This kinda sucks

This kinda sucks

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But that's the best Kubrik movie

There are parts of it I like but on a whole not so great

well, that's just because you're a faggot

I really like it a lot.
That's all I can say.

there’s not any blowjobs in the movie. We’re you even paying attention?

No dude. No.
It really is. Everytime I watch it like once a year or every couple of years, I always leave feeling like I saw a legitimate masterpiece.

Very intelligent response you'll fit in here on Yea Forums especially if you think this is kubricks best

It's good until you realize he used a green screen for these scenes

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Tell me what the point of this movie was

No, "Paths to Glory" was Kubricks best movie....

"Eyes Wide Shut" was nothing but softcore non-porn for hypocrites too scared to jerk it to real porn, before there was "Fifty Shades of Grey".

Cruise was cucked by his wife's sexual fantasy, he starts prowling around for his own 'real' adventure with a hooker, a teenage girl, and a secret sex cult for the super-rich. Then the sex cult harasses Cruise to keep his mouth shut. Cruise goes back to reality, and decides to stick with fucking his wife instead.


Yes I know what happened in the movie but what was the point

>thinking eyes wide shut is about porn

exposure of the satanic elite

the point was to see how far Cruise's character was willing to go down that rabbit hole of sexual exploits.

>>thinking eyes wide shut is about porn
> between the lines.

Movies like this tend to bring the sexual tension one gets for watching porn, without actually watching porn itself.

vanilla sky is basically a better version imo

all those thrillers tom cruise did back then were great

fav kubrick movie tho, comfy

Eyes Wide Shut : takes off mask
Vanilla Sky : puts on mask

explain it to me like I'm retarded ..

All of you saying this is kubricks best are utter contrarian morons, this is widely considered his worst because its true. Maybe if it was actually finished by kubrick it could have added up to something more interesting and impactful, but as it is now it's just a beautiful bore.

what kind of retard watches that film and thinks it's meant to be porn?

>Maybe if it was actually finished by kubrick it could have added up to something more interesting and impactful, but as it is now it's just a beautiful bore

Are you talking about Eyes Wide Shut, or A.I.?

Eyes Wide Shut's final cut was completed a week before he died. That movie is a finished product.

A.I. was half way into the production by Kubrick, then Spielberg finished the film for him. ....and that movie wound up being shit regardless.

>we should all agree unthinkingly with popular consensus
"No". Eyes Wide Shut is a great film and remains one that is very misunderstood

Imagine not knowing the difference between rear/back projection and green screen.

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faggot, there are people in the world too proud to directly watch porn to get their erotic they turn to "erotic, suspenseful, racy" movies like this instead.

What's wrong with that


>Eyes Wide Shut's final cut was completed a week before he died. That movie is a finished product.
Hard to say he wouldn't have made further changes after the premiere like he did with 2001 and THE SHINING.

It wasn't finished he screened a cut of it for the executives but he is known for working and editing his movies up until the final minute they are to be released. He died while they were scoring the movie 4 months before it was released, you don't think he would have made some adjustments to the movie in that time?

The only genuinely sexy scene in that movie is the part where Tom is with the prostitute.

who put the mask in the bed next to michelle?

It was a warning.
One reading is that the entire thing is Cruise's character's initiation into the elite circle, and that at the end, he chooses to sacrifice his daughter.
And that his wife ate the apple and dragged him and his family down because he was not fulfilling his proper role in their relationship and cucking himself.
But either way the message is that the elite are evil and use sex and violence to manipulate and control people.

She found it and put it there

In any case, it isn't authentic and really ruins the immersion. I'm open for debate

>The only genuinely sexy scene in that movie is the part where Tom is with the prostitute.

Depends on what you find 'sexy', which was what the movie is about.

You forgot about the Russian's "teenage daughter" and of course the entire sex cult thing....putting (you) in the "what would you do" in that scenario.

>Would you fuck a hooker?
>Would you fuck an underage teenager?
>Would you strip naked in front of rich sex cultist? (which seems to be more of a ritual initiation he failed at, imo)

Like I said, >the point was to see how far Cruise's character was willing to go down that rabbit hole of sexual exploits.

Well we probably won’t know if it was intentional because Kubrick wanted some surreal feeling to it or if he wanted that shot and did it on a set because he heated working in real locations.

Kubrick is very self conscious, he's got lots of "structure" and metaphor and so on... But just having structure and metaphor doesn't make a great film, in my view. I've probably seen fewer Kubrick films than most everyone in this thread, though from all his periods, but every one I have seen (possibly excepting the early and somewhat anomalous "Killer's Kiss") had what I would call a lack of visual structure. There are lots of ideas, and lots of visual tricks, but the spatial architecture, which in what I would call a great film consists of the way lines and surfaces and angles and light and movement combine to create the meaningful visual expression that I find in Ford and Hitchcock and Rossellini and Bresson and Brakhage and Kubelka, is lacking. His films have for me a curious visual "emptiness," a feeling that the imagery is a kind of vacant vessel for stylistic and thematic and plot flourishes ("redrum" and all that), and this is true for me from "The Killing" to "Full Metal Jacket" to "Eyes Wide Shut, to choose three I've seen in recent years. Their hollow core suggests "A. I." (which I also disliked) as his perfect subject, I suppose, as was HAL, but he doesn't do enough with that hollowness in his own films to make it an expression in itself.

As a war movie, "Full Metal Jacket" seemed rather predictable too -- I just *knew* it was the African-American who would get killed.

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>You forgot about the Russian's "teenage daughter" and of course the entire sex cult thing....putting (you) in the "what would you do" in that scenario.
For sane people, I meant.
But I think most would agree that it's the only scene in the movie where we feel any kind of real intimacy.
The only misstep in that film is the brief part after the party when Tom and Nicole are about to fuck. I think Kubrick wanted it to be sexy but it fell very flat

during the part where tom sees the ceremony. Are you watching it or are you hypnotized? Kubrick showed us what goes on behind closed doors. Parties that dont "exist". this happens all the time. we just dont know it. you guys need to wake up!

You didn't watch them correctly.

He tried to warn us.
You didn't listen.

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Eyes Wide Shut is honestly one of Kubrick’s best, but you unironically must have sex to truly appreciate it

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you're much too kind
it's fucking awful
totally unwatchable
is this why showing that the Moon landings were faked is so easy?
The Kubrick Tell I hear they now call it

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>there’s not any blowjobs

sounds more like my biography lately if you catch my meaning

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>consists of the way lines and surfaces and angles and light and movement combine to create the meaningful visual expression
Are you blind?

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you're kinda retarded.

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I've heard people say it's a fantastic analysis of relationships but I've never been in a relationship before.

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how do you know?

That was the only scene though?

/pol and /x favourite movie because of "MUH JEWS SECRET PARTIES"

if you actually read the book the movie just follows the story of the book but in a moder setting

what im trying to say is this movie is trash,is pleb filter,is nazi filter and contrarians porn

>needs someone to explain movies to him
are you 12?


Eyes Wide Shut


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Kubrick didn't get too finish it. it doesn't feel up to his standard. a ton of interesting stuff in it though. visually and otherwise

>"Eyes Wide Shut" was nothing but softcore non-porn for hypocrites too scared to jerk it to real porn, before there was "Fifty Shades of Grey".
have sex

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because he barely left his house

vietnam in FMJ is also shot in a studio

also who gives a fuck

my favourite film of all time

honestly guys i've seen thousands of films and this one might just be the best ever made

zero holes


Yea i believe he said he hated it by the time it was finished, that cruise and kidman had hijacked the creative process and ruined the whole production

This is every zoomers favorite Kubrick movie because its the most contemporary and easy watching.

>Yea Forumsposter doesn't like a movie that is 100% about sex and relationships

Wow gee I can't imagine why

I hate how Yea Forums idolizes this shit.

>believing retard conspiracy interpretations

t. kike
if by sex and relationships you mean global elite kikes disappearing people, human trafficking and performing ritual human sacrifice to worship the devil, then ye you got it

Followed by nymphomaniac. Why can't the west do erotic films? At least basic instinct was campy.

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I like it, and I don't care what other people like, but the fact that most people like it might mean it's good

Doesn't follow. Most people like garbage. If anything it might mean it's trash.

The first one I could chalk up to coincidence, but why the fuck is there even an eye there on the clockwork orange poster?

Most people DONT like it. Its Yea Forums's obsession for no reason other than some sort of obtuse validation of their own impotence.

Don't forget ALIEN 3 and DUNE!

>Its Yea Forums's obsession for no reason other than some sort of obtuse validation of their own impotence.

Rich people have sex too woah mind BLOWN

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Have sex

based non-sequitur poster

he kinda died before it was finished

find love

its more of a documentary to be intrigued by
or a social study to dissect
than a kino to be entertained with

Sounds like most of Kubrick's films.

no need, when Faceoff was created to do just that

now go watch Travolta-Cage kino and be enlightened

half sects

This. FPBP.

fucking tom
levitating to seem taller

this manlet learned

all wrong
the movie was finished when kubrick died
the only thing left to do was some foley sound effect touch ups and score editing
he had finished his final cut of the film
kubrick also absolutely never gave up control to tom cruise and nicole fucking kidman lmao
people make excuses for Eyes Wide Shut all the time
they want there to be a reason for a cinematic god to finish his life with a movie like this
the truth is it's just mediocre
move on

This. They lured people in to watch it because Cruise and Kidman were a big deal at the time, and people thought it would be them fucking for 2 hours. Turns out it was Kubrick exposing the elites and their sexually peverse rituals.

>the truth is it's just mediocre
you have 10 seconds to list your film hierarchy from top to bottom and eyes wide shut had better be in the exact middle

and as we all know, kubrick never made last minute edits prior to and even right after the premiere of his films

I liked it because I'm a sucker for paranoid conspiracy movies

You first you first

Tv won't be happy until a FOIA is filed to force all politicians to only have sex in public places

I really must insist that if you don't understand Eyes Wide Shut it's you that could benefit from trying something new

What about Vertigo?

bruh, it was used for one shot, bruh, to create an inconsistent dream logic, bruh

i love it because kubrick is very subtly telling the world that all women are money-grubbing whores, and they're basically groomed from a young age to be that way.

Supposedly they edited it after Kubrick died

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Hm never noticed.

it was extremely jarring because he was obviously walking on a fucking treadmill, how do you not notice that?

Dont forget Full Metal Jacket, the second to last movie he made

Full Metal Jacket Eyes Wide Shut
Free Masons Jews

it was only for one shot, Hawkeye

Between the ages of 7 and 12 I was brutally molested and sodomized by my rabbi. My family didn't believe me. Now I'm unable to achieve an erection. Every time I have sexual thoughts I think about Herschel bending me over his desk and holding my mouth shut. His long rabbinic beard scratching against my back with each thrust.

you're just inobservant.

I like to watch it in winter. Like blade runner. Ultra comfy Ultra kino.

>watching a bunch of creepy kikes be awful people
must be a honk honk kind of feeling

Idk mate was probably scratchin my balls or eatin some buncha crunch

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ugh another american philistine
lose weight, have sex

help me, 4eyes. Help me help you

>buncha crunch
truly based.

wouldnt you be the 4 eyes since you couldnt see the obvious change of perspective and weird motion consistent with fakery? hmm guess you gotta polish those fuckin magnifying glasses you have on your face

>change of perspective
>he doesn’t know what lenses are
there were artificial backdrops for a few scenes but the rear projection was for one single shot, pls stop ebarassing yourself. Just watch it again.

you didn't even notice it, but ok lmao

just tell us what shots you think they were so we can all laugh at you and get on with our lives.

why are you trying to move the goalposts, 4 eyes? you know you can just move on instead of getting mad :)

I’m just really worried about you user. I don’t want you to bring this up in a conversation with legit filmfags and spill your spaghetti all over the place. This is what a guy gets for trying to help.

>he actually didnt notice the greenscreen
lolol the absolute state of amerifats
>legit filmfags
you mean the people who dont even notice green screens and treadmills? wow... very legit indeed. thanks for "trying to help" but no thanks, haha.

A film about infidelity or more importantly fidelity isn't for everyone.

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Jesus Christ I hope this is fake and gay.

duh fucking idiot lmao.

>EWS is about to turn 20

I remember taking a girl to see it in '99. She actually liked it a lot; should have held onto her. The audience was full of plebian hecklers.

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I saw it three times when it came out. After one of the screenings, two teenagers were leaving and one of them said 'No wonder Stanley Kubrick died!'

oy vey, the movie was about infidelity and not conspiracies/Secret societies, goy!

What did he mean by this?

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whats the screenshot from?

yeah because he fucking hates flying and after Lolita he just moved to England

the very world the characters lived in was fake... whoa

only for shots of real ny. most of the city shots were on a set in england.

I really must insist that you learn how to read a book

A sion sono film. Its not much of a film though. It feels more like a student art film even by sion sono standards.

best kubrick film

too abstract nerd