which was still shit and unearned.

>episode 5

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Yup, it was glorious. Got completely exposed for being nothing but controlled opposition.

>”so you admit you only care about israel?”
>”yes.....but.... REEEEEEEE”

It was, normalfag

CoK is the best book nugger

>Everything beyond book 3 isn't good
Okay retard

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But DWD was pretty good

I think he means GRRM took his bloody damn time to make these 6 books in 20+ years.

It was better than literally everything else in 7 and 8. But it still had plotholes and shit writing and the retarded convenience where jamie me the sailor faggot. God hes so bad i already forgot his name.

HBO is also in the wrong for buying the rights to an unfinished story
what if the fat fuck died?

I hate this opportunistic, sniveling little faggot so fucking much

Just how old is this fat bastard?

Holy shit an insult against a jew on Yea Forums without use of the word kike. Take my (you) im impressed.

>episode 5

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Is this a Snopes fact check plugin for Yea Forums

>Jew defending subversion
Imagine my shock

Shapiro is an overvalued, manlet wank-stain.

I do not care about GoT

Ben Shapiro is that little faggot that you beat up on in elementary school and felt bad about until the next day when you remembered how annoying he is.

>Varys suspicions of Dany having little basis
>Varys scheming amounting to asking Jon and Tyrion to rebel and sending ravens, when they still need her army and Dragon to win the war
>Cleaganebowl being a stupid contrived fight appealing to fanservice, rather than having an actual reason to fight
>Arya's entire character changing in one brief scene with the hound telling her to give up revenge
>Pointless Jaime and Euron fight
>Jaime not caring about innocent people, completely ignoring why he is known as the kingslayer
>Scorpions amounting to nothing when they took out Rhaegal in the previous episode
>The Bells = surrender, which directly contradicts Davos' statement in the Battle of Blackwater
>Multiple Arya death fake-outs
>Having Dany's change in character explained in the after episode interviews because it isn't clear from watching the fucking episode
>Retarded Unsullied henchmen letting Tyrion see Jaime
>No one giving a shit about Jaime escaping or blaming Tyrion before the battle

Did you know he wrote a book basically him sperging out bullies and calling the left bullies. Literally called bullies. You cant make this shit up.

>goyim incapable of understanding what's about to happen

are you trying to imply that the series was ever good before?

Very antisemitic comment.

Hurrdurr fighting and sad music.
I bet you liked hardhome too.

From now on, every time this talkative worm opens his tiny mouth and excreted some cringy statement about anything, I'm going to evoke a particular based fat conservative bong annihilating him and, somehow, everything will be well, as it should be.

>anywhere near 10/10 literature
lol no

No I haven't liked this show since season 4. Not one good episodes between season 5 episode 1 and season 8 episode 4.

Actually fuck that the dragon battle last season where Jamie charges at Dany was kino as fuck.

needs to be banned from twitter

>all of your most recent stuff is bad
>but please give us some more stuff

didn't beat him up, but would join in occasionally with making fun of this one kid because one time I said
>hey brandon what's goin on?
and he replied
>shut the fuck up

he's still a goofy ass motherfucker. literally brought a book to school showing us which dragons lived among us one time. and sure you'd feel sorry for him, but he was just such a dick you couldn't help but join in when people berated him.


Ok this is epic


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I never even mentioned his conniving Jewishness. It was merely implied.

>hipster has an opinion
That's nice, honey.

>you have to be a hipster to recognize trash when you see it

>heh, these simpletons have never had the pleasure of reading James Joyce or Fitzgerald

I haven't watched the last two episodes and haven't really been following the discussion, but did people seriously decide they love the show now because Dany is the villain? D&D buttfucking this franchise all these years is completely forgiven because they stuck it to those damn SJW at the last second? And considering the Arya thing they didn't even fully commit to that.

Link to GRRM whining about series conclusion please?

jews stick up for jews and jews ruined the show because Star Wars

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>not liking feast
holy fuggoly get some taste

>or fitzgerald


Go back to your circle jerk on lit, faggot.

I kinda agree with this jew manlet on this one.

Martin is indeed a lazy cunt bastard piece of shit, he could have finished it years ago. Holy shit, there are series with more than five books that started after he released the fifth book. At the pace this fat fuck cocksucking bitch take to write the books, he will probably die of old age before releasing the next.

I regret starting to read the Song of Ice and Fire at this point, just like I regret starting to read Berserk. Both will have no end, as the lazy slowpoke bastards who write then are stuck up sons of bitches.

The time you used to make an interview to whine could have been used by writting, you fat obese slob lazy piece of shit.

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Just imagine if he weren't jewish. He'd be doing youtube videos noone gives a shit about. He'd be less relevant than Douge.

ADWD was worse than Feast. Have sex.

OP is Benji subtly shilling for himself.

AFFC is a snooze fest and ADWD is good, because if he didn't split it up that way the books would be a confusing mess. WOW will be good too since there's at least 4 major battles set up to happen in the book.

The books are unfinishably large and that's the issue. You couldn't write Winds either.

Lil Ben lies about his height

He also got BTFO by a British conservative journalist and stormed out of the interview saying he’s more popular and accused him of being a leftist

Cryin’ Ben

GRRM RAPED in his fat fucking FACE by LOGIC and ARGUMENTS

This guy used to have decent takes but the past year it seems like he just tries to lash out at everything that's popular

In all fairness a British conservatives IS a leftist

yeah, but seeing all them people burn to death was based.

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A Feast for Crows is the best book in the series fight me

American conservatives only care about the freedom to be Mexican and 56% white

>still no wall

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GRRM needs an editor just like George Lucas needed quality control.

Ben continues to prove he has shit taste. That said he's right about GRRM being a lazy piece of shit. The guy has wasted years writing spin-off and producing other shows instead of working on the thing people care about.

Shapiro is a whiny little shit but he's not completely wrong, Feast and Dance both drag a bit. They're still much better than the show post-season 5 though. I'll take Dany's meandering Mereen storyline, Lady Stoneheart, the pointless Quentyn Martell plotline, and of course Faegon over the utter shit we got from seasons 5-8 any day.

You literally can't find a fault with s8 e5 that isn't attributed to writing
>great special and practical fx
>pretty good acting, all things considered
>good directing
Emilia Clarke managed to get me to fap to her again after 7 seasons
Only literal plotfags think this ep is worse than e3 where you could literally see nothing, or e1-2-4 which were mostly badly written fanfic and filler to begin with

The only good thing about Ben Sapiro is his sister

No I’m a honkey not a jew. Here Ill prove it. I like the dead kennedys

you must mean the only two good things

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It was.

>Retarded Unsullied henchmen letting Tyrion see Jaime
Why wouldn't they let the Queen's Hand see a prisoner of war when he wants to fucking see the prisoner?
>No one giving a shit about Jaime escaping or blaming Tyrion before the battle
Yeah I didn't get this at all. It's like they completely forgot about him for no real reason.

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D&D bait and switched SJWs and showed them to be the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>can't lead without male advisors telling her what to do
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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>support NHS
>support social programs
>support mass immigration
>support late stage abortions
>support high taxes
>support anti free speech laws
>support anti gun laws
>btw I'm a conservative
He’s literally a leftist by American standards.
At least we’re trying to change that and weed people out. You bongs get fucked up the ass while paying stupid licenses.

He's right, A feast of crows is his peak in the series