Let's discuss the television show Dirty Jobs in this thread
Let's discuss the television show Dirty Jobs in this thread
>y-yeah guys keep doing these bad jobs, I'm heading back to the studio to do voice-over work
He's not wrong.
At least I watched the show so I know how to shovel shit now.
Take the pledge, folx
zoomers BTFO
>no guidance
Well who's fault is that you old, bitchy fuck
>poorly educated
overly educated
>no skill
>no ambition
>no guidance
>no realistic expectations
b-but every kid is special
>this triggers useless NEETs
>muh wage slave
It's obviously millennials' fault for not giving their bootstraps a firm handshake.
Do boomers not realize the irony in complaining about their kids not having basic life skills?
as if this turd knows what it means to get up at 6 every day, work till exhaustion at 5 and do this for 30 years.
In future generations this figure will be remembered as the Complacent Boomer, destroyer of spirits.
>those little soft baby hands
>b-but look at my cheap gray cap i'm wearing!
kek this boomers not fooling anyone
Cuck level
1) the sweat pledge
2) becoming a minority while everyone else of your race laughs at you
3) being happy that someone stole your bike
4) Moot
No. Same people bitching about participation trophies are the same ones who gave the fucking things out.
I think that's his point, he's calling out his fellow boomers for fucking up
>waaahhh it's my parents fault i'm a lazy unemployed loser with no life skills!
Grow up, kiddo. I lost my dad in the War when I was only a toddler and I ended up becoming a corporate executive. Because I had grit.
Why are kids these days so soft? Bunch of pansies if you ask me.
>Yea Forums: lol faggot lefties going to school for liberal arts degrees won't ever get a job
>also Yea Forums: lol jobs are for cucks
Well he's not wrong but why is a TV personality lecturing people on work ethic? He sits in front of a camera and bullshits, wow that must require so much skill and specialized training
>finding a job with a liberal arts degree
There is a lot of overlap.
its a subtle racist jab at blacks, since most grow up with no father they have no guidance
>College educated
>Gets a useless comms degree
>Calls millennials unskilled and poorly educated
Is this some kind of joke?
that's inevitable when there is no population control and you also let third worlders into civilized countrys
back in the early 90's i saw how the world was working and saw i had no chance for a decent education or job once i became an adult
mike rowe has a sexy voice
Hey user, he does basic bitch first day stuff at multiple jobs for one of those T.V. shows! That's totally comparable to spending 40 years of your life, working 9 hours a day, same thing, every day, day in and day out, until your desire to live eventually gets ground out of you and commit extended suicide with greasy food and a lack of health care, because dying is the only respite you will ever have.
>no alcohol
I killed your dad faggot
I'm German, you little shit.
How about I say this, instead: I really love the Rockwell font.
Stay mad kraut, I bombed that shitty city of yours like it was nothing. What was it called, “Dumsdin” or something? I dunno you krauts always were good for a laugh!
I’m a useless NEET but loads of people my age work their asses off in shit jobs for min wage. Seems like an unfair generalization by a sodomite in a hard hat
minimum wage shitty service jobs isn't even remotely close to what he means by skill
No retardo. Hes calling out boomers too
But I’m not any of those things
He isn’t wrong.
About 90% of what I learned throughout my entire academics was not related to programming at all, I barely learned how to apply for a job (as in having the best possible resume/doing well on the interview), and I school/my own family always encouraged me to be introverted.
>No realistic expectations of what it means to go to work
People like him are the reason people join communism. Because nothing screams "burn the richfags" more than some stuck up celebrity from Ivory Tower telling the plebs how they should be grateful for their shitty position.
I fucking swear, every time, if they toned down their smug retardance, they would have MUCH less problems with lefties, but they just fucking need to rub it in and virtue signal about their "superior work ethics" or similar bs.
based gook
But celebrities are commies. Mike Rowe is one of the few actually saying earn your own shit.
Thats the point, no millenials know this either
Millenials are too busy living in daddys home and joining antifa to ever know the feeling of work
>Overly educated
Reflection of the demands from the (((free market))).
Because in (((free market))) every enterpreneur wants an experienced worker, but expects others to pay for them.
That's, by the way, is a known problem and the reason why "the business will build infrastructure" tend to not work - nobody wants to invest in something that would help their competition by proxy. it's the real life version of that anecdote about Jews and the Vodka.
>no guidance
Because proper "guidance" is considered either literal communism, and the one that is there is a full on "prep the bull and be happy for it".
>no realistic expectations
I'd say expectations are too realistic. People became redpilled and now see right through all corporate doublespeak bullshit.
>who gave the fucking things out.
Who were given those fucking things.
Kek so you just gave up? I literally did the bare minimum of what was expected of me, finish school, finish college with a useless degree, and now I've got a decent 50k yearly job and my own place. You don't get to blame third worlders for this one you waste of oxygen, you're just a loser.
>Do boomers not realize the irony in complaining about their kids not having basic life skills?
Lurk the abandoned parents forums.
The entitlement is so real, you will have difficulty maintaining the opinion that these people are 50-60, not 5-6 years old.
American baby boomer is the most vile, entitled, "gibsmedats" oriented, hedonistic thing out of ALL the possible types in USA.
daring synthesis
both of them are retards, get out of here with this dialectic shit
> no millenials know this either
Millenials actually know this. That's why they are not doing this shit all while bootlicking their boss for the "opportunity".
Millenials know that the deal is shitty and stay off.
50k is a pathetic amount in this day, nice try tho
>Mike Rowe is one of the few actually saying earn your own shit.
No, he is one of the many who is telling people to suck it up and be good goyim, and not bitch about it.
whats the jew vodka anecdote user? I've never heard such a tale
He's absolutely 100% right.
>t. unskilled, zero ambition, 10-year on-and-off hikineet welfare leech
mike is a disingenuous retard
bill nye was at least not afraid of women and minorities for 30 years before lying
People that have no standards for their own life should be lined against the wall.
>bragging about making schoolteacher pay
For a thousand dollar hooker this is only 50 clients per year
Why do rural and suburban retards preach the value of hard work when most of them are obese, non exercising retards that refuse to ever develop a deep understanding of any subject, and look at all technology as though it was magic, and love to see metrosexuals on the TV parrot their retarded values they don’t even follow themselves? Why they do that?
He should do porn
Then we import millions of unskilled workers to price these people out of the labor market.
Then we call them bigots for complaining and mock them for being poor and uneducated.
Then we push the narrative through media that only poor and uneducated people oppose immigration, and that they oppose immigration because they are uneducated.
The future is going to be horrible for millennials. Younger generations will realize their weakness and eat them alive.
He based
You should work at a movie theater user. You look like you love projecting.
based loser-n-proud user
cringe loser-n-low-self-awareness user
Ok, brace for the story. It's a translation, so excuse my English
>At the end of praying in the synagogue, Rabbi declared to the jews there:
> - GUYS, I understood why Russians don't like us! We can't drink vodka properly! Let's do the following: tomorrow everyone bring the bottle of vodka with themselves, we will pour it down in the big cauldron and start training in proper vodka drinking
> Moisha returns to home, tells his wife that tomorrow he must bring bottle of vodka.
>Wife tells him:
>-Mosiha, take the bottle of water. There will be full cauldron of vodka, who will notice?
>So he did that. Next day, Jews are pouring the bottles into cauldron. After that, Rabbi takes the cup, stirrs the contents of cauldron, and then takes a sip...
>Changes his face to the one of pure desperation and sadness, looks over to other Jews and says:
>-I think, I understood, why Russians don't love us.
>cringe loser-n-low-self-awareness user
meant for
I read a news article today about how wages for non college educated men haven't risen in real terms for 50 years.
Democracy and capitalism are broken.
Because they are huge hypocrites.
uh.. it's probably working just as intended, user.
Have you ever met or worked with these people? I have, and they’re exactly as I describe. They fall for obvious scams and ploys all the time, they constantly preach about hard work, but most of them are fat as shit and suck ass at their jobs. They never, ever even want to discuss anything at depth or behind surface level, they come home after work and stare at the TV and eat fast food for every meal. They fucking suck ass, and they’re hypocritical pieces of shit as well. Their idea of hard work is having a job and keeping their lawn mowed. They also complain endlessly about Mexicans taking advantage of the system because of some minuscule (in the grand scheme of things) welfare payments, but endlessly want more and more military spending and war. Most of them don’t budget or have savings either.
And yes, I know they’re better than the niggers. What a real accomplishment!
lol that's pretty good ty
It IS working as intended.
It's just ancaps and lolberts are literal "muh utopia" tards.
>everyone on Yea Forums is the same person
Cinema ushers?
No, rural and suburban retards
It isn’t a factor. As these people don’t have the time for more than ten drinks a week.
This reads like what an actual boomer would write well done.
You're always welcome. Russian and Jewish-Russian anecdotes are, pretty much, the part of folklore.
Why are zoomers so triggered by phrases like "hard work" or "elbow grease"? Just fucking work for it you lazy flossing little twink. Show some goddamn character. Boomers had financial crises and fucking polio to blame, what do you have? Muh depression and fidget spinners? Get outta here zoomfag.
>b-b-but the housing market!!!!!
I'm sorry your massive Frasier studio flat in the middle of a metropolitan area isn't fucking FREE to live in when you're 22, you might have to consider actually living somewhere where $40 pumpkin spice lattes require more than two minutes' walk to buy, although you'd probably kill yourself is someone saw you outside a city once. Who are we kidding, you're killing yourselves anyway, if it's not trannyitis it's asexualism or make-believe mental disorders reserved for very sick people and conveniently your scrawny ass. Fuck zoomershits.
Well you fucked up studying a meme degree like CS. Pick EE next time
based muscovite
implying both aren't both gigantic faggots
No human on the earth want to work. None. We forced to do it so we don't die. If there's a possibility to gain something without effort it would be preferable to fucking work. Stop pretend that wasting time on some stupid shit is enjoyable and useful. It's not and it never will be
He’s saying “earn your own shit” while anyone with a functional nervous system can see he’s living a life of luxury and ease he did not earn.
He faggot
Where's the version for employers?
> Because I had grit.
Read: I have connections because my mum sucked off my boss.
I am yet to see a "ragged individual" that wouldn't be also a huge fucking parasite, all while claiming to be self-made.
Fair point.
It's high time we removed merchant.
If only there was some system that combined socialism and nationalism.
A system that reined in the excesses of capitalism whilst retaining socially healthy free market incentives.
A system where the nation couldn't be bought and sold by international finance.
A system where currency was time to labor and not magicked out of nothing by fractional reserve banking.
A system where the health and wellbeing of the people was put ahead of the freedom to have sex parties in the street and call it "Pride".
Man, I wish such a system existed.
You probably got life insurance you whore!!!!
Dreg's den.
You literally just said that you have to work to not die, so how is it not useful?
You sound like just the type of person one would want to have a deep discussion with. Totally not hypocritically close-minded.
ah the wagecuck creed
Have job
>be uneducated
>can only get jobs that no one wants to pay a living wage for
>corporate entities import immigrants to do your job for less
>you are somehow NOT opposed to immigration because you’re uneducated
>About 90% of what I learned throughout my entire academics was not related to programming at all, I barely learned how to apply for a job (as in having the best possible resume/doing well on the interview), and I school/my own family always encouraged me to be introverted.
>Imagine going to academics and expect to be nannied into code monkeying.
Because it's bare minimum for survival.
>Have job
Already have. That's EXACTLY why I don't buy the boomer bullshit about "hard work" and "muh skills".
If you'd worked a day in your life, you'd be redpilled about it as well.
Get out of your mom's basement, get an actual job, and take a taste of the real life, faggot.
Living isn’t really useful.
>ah yes, endanger yourself and work unpaid overtime for major corporations if you're a real man and a proud American
t. tv actor/millionaire taking hundreds of thousands annually from the Koch brothers to promote anti-regulation, anti-H&S, anti-worker narratives
So the problem isn’t jews, it’s Jewish women?
The problem is we live in reality, and in this reality you have people for whom becoming a computer programmer is not realistic.
They will lack the ability to do that.
All they will have is the ability to sell their manual labor.
You have to account for those people and provide them with meaningful work.
I don't give a fuck if it means your avocados cost a few cents more.
Society should be run in the interests of the people.
The purpose of society is not to maximize corporate profits at the expense of the most economically vulnerable peoley in your population.
Nothing is essentially "useful", things are only useful in relation to a goal.
>Baby boomers are all super tough badasses even though 98% of them have never been in a fight or done anything dangerous in their lives.
>All of them have grit and steel even though most of them got their jobs simply by existing and got education for practically pennies.
>Baby boomers are all wise and savvy beyond human comprehension when even a fucking cordless phone scares the shit out of them.
>Baby boomers totally got to where they are via grit and determination and not because they grew up in a post war, high demand economy.
Haha yeah, total fucking badasses, apex human beings. Here's a picture of Clint Eastwood from the hit film Gran Torino being angry! That's me, I'm totally just like this make believe man played by a Hollywood actor and not just and obnoxious faggot!
>society should bend over backwards for people who aren’t really capable of doing anything useful
Wouldn’t that just create more people incapable of doing anything useful? See: Ethiopia
yeah but boomers have done that 'shit' for way longer and their parents didn't even do that much since they were coasting on the baby boom and post war plenty. You need to come back in 20 years and still say you know how easy it is, sure it doesn't feel like it cost you when you are young, but down the road when you tally up all those hours gone it's depressing as fuck and you can't help but be pissed at younger generations taking it for granted.
And, right now, society has no goals.
Thanks for playing.
What Ethiopians deem useful is really up to this this discrete category of people, no?
Who said they can't do anything useful?
Society needs unskilled labor.
I really don't want to have to explain to you why a society full of Europeans is going to have radically different outcomes to a society of Ethiopians.
Reminder that a Boomer could afford a car, a house, and a four person family on a single paycheck.
>how do you become skilled?
Work a good job
>How do i get a good job?
Be skilled
> Wants to do back breaking manual labor so I can destroy my health before age 40
Lol no thanks. I respect millennials for standing up and saying no. They don't owe you shit and bless them for tearing down this system.
>grow up in an era when the average man could work hard and consequently expect to be rewarded with a nice home and middle-class lifestyle
>lambasts todays youth for not doing the same, despite it no longer being possible
>fat old boomers retired and watching TV lap it up
It's pretty smart desu
Mike Rowe is an opera singer and tv show host. Where the fuck does he get off telling people to accept shitty, dirty jobs?
>Rewarded for Hard Work
Boomers could get a $20 per hour (after inflation) unskilled job at 14 with just a hand shake and a firm smile, while everything that was a necessity was way cheaper.
i'm pretty there is a war coming up since the only driving force of American economy is taking someone's else resources
>$20 per hour (after inflation)
Have you adjusted for purchasing power?
the hypocrisy of elder generations doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the work ethic of younger generations, just as the fact that boomers have endured and sustained a terrible economic system out of greed doesn't mean younger generations should tolerate it. Generational dissent is playing straight into the hands of every epxloitative capitalist body.
Thats implying that any degree in current year isnt a meme degree. You're better off reading books and practicing, cause its hard for a degree to mean much when everyone has one.
You have no ambition dude you just need to work 12 hour days shoveling shit for some rich dude lmao you're not a fucking commie or something amirite?
This is the biggest problem with the pledge
An employer should be able to read it and the advice would still apply. Mike should pressure employers to achieve the same decorum.
Instead you can mismanage everything to fuck and lowball the wages because everything is an opportunity
You can ignore safety because workers fend for themselves
No need to get your hands dirty and jump in ever because workers should be eager to eat shit
You can whine and complain to your employees when they fuck up
You can take credit for things your employees do
The world is unfair is a blank check to do whatever the fuck you want
fuck off mike
breaking news: times have changed since the early 1920s when you first entered the workforce you fucking dinosaur
Did you miss the part where he said he did the bare minimum?
The thing is people who give jobs only looking at degree. They don't give you even a chance if you don't have some paper. That's ridicilous
Ethiopia is the epitome of the flaw in thinking society needs to provide for people who can’t provide for themselves. As the country was starving, so food was shipped to the country, and that caused the non-starving people to survive to adulthood and breed, creating more starving people. So right now Ethiopia is about 120 million people who know nothing but how to get foreign food aid. Who, without that foreign aid, they would be incapable of proving for themselves. As foreign aid has tripled the population of a country that couldn’t provide for itself when it only had 40 million people.
I think this statement is false. America could go full retard north korea hermit kingdom tomorrow and still have a pretty good standard of living.
Yes. That’s why I mentioned how housing and other necessities cost way more now, even when adjusted for inflation.
>abandoned parents forums.
the what?
Mike Rowe is a Koch shill
Hey poor people, employers should be allowed to exploit you, and you should take pride in that :)
kind regards, millionaire broadcaster
I don't know. Whole history of USA is cashing up on every war possible. When nothing is going on there's some economic fuck up happens
America doesn’t produce anything.
and what could they buy with that cash? Barely anything, they didn't travel, they had few clothes or amenities, little in the way of entertainment, limited choice of food etc. I wonder how many would genuinely accept a 1950s lifestyle over today's for comparative wages, ease of mortgaging a home and regular employment. You can basically do just that in India, China or Africa, few choose to do so.
>replying to yourself when you’ve lost the argument
I'd rather buy a toyota than a ford if that's what you mean.
Yeah, its a real fucking shame. Another issue is, even the paper isnt enough anymore. Any job in a non shit field, wants entry level positions to be filled by people who have 3-6 years of experience. On job training is a thing of the past because they can hire foreign workers to do it for less, which is going to become a massive shitshow when senior level positions need filling, unless of course they completely outsource, which is pretty believeable at this point.
>no capeshit
>read books
fascism i swear
>and what could they buy with that cash?
A fucking 3bed 4bathroom home at 20 (sometimes multiple houses) multiple cars, college, several cruise vacations, and all the retirement money they could possibly need, while still having social security from their struggling children they don’t help beyond the most basic of parenting in an economy that they screwed up by letting in so many fucking third worlds take jobs that their kids could have taken, ruining the housing market, and giving subsidizing other necessities.
Ethiopians are not Europeans.
Those two groups of people produce different societies.
They have a different distribution of ability.
They produce different levels of surplus.
Nobody is saying the aim is to create a dysgenic hellhole.
But look at what free market capitalism does right now.
It facilitates the importation of these fucking 3rd world savages in order to drive down costs.
Wrinkly boomer hands typed this post
>barely try
>Get paid 80k to look at a computer all day
Your move, Mike
>ITT: stupid millenials blaming their fathers and grandfathers for jew evil doings
you're all falling for their plan
Fords are only assembled in the US. All the parts are made in Asian countries.
Why is it up to us instead of those old farts to stop the jews?
Ethiopia is what happens when a large demographic of people are protected from the failure they engineered for themselves. Failed people, protected from failure, create more failed people, who also need to be protected from their otherwise inevitable failure.
>moar like IT ITT
Guys, I spent 3 years getting a psychology degree. How do I become a teacher?
>Save and worship the Jews
>”wtf why don’t these Youngsters like us? They should hate the people we worship and protected for decades.”
But I do user. Hard work ethic counts for jack shit, thanks family friend who hired me!
>can you believe millenials don't want to take third-world wages to compete with the endless supply of immigrants we bring over? What a bunch of lazy asses. When I was 25, I owned a four bedroom house, cost me $30k. These kids just aren't working hard enough.
guessing it's this?
Do you realise that africa have absolutely shit conditions for living. You can just say "grow something" to people that live in a place where it's always dry and say "get skills" where's no social lifts other than escape as far as possible.
PLlease link me some abandoned parents forums, xoxo tyty
Why are we importing millions 3rd world people to undercut the wages of our own unskilled people?
Africa actually has plentiful of resources that they had not used for centuries. It wasn’t until white people came to Africa when some places (namely South Africa) started actually developing.
wagecuck cope
>Do you realise that africa have absolutely shit conditions for living.
Wrong. You're a brainlet.
>where's no social lifts other than escape as far as possible.
Why is that? Why does Nigeria simultaneously have billionaires and people living on a dollar a day? Why can no one in Africa make Africa's resources work for Africa the way Europe's worked for Europe?
The answer is Africans
I want you to take a moment to recognize the fact you are in the position of arguing that “give a man a fish...” is wrong. Your argument is that giving a man a fish every day of his life will somehow create a man who can provide for himself.
>point six
Exactly, You have no idea what its lie=kie living in Florida as a pure german man. Literally everyone is an Italian or some other kind of euro mutt. Its fucking disgusting how we let this happen to us
Because the imports are willing to work for what their work is actually worth.
And it’s cheaper than robots.
Because africans were struggling to survive while europeans have enough free time to make economy and ships to travel around. My point is Africa has absolutely shitty combination of climate and fauna for playing in Capitalism. It's like expecting Antarctica have strong economy and society when there's cold 24/7
>Because africans were struggling to survive while europeans have enough free time to make economy and ships to travel around
It's actually the other way around.
The struggle was in Europe.
Africa was the land of doing fuck all with infinite free time because the climate was nice and the food was ever present and plentiful.
Africa just needs a firmer handshake goddamn it
Meanwhile, in Europe
if you think people on Yea Forums literally have a hivemind than there is no doubt you are a redditor
Thats not the point all these muh boostraps guys are making anyway
>post war plenty
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Boomers had it far easier than the gi generation
Yes, I'm sure the desperate, starving person who floated to shore on a pizza box understands and adheres to market value.
The Boomer argument is literally
>our children deserve to be treated like third-worlders because it makes me richer
Literally me, except i wake up at 8:00am.
okay you fucking jerks keep telling me to just be a NEET BUT WONT EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TO DO IT
Is that what you want? The direction of society determined by the bottom line of giant capitalists?
What about the social cost of importing the 3rd world to keep wages low?
Don't you want higher wages for workers even if it means lower cooperate profits or marginally more expensive consumer goods?
Are the negative effects of mass 3rd world immigration worth marginally cheaper consumer goods?
They don’t need to understand market value to set it.
Step 1: Pretend to be autistic
Step 2: Get offical diagnosis (this is not as difficult as you think, I've done it)
Step 3: Apply for autism bucks
What I want is for all corporate entities to be demolished. Also to be able to state facts whether they coincide with what I want or not.
>third-worlders who don't have to pay taxes and live mostly off of liberal government subsidies will set a fair market value
Literally kys, Baby Jewmer
>no one can prove him wrong so everyone just shitposts.
Based mike!
You’re conflating “fair market value” with “market value.”
This is probably easy in Europe/Australia and very hard in America
It's all a matter of policy.
I agree with the free market forces you're talking about, but it's a matter of government policy whether to allow society to be directed by those forces or not.
You're not actually suggesting any other way that it could be, only staying the textbook market forces.
There are people who don't think any further beyond that and assume what we're seeing is inevitable.
Trust me, they're just as bad everywhere else. Something really went wrong with this generation.
So you are admitting that Boomers are purposely undercutting their own children and grandchildren, ensuring that the next generation will never build skills or have money.
You have now proven that Boomers are the cause of these problems. Thank you for arriving to my point and then agreeing with it.
You just need to work for a while to establish the value of work lost to your permanent disability.
What we are seeing is inevitable as long as corporate entities have total control over all world governments.
I didn’t realize “boomers” were the people who floated in on pizza boxes.
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded
I bet he thinks women should be in the work place instead of being homemakers.
When can we unironically have National Socialism?
>the social cost
And that's a choice too.
Unfortunately most people don't realise that their supposed free and fair democracies are at the mercy of, let's call them, a small group of rootless cosmopolitans.
A rootless international clique.
A few giant capitalists.
>Don't you want higher wages for workers even if it means lower cooperate profits or marginally more expensive consumer goods?
>lower cooperate profits
>marginally more expensive consumer goods
If everything costs marginally more for the working man, isn't that the same as him making marginally less?
Also fuck niggers, let teenagers fill unskilled service positions. The factory work can be done by robots or niggers overseas.
Friend, you can’t read.
Your argument, right now, is that people should be able to buy a house, car, and support a wife and two children as a mall shoe salesman. To say, a person who can do nothing of any value to anyone should be able to create more people who are of no value to anyone, and the government should bend over backwards to support this recursive generation of useless people.
All the while getting upset whenever anyone states a fact you don’t like.
Friend, our corporate masters want you to think a single ethnicity is responsible for everything.
>dude, just fellate your boss and compromise your personal life and free time to make more money to your boss (and a few extra cents for you!)
>that smug face
this faggot got a communications degree and spent his life LARPing as a blue collar guy
so by being a neet on welfare you concede that you are a nigger?
I'm phoneposting, give me a break.
Also I suppose.
But is that worse than the domestic worker having zero income because Juan priced him out of his job and sent the wages out of the country?
Jared Diamond pls go
Imagine not understanding basic economics
>automation is replacing all of our jobs
>but we need illegal immigrants to do these jobs
>we need universal basic income because people can't afford to survive anymore
>but we should do nothing to stop hordes of impoverished people from the third world from entering the country
5 is the only bad part of this list.
"DEBT BAD" is a horrible line of thought and equivalent to abstinence-only sex ed
>mfw micro cuck threads max out faster than anything else on Yea Forums
They are a necessary but not solely sufficient component.
They are the keystone, the removal of which collapses the structure.
7 is by far the worst
Ya'll'd all ya'all, yall.
Nigger, there are more Arabs on the Fortune 500 list than Jews.
Debt is bad. As it puts you in the position of paying for the privilege of being in debt.
>overly educated
like in... women's studies?
Because this is Yea Forums
They would never admit it on Yea Forums but everyone on this board secretly believes deep down that they’re either gonna be a screenwriter or have their own successful AV Club type website one day
How many Arabs are there compared to Jews?
How many are in key industries that shape culture and national policy such as academia, media, finance, lobbying groups?
Random question:
If I had, say, 50 million dollars, and I deposited it into an account at a small bank, and waited for that bank to start using my money to expand their operations and invest in means to generate more money (for them), and watched them get to a point where withdrawing my 50 million would put them in a position where they were unable to cover their expenses, what would happen?
>Oil vs the rest of the fortune 500
Oil wins.
Economic crisis
It's called a bank run.
It either collapses the bank or (more likely) the middle class taxpayers bail out the Jews courtesy of the Government.
Resumes are hit and miss. It’s pathetic that so many schools spend so much time on it and people actually solicit money for help writing them.
What one person is impressed with another might think is just bullshitting. There’s no way of knowing.
Someone floated the idea in one of my upper level business classes once of putting a QR code that would link to your LinkedIn account. Some people actually thought this was a good idea.
The only way you can seriously improve your odds with a resume is if you know the system your working with and know what buzzwords to add. Or like a few years ago, when you could get away with putting all the common keyword searches in white font at the bottom.
You already knew, you'd make mad cash
yeah i’m sure you got that job by pure grit alone you delusional faggot
jej at the "just make less profit bro". What actually happens is that the corporations stop making as much toilet paper or whatever until the price goes up and the toilet paper becomes profitable again. Wages are always passed on to the consumer.
>But is that worse than the domestic worker having zero income because Juan priced him out of his job and sent the wages out of the country?
But this only happens because the minimum wage exists. Like employers forced to go overseas because they'll go to jail if they try pay domestic workers what they pay juan. Minimum wage laws cuck people out of their 3 dollars an hour.
Also if a domestic worker makes too little, they should be attempting to find another job. Jobs pay what they are worth to society; it is counterproductive to overpay workers for non-valuable labor.
>tfw you expect a 200 post comfy thread about Dirty Jobs
>tfw it's just a bunch of NEETs and boomers arguing
Damn it, Yea Forums.
>where $40 pumpkin spice lattes require more than two minutes' walk to buy
Bad bait is bad
he has never actually worked a manual labor job in his life
he majored in opera and did tv work
not saying he shouldn't be listened to, but his smug face disgusts me because he doesn't practice what he preaches
they wouldn't let you withdraw it
that's why there's a $500 cap on atm withdrawals per day
No one should have to do this anymore, we are so beyond the need for hard physical labor in most industries, it's disgusting that our shitty institutions are so resistant to change
The bank would file bankruptcy and you'd lose your money. Its the same as if you gave your crackhead friend a loan and he didn't pay it back.
At least that's what should happen. In reality the government just prints/taxes money and gives it to them so they can give it to you, and you get fucked by inflation/taxes.
it's pretty fucking funny DESU.
>get a job, you lazy faggots
He practices taking advantage of stupid people and preaches to stupid people that they should be easier to take advantage of.
What happens when a worker has reached their skill limit, ie, they're not smart enough to learn to code and all they can do is manual labor. This person ends up undercut and out of work.
What do you do for him?
What do you do for 1,000,000 people like him who decide they have nothing to lose and start burning down government buildings and hanging politicians?
Any sufficiently advanced economy eventually becomes a service economy. Those jobs for the most part don't require tons of skill, and they're very necessary so a living wage for even the lowest end jobs is integral.
robutts be spensive yo
Shoot them and bill their family for the bullets.
>I-I swear I'm not retarded... watch me completely move the goalposts and pretend like I didn't just admit that the Boomer generation brings in millions on non-whites to undercut the American labor market
what I do like about Dirty Jobs is that it's a derivative and trite premise, but for some reason he pretends it's a moral crusade he launched
There’s no such thing as a “skill limit.” People have to actively decide to not learn.
Wouldn't it be more productive to just reign in the free market autism, implement immigration control, thereby restricting the labor poor and driving up wages?
Or you can massacre your own people so that Mr Goldstein can buy another house.
Or I’m taking about things only tangentially related to your little us vs them scenerio and you, unable to parse my statements into those terms, are getting increasingly upset and confused.
That's like saying short people have just decided not to grow.
Some have less genetic potential for intelligence than others.
You guys know he’s a Koch shill who was a theatre major right? He’s never worked a “dirty job” in his life for an extended period of time
Pretty sure that USA start war in syria just to have a cheap labour and oil
The reason we are all trapped in a completely listless and goalless society is because someone got it into their heads that supporting useless people, forever, is a good thing.
Imagine making millions of dollars for starring in a ponzi scheme that nobody ever watched ahd then pretending you have skills.
>Boomers had financial crises
Incidentally, the period from 1940 to 1970 was remarkably free from financial crises. This is a window into why boomers are so fucking insufferable: It was government management of the economy that produced thirty years of stable growth, but then they were convinced that stability is the "state of nature" and the government was only holding them back. So they dismantled the administrative state, and--immediately started causing financial crises.
Nazism was built on international loans that they could only repay by invading other countries
Intelligence is not genetic.
couldn't have anything to do with the rest of the world being destroyed by ww2
You already admitted that immigrants undercutting the native workers is unfair. The entire premise of this thread is that Boomers are the ones responsible for all of the nation's problems that they are constantly whining about and deflecting on to their children and grandchildren.
You've admitted that Boomers are doing this solely for profit. What exactly is your argument?
But he can make at a minimum what juan is making, so he'll never be out of work.
People wont riot for the same reason juan doesn't riot. But if someone decides to pick up a gun and take stuff, they get thrown in a cage.
>what are niggers
>you admitted unfair!!
That would only matter had I ever asserted that anything was fair.
I don't know about your shithole country but in my country the police will raid businesses that violate the labor code
>We'll reach utopia by driving down labor costs and importing millions of 80 IQ brown people to do the work that our own 85 IQ people wont do because we drove down labor costs by importing millions of
80 IQ brown people.
Genius plan.
Reminder: this isn’t white supremacy, it’s spic cope.
Why intentionally drive down wages and force your people to accept lower living standards as a result?
This boomer never worked in the trades as was a TV personality since his early 20s
Lol kill yourself you fucking retard.
>it’s bad that we support useless people
Intelligence isn’t genetic but stupidity sure is.
Why allow corporate entities to define every aspect of reality?
not necessarily there are two other options there remember
>I'm admitting that I've created an unfair situation, yet I'm still blaming other people for my greed
I still don't understand your argument. Is this the power of Boomer logic? Is it any wonder that dopes likes Bernie Sanders and AoC are the future leaders of this country?
I'm not arguing that religious adherence to free markets should allow for the importation of foreign unskilled labor to undercut the wages of domestic unskilled labor.
like immigration
Keep desperately trying to parse what I’m saying into an us vs them, so I can be your “them.” It’s really making you look intelligent and increasing your understanding of why society is fucked.
I loved how Norm always has that personal recorder and records funny
messages with it
and Farley loves asian hookers
There is none. And W.A.G.I.E. pledge ensures that.
I’m not saying it should. I’m stating that it does, whether you like it or not. Furthermore you’re the one who keeps harping about muh free market. No one with a functional nervous system thinks corporate control over every aspect of reality is “the free market.”
>but his smug face disgusts me because he doesn't practice what he preaches
That's what being boomer is all about.
Actually, that's your argument. Your argument is literally that we should create an entire generation of purposeless and destitute Americans so that Mr. Jewberg can squeeze out a few more shekels. You are also arguing for bringing in even cheaper labor from abroad that will go straight on to welfare.
So instead of having our own welfare working class, we will have a work less welfare class, and another welfare class of foreign workers.
Don't let anybody ever tell you that you're not a boy genius, Benji.
This is fucking latin american baseball junior leagues
They think pushing a box around a corner for 50+ hours a week makes you a man.
Imagine thinking that was an effective/meaningful reply.
Right now I’m arguing that you can’t read and and are upset by facts.
>purposeless and destitute American
And I'm saying that allowing it to happen is just a matter of government policy.
Abstinence education is unironically based, and the only path to regaining healthy birthrates in the West.
And who defines government plolicy?
In a democracy?
Finance, business, lobbying groups.
Can you just say what you're argument is. You've done nothing but agree with me while insulting me. You make no sense. You've agreed with the original premise of thread. You've agreed with my original premise. You've agreed with my subsequent statements. You've done nothing but agree with me contentiously.
Literally what is your argument? You've agreed that Boomer greed is the cause of America's economic problems. You've agreed that immigrant labor is undercutting the market value of labor. You've admitted that none of this is fair. Your only argument is that things shouldn't be fair. Yet here you are whining that it's not fair how millenials have quit playing your rigged game and started voting for socialists.
>my sex junk!
I agree. I was well into seducing this little girl I knew but then one day she came home and looked sad/disgusted, and told me she had just gotten sex ed. From then on she had no interest in sex.
oh shit this nigga go for the throat
I’m insulting you because you clearly can’t read and you keep trying to strawman me as your great satan.
Literally never seen or been given a participation trophy in real life. I'm convinced this is just some made up bullshit, some historical version of clickbait garbage, with no meaningful existence in reality.
How old are you?
Yet after more than 3 dozen posts, you've still never explained what your argument is. Are you that scared of having an opinion on an anonymous board?
It’s an upper-middle class thing.
I got participation trophies for t-ball in kindergarten. it's more of a theater programme analog than any sort of emblem of triumph but they exist
175, same as Abraham.
>Finance, business, lobbying groups
And these groups are ran by millenials, right?
>on an anonymous board
You seriously propose that our communications are private?
I just like stating facts and watching people get angry and confused when they can’t argue those facts out of existence. Then by a roundabout way, I’m only ever arguing for either the complete destruction of every corporate entity or forcing them to do something useful for humanity as a whole. That survival is only a means to an end and, right now, there are no ends.
But hey, if you could read, all of this would’ve been obvious. But if you could read, you wouldn’t be able to act like every conversation is a pitfight
Also, all these Mike Rowe threads popping up lately really make you think huh? Those tens-of-millions-of-dollars are starting to pay off :^)
Mike Rowe will never hold employers accountable. His piggy bank Koch overlords pay him to rail against worker health and safety regulations.
So, the worry is that a hunk of cheap plastic that will almost immediately get shuffled away into a box and put into storage will somehow have a lasting impact on a child's life? Post game pizza would be more valuable to the kid, and yet no one gives a shit about teams having an outing to close out the season.
This only confirms that this shit is the equivalent of some shitty chain letter terrible people will think is real.
I’d happily accept zero safety regulations to work in space.
So third world shithole are you posting from?
theyre talking about when you get a trophy at the end of the season at your ymca soccer/baseball/basketball league when you were 6-8. honestly don't see a problem with giving them a cheap $10 trophy after watching them fall over and maybe touch the ball once ever 4 weeks
You've stated zero facts.
America, bozo.
Last refuge, huh.
So you’re poor as fuck and/or never did child sports.
Like in women having any studies
It’s funny how poor families that get rich try to forget their impoverished past so earnestly that they sometimes change their last name... While the rich who were born rich (or got there through “easy” work) wonder why people don’t take pride in manual labor.
Nobody likes to weld for a living.
>t. the federal reserve
Maybe because you're looking for the word "rugged," as in laconic. Not "ragged," as in a fucking bum.
Because the alternative is to make society overpay for labor they could get cheaper elsewhere. Its no different than just buying the goods for cheaper overseas and then handing these people a welfare check for the difference.
I am a tradesman, a union mechanic to be specific.
And I say Mike Rowe is an industrialist catspaw and a fucking faggot liberal arts degree globohomo shill who has never worked an actual dirty job as a faceless producer.
If you work a meaningful job and cannot afford a basic lower middle class life, that place is abusing you and you should argue or quit. Business owners tried to flood us with brown people to deflate our wages and it just created a massive worthless welfare class, it is a seller's market in terms of labor and you have no reason to work a dirty job without good pay.
No one likes to think of anything in terms of “I have to do this 8 hours a day every day or I starve.”
they change their names so you don't know their tribe status not because they don't want to be remembered as a brick layer
Nope, just never given a participation trophy. Don't know why you're projecting your shitty childhood onto everyone else.
We should just bring back slavery so no one has to work.
What is your tribe status, sugartits?
>dururrr me no know wha you mean
keep going shylock
If your last name is shitposter, then you should shitpost. If your last name is cocksucker, then you should suck cock.
Of course he is, the man is literal Koch shill
>Doctor Miller! this man wants to transition genders... oh, sorry I meant, Dr. Anatomist :)
>at least 2
Better make that 4 my guy.